33,224 research outputs found

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    Rapportens syfte har varit att underlätta för svenska planglasföretag att etablera på den norskamarknaden. Rapporten har dels besvarat hur den norska marknaden ser ut för planglas ochdels vilka aspekter som bör tas hänsyn till vid etablering på den norska marknaden. De identifierade aktörerna på den norska marknaden för planglas är 128 glasmästare, 42 fasadentreprenörer och 13 planglasföretag. Aktörerna är lokaliserade i kluster kring storastäder. Marknadens storlek har beräknats till cirka 1 151 miljoner norska kronor. Dock har de etablerade planglasföretagens resultat visat sig vara relativt låga, främst bland större företag. Något som eventuellt kan bero på att byggbranschen har saktat in de senaste åren. Marknaden har visat sig vara relativt mogen och prispressad vilket ställer höga krav på nya etableraresstrategier. Litteraturstudien och fallstudien har visat på olika aspekter som är viktiga vid etablering. Litteraturstudien har visat att en marknads barriärer och teknologiska spår är viktiga att känna till vid utformning av etableringsstrategi. Företag rekommenderas att etablera en verksamhet tätt knuten till sin kärnkompetens på en marknad där barriärerna är som minst, för störst möjligheter att lyckas. Litteratur som riktar sig mot den norska marknaden har visat betydelsen av aspekterna etableringsmetod (hur) och när ett företag etablerar i jämförelse med konkurrenter. Fallstudien har bidragit med viktiga operativa aspekter för planglasbranschen, nämligen: lagar och regler, lokalkostnader, elkostnader, personalkostnader och transportmöjligheter Även aspekterna bolagsform och kommunikationskanaler har visat sig viktiga. Nedan följer en överblick över vilka frågor som kan ställas och hur lämpliga svar hittas på frågorna då ett planglasföretag funderar på att etablera i Norge, vänligen se figur 6. Olika frågor ställs i olika stadier av en etablering och följaktligen krävs olika analyser för att besvara frågorna. De aspekter som är specifika för svenska planglasföretag som skall etablera på den norska marknaden är de operativa aspekter som fallstudien av planglasföretaget GFAB har givit. Varje bransch har sannolikt egna karaktäristiska, viktiga operativa aspekter. Men övriga faktorer är inte specifika för planglasbranschen. Modellen kan därför sannolikt även användas som en vägledning till den norska marknaden för närliggande teknologiska branscher.The purpose of this paper has been to make it easier for Swedish float glass companies to establish a new unit on the Norwegian market. To achieve this, I started with analysing the established operators on the market. The market has turned out to be mature with 128 established glaziers, 43 facade companies and 13 float glass industries. The size of the market is approximately 1 151 million NOK. My analysis has shown that many of the established float glass industries have shown poor results over the last three years. This might be caused by the construction industry, which has decreased its turnover in the last few years. Afterwards I tried to identify important aspects for a float glass company that wants to establish a business in Norway. Important aspects have turned out to be: • The core competence of the company • The path dependency of the market • The six entry barriers that can prevent new entrants from succeeding on a new market • Operational aspects which are likely to be specific for each industry • The outcome of an SWOT analysis and an analysis of Porters five forces • How and when the company enter the market • Practical circumstances as business types and channels for communication Only the operational aspects have shown to be specific for the float glass industry. Therefore it might be possible to use the aspects in connected industries with similar technology as well. Each source has given different, valuable aspects and it is likely that further research would have given additional important aspects. Therefore, further research would be recommended in the area and this paper should only be seen as guidance to the Norwegian market

    Acta zoologica Fennica 96

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    Mathematical Model Investigating the Effects of Neurostimulation Therapies on Neural Functioning: Comparing the Effects of Neuromodulation Techniques on Ion Channel Gating and Ionic Flux Using Finite Element Analysis

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    Neurostimulation therapies demonstrate success as a medical intervention for individuals with neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Despite promising results from these treatments, the influence of an electric current on ion concentrations and subsequent transmembrane voltage is unclear. This project focuses on developing a unique cellular-level mathematical model of neurostimulation to better understand its e↵ects on neuronal electrodynamics. The mathematical model presented here integrates the Poisson-Nernst-Planck system of PDEs and Hodgkin-Huxley based ODEs to model the e↵ects of this neurotherapy on transmembrane voltage, ion channel gating, and ionic mobility. This system is decoupled using the Gauss-Seidel method and then the equations are solved using the finite element method on a biologically-inspired discretized domain. Results demonstrate the influence of transcranial electrical stimulation on membrane voltage, ion channel gating, and transmembrane flux. Simulations also compare the e↵ects of two di↵erent types of neurostimulation (transcranial electrical stimulation and deep brain stimulation) showcasing cellular-level di↵erences resulting from these distinct forms of electrical therapy. Hopefully this work will ultimately help elucidate the principles by which neurostimulation alleviates disease symptoms

    Method and apparatus for varying thermal conductivity Patent

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    Method and apparatus for adjusting thermal conductance in electronic components for space us

    A 928 sq m (10000 sq ft) solar array

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    As the power requirements for space vehicles increases, the area of solar arrays that convert solar energy to usable electrical power increases. The requirements for a 928 sq m (10,000 sq ft) array, its design, and a full-scale demonstration of one quadrant (232 sq m (2500 sq ft)) deployed in a one-g field are described

    Industrial action in Sweden - a new pattern?

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    The paper studies the modern conflict patterns and conflict dimensions in Sweden 1993-2005. The aim is to trace and interpret the new patterns and dimensions of labour market conflict by collecting and compiling strike data from the National Conciliation Office, (1993-99) and the National Mediation Office (2000-2005). On the whole, strike activity has decreased steadily from the 1980s and onwards and in large parts of the Swedish labour market conflicts are very rare. A few small un-ions organising primarily non-manufacturing working class in the domestic sector, account for the majority of the sanctioned conflicts. The new pattern is that the re-maining conflicts in broad terms can be divided in two parts: conflicts over wages and other working conditions and conflicts about the collective bargaining itself. Each with its own logic.Labour market; conflict; strike; secondary strike; blockade; Sweden; collective bargaining; strike patterns

    DigiWall - an audio mostly game

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    DigiWall is a hybrid between a climbing wall and a computer game. The climbing grips are equipped with touch sensors and lights. The interface has no computer screen. Instead sound and music are principle drivers of DigiWall interaction models. The gaming experience combines sound and music with physical movement and the sparse visuals of the climbing grips. The DigiWall soundscape carries both verbal and nonverbal information. Verbal information includes instructions on how to play a game, scores, level numbers etc. Non-verbal information is about speed, position, direction, events etc. Many different types of interaction models are possible: competitions, collaboration exercises and aesthetic experiences

    The Social Democratic Party and the Question of Public Ownership 1982-1991

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    The paper studies the shift in managing the state or public enterprises from a perspective of policy learning during the period 1982-1991 in Sweden. There was a significant reversal in the policy around state enterprises sector from 1982 towards a more market oriented business approach. The aim here is to investigate whether this transformation is a case of policy learning. How and where are policies formulated, and which sources are relevant to detect evidence of a possible learning process? If this shift could be described in terms of learning: When, how and why did the elite among the bureaucrats and politicians learn? The results seem to indicate that there is no specific event or paradigmatic shift that happened during the actual mandatory period 1982-1991. It was rather more of a gradual adaptation on the issue of state enterprises, mostly triggered by earlier experiences as well as the last major economic crisis in the 1970s and early 1980s. The actual learning that took place had its sources mainly from within the party.Social Democratic Party; public ownership; privatization; state enterprises; policy learning; knowledge

    Consumption and Capital Mobility in the Nordic Countries

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    I use a consumption-based test to examine the importance of income constraints and the degree of capital mobility across the Nordic countries over the period 1968-96. In particular, I explore the effects of financial deregulation of the 1980s. The estimating equation is derived along the lines of Bayoumi and MacDonald (1995). The results indicate that Nordic financial markets are highly integrated, but that the consumption behavior of a significant part of the Nordic population is constrained by income. There is no evidence that financial deregulation altered the consumption behavior of households or increased the degree of capital mobility across countries.Consumer behavior; international capital mobility; financial deregulation
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