36 research outputs found

    Tradeoffs and Synergies in Tropical Forest Root Traits and Dynamics for Nutrient and Water Acquisition: Field and Modeling Advances

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    Vegetation processes are fundamentally limited by nutrient and water availability, the uptake of which is mediated by plant roots in terrestrial ecosystems. While tropical forests play a central role in global water, carbon, and nutrient cycling, we know very little about tradeoffs and synergies in root traits that respond to resource scarcity. Tropical trees face a unique set of resource limitations, with rock-derived nutrients and moisture seasonality governing many ecosystem functions, and nutrient versus water availability often separated spatially and temporally. Root traits that characterize biomass, depth distributions, production and phenology, morphology, physiology, chemistry, and symbiotic relationships can be predictive of plants’ capacities to access and acquire nutrients and water, with links to aboveground processes like transpiration, wood productivity, and leaf phenology. In this review, we identify an emerging trend in the literature that tropical fine root biomass and production in surface soils are greatest in infertile or sufficiently moist soils. We also identify interesting paradoxes in tropical forest root responses to changing resources that merit further exploration. For example, specific root length, which typically increases under resource scarcity to expand the volume of soil explored, instead can increase with greater base cation availability, both across natural tropical forest gradients and in fertilization experiments. Also, nutrient additions, rather than reducing mycorrhizal colonization of fine roots as might be expected, increased colonization rates under scenarios of water scarcity in some forests. Efforts to include fine root traits and functions in vegetation models have grown more sophisticated over time, yet there is a disconnect between the emphasis in models characterizing nutrient and water uptake rates and carbon costs versus the emphasis in field experiments on measuring root biomass, production, and morphology in response to changes in resource availability. Closer integration of field and modeling efforts could connect mechanistic investigation of fine-root dynamics to ecosystem-scale understanding of nutrient and water cycling, allowing us to better predict tropical forest-climate feedbacks

    Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake and demand in Agrostis capillaris: the influence of elevated CO2 and nutrient supply.

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    Responses to elevated CO2 have been studied using Agrostis capillaris L., an upland grass which is abundant on nutrient-poor soils. Plants were grown in sand culture with a wide range of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentrations, and the impact of CO2 on the demand for nutrients was determined using isotopic root bioassays. Plants grown with the smallest concentrations of N and P showed typical foliar symptoms associated with deficiency of these elements. However, even when supplies of N and P were limiting to growth, additional CO2 (250 ppm above ambient) influenced neither total N nor total P in above-ground tissues, nor nutrient demands as indicated by the bioassay. The estimates of the demand of the plants for K from the 86Rb bioassay indicated an appreciable increase when plants were raised in elevated CO2. For plants of the same size with the same nutrient supply, those grown in elevated CO2 consistently displayed an increased internal demand for K. Uptake of K was not however, enhanced by elevated CO2 even in non-limiting conditions and it might therefore be limited by a factor other than K supply. The overall conclusion from the experiments is that when A. capillaris is grown in elevated CO2, uptake of N, P and K fails to increase proportionally with dry mass. This was true even when nutrient supplies were adequate, and it appears that nutrient-use-efficiency might increase to enable the plants to maintain growth in elevated CO2

    Export of dissolved organic carbon from peatlands under elevated carbon dioxide levels

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    Peatlands represent a vast store of global carbon1. Observations of rapidly rising dissolved organic carbon concentrations in rivers draining peatlands have created concerns that those stores are beginning to destabilize2, 3. Three main factors have been put forward as potential causal mechanisms, but it appears that two alternatives—warming2, 4 and increased river discharge3—cannot offer satisfactory explanations5. Here we show that the third proposed mechanism, namely shifting trends in the proportion of annual rainfall arriving in summer6, is similarly unable to account for the trend. Instead we infer that a previously unrecognized mechanism—carbon dioxide mediated stimulation of primary productivity—is responsible. Under elevated carbon dioxide levels, the proportion of dissolved organic carbon derived from recently assimilated carbon dioxide was ten times higher than that of the control cases. Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon appear far more sensitive to environmental drivers that affect net primary productivity than those affecting decomposition alone