262 research outputs found

    Simulations and interpretations of cumulative trophic theory

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    Examining marine ecosystems in a distinct way can produce new ecological, theoretical and applied insights. The common “S” and “hockey stick” -shaped curves, which result from examining the cumulative biomass and trophic level and the cumulative production and cumulative biomass curves of marine ecosystems, have strong potential to elucidate the mechanisms of marine food webs. These curves are based on the cumulative trophic theory, which can be summarized as the integration of biomass and production across trophic level that results from the relatively simple trophic transfer equation. Here we test the behavior of this theory via modeled simulations of the transfer equation under a variety of common mechanisms that can influence marine ecosystems. The simulated scenarios we present and evaluate here explore bottom-up driven changes (production, growth), internal dynamics (transfer efficiency) or top-down driven changes (mortality, selectivity), as well as multi-mechanism scenarios (overfishing and eutrophication) that are commonly experienced in marine ecosystems. We explore these scenarios at high, medium or low levels of change for each feature to ascertain how they can result in major changes to the realized trophodynamics of a marine ecosystem. Our results lend credence to the generality of the cumulative trophic theory by predicting the empirically observed “S” and “hockey stick” -shaped curves under a wide range of possible mechanisms. Given that common, repeatable and predictable dynamics is a key hallmark of increasingly robust theories, the application of cumulative trophic theory in managing marine ecosystems enables more repeatable and predictable responses across a wide range of conditions

    Who Is Where in Marine Food Webs? A Trait-Based Analysis of Network Positions

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    Networks of trophic interactions provide a lot of information on the functioning of marine ecosystems. Beyond feeding habits, three additional traits (mobility, size, and habitat) of various organisms can complement this trophic view. The combination of traits and food web positions are studied here on a large food web database. The aim is a better description and understanding of ecological roles of organisms and the identification of the most important keystone species. This may contribute to develop better ecological indicators (e.g., keystoneness) and help in the interpretation of food web models. We use food web data from the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) database for 92 aquatic ecosystems. We quantify the network position of organisms by 18 topological indices (measuring centrality, hierarchy, and redundancy) and consider their three, categorical traits (e.g., for mobility: sessile, drifter, limited mobility, and mobile). Relationships are revealed by multivariate analysis. We found that topological indices belong to six different categories and some of them nicely separate various trait categories. For example, benthic organisms are richly connected and mobile organisms occupy higher food web positions

    Super adsorbent bio-polymer additive to improve hygroscopic and acoustic properties of a conventional lime plaster

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    The paper introduces a new lime plaster composition, with a Super Bio-Polymeric Adsorbent (SABP), for interior applications to improve hygrothermal and acoustic comfort. Alginate SABP is added to a conventional lime plaster to improve hygroscopic and acoustic performance. The hygrothermal and acoustic properties of the modified plaster are compared with the ones of the original plaster with a preliminary moisture uptake test, the evaluation of the sorption isotherm, the moisture buffering value (MBV), and the acoustic absorption. The results show a significant increase in the equilibrium moisture contents and the MBV (from 0.7 to 6.2 g/(m2 ...%RH)). At the same time, the sound absorption coefficient is slightly improved, increasing 0.1-0.2 at frequencies higher than 500 Hz compared to the reference conventional lime plaster. The paper describes the material characterization: the sorption isotherm and the MBV are obtained using a dynamic vapor sorption (DVS) analyzer. The acoustic absorption is measured using the impedance tube method

    EwE-F 1.0: an implementation of Ecopath with Ecosim in Fortran 95/2003 for coupling and integration with other models

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    Abstract. Societal and scientific challenges foster the implementation of the ecosystem approach to marine ecosystem analysis and management, which is a comprehensive means of integrating the direct and indirect effects of multiple stressors on the different components of ecosystems, from physical to chemical and biological and from viruses to fishes and marine mammals. Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) is a widely used software package, which offers capability for a dynamic description of the multiple interactions occurring within a food web, and, potentially, a crucial component of an integrated platform supporting the ecosystem approach. However, being written for the Microsoft .NET framework, seamless integration of this code with Fortran-based physical and/or biogeochemical oceanographic models is technically not straightforward. In this work we release a re-coding of EwE in Fortran (EwE-F). We believe that the availability of a Fortran version of EwE is an important step towards setting up coupled/integrated modelling schemes utilising this widely adopted software because it (i) increases portability of the EwE models and (ii) provides additional flexibility towards integrating EwE with Fortran-based modelling schemes. Furthermore, EwE-F might help modellers using the Fortran programming language to get close to the EwE approach. In the present work, first fundamentals of EwE-F are introduced, followed by validation of EwE-F against standard EwE utilising sample models. Afterwards, an end-to-end (E2E) ecological representation of the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea) ecosystem is presented as an example of online two-way coupling between an EwE-F food web model and a biogeochemical model. Finally, the possibilities that having EwE-F opens up are discussed

    Search for giant planets in M67 IV: survey results

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    We present the results of a seven-year-long radial velocity survey of a sample of 88 main-sequence and evolved stars to reveal signatures of Jupiter-mass planets in the solar-age and solar-metallicity open cluster M67. We aim at studying the frequency of giant planets in this cluster with respect to the field stars. In addition, our sample is also ideal to perform a long-term study to compare the chemical composition of stars with and without giant planets in detail. We analyzed precise radial velocity (RV) measurements obtained with five different instruments. We conducted Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the occurrence rate of giant planets in our radial velocity survey. All the planets previously announced in this RV campaign with their properties are summarized here: 3 hot Jupiters around the main-sequence stars YBP1194, YBP1514, and YBP401, and 1 giant planet around the evolved star S364. Two additional planet candidates around the stars YBP778 and S978 are also analyzed in the present work. We discuss stars that exhibit large RV variability or trends individually. For 2 additional stars, long-term trends are compatible with new binary candidates or substellar objects, which increases the total number of binary candidates detected in our campaign to 14. Based on the Doppler-detected planets discovered in this survey, we find an occurrence of giant planets of ~18.0%(+12.0/-8.0%) in the selected period-mass range. This frequency is slightly higher but consistent within the errors with the estimate for the field stars, which leads to the general conclusion that open cluster and field statistics agree. However, we find that the rate of hot Jupiters in the cluster (~5.7%(+5.5/-3.0%)) is substantially higher than in the field.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Novel index for quantification of ecosystems effects of fishing as removal of secondary production

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    Exploited ecosystems are characterised by exports of secondary production from each fished trophic level that reduce the energy available for upper levels at the ecosystem scale, thus impinging on overall secondary production. Depletion in secondary production is proposed here as a proxy for quantifying the ecosystem effects of fishing. Theoretical analysis of trophic web interactions permits the quantification of the ‘loss in production’ and provides an ecological basis for defining a new synthetic index (L index) that takes into account both ecosystem properties (primary production and transfer efficiency) and features of fishing activities (trophic level of catches and primary production required). Quantitative meta-analysis of ecological models, representing 51 exploited ecosystems previously classified as overexploited or sustainably exploited, allows the association of a probability of the ecosystem being sustainably fished with each index value. Moreover, by fixing the reference level for this probability, the index provides a basis for estimating the maximum allowable catches. The L index is applied here to several ecosystems worldwide using landings data and ecological models, providing quantification of the disruption of energy flows for ecosystems subjected to different types and levels of fishing pressure. Its application to outputs of calibrated dynamic models enables the evaluation of sustainability of fisheries in past and future scenarios of alternative fisheries management policies. Results highlight the usefulness of this index for quantifying the impacts of fishing and providing directional advice for fisheries management. Thus, the L index may be used to support ecosystem-based management of fisheries

    Lc and nmr studies for identification and characterization of degradation byproducts of olmesartan acid, elucidation of their degradation pathway and ecotoxicity assessment

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    The discovery of various sartans, which are among the most used antihypertensive drugs in the world, is increasingly frequent not only in wastewater but also in surface water and, in some cases, even in drinking or groundwater. In this paper, the degradation pathway of olmesartan acid, one of the most used sartans, was investigated by simulating the chlorination process normally used in a wastewater treatment plant to reduce similar emerging pollutants. The structures of nine isolated degradation byproducts (DPs), eight of which were isolated for the first time, were separated via chromatography column and HPLC methods, identified by combining nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry, and justified by a proposed mechanism of formation beginning from the parent drug. Ecotoxicity tests on olmesartan acid and its nine DPs showed that 50% of the investigated byproducts inhibited the target species Aliivibrio fischeri and Raphidocelis subcapitata, causing functional decreases of 18% and 53%, respectively

    Ecosystem functioning and ecological status in the Venice lagoon, which relationships?

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    The implementation of management measures for improving the ecological status within an Ecosystem Based Management approach represents one the of the main challenges in coastal and transitional water environments. In general terms, ecological status and ecosystem functioning are expected to be positively associated, being good ecological processes a sort of prerequisite for the ecosystem health, but often relationships between ecosystem functioning indicators and the metrics used to define ecological status resulted to be rather puzzling. Moreover, the Biological Quality Elements (BQEs) do not show a consistent response to the changes in the ecosystem. This situation does not allow to recognize where interventions are really needed, hindering the definition of effective management strategies. In the present paper, a spatially explicit food web model of the Venice lagoon (with the resolution of 300 m) is used to simulate changes in the ecological status and related them to different management scenarios. Functional changes in the food web were investigated by comparing values of a set of 12 indicators derived by the ecological network analysis. In general, results highlighted on one hand the need for more discussion about the implementation of the WFD, at least in complex and spatially heterogeneous transitional waters environments, as the Venice lagoon; on the other, results remark the opportunity to support the BQEs monitoring with an ecological modelling approach. These models are certainly not the panacea for addressing questions about the environmental management, as they have inherent uncertainties (on parameters, structure, processes etc.); however, they can prove useful for selecting among different policy choices, since they offer the opportunity to simulate the mean effects, preliminarily verifying the efficacy of the proposed interventions

    Dataset and species aggregation method applied to food-web models in the Northern Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean Sea)

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    The ecological roles of the species in the food web are studied through the Ecopath with Ecosim modelling approach. In this modelling approach, the food web is described by means of functional groups, each representing a species, a life stage of a species, or a group of species with similar trophic, ecological and physiological features. Links between the groups are formally described by a set of linear equations, informed with ecological and fishing data. Here, the data input collected to implement 3 Ecopath models in the Northern Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean Sea) from 1995 to 2015 are reported. This dataset applied to study the ecological roles of the demersal Chondrichthyes in the study area could be useful to explore different fishing management scenarios. A large dataset of over 300 taxa is shown detailing the ecological inputs, such as Biomass (kg km−2), Production and Consumption rates (y−1), Diet information (weight in %), and fishing data represented by Landings and Discards (t km−2 y−1). In particular, the fishery data described the catches of trawls, longlines, passive nets, other gears and purse seine. In addition, a description of the aggregation method of the species is shown