136 research outputs found
Safety Evaluation of Critical Applications Distributed on TDMA-Based Networks
Critical embedded systems have to provide a high level of dependability. In
automotive domain, for example, TDMA protocols are largely recommended because
of their deterministic behavior. Nevertheless, under the transient
environmental perturbations, the loss of communication cycles may occur with a
certain probability and, consequently, the system may fail. This paper analyzes
the impact of the transient perturbations (especially due to Electromagnetic
Interferences) on the dependability of systems distributed on TDMA-based
networks. The dependability of such system is modeled as that of
"consecutive-k-out-of-n:F" systems and we provide a efficient way for its
Approche pluridisciplinaire de la sûreté des systÚmes
Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture.Nous présentons un sous-ensemble des travaux développés dans le cadre d'un Programme Fédérateur de Recherches sur la sûreté des systÚmes industriels. Ils se placent dans le cadre du cycle spécification conception développement de systÚmes de commande. l'objectif de ce programme est de rapprocher les équipes de différents laboratoires travaillant sur certains étapes de ce cycle afin d'intégrer au mieux la sûreté de fonctionnement du systÚme
Quantitative Evaluation of the Safety of X-by-Wire Architecture subject to EMI Perturbations
The X-by-Wire systems in cars can only be accepted if they provide at least the same dependability than the traditional ones. In this paper we propose a new approach to evaluate the impact of the EMI perturbations on the dependability of an X-by-Wire architecture. The considered X-by-Wire architecture is distributed around a TDMA-like communication protocol. So a perturbation causes the loss of a communication cycle with a certain probability. The vehicle level failure is then defined as the consecutive loss of a certain number of communication cycles. Its reliability is modeled as that of the well-known consecutive-k-out-of-n:F systems. A case study, together with the EMI perturbations collected on the roads in France, is used to illustrate our approach
Optimal Control with Packet Drops in Networked Control Systems
International audienceThe stability and performance of a networked control system are strongly influenced by the network delay and packet drops. In this paper, we consider that late arrived sampling data are dropped, so that we only focus on the analysis of the impact of packet drop sequences on the control loop stability and performance. For any dropping sequence specified by (m,k)-firm model, and considering a simple mono-variable linear system with a proportional controller and zero control action in case of sampling data drop, we derived the stability conditions based on the upper bound of the plant state variance. It has been shown that the stability only depends on the values of m and k but not the pattern of the dropping sequence. In case of network overload, this gives much freedom to actively dropping some packets while still keeping the system stable. An analytic method to determine the optimal control gain for any given packet drop pattern is also derived, providing thus a guideline for optimal control and network resource scheduling co-design
Creatine and guanidinoacetate reference values in a French population
Creatine and guanidinoacetate are biomarkers of creatine metabolism. Their assays in body fluids may be used for detecting patients with primary creatine deficiency disorders (PCDD), a class of inherited diseases. Their laboratory values in blood and urine may vary with age, requiring that reference normal values are given within the age range. Despite the long known role of creatine for muscle physiology, muscle signs are not necessarily the major complaint expressed by PCDD patients. These disorders drastically affect brain function inducing, in patients, intellectual disability, autistic behavior and other neurological signs (delays in speech and language, epilepsy, ataxia, dystonia and choreoathetosis), being a common feature the drop in brain creatine content. For this reason, screening of PCDD patients has been repeatedly carried out in populations with neurological signs. This report is aimed at providing reference laboratory values and related age ranges found for a large scale population of patients with neurological signs (more than 6 thousand patients) previously serving as a background population for screening French patients with PCDD. These reference laboratory values and age ranges compare rather favorably with literature values for healthy populations. Some differences are also observed, and female participants are discriminated from male participants as regards to urine but not blood values including creatine on creatinine ratio and guanidinoacetate on creatinine ratio values. Such gender differences were previously observed in healthy populations; they might be explained by literature differential effects of testosterone and estrogen in adolescents and adults, and by estrogen effects in prepubertal age on SLC6A8 function. Finally, though they were acquired on a population with neurological signs, the present data might reasonably serve as reference laboratory values in any future medical study exploring abnormalities of creatine metabolism and transport
Overview of the current use of levosimendan in France: a prospective observational cohort study
Abstract Background Following the results of randomized controlled trials on levosimendan, French health authorities requested an update of the current use and side-effects of this medication on a national scale. Method The France-LEVO registry was a prospective observational cohort study reflecting the indications, dosing regimens, and side-effects of levosimendan, as well as patient outcomes over a year. Results The patients included ( n =â602) represented 29.6% of the national yearly use of levosimendan in France. They were treated for cardiogenic shock ( n =â250, 41.5%), decompensated heart failure ( n =â127, 21.1%), cardiac surgery-related low cardiac output prophylaxis and/or treatment ( n =â86, 14.3%), and weaning from veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ( n =â82, 13.6%). They received 0.18â±â0.07 ”g/kg/min levosimendan over 26â±â8 h. An initial bolus was administered in 45 patients (7.5%), 103 (17.1%) received repeated infusions, and 461 (76.6%) received inotropes and or vasoactive agents concomitantly. Hypotension was reported in 218 patients (36.2%), atrial fibrillation in 85 (14.1%), and serious adverse events in 17 (2.8%). 136 patients (22.6%) died in hospital, and 26 (4.3%) during the 90-day follow-up. Conclusions We observed that levosimendan was used in accordance with recent recommendations by French physicians. Hypotension and atrial fibrillation remained the most frequent side-effects, while serious adverse event potentially attributable to levosimendan were infrequent. The results suggest that this medication was safe and potentially associated with some benefit in the population studied
COVID-19 symptoms at hospital admission vary with age and sex: results from the ISARIC prospective multinational observational study
The ISARIC prospective multinational observational study is the largest cohort of hospitalized patients with COVID-19. We present relationships of age, sex, and nationality to presenting symptoms.
International, prospective observational study of 60â109 hospitalized symptomatic patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 recruited from 43 countries between 30 January and 3 August 2020. Logistic regression was performed to evaluate relationships of age and sex to published COVID-19 case definitions and the most commonly reported symptoms.
âTypicalâ symptoms of fever (69%), cough (68%) and shortness of breath (66%) were the most commonly reported. 92% of patients experienced at least one of these. Prevalence of typical symptoms was greatest in 30- to 60-year-olds (respectively 80, 79, 69%; at least one 95%). They were reported less frequently in children (â€â18 years: 69, 48, 23; 85%), older adults (â„â70 years: 61, 62, 65; 90%), and women (66, 66, 64; 90%; vs. men 71, 70, 67; 93%, each Pâ<â0.001). The most common atypical presentations under 60 years of age were nausea and vomiting and abdominal pain, and over 60 years was confusion. Regression models showed significant differences in symptoms with sex, age and country.
This international collaboration has allowed us to report reliable symptom data from the largest cohort of patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19. Adults over 60 and children admitted to hospital with COVID-19 are less likely to present with typical symptoms. Nausea and vomiting are common atypical presentations under 30 years. Confusion is a frequent atypical presentation of COVID-19 in adults over 60 years. Women are less likely to experience typical symptoms than men
Utilisation de la métabolomique par RMN du proton pour l'évaluation de la variabilité préanalytique d'échantillons biologiques
La recherche de biomarqueurs est devenue un enjeu crucial dans le domaine de la santĂ© notamment afin de permettre un diagnostic prĂ©coce, une indication pronostique ou une orientation thĂ©rapeutique. Les mĂ©thodes et techniques de recherche devenant de plus en plus pointues, notamment les techniques OMICs, un grand nombre d Ă©chantillons est nĂ©cessaire pour le bon dĂ©roulement des Ă©tudes. En effet, il est important de pouvoir travailler sur un grand nombre de patients par groupe pour augmenter la spĂ©cificitĂ© des panels de biomarqueurs mis en Ă©vidence, ainsi que leur pouvoir discriminant. Afin de rĂ©pondre Ă cette demande, l utilisation d Ă©chantillons provenant de diverses sources est nĂ©cessaire, d oĂč l exposition Ă une variabilitĂ© prĂ©analytique des Ă©chantillons. C est dans ce contexte que s inscrit cette Ă©tude qui a pour but d observer l influence des conditions prĂ©analytiques sur des Ă©chantillons biologiques et notamment sur des Ă©chantillons sanguins. L approche utilisĂ©e est la mĂ©tabolomique par RMN 1H. Une mĂ©thode statistique a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e afin de traiter les donnĂ©es, notamment une mĂ©thode de rĂ©gression des moindres carrĂ©s partiels. Cette approche a permis d observer que l influence des conditions prĂ©analytiques sur les Ă©chantillons sanguins est minime du moment que l Ă©chantillon reste Ă 4C, en revanche la conservation des Ă©chantillons Ă tempĂ©rature ambiante modifie le profil mĂ©tabolique de mĂȘme que les cycles de congĂ©lation-dĂ©congĂ©lation. On note des diffĂ©rences notamment sur les concentrations en glucose, en lactate et en certains acides aminĂ©s.The research for biomarkers has become a critical issue in the health field, in particular to enable early diagnosis, a prognostic indication or therapeutic orientation. Methods and technical researches are becoming increasingly sophisticated, especially with the -OMICS technics. A large number of samples is necessary for the proper conduct of the studies, mostly because it is important to be able to work on many patients in order to increase the specificity of the identified biomarkers panels. To meet this demand, the use of samples from various sources is necessary. This is the reason why we expose the samples to a pre-analytical variability. In this context, the study PrĂ©analytique s aim is to observe the influence preanalytical conditions have on biological samples, including blood samples. We used the approach by 1 H NMR metabolomics. A statistical method was subsequently used to process data, including a regression approach to partial least squares. This approach allowed us to observe that the influence of preanalytical conditions on blood samples is minimal, as long as the sample remains at 4 C. However the storage of samples at a room temperature changes the metabolic profile as well as the cycles of freeze-thaw. There are differences, including small but significant concentrations of glucose, lactate and some amino acids.AMIENS-BU SantĂ© (800212102) / SudocSudocFranceF
IntĂ©rĂȘt du bloc paravertebral continu pour l'analgĂ©sie pour l'analgĂ©sie post-opĂ©ratoire en chirurgie renale et surrenalienne par laparotomie chez l'adulte
Contexte et objectif : La chirurgie abdominale par laparotomie gĂ©nĂ©re des douleurs importantes et des consommations morphiniques parfois majeures. L'analgĂ©sie pĂ©ridurale continue est la technique de rĂ©fĂ©rence en post opĂ©ratoire de chirurgie thoracique ou abdominale, mais elle n'est pas dĂ©nuĂ©e de risques et d'effets secondaires qui imposent une surveillance spĂ©cialisĂ©e. Une alternative Ă l'analgĂ©sie pĂ©ridurale esrt le bloc paravĂ©rtĂ©bral. Le but de cette Ă©tude est d'Ă©valuer l'intĂ©rĂȘt du bloc paravĂ©rtĂ©bral continu, e ncomplĂ©ment d'analgĂ©sie, dans la prise en charge de la chirurgie rĂ©nale par laparotomie chez l'adulte, en terme d'Ă©pargne morphinique. MatĂ©riels et mĂ©thode : Les patients Ă©taient randomisĂ©s en deux groupes et, aprĂšs une ansthĂ©sie gĂ©nĂ©rale standardisĂ©, ils recevaient pendant 48 heures : soit une perfusion continue de ropivacaine 0.2%, Ă travers un cathĂšter paravertĂ©bral (groupe BPV), soit une perfusion de sĂ©rum physiologique, Ă travers un cathĂšter sous-cutanĂ© (groupe PHY). De plus, il bĂ©nĂ©ficiaient d'une PCA morphine. RĂ©sultats : il s'agissait d'une opĂ©ration intermĂ©diaire, prĂ©sentant les rĂ©sultats issus de l'analyse de donnĂ©es des 30 premiers patients inclus et randomisĂ©s dans l'Ă©tude. L'Ă©tude met en Ă©vidence une rĂ©duction de la consommation morphinique dans les 24 premiĂ©res heures post-opĂ©ratoires dans le groupe BPV par au groupe PHY (9mg versus 39.5mg) ansi qu'une diminution des scores d'EVA Ă la mobilisation Ă H24 (5 versus 8 respectivement). Conclusion : Le bloc paravertĂ©bral continu assure une Ă©pargne morphinique et une rĂ©duction de la douleur Ă la mobilisation dans les 24 prenmiĂšres heures post-opĂ©ratoires de chirurgie rĂ©nale par laparotomie.BREST-BU MĂ©decine-Odontologie (290192102) / SudocSudocFranceF
La dysfonction rénale aiguë en chirurgie cardiaque avec circulation extra-corporelle (rÎle des cytokines et protéines de la phase aiguë de la réaction inflammatoire)
BREST-BU MĂ©decine-Odontologie (290192102) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF
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