272 research outputs found


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    The succession of yeasts colonizing the fallen ripe amapa fruit, from Parahancornia. amapa, aas examined. The occupation of the substrate depended on both the competitive interactions of yeast species, such as the production of killer toxins, and the selective dispersion by the drosophilid guild of the amapa fruit. The yeast community associated with this Amazon fruit differed from those isolated from other fruits in the same forest. The physiological profile of these yeasts was mostly restricted to the assimilation of a few simple carbon sources, mainly L-sorbose, D-glycerol, DL-lactate, cellobiose, and salicin. Common fruit-associated yeasts of the genera Kloeckera and Hanseniaspora, Candida guilliermondii, and Candida krusei colonized fruits during the first three days after the fruit fell. These yeasts were dispersed and served as food for the invader Drosophila malerkotliana. The resident flies of the Drosophila willistoni group fed selectively on patches of yeasts colonizing fruits 3 to 10 days after the fruit fell. The killer toxin-producing yeasts Pichia kluyveri var. kluyveri and Candida fructus were probably involved in the exclusion of some species during the intermediate stages of fruit deterioration. An increase in pH, inhibiting toxin activity and the depletion of simple sugars, may have promoted an increase in yeast diversity in the later stages of decomposition. The yeast succession provided a patchy environment for the drosophilids sharing this ephemeral substrate.61124251425

    Characterization of the model for experimental testicular teratoma in 129/SvJ-mice

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    An animal model of experimental testicular teratoma has been established to study how a teratoma affects the host testis and how the host testis reacts against the teratoma. 129/SvJ-mice were used as experimental animals. To induce the experimental testicular teratoma, male gonadal ridges from 12-day-old 129/SvJ-mouse fetuses were grafted into the testes of adult mice for 1-12 weeks. The developing tumour was analysed by light and electron microscopy and by immunocytochemical localization of transcription factors SOX9 and c-kit, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and type IV collagen. Testicular teratoma was observed in 36 out of 124 testes with implanted fetal gonadal ridges (frequency 29%). One spontaneous testicular teratoma was observed in this material from 70 male mice (1.5%). One week after implantation intracordal clusters of cells were seen in embryonic testicular cords of the graft as the first sign of testicular teratomas. Four weeks after implantation the embryonic testicular cords had totally disappeared from grafts with teratomas, and the tumour tissue had enlarged the testis and invaded the interstitium of the host testis. It consisted of solitary pieces of immature cartilage as well as of glial cells and of primitive neuroepithelium. Six to eight weeks after implantation the tumour tissue had expanded so that the enlarged testis could be detected by macroscopic enlargement of the scrotum. The testicular tissue of the host had practically disappeared, and only solitary disrupted seminiferous tubules of the host were seen surrounding the teratoma. Neuroepithelial structures of some teratomas cultured for 8 weeks had cells with a granular nucleus as a sign of obvious apoptosis. Eleven to 12 weeks after implantation the growth of the teratoma had stopped, and the histology corresponded to that of a mature cystic teratoma. GFAP, SOX9 and type IV collagen were strongly positive in some parts of the tumours cultured for 4 and 8 weeks, while only occasional c-kit-positive areas were observed in tumours cultured for 8 weeks. As conclusions: (1) the metastasizing capacity of the experimental testicular teratoma is very low during 12 weeks, but the behaviour of the tumour in the testicular tissue of the graft is invasive; (2) the growth of experimental testicular teratomas cease 6-8 weeks after implantation of the fetal gonadal ridges with the obvious apoptosis of the immature tissue components; (3) the model of experimental testicular teratoma in the mouse is suitable for studying how the teratoma affects the host testis and how the host testis reacts to teratoma

    Pediatricians and nutritionists knowledge about treatment of cow milk allergy in infants

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    OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the knowledge of pediatricians and nutritionists regarding the exclusion diet of cow milk and derivates, with emphasis on questions related to the nutrition of children submitted to such diet. METHODS: Cross-sectional study that enrolled pediatricians (n=53) and nutritionists (n=29) from public hospitals in São Paulo, Brazil, during 2005. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaires. RESULTS: The age of the professionals varied from 21 to 50 years old. Regarding professional experience, 41.2% were graduated for less than five years and 91.6% had a specialization course, masters and/or PhD degree. The vast majority of professionals (97.5%) confirmed that they regularly evaluated the diet of children that needed exclusion of cow milk. However, only 48% of the professionals conducted a more detailed evaluation of the diet, including calculations of food ingestion. Only 38.7% of the professionals compared child s food ingestion with some recommended pattern. Recommendations for daily ingestion of calcium by children up to the age of 36 months were properly mentioned by 22% of the pediatricians and 60.7% of the nutritionists (p=0.001). Inadequate cow milk substitute products were recommended by 66% of the pediatricians and by 48.3% of the nutritionists. Regarding labels of industrialized products, 81.6% of the pediatricians and 96.4% of the nutritionists advised the parents to look for all terms that could indicate the presence of cow milk protein. CONCLUSIONS: Pediatricians and nutritionists made conceptual errors in their main recommendations regarding the treatment of cow milk protein allergy.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o conhecimento de pediatras e nutricionistas sobre a dieta de exclusão do leite de vaca e seus derivados, com ênfase em questões relacionadas à nutrição da criança. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal descritivo, do qual participaram pediatras (n=53) e nutricionistas (n=29), vinculados a hospitais públicos do Município de São Paulo, no ano de 2005. Os dados foram coletados por questionário auto-administrado. RESULTADOS: A idade dos profissionais variou de 21 a 50 anos. Quanto ao tempo de graduação, 41,2% eram formados a menos de cinco anos e 91,6% possuíam especialização, mestrado e/ou doutorado. A maioria (97,5%) afirmou avaliar a dieta de crianças submetidas à exclusão do leite de vaca, entretanto, somente 48% o faziam de forma mais detalhadas, incluindo o cálculo da ingestão alimentar. Apenas 38,7% comparam a ingestão alimentar da criança com algum padrão de recomendação. A recomendação diária da ingestão de cálcio para crianças com até 36 meses foi corretamente assinalada por 22% dos pediatras e 60,7% dos nutricionistas (p=0,001). Produtos não adequados como substitutos do leite de vaca seriam recomendados por 66% dos pediatras e 48,3% dos nutricionistas. Com relação à leitura de rótulos de produtos industrializados, 81,6% dos pediatras e 96,4% dos nutricionistas orientam os pais a ler todos os termos que indicam a presença das proteínas do leite de vaca. CONCLUSÕES: Os pediatras e nutricionista demonstraram erro conceitual no que se refere às principais recomendações terapêuticas na alergia às proteínas do leite de vaca.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPUNIFESPSciEL

    Epigenetic marks in the mature pollen of Quercus suber L. (Fagaceae)

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    We have analysed the distribution of epigenetic marks for histone modifications at lysine residues H3 and H4, and DNA methylation, in the nuclei of mature pollen cells of the Angiosperm tree Quercus suber; a monoecious wind pollinated species with a protandrous system, and a long post-pollination period. The ultrasonic treatment developed for the isolation of pollen nuclei proved to be a fast and reliable method, preventing the interference of cell wall autofluorescence in the in situ immunolabelling assays. In contrast with previous studies on herbaceous species with short progamic phases, our results are consistent with a high level of silent (5-mC and H3K9me2) epigenetic marks on chromatin of the generative nucleus, and the prevalence of active marks (H3K9me3 and H4Kac) in the vegetative nucleus. The findings are discussed in terms of the pollination/fertilization timing strategy adopted by this plant specie

    Influence of 1α, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1, 25(OH)2D3] on the expression of Sox 9 and the transient receptor potential vanilloid 5/6 ion channels in equine articular chondrocytes

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    Background Sox 9 is a major marker of chondrocyte differentiation. When chondrocytes are cultured in vitro they progressively de-differentiate and this is associated with a decline in Sox 9 expression. The active form of vitamin D, 1, 25 (OH)2D3 has been shown to be protective of cartilage in both humans and animals. In this study equine articular chondrocytes were grown in culture and the effects of 1, 25 (OH)2D3 upon Sox 9 expression examined. The expression of the transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) ion channels 5 and 6 in equine chondrocytes in vitro, we have previously shown, is inversely correlated with de-differentiation. The expression of these channels in response to 1, 25 (OH)2D3 administration was therefore also examined. Results The active form of vitamin D (1, 25 (OH)2D3) when administered to cultured equine chondrocytes at two different concentrations significantly increased the expression of Sox 9 at both. In contrast 1, 25 (OH)2D3 had no significant effect upon the expression of either TRPV 5 or 6 at either the protein or the mRNA level. Conclusions The increased expression of Sox 9, in equine articular chondrocytes in vitro, in response to the active form of vitamin D suggests that this compound could be utilized to inhibit the progressive de-differentiation that is normally observed in these cells. It is also supportive of previous studies indicating that 1α, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 can have a protective effect upon cartilage in animals in vivo. The previously observed correlation between the degree of differentiation and the expression levels of TRPV 5/6 had suggested that these ion channels may have a direct involvement in, or be modulated by, the differentiation process in vitro. The data in the present study do not support this

    Health problems of nursing workers in a public educational institution

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    Objective: To identify the issues occurred with nursing workers through a Health Monitoring System for Nursing Workers (SIMOSTE) and to describe the consequences of those problems. Method: This is a quantitative, exploratory and descriptive study realized in a teaching hospital in the west region of the city of São Paulo. Results: From the SIMOSTE, 1.847 occurrences were registered in a six month period. Within the main occurrences, medical licenses, work related accidents with and without removals; psychiatric consultations and psychotherapy were highlighted. Conclusion: The data points out to the need for the development of new health vigilance actions to notify accidents and illness related to work, besides the prevention of issues
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