25 research outputs found

    Volume III. DUNE far detector technical coordination

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    open966siAcknowledgments This document was prepared by the DUNE collaboration using the resources of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), a U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, HEP User Facility. Fermilab is managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC (FRA), acting under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359. The DUNE collaboration also acknowledges the international, national, and regional funding agencies supporting the institutions who have contributed to completing this Technical Design Report.The preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early universe, the dynamics of the supernovae that produced the heavy elements necessary for life, and whether protons eventually decay-these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are key to understanding the early evolution of our universe, its current state, and its eventual fate. The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions as it searches for leptonic charge-parity symmetry violation, stands ready to capture supernova neutrino bursts, and seeks to observe nucleon decay as a signature of a grand unified theory underlying the standard model. The DUNE far detector technical design report (TDR) describes the DUNE physics program and the technical designs of the single- A nd dual-phase DUNE liquid argon TPC far detector modules. Volume III of this TDR describes how the activities required to design, construct, fabricate, install, and commission the DUNE far detector modules are organized and managed. This volume details the organizational structures that will carry out and/or oversee the planned far detector activities safely, successfully, on time, and on budget. It presents overviews of the facilities, supporting infrastructure, and detectors for context, and it outlines the project-related functions and methodologies used by the DUNE technical coordination organization, focusing on the areas of integration engineering, technical reviews, quality assurance and control, and safety oversight. Because of its more advanced stage of development, functional examples presented in this volume focus primarily on the single-phase (SP) detector module.openAbi B.; Acciarri R.; Acero M.A.; Adamov G.; Adams D.; Adinolfi M.; Ahmad Z.; Ahmed J.; Alion T.; Monsalve S.A.; Alt C.; Anderson J.; Andreopoulos C.; Andrews M.; Andrianala F.; Andringa S.; Ankowski A.; Antonova M.; Antusch S.; Aranda-Fernandez A.; Ariga A.; Arnold L.O.; Arroyave M.A.; Asaadi J.; Aurisano A.; Aushev V.; Autiero D.; Azfar F.; Back H.; Back J.J.; Backhouse C.; Baesso P.; Bagby L.; Bajou R.; Balasubramanian S.; Baldi P.; Bambah B.; Barao F.; Barenboim G.; Barker G.; Barkhouse W.; Barnes C.; Barr G.; Monarca J.B.; Barros N.; Barrow J.L.; Bashyal A.; Basque V.; Bay F.; Alba J.B.; Beacom J.F.; Bechetoille E.; Behera B.; Bellantoni L.; Bellettini G.; Bellini V.; Beltramello O.; Belver D.; Benekos N.; Neves F.B.; Berger J.; Berkman S.; Bernardini P.; Berner R.M.; Berns H.; Bertolucci S.; Betancourt M.; Bezawada Y.; Bhattacharjee M.; Bhuyan B.; Biagi S.; Bian J.; Biassoni M.; Biery K.; Bilki B.; Bishai M.; Bitadze A.; Blake A.; Siffert B.B.; Blaszczyk F.; Blazey G.; Blucher E.; Boissevain J.; Bolognesi S.; Bolton T.; Bonesini M.; Bongrand M.; Bonini F.; Booth A.; Booth C.; Bordoni S.; Borkum A.; Boschi T.; Bostan N.; Bour P.; Boyd S.; Boyden D.; Bracinik J.; Braga D.; Brailsford D.; Brandt A.; Bremer J.; Brew C.; Brianne E.; Brice S.J.; Brizzolari C.; Bromberg C.; Brooijmans G.; Brooke J.; Bross A.; Brunetti G.; Buchanan N.; Budd H.; Caiulo D.; Calafiura P.; Calcutt J.; Calin M.; Calvez S.; Calvo E.; Camilleri L.; Caminata A.; Campanelli M.; Caratelli D.; Carini G.; Carlus B.; Carniti P.; Terrazas I.C.; Carranza H.; Castillo A.; Castromonte C.; Cattadori C.; Cavalier F.; Cavanna F.; Centro S.; Cerati G.; Cervelli A.; Villanueva A.C.; Chalifour M.; Chang C.; Chardonnet E.; Chatterjee A.; Chattopadhyay S.; Chaves J.; Chen H.; Chen M.; Chen Y.; Cherdack D.; Chi C.; Childress S.; Chiriacescu A.; Cho K.; Choubey S.; Christensen A.; Christian D.; Christodoulou G.; Church E.; Clarke P.; Coan T.E.; Cocco A.G.; Coelho J.; Conley E.; Conrad J.; Convery M.; Corwin L.; Cotte P.; Cremaldi L.; Cremonesi L.; Crespo-Anadon J.I.; Cristaldo E.; Cross R.; Cuesta C.; Cui Y.; Cussans D.; Dabrowski M.; Motta H.D.; Peres L.D.S.; David Q.; Davies G.S.; Davini S.; Dawson J.; De K.; Almeida R.M.D.; Debbins P.; Bonis I.D.; Decowski M.; Gouvea A.D.; Holanda P.C.D.; Astiz I.L.D.I.; Deisting A.; Jong P.D.; Delbart A.; Delepine D.; Delgado M.; Dell'acqua A.; Lurgio P.D.; Neto J.R.D.M.; Demuth D.M.; Dennis S.; Densham C.; Deptuch G.; Roeck A.D.; Romeri V.D.; Vries J.D.; Dharmapalan R.; Dias M.; Diaz F.; Diaz J.; Domizio S.D.; Giulio L.D.; Ding P.; Noto L.D.; Distefano C.; Diurba R.; Diwan M.; Djurcic Z.; Dokania N.; Dolinski M.; Domine L.; Douglas D.; Drielsma F.; Duchesneau D.; Duffy K.; Dunne P.; Durkin T.; Duyang H.; Dvornikov O.; Dwyer D.; Dyshkant A.; Eads M.; Edmunds D.; Eisch J.; Emery S.; Ereditato A.; Escobar C.; Sanchez L.E.; Evans J.J.; Ewart E.; Ezeribe A.C.; Fahey K.; Falcone A.; Farnese C.; Farzan Y.; Felix J.; Fernandez-Martinez E.; Menendez P.F.; Ferraro F.; Fields L.; Filkins A.; Filthaut F.; Fitzpatrick R.S.; Flanagan W.; Fleming B.; Flight R.; Fowler J.; Fox W.; Franc J.; Francis K.; Franco D.; Freeman J.; Freestone J.; Fried J.; Friedland A.; Fuess S.; Furic I.; Furmanski A.P.; Gago A.; Gallagher H.; Gallego-Ros A.; Gallice N.; Galymov V.; Gamberini E.; Gamble T.; Gandhi R.; Gandrajula R.; Gao S.; Garcia-Gamez D.; Garcia-Peris M.A.; Gardiner S.; Gastler D.; Ge G.; Gelli B.; Gendotti A.; Gent S.; Ghorbani-Moghaddam Z.; Gibin D.; Gil-Botella I.; Girerd C.; Giri A.; Gnani D.; Gogota O.; Gold M.; Gollapinni S.; Gollwitzer K.; Gomes R.A.; Bermeo L.G.; Fajardo L.S.G.; Gonnella F.; Gonzalez-Cuevas J.; Goodman M.C.; Goodwin O.; Goswami S.; Gotti C.; Goudzovski E.; Grace C.; Graham M.; Gramellini E.; Gran R.; Granados E.; Grant A.; Grant C.; Gratieri D.; Green P.; Green S.; Greenler L.; Greenwood M.; Greer J.; Griffith C.; Groh M.; Grudzinski J.; Grzelak K.; Gu W.; Guarino V.; Guenette R.; Guglielmi A.; Guo B.; Guthikonda K.; Gutierrez R.; Guzowski P.; Guzzo M.M.; Gwon S.; Habig A.; Hackenburg A.; Hadavand H.; Haenni R.; Hahn A.; Haigh J.; Haiston J.; Hamernik T.; Hamilton P.; Han J.; Harder K.; Harris D.A.; Hartnell J.; Hasegawa T.; Hatcher R.; Hazen E.; Heavey A.; Heeger K.M.; Hennessy K.; Henry S.; Morquecho M.H.; Herner K.; Hertel L.; Hesam A.S.; Hewes J.; Pichardo A.H.; Hill T.; Hillier S.J.; Himmel A.; Hoff J.; Hohl C.; Holin A.; Hoppe E.; Horton-Smith G.A.; Hostert M.; Hourlier A.; Howard B.; Howell R.; Huang J.; Huang J.; Hugon J.; Iles G.; Iliescu A.M.; Illingworth R.; Ioannisian A.; Itay R.; Izmaylov A.; James E.; Jargowsky B.; Jediny F.; Jesus-Valls C.; Ji X.; Jiang L.; Jimenez S.; Jipa A.; Joglekar A.; Johnson C.; Johnson R.; Jones B.; Jones S.; Jung C.; Junk T.; Jwa Y.; Kabirnezhad M.; Kaboth A.; Kadenko I.; Kamiya F.; Karagiorgi G.; Karcher A.; Karolak M.; Karyotakis Y.; Kasai S.; Kasetti S.P.; Kashur L.; Kazaryan N.; Kearns E.; Keener P.; Kelly K.J.; Kemp E.; Ketchum W.; Kettell S.; Khabibullin M.; Khotjantsev A.; Khvedelidze A.; Kim D.; King B.; Kirby B.; Kirby M.; Klein J.; Koehler K.; Koerner L.W.; Kohn S.; Koller P.P.; Kordosky M.; Kosc T.; Kose U.; Kostelecky V.; Kothekar K.; Krennrich F.; Kreslo I.; Kudenko Y.; Kudryavtsev V.; Kulagin S.; Kumar J.; Kumar R.; Kuruppu C.; Kus V.; Kutter T.; Lambert A.; Lande K.; Lane C.E.; Lang K.; Langford T.; Lasorak P.; Last D.; Lastoria C.; Laundrie A.; Lawrence A.; Lazanu I.; Lazur R.; Le T.; Learned J.; Lebrun P.; Miotto G.L.; Lehnert R.; De Oliveira M.L.; Leitner M.; Leyton M.; Li L.; Li S.; Li S.; Li T.; Li Y.; Liao H.; Lin C.; Lin S.; Lister A.; Littlejohn B.R.; Liu J.; Lockwitz S.; Loew T.; Lokajicek M.; Lomidze I.; Long K.; Loo K.; Lorca D.; Lord T.; Losecco J.; Louis W.C.; Luk K.; Luo X.; Lurkin N.; Lux T.; Luzio V.P.; MacFarland D.; MacHado A.; MacHado P.; MacIas C.; MacIer J.; Maddalena A.; Madigan P.; Magill S.; Mahn K.; Maio A.; Maloney J.A.; Mandrioli G.; Maneira J.C.; Manenti L.; Manly S.; Mann A.; Manolopoulos K.; Plata M.M.; Marchionni A.; Marciano W.; Marfatia D.; Mariani C.; Maricic J.; Marinho F.; Marino A.D.; Marshak M.; Marshall C.; Marshall J.; Marteau J.; Martin-Albo J.; Martinez N.; Caicedo D.A.M.; Martynenko S.; Mason K.; Mastbaum A.; Masud M.; Matsuno S.; Matthews J.; Mauger C.; Mauri N.; Mavrokoridis K.; Mazza R.; Mazzacane A.; Mazzucato E.; McCluskey E.; McConkey N.; McFarland K.S.; McGrew C.; McNab A.; Mefodiev A.; Mehta P.; Melas P.; Mellinato M.; Mena O.; Menary S.; Mendez H.; Menegolli A.; Meng G.; Messier M.; Metcalf W.; Mewes M.; Meyer H.; Miao T.; Michna G.; Miedema T.; Migenda J.; Milincic R.; Miller W.; Mills J.; Milne C.; Mineev O.; Miranda O.G.; Miryala S.; Mishra C.; Mishra S.; Mislivec A.; Mladenov D.; Mocioiu I.; Moffat K.; Moggi N.; Mohanta R.; Mohayai T.A.; Mokhov N.; Molina J.A.; Bueno L.M.; Montanari A.; Montanari C.; Montanari D.; Zetina L.M.M.; Moon J.; Mooney M.; Moor A.; Moreno D.; Morgan B.; Morris C.; Mossey C.; Motuk E.; Moura C.A.; Mousseau J.; Mu W.; Mualem L.; Mueller J.; Muether M.; Mufson S.; Muheim F.; Muir A.; Mulhearn M.; Muramatsu H.; Murphy S.; Musser J.; Nachtman J.; Nagu S.; Nalbandyan M.; Nandakumar R.; Naples D.; Narita S.; Navas-Nicolas D.; Nayak N.; Nebot-Guinot M.; Necib L.; Negishi K.; Nelson J.K.; Nesbit J.; Nessi M.; Newbold D.; Newcomer M.; Newhart D.; Nichol R.; Niner E.; Nishimura K.; Norman A.; Northrop R.; Novella P.; Nowak J.A.; Oberling M.; Campo A.O.D.; Olivier A.; Onel Y.; Onishchuk Y.; Ott J.; Pagani L.; Pakvasa S.; Palamara O.; Palestini S.; Paley J.M.; Pallavicini M.; Palomares C.; Pantic E.; Paolone V.; Papadimitriou V.; Papaleo R.; Papanestis A.; Paramesvaran S.; Parke S.; Parsa Z.; Parvu M.; Pascoli S.; Pasqualini L.; Pasternak J.; Pater J.; Patrick C.; Patrizii L.; Patterson R.B.; Patton S.; Patzak T.; Paudel A.; Paulos B.; Paulucci L.; Pavlovic Z.; Pawloski G.; Payne D.; Pec V.; Peeters S.J.; Penichot Y.; Pennacchio E.; Penzo A.; Peres O.L.; Perry J.; Pershey D.; Pessina G.; Petrillo G.; Petta C.; Petti R.; Piastra F.; Pickering L.; Pietropaolo F.; Pillow J.; Plunkett R.; Poling R.; Pons X.; Poonthottathil N.; Pordes S.; Potekhin M.; Potenza R.; Potukuchi B.V.; Pozimski J.; Pozzato M.; Prakash S.; Prakash T.; Prince S.; Prior G.; Pugnere D.; Qi K.; Qian X.; Raaf J.; Raboanary R.; Radeka V.; Rademacker J.; Radics B.; Rafique A.; Raguzin E.; Rai M.; Rajaoalisoa M.; Rakhno I.; Rakotondramanana H.; Rakotondravohitra L.; Ramachers Y.; Rameika R.; Delgado M.R.; Ramson B.; Rappoldi A.; Raselli G.; Ratoff P.; Ravat S.; Razafinime H.; Real J.; Rebel B.; Redondo D.; Reggiani-Guzzo M.; Rehak T.; Reichenbacher J.; Reitzner S.D.; Renshaw A.; Rescia S.; Resnati F.; Reynolds A.; Riccobene G.; Rice L.C.; Rielage K.; Rigaut Y.; Rivera D.; Rochester L.; Roda M.; Rodrigues P.; Alonso M.R.; Rondon J.R.; Roeth A.; Rogers H.; Rosauro-Alcaraz S.; Rossella M.; Rout J.; Roy S.; Rubbia A.; Rubbia C.; Russell B.; Russell J.; Ruterbories D.; Saakyan R.; Sacerdoti S.; Safford T.; Sahu N.; Sala P.; Samios N.; Sanchez M.; Sanders D.A.; Sankey D.; Santana S.; Santos-Maldonado M.; Saoulidou N.; Sapienza P.; Sarasty C.; Sarcevic I.; Savage G.; Savinov V.; Scaramelli A.; Scarff A.; Scarpelli A.; Schaffer T.; Schellman H.; Schlabach P.; Schmitz D.; Scholberg K.; Schukraft A.; Segreto E.; Sensenig J.; Seong I.; Sergi A.; Sergiampietri F.; Sgalaberna D.; Shaevitz M.; Shafaq S.; Shamma M.; Sharma H.R.; Sharma R.; Shaw T.; Shepherd-Themistocleous C.; Shin S.; Shooltz D.; Shrock R.; Simard L.; Simos N.; Sinclair J.; Sinev G.; Singh J.; Singh V.; Sipos R.; Sippach F.; Sirri G.; Sitraka A.; Siyeon K.; Smargianaki D.; Smith A.; Smith A.; Smith E.; Smith P.; Smolik J.; Smy M.; Snopok P.; Nunes M.S.; Sobel H.; Soderberg M.; Salinas C.J.S.; Soldner-Rembold S.; Solomey N.; Solovov V.; Sondheim W.E.; Sorel M.; Soto-Oton J.; Sousa A.; Soustruznik K.; Spagliardi F.; Spanu M.; Spitz J.; Spooner N.J.; Spurgeon K.; Staley R.; Stancari M.; Stanco L.; Steiner H.; Stewart J.; Stillwell B.; Stock J.; Stocker F.; Stokes T.; Strait M.; Strauss T.; Striganov S.; Stuart A.; Summers D.; Surdo A.; Susic V.; Suter L.; Sutera C.; Svoboda R.; Szczerbinska B.; Szelc A.; Talaga R.; Tanaka H.; Oregui B.T.; Tapper A.; Tariq S.; Tatar E.; Tayloe R.; Teklu A.; Tenti M.; Terao K.; Ternes C.A.; Terranova F.; Testera G.; Thea A.; Thompson J.L.; Thorn C.; Timm S.; Tonazzo A.; Torti M.; Tortola M.; Tortorici F.; Totani D.; Toups M.; Touramanis C.; Trevor J.; Trzaska W.H.; Tsai Y.T.; Tsamalaidze Z.; Tsang K.; Tsverava N.; Tufanli S.; Tull C.; Tyley E.; Tzanov M.; Uchida M.A.; Urheim J.; Usher T.; Vagins M.; Vahle P.; Valdiviesso G.; Valencia E.; Vallari Z.; Valle J.W.; Vallecorsa S.; Berg R.V.; De Water R.G.V.; Forero D.V.; Varanini F.; Vargas D.; Varner G.; Vasel J.; Vasseur G.; Vaziri K.; Ventura S.; Verdugo A.; Vergani S.; Vermeulen M.A.; Verzocchi M.; De Souza H.V.; Vignoli C.; Vilela C.; Viren B.; Vrba T.; Wachala T.; Waldron A.V.; Wallbank M.; Wang H.; Wang J.; Wang Y.; Wang Y.; Warburton K.; Warner D.; Wascko M.; Waters D.; Watson A.; Weatherly P.; Weber A.; Weber M.; Wei H.; Weinstein A.; Wenman D.; Wetstein M.; While M.R.; White A.; Whitehead L.H.; Whittington D.; Wilking M.J.; Wilkinson C.; Williams Z.; Wilson F.; Wilson R.J.; Wolcott J.; Wongjirad T.; Wood K.; Wood L.; Worcester E.; Worcester M.; Wret C.; Wu W.; Wu W.; Xiao Y.; Yang G.; Yang T.; Yershov N.; Yonehara K.; Young T.; Yu B.; Yu J.; Zalesak J.; Zambelli L.; Zamorano B.; Zani A.; Zazueta L.; Zeller G.; Zennamo J.; Zeug K.; Zhang C.; Zhao M.; Zhivun E.; Zhu G.; Zimmerman E.D.; Zito M.; Zucchelli S.; Zuklin J.; Zutshi V.; Zwaska R.Abi B.; Acciarri R.; Acero M.A.; Adamov G.; Adams D.; Adinolfi M.; Ahmad Z.; Ahmed J.; Alion T.; Monsalve S.A.; Alt C.; Anderson J.; Andreopoulos C.; Andrews M.; Andrianala F.; Andringa S.; Ankowski A.; Antonova M.; Antusch S.; Aranda-Fernandez A.; Ariga A.; Arnold L.O.; Arroyave M.A.; Asaadi J.; Aurisano A.; Aushev V.; Autiero D.; Azfar F.; Back H.; Back J.J.; Backhouse C.; Baesso P.; Bagby L.; Bajou R.; Balasubramanian S.; Baldi P.; Bambah B.; Barao F.; Barenboim G.; Barker G.; Barkhouse W.; Barnes C.; Barr G.; Monarca J.B.; Barros N.; Barrow J.L.; Bashyal A.; Basque V.; Bay F.; Alba J.B.; Beacom J.F.; Bechetoille E.; Behera B.; Bellantoni L.; Bellettini G.; Bellini V.; Beltramello O.; Belver D.; Benekos N.; Neves F.B.; Berger J.; Berkman S.; Bernardini P.; Berner R.M.; Berns H.; Bertolucci S.; Betancourt M.; Bezawada Y.; Bhattacharjee M.; Bhuyan B.; Biagi S.; Bian J.; Biassoni M.; Biery K.; Bilki B.; Bishai M.; Bitadze A.; Blake A.; Siffert B.B.; Blaszczyk F.; Blazey G.; Blucher E.; Boissevain J.; Bolognesi S.; Bolton T.; Bonesini M.; Bongrand M.; Bonini F.; Booth A.; Booth C.; Bordoni S.; Borkum A.; Boschi T.; Bostan N.; Bour P.; Boyd S.; Boyden D.; Bracinik J.; Braga D.; Brailsford D.; Brandt A.; Bremer J.; Brew C.; Brianne E.; Brice S.J.; Brizzolari C.; Bromberg C.; Brooijmans G.; Brooke J.; Bross A.; Brunetti G.; Buchanan N.; Budd H.; Caiulo D.; Calafiura P.; Calcutt J.; Calin M.; Calvez S.; Calvo E.; Camilleri L.; Caminata A.; Campanelli M.; Caratelli D.; Carini G.; Carlus B.; Carniti P.; Terrazas I.C.; Carranza H.; Castillo A.; Castromonte C.; Cattadori C.; Cavalier F.; Cavanna F.; Centro S.; Cerati G.; Cervelli A.; Villanueva A.C.; Chalifour M.; Chang C.; Chardonnet E.; Chatterjee A.; Chattopadhyay S.; Chaves J.; Chen H.; Chen M.; Chen Y.; Cherdack D.; Chi C.; Childress S.; Chiriacescu A.; Cho K.; Choubey S.; Christensen A.; Christian D.; Christodoulou G.; Church E.; Clarke P.; Coan T.E.; Cocco A.G.; Coelho J.; Conley E.; Conrad J.; Convery M.; Corwin L.; Cotte P.; Cremaldi L.; Cremonesi L.; Crespo-Anadon J.I.; Cristaldo E.; Cross R.; Cuesta C.; Cui Y.; Cussans D.; Dabrowski M.; Motta H.D.; Peres L.D.S.; David Q.; Davies G.S.; Davini S.; Dawson J.; De K.; Almeida R.M.D.; Debbins P.; Bonis I.D.; Decowski M.; Gouvea A.D.; Holanda P.C.D.; Astiz I.L.D.I.; Deisting A.; Jong P.D.; Delbart A.; Delepine D.; Delgado M.; Dell'acqua A.; Lurgio P.D.; Neto J.R.D.M.; Demuth D.M.; Dennis S.; Densham C.; Deptuch G.; Roeck A.D.; Romeri V.D.; Vries J.D.; Dharmapalan R.; Dias M.; Diaz F.; Diaz J.; Domizio S.D.; Giulio L.D.; Ding P.; Noto L.D.; Distefano C.; Diurba R.; Diwan M.; Djurcic Z.; Dokania N.; Dolinski M.; Domine L.; Douglas D.; Drielsma F.; Duchesneau D.; Duffy K.; Dunne P.; Durkin T.; Duyang H.; Dvornikov O.; Dwyer D.; Dyshkant A.; Eads M.; Edmunds D.; Eisch J.; Emery S.; Ereditato A.; Escobar C.; Sanchez L.E.; Evans J.J.; Ewart E.; Ezeribe A.C.; Fahey K.; Falcone A.; Farnese C.; Farzan Y.; Felix J.; Fernandez-Martinez E.; Menendez P.F.; Ferraro F.; Fields L.; Filkins A.; Filthaut F.; Fitzpatrick R.S.; Flanagan W.; Fleming B.; Flight R.; Fowler J.; Fox W.; Franc J.; Francis K.; Franco D.; Freeman J.; Freestone J.; Fried J.; Friedland A.; Fuess S.; Furic I.; Furmanski A.P.; Gago A.; Gallagher H.; Gallego-Ros A.; Gallice N.; Galymov V.; Gamberini E.; Gamble T.; Gandhi R.; Gandrajula R.; Gao S.; Garcia-Gamez D.; Garcia-Peris M.A.; Gardiner S.; Gastler D.; Ge G.; Gelli B.; Gendotti A.; Gent S.; Ghorbani-Moghaddam Z.; Gibin D.; Gil-Botella I.; Girerd C.; Giri A.; Gnani D.; Gogota O.; Gold M.; Gollapinni S.; Gollwitzer K.; Gomes R.A.; Bermeo L.G.; Fajardo L.S.G.; Gonnella F.; Gonzalez-Cuevas J.; Goodman M.C.; Goodwin O.; Goswami S.; Gotti C.; Goudzovski E.; Grace C.; Graham M.; Gramellini E.; Gran R.; Granados E.; Grant A.; Grant C.; Gratieri D.; Green P.; Green S.; Greenler L.; Greenwood M.; Greer J.; Griffith C.; Groh M.; Grudzinski J.; Grzelak K.; Gu W.; Guarino V.; Guenette R.; Guglielmi A.; Guo B.; Guthikonda K.; Gutierrez R.; Guzowski P.; Guzzo M.M.; Gwon S.; Habig A.; Hackenburg A.; Hadavand H.; Haenni R.; Hahn A.; Haigh J.; Haiston J.; Hamernik T.; Hamilton P.; Han J.; Harder K.; Harris D.A.; Hartnell J.; Hasegawa T.; Hatcher R.; Hazen E.; Heavey A.; Heeger K.M.; Hennessy K.; Henry S.; Morquecho M.H.; Herner K.; Hertel L.; Hesam A.S.; Hewes J.; Pichardo A.H.; Hill T.; Hillier S.J.; Himmel A.; Hoff J.; Hohl C.; Holin A.; Hoppe E.; Horton-Smith G.A.; Hostert M.; Hourlier A.; Howard B.; Howell R.; Huang J.; Huang J.; Hugon J.; Iles G.; Iliescu A.M.; Illingworth R.; Ioannisian A.; Itay R.; Izmaylov A.; James E.; Jargowsky B.; Jediny F.; Jesus-Valls C.; Ji X.; Jiang L.; Jimenez S.; Jipa A.; Joglekar A.; Johnson C.; Johnson R.; Jones B.; Jones S.; Jung C.; Junk T.; Jwa Y.; Kabirnezhad M.; Kaboth A.; Kadenko I.; Kamiya F.; Karagiorgi G.; Karcher A.; Karolak M.; Karyotakis Y.; Kasai S.; Kasetti S.P.; Kashur L.; Kazaryan N.; Kearns E.; Keener P.; Kelly K.J.; Kemp E.; Ketchum W.; Kettell S.; Khabibullin M.; Khotjantsev A.; Khvedelidze A.; Kim D.; King B.; Kirby B.; Kirby M.; Klein J.; Koehler K.; Koerner L.W.; Kohn S.; Koller P.P.; Kordosky M.; Kosc T.; Kose U.; Kostelecky V.; Kothekar K.; Krennrich F.; Kreslo I.; Kudenko Y.; Kudryavtsev V.; Kulagin S.; Kumar J.; Kumar R.; Kuruppu C.; Kus V.; Kutter T.; Lambert A.; Lande K.; Lane C.E.; Lang K.; Langford T.; Lasorak P.; Last D.; Lastoria C.; Laundrie A.; Lawrence A.; Lazanu I.; Lazur R.; Le T.; Learned J.; Lebrun P.; Miotto G.L.; Lehnert R.; De Oliveira M.L.; Leitner M.; Leyton M.; Li L.; Li S.; Li S.; Li T.; Li Y.; Liao H.; Lin C.; Lin S.; Lister A.; Littlejohn B.R.; Liu J.; Lockwitz S.; Loew T.; Lokajicek M.; Lomidze I.; Long K.; Loo K.; Lorca D.; Lord T.; Losecco J.; Louis W.C.; Luk K.; Luo X.; Lurkin N.; Lux T.; Luzio V.P.; MacFarland D.; MacHado A.; MacHado P.; MacIas C.; MacIer J.; Maddalena A.; Madigan P.; Magill S.; Mahn K.; Maio A.; Maloney J.A.; Mandrioli G.; Maneira J.C.; Manenti L.; Manly S.; Mann A.; Manolopoulos K.; Plata M.M.; Marchionni A.; Marciano W.; Marfatia D.; Mariani C.; Maricic J.; Marinho F.; Marino A.D.; Marshak M.; Marshall C.; Marshall J.; Marteau J.; Martin-Albo J.; Martinez N.; Caicedo D.A.M.; Martynenko S.; Mason K.; Mastbaum A.; Masud M.; Matsuno S.; Matthews J.; Mauger C.; Mauri N.; Mavrokoridis K.; Mazza R.; Mazzacane A.; Mazzucato E.; McCluskey E.; McConkey N.; McFarland K.S.; McGrew C.; McNab A.; Mefodiev A.; Mehta P.; Melas P.; Mellinato M.; Mena O.; Menary S.; Mendez H.; Menegolli A.; Meng G.; Messier M.; Metcalf W.; Mewes M.; Meyer H.; Miao T.; Michna G.; Miedema T.; Migenda J.; Milincic R.; Miller W.; Mills J.; Milne C.; Mineev O.; Miranda O.G.; Miryala S.; Mishra C.; Mishra S.; Mislivec A.; Mladenov D.; Mocioiu I.; Moffat K.; Moggi N.; Mohanta R.; Mohayai T.A.; Mokhov N.; Molina J.A.; Bueno L.M.; Montanari A.; Montanari C.; Montanari D.; Zetina L.M.M.; Moon J.; Mooney M.; Moor A.; Moreno D.; Morgan B.; Morris C.; Mossey C.; Motuk E.; Moura C.A.; Mousseau J.; Mu W.; Mualem L.; Mueller J.; Muether M.; Mufson S.; Muheim F.; Muir A.; Mulhearn M.; Muramatsu H.; Murphy S.; Musser J.; Nachtman J.; Nagu S.; Nalbandyan M.; Nandakumar R.; Naples D.; Narita S.; Navas-Nicolas D.; Nayak N.; Nebot-Guinot M.; Necib L.; Negishi K.; Nelson J.K.; Nesbit J.; Nessi M.; Newbold D.; Newcomer M.; Newhart D.; Nichol R.; Niner E.; Nishimura K.; Norman A.; Northrop R.; Novella P.; Nowak J.A.; Oberling M.; Campo A.O.D.; Olivier A.; Onel Y.; Onishchuk Y.; Ott J.; Pagani L.; Pakvasa S.; Palamara O.; Palestini S.; Paley J.M.; Pallavicini M.; Palomares C.; Pantic E.; Paolone V.; Papadimitriou V.; Papaleo R.; Papanestis A.; Paramesvaran S.; Parke S.; Parsa Z.; Parvu M.; Pascoli S.; Pasqualini L.; Pasternak J.; Pater J.; Patrick C.; Patrizii L.; Patterson R.B.; Patton S.; Patzak T.; Paudel A.; Paulos B.; Paulucci L.; Pavlovic Z.; Pawloski G.; Payne D.; Pec V.; Peeters S.J.; Penichot Y.; Pennacchio E.; Penzo A.; Peres O.L.; Perry J.; Pershey D.; Pessina G.; Petrillo G.; Petta C.; Petti R.; Piastra F.; Pickering

    Dengue-2 and yellow fever 17DD viruses infect human dendritic cells, resulting in an induction of activation markers, cytokines and chemokines and secretion of different TNF-α and IFN-α profiles

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    Flaviviruses cause severe acute febrile and haemorrhagic infections, including dengue and yellow fever and the pathogenesis of these infections is caused by an exacerbated immune response. Dendritic cells (DCs) are targets for dengue virus (DENV) and yellow fever virus (YF) replication and are the first cell population to interact with these viruses during a natural infection, which leads to an induction of protective immunity in humans. We studied the infectivity of DENV2 (strain 16681), a YF vaccine (YF17DD) and a chimeric YF17D/DENV2 vaccine in monocyte-derived DCs in vitro with regard to cell maturation, activation and cytokine production. Higher viral antigen positive cell frequencies were observed for DENV2 when compared with both vaccine viruses. Flavivirus-infected cultures exhibited dendritic cell activation and maturation molecules. CD38 expression on DCs was enhanced for both DENV2 and YF17DD, whereas OX40L expression was decreased as compared to mock-stimulated cells, suggesting that a T helper 1 profile is favoured. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α production in cell cultures was significantly higher in DENV2-infected cultures than in cultures infected with YF17DD or YF17D/DENV. In contrast, the vaccines induced higher IFN-α levels than DENV2. The differential cytokine production indicates that DENV2 results in TNF induction, which discriminates it from vaccine viruses that preferentially stimulate interferon expression. These differential response profiles may influence the pathogenic infection outcome

    Volume III DUNE far detector technical coordination

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    The preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early universe, the dynamics of the supernovae that produced the heavy elements necessary for life, and whether protons eventually decay—these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are key to understanding the early evolution of our universe, its current state, and its eventual fate. The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions as it searches for leptonic charge-parity symmetry violation, stands ready to capture supernova neutrino bursts, and seeks to observe nucleon decay as a signature of a grand unified theory underlying the standard model. The DUNE far detector technical design report (TDR) describes the DUNE physics program and the technical designs of the single- and dual-phase DUNE liquid argon TPC far detector modules. Volume III of this TDR describes how the activities required to design, construct, fabricate, install, and commission the DUNE far detector modules are organized and managed. This volume details the organizational structures that will carry out and/or oversee the planned far detector activities safely, successfully, on time, and on budget. It presents overviews of the facilities, supporting infrastructure, and detectors for context, and it outlines the project-related functions and methodologies used by the DUNE technical coordination organization, focusing on the areas of integration engineering, technical reviews, quality assurance and control, and safety oversight. Because of its more advanced stage of development, functional examples presented in this volume focus primarily on the single-phase (SP) detector module

    Separation of track- and shower-like energy deposits in ProtoDUNE-SP using a convolutional neural network

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    Liquid argon time projection chamber detector technology provides high spatial and calorimetric resolutions on the charged particles traversing liquid argon. As a result, the technology has been used in a number of recent neutrino experiments, and is the technology of choice for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). In order to perform high precision measurements of neutrinos in the detector, final state particles need to be effectively identified, and their energy accurately reconstructed. This article proposes an algorithm based on a convolutional neural network to perform the classification of energy deposits and reconstructed particles as track-like or arising from electromagnetic cascades. Results from testing the algorithm on data from ProtoDUNE-SP, a prototype of the DUNE far detector, are presented. The network identifies track- and shower-like particles, as well as Michel electrons, with high efficiency. The performance of the algorithm is consistent between data and simulation

    Separation of track- and shower-like energy deposits in ProtoDUNE-SP using a convolutional neural network

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    Liquid argon time projection chamber detector technology provides high spatial and calorimetric resolutions on the charged particles traversing liquid argon. As a result, the technology has been used in a number of recent neutrino experiments, and is the technology of choice for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). In order to perform high precision measurements of neutrinos in the detector, final state particles need to be effectively identified, and their energy accurately reconstructed. This article proposes an algorithm based on a convolutional neural network to perform the classification of energy deposits and reconstructed particles as track-like or arising from electromagnetic cascades. Results from testing the algorithm on experimental data from ProtoDUNE-SP, a prototype of the DUNE far detector, are presented. The network identifies track- and shower-like particles, as well as Michel electrons, with high efficiency. The performance of the algorithm is consistent between experimental data and simulation

    Survival of HIV-infected patients after starting tuberculosis treatment: a prospective cohort study.

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    OBJECTIVES: To estimate the probability of survival and to evaluate risk factors for death in a cohort of persons living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV) who had started tuberculosis (TB) treatment. METHODS: A prospective cohort study was conducted between June 2007 and December 2009 with HIV-infected patients who had started anti-tuberculosis treatment in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Survival data were analysed using the Kaplan-Meier estimator, the log-rank test and the Cox model. Hazard ratios and their respective 95%CIs were estimated. RESULTS: Of a cohort of 2310 HIV-positive individuals, 333 patients who had commenced treatment for TB were analysed. The mortality rate was 5.25 per 10,000 person-years (95%CI 4.15-6.63). The probability of survival at 30 months was 74%. Risk factors for death in the study population were being female, age ≥30 years, having anaemia, not using highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) during treatment for TB and disseminated TB. Protective factors for death were a CD4 lymphocyte count >200 cells/mm(3) and treatment for TB having started in an out-patient clinic. CONCLUSIONS: The use of HAART can prevent deaths among HIV-TB patients, corroborating the efficacy of starting HAART early in individuals with TB

    A systematic review of the physical and chemical characteristics of pollutants from biomass burning and combustion of fossil fuels and health effects in Brazil

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    The aim of this study was to carry out a review of scientific literature published in Brazil between 2000 and 2009 on the characteristics of air pollutants from different emission sources, especially particulate matter (PM) and its effects on respiratory health. Using electronic databases, a systematic literature review was performed of all research related to air pollutant emissions. Publications were analyzed to identify the physical and chemical characteristics of pollutants from different emission sources and their related effects on the respiratory system. The PM2.5 is composed predominantly of organic compounds with 20% of inorganic elements. Higher concentrations of metals were detected in metropolitan areas than in biomass burning regions. The relative risk of hospital admissions due to respiratory diseases in children was higher than in the elderly population. The results of studies of health effects of air pollution are specific to the region where the emissions occurred and should not be used to depict the situation in other areas with different emission sources