92 research outputs found

    In situ proliferation and differentiation of macrophages in dental pulp

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    The presence of macrophages in dental pulp is well known. However, whether these macrophages proliferate and differentiate in the dental pulp in situ, or whether they constantly migrate from the blood stream into the dental pulp remains unknown. We have examined and compared the development of dental pulp macrophages in an organ culture system with in vivo tooth organs to clarify the developmental mechanism of these macrophages. The first mandibular molar tooth organs from ICR mice aged between 16 days of gestation (E16) to 5 days postnatally were used for in vivo experiments. Those from E16 were cultured for up to 14 days with or without 10% fetal bovine serum. Dental pulp tissues were analyzed with immunohistochemistry to detect the macrophages and with reverse transcription and the polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for the detection of factors related to macrophage development. The growth curves for the in vivo and in vitro cultured cells revealed similar numbers of F4/80-positive macrophages in the dental pulp. RT-PCR analysis indicated the constant expression of myeloid colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) in both in-vivo- and in-vitro-cultured dental pulp tissues. Anti-M-CSF antibodies significantly inhibited the increase in the number of macrophages in the dental pulp. These results suggest that (1) most of the dental pulp macrophages proliferate and differentiate in the dental pulp without a supply of precursor cells from the blood stream, (2) M-CSF might be a candidate molecule for dental pulp macrophage development, and (3) serum factors might not directly affect the development of macrophages

    Myeloid IÎșBα Deficiency Promotes Atherogenesis by Enhancing Leukocyte Recruitment to the Plaques

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    Activation of the transcription factor NF-ÎșB appears to be involved in different stages of atherogenesis. In this paper we investigate the role of NF-ÎșB inhibitor IÎșBα in atherosclerosis. Myeloid-specific deletion of IÎșBα results in larger and more advanced lesions in LDL-R-deficient mice without affecting the compositional phenotype of the plaques or systemic inflammatory markers in the plasma. We show that IÎșBα-deleted macrophages display enhanced adhesion to an in vitro endothelial cell layer, coinciding with an increased expression of the chemokine CCL5. Also, in vivo we found that IÎșBαdel mice had more leukocytes adhering to the luminal side of the endothelial cell layers that cover the atherosclerotic plaques. Moreover, we introduce ER-MP58 in this paper as a new immunohistochemical tool for quantifying newly recruited myeloid cells in the atherosclerotic lesion. This staining confirms that in IÎșBαdel mice more leukocytes are attracted to the plaques. In conclusion, we show that IÎșBα deletion in myeloid cells promotes atherogenesis, probably through an induced leukocyte recruitment to plaques

    CD8+ DC, but Not CD8−DC, Isolated from BCG-Infected Mice Reduces Pathological Reactions Induced by Mycobacterial Challenge Infection

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    Tuberculosis is a mycobacterial infection causing worldwide public health problems but the available vaccine is far from ideal. Type-1 T cell immunity has been shown to be critical for host defence against tuberculosis infection, but the role of dendritic cell (DC) subsets in pathogenesis of mycobacterial infection remains unclear.We examined the effectiveness of dendritic cell (DC) subsets in BCG-infected mice in generating immune responses beneficial for pathogen clearance and reduction of pathological reactions in the tissues following challenge infection. Our data showed that only the adoptive transfer of the subset of CD8alpha+ DC isolated from infected mice (iCD8+ DC) generated significant protection, demonstrated by less mycobacterial growth and pathological changes in the lung and liver tissues in iCD8+ DC recipients than sham-treated control mice. The adoptive transfer of the CD8alpha(-)DC from the infected mice (iCD8(-) DC) not only failed to reduce bacterial growth, but enhanced inflammation characterized by diffuse heavy cellular infiltration. Notably, iCD8(-) DC produced significantly higher levels of IL-10 than iCD8+ DC and promoted more Th2 cytokine responses in in vitro DC-T cell co-culture and in vivo adoptive transfer experiments.The data indicate that in vivo BCG-primed CD8+ DC is the dominant DC subset in inducing protective immunity especially for reducing pathological reactions in infected tissues. The finding has implications for the rational improvement of the prophylactic and therapeutic approaches for controlling tuberculosis infection and related diseases

    Defective Peripheral Nerve Development Is Linked to Abnormal Architecture and Metabolic Activity of Adipose Tissue in Nscl-2 Mutant Mice

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    BACKGROUND: In mammals the interplay between the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and adipose tissue is widely unexplored. We have employed mice, which develop an adult onset of obesity due to the lack the neuronal specific transcription factor Nscl-2 to investigate the interplay between the nervous system and white adipose tissue (WAT). METHODOLOGY: Changes in the architecture and innervation of WAT were compared between wildtype, Nscl2-/-, ob/ob and Nscl2-/-//ob/ob mice using morphological methods, immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. Metabolic alterations in mutant mice and in isolated cells were investigated under basal and stimulated conditions. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that Nscl-2 mutant mice show a massive reduction of innervation of white epididymal and paired subcutaneous inguinal fat tissue including sensory and autonomic nerves as demonstrated by peripherin and neurofilament staining. Reduction of innervation went along with defects in the formation of the microvasculature, accumulation of cells of the macrophage/preadipocyte lineage, a bimodal distribution of the size of fat cells, and metabolic defects of isolated adipocytes. Despite a relative insulin resistance of white adipose tissue and isolated Nscl-2 mutant adipocytes the serum level of insulin in Nscl-2 mutant mice was only slightly increased. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the reduction of the innervation and vascularization of WAT in Nscl-2 mutant mice leads to the increase of preadipocyte/macrophage-like cells, a bimodal distribution of the size of adipocytes in WAT and an altered metabolic activity of adipocytes

    Immunization with Radiation-Attenuated Plasmodium berghei Sporozoites Induces Liver cCD8α+DC that Activate CD8+T Cells against Liver-Stage Malaria

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    Immunization with radiation (Îł)-attenuated Plasmodia sporozoites (Îł-spz) confers sterile and long-lasting immunity against malaria liver-stage infection. In the P. berghei Îł-spz model, protection is linked to liver CD8+ T cells that express an effector/memory (TEM) phenotype, (CD44hiCD45RBloCD62Llo ), and produce IFN-Îł. However, neither the antigen presenting cells (APC) that activate these CD8+ TEM cells nor the site of their induction have been fully investigated. Because conventional (c)CD8α+ DC (a subset of CD11c+ DC) are considered the major inducers of CD8+ T cells, in this study we focused primarily on cCD8α+ DC from livers of mice immunized with Pb Îł-spz and asked whether the cCD8α+ DC might be involved in the activation of CD8+ TEM cells. We demonstrate that multiple exposures of mice to Pb Îł-spz lead to a progressive and nearly concurrent accumulation in the liver but not the spleen of both the CD11c+NK1.1− DC and CD8+ TEM cells. Upon adoptive transfer, liver CD11c+NK1.1− DC from Pb Îł-spz-immunized mice induced protective immunity against sporozoite challenge. Moreover, in an in vitro system, liver cCD8α+ DC induced naĂŻve CD8+ T cells to express the CD8+ TEM phenotype and to secrete IFN-Îł. The in vitro induction of functional CD8+ TEM cells by cCD8α+ DC was inhibited by anti-MHC class I and anti-IL-12 mAbs. These data suggest that liver cCD8α+ DC present liver-stage antigens to activate CD8+ TEM cells, the pre-eminent effectors against pre-erythrocytic malaria. These results provide important implications towards a design of anti-malaria vaccines

    Excess maternal salt intake produces sex-specific hypertension in offspring: putative roles for kidney and gastrointestinal sodium handling.

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    Hypertension is common and contributes, via cardiovascular disease, towards a large proportion of adult deaths in the Western World. High salt intake leads to high blood pressure, even when occurring prior to birth - a mechanism purported to reside in altered kidney development and later function. Using a combination of in vitro and in vivo approaches we tested whether increased maternal salt intake influences fetal kidney development to render the adult individual more susceptible to salt retention and hypertension. We found that salt-loaded pregnant rat dams were hypernatraemic at day 20 gestation (147±5 vs. 128±5 mmoles/L). Increased extracellular salt impeded murine kidney development in vitro, but had little effect in vivo. Kidneys of the adult offspring had few structural or functional abnormalities, but male and female offspring were hypernatraemic (166±4 vs. 149±2 mmoles/L), with a marked increase in plasma corticosterone (e.g. male offspring; 11.9 [9.3-14.8] vs. 2.8 [2.0-8.3] nmol/L median [IQR]). Furthermore, adult male, but not female, offspring had higher mean arterial blood pressure (effect size, +16 [9-21] mm Hg; mean [95% C.I.]. With no clear indication that the kidneys of salt-exposed offspring retained more sodium per se, we conducted a preliminary investigation of their gastrointestinal electrolyte handling and found increased expression of proximal colon solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 3 (SLC9A3) together with altered faecal characteristics and electrolyte handling, relative to control offspring. On the basis of these data we suggest that excess salt exposure, via maternal diet, at a vulnerable period of brain and gut development in the rat neonate lays the foundation for sustained increases in blood pressure later in life. Hence, our evidence further supports the argument that excess dietary salt should be avoided per se, particularly in the range of foods consumed by physiologically immature young

    Intravenous apoptotic spleen cell infusion induces a TGF-beta-dependent regulatory T-cell expansion.: Apoptosis and regulatory T cells

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    International audienceApoptotic leukocytes are endowed with immunomodulatory properties that can be used to enhance hematopoietic engraftment and prevent graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). This apoptotic cell-induced tolerogenic effect is mediated by host macrophages and not recipient dendritic cells or donor phagocytes present in the bone marrow graft as evidenced by selective cell depletion and trafficking experiments. Furthermore, apoptotic cell infusion is associated with TGF-beta-dependent donor CD4+CD25+ T-cell expansion. Such cells have a regulatory phenotype (CD62L(high) and intracellular CTLA-4+), express high levels of forkhead-box transcription factor p3 (Foxp3) mRNA and exert ex vivo suppressive activity through a cell-to-cell contact mechanism. In vivo CD25 depletion after apoptotic cell infusion prevents the apoptotic cell-induced beneficial effects on engraftment and GvHD occurrence. This highlights the role of regulatory T cells in the tolerogenic effect of apoptotic cell infusion. This novel association between apoptosis and regulatory T-cell expansion may also contribute to preventing deleterious autoimmune responses during normal turnover

    Which Lynch syndrome screening programs could be implemented in the "real world"? A systematic review of economic evaluations

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    Purpose: Lynch syndrome (LS) screening can significantly reduce cancer morbidity and mortality in mutation carriers. Our aim was to identify cost-effective LS screening programs that can be implemented in the "real world."Methods: We performed a systematic review of full economic evaluations of genetic screening for LS in different target populations; health outcomes were estimated in life-years gained or quality-adjusted life-years.Results: Overall, 20 studies were included in the systematic review. Based on the study populations, we identified six categories of LS screening program: colorectal cancer (CRC)-based, endometrial cancer-based, general population-based, LS family registry-based, cascade testing-based, and genetics clinic-based screening programs. We performed an in-depth analysis of CRC-based LS programs, classifying them into three additional subcategories: universal, age-targeted, and selective. In five studies, universal programs based on immunohistochemistry, either alone or in combination with the BRAF test, were cost-effective compared with no screening, while in two studies age-targeted programs with a cutoff of 70 years were cost-effective when compared with age-targeted programs with lower age thresholds. Conclusion: Universal or <70 years-age-targeted CRC-based LS screening programs are cost-effective and should be implemented in the "real world

    In Vivo Approaches Reveal a Key Role for DCs in CD4+ T Cell Activation and Parasite Clearance during the Acute Phase of Experimental Blood-Stage Malaria

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are phagocytes that are highly specialized for antigen presentation. Heterogeneous populations of macrophages and DCs form a phagocyte network inside the red pulp (RP) of the spleen, which is a major site for the control of blood-borne infections such as malaria. However, the dynamics of splenic DCs during Plasmodium infections are poorly understood, limiting our knowledge regarding their protective role in malaria. Here, we used in vivo experimental approaches that enabled us to deplete or visualize DCs in order to clarify these issues. To elucidate the roles of DCs and marginal zone macrophages in the protection against blood-stage malaria, we infected DTx (diphtheria toxin)-treated C57BL/6.CD11c-DTR mice, as well as C57BL/6 mice treated with low doses of clodronate liposomes (ClLip), with Plasmodium chabaudi AS (Pc) parasites. The first evidence suggesting that DCs could contribute directly to parasite clearance was an early effect of the DTx treatment, but not of the ClLip treatment, in parasitemia control. DCs were also required for CD4+ T cell responses during infection. The phagocytosis of infected red blood cells (iRBCs) by splenic DCs was analyzed by confocal intravital microscopy, as well as by flow cytometry and immunofluorescence, at three distinct phases of Pc malaria: at the first encounter, at pre-crisis concomitant with parasitemia growth and at crisis when the parasitemia decline coincides with spleen closure. In vivo and ex vivo imaging of the spleen revealed that DCs actively phagocytize iRBCs and interact with CD4+ T cells both in T cell-rich areas and in the RP. Subcapsular RP DCs were highly efficient in the recognition and capture of iRBCs during pre-crisis, while complete DC maturation was only achieved during crisis. These findings indicate that, beyond their classical role in antigen presentation, DCs also contribute to the direct elimination of iRBCs during acute Plasmodium infection.SĂŁo Paulo Research Foundation grants: (2011/24038-1 [MRDL], 2009/08559-1 [HBdS], CAPES/IGC 04/ 2012 [MRDL, CET])

    Decisions that hasten death: double effect and the experiences of physicians in Australia

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    BACKGROUND: In Australian end-of-life care, practicing euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide is illegal. Despite this, death hastening practices are common across medical settings. Practices can be clandestine or overt but in many instances physicians are forced to seek protection behind ambiguous medico-legal imperatives such as the Principle of Double Effect. Moreover, the way they conceptualise and experience such practices is inconsistent. To complement the available statistical data, the purpose of this study was to understand the reasoning behind how and why physicians in Australia will hasten death. METHOD: A qualitative investigation was focused on palliative and critical/acute settings. A thematic analysis was conducted on semi-structured in-depth interviews with 13 specialist physicians. Attention was given to eliciting meanings and experiences in Australian end-of-life care. RESULTS: Highlighting the importance of a multidimensional approach, physicians negotiated multiple influences when death was regarded as hastened. The way they understood and experienced end-of-life care practices were affected by politico-religious and cultural influences, medico-legal imperatives, and personal values and beliefs. Interpersonal and intrapsychic aspects further emphasised the emotional and psychological investment physicians have with patients and others. In most cases death occurred as a result of treating suffering, and sometimes to fulfil the wishes of patients and others who requested death. Experience was especially subject to the efficacy with which physicians negotiated complex but context-specific situations, and was reflective of how they considered a good death. Although many were compelled to draw on the Principle of Double Effect, every physician reported its inadequacy as a medico-legal guideline. CONCLUSIONS: The Principle of Double Effect, as a simplistic and generalised guideline, was identified as a convenient mechanism to protect physicians who inadvertently or intentionally hastened death. But its narrow focus on the physician’s intent illuminated how easily it may be manipulated, thus impairing transparency and a physician’s capacity for honesty. It is suggested the concept of “force majeure” be examined for its applicability in Australian medical end-of-life law where, consistent with a multidimensional and complex world, a physician’s motivations can also be understood in terms of the emotional and psychological pressures they face in situations that hasten death
