1,764 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics and the intrinsic stability of lead halide perovskites CH3NH3PbX3

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    The role of thermodynamics in assessing the intrinsic instability of the CH3NH3PbX3 perovskites (X = Cl,Br,I) is outlined on the basis of the available experimental information. Possible decomposition/degradation pathways driven by the inherent instability of the material are considered. The decomposition to precursors CH3NH3X(s) and PbX2(s) is first analysed, pointing out the importance of both the enthalpic and the entropic factor, the latter playing a stabilizing role making the stability higher than often asserted. For CH3NH3PbI3 the disagreement between the available calorimetric results makes the stability prediction uncertain. Subsequently, the gas-releasing decomposition paths are discussed, with emphasis on the discrepant results presently available, probably reflecting the predominance of thermodynamic or kinetic control. The competition between the formation of NH3(g)+CH3X(g), CH3NH2(g)+HX(g) or CH3NH3X(g) is analysed, in comparison with the thermal decomposition of methylammonium halides. In view of the scarce and inconclusive thermodynamic studies to-date available, the need for further experimental data is emphasized

    Metric projective geometry, BGG detour complexes and partially massless gauge theories

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    A projective geometry is an equivalence class of torsion free connections sharing the same unparametrised geodesics; this is a basic structure for understanding physical systems. Metric projective geometry is concerned with the interaction of projective and pseudo-Riemannian geometry. We show that the BGG machinery of projective geometry combines with structures known as Yang-Mills detour complexes to produce a general tool for generating invariant pseudo-Riemannian gauge theories. This produces (detour) complexes of differential operators corresponding to gauge invariances and dynamics. We show, as an application, that curved versions of these sequences give geometric characterizations of the obstructions to propagation of higher spins in Einstein spaces. Further, we show that projective BGG detour complexes generate both gauge invariances and gauge invariant constraint systems for partially massless models: the input for this machinery is a projectively invariant gauge operator corresponding to the first operator of a certain BGG sequence. We also connect this technology to the log-radial reduction method and extend the latter to Einstein backgrounds.Comment: 30 pages, LaTe

    Poincare-Einstein Holography for Forms via Conformal Geometry in the Bulk

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    We study higher form Proca equations on Einstein manifolds with boundary data along conformal infinity. We solve these Laplace-type boundary problems formally, and to all orders, by constructing an operator which projects arbitrary forms to solutions. We also develop a product formula for solving these asymptotic problems in general. The central tools of our approach are (i) the conformal geometry of differential forms and the associated exterior tractor calculus, and (ii) a generalised notion of scale which encodes the connection between the underlying geometry and its boundary. The latter also controls the breaking of conformal invariance in a very strict way by coupling conformally invariant equations to the scale tractor associated with the generalised scale. From this, we obtain a map from existing solutions to new ones that exchanges Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. Together, the scale tractor and exterior structure extend the solution generating algebra of [31] to a conformally invariant, Poincare--Einstein calculus on (tractor) differential forms. This calculus leads to explicit holographic formulae for all the higher order conformal operators on weighted differential forms, differential complexes, and Q-operators of [9]. This complements the results of Aubry and Guillarmou [3] where associated conformal harmonic spaces parametrise smooth solutions.Comment: 85 pages, LaTeX, typos corrected, references added, to appear in Memoirs of the AM

    Quantum Gravity and Causal Structures: Second Quantization of Conformal Dirac Algebras

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    It is postulated that quantum gravity is a sum over causal structures coupled to matter via scale evolution. Quantized causal structures can be described by studying simple matrix models where matrices are replaced by an algebra of quantum mechanical observables. In particular, previous studies constructed quantum gravity models by quantizing the moduli of Laplace, weight and defining-function operators on Fefferman-Graham ambient spaces. The algebra of these operators underlies conformal geometries. We extend those results to include fermions by taking an osp(1|2) "Dirac square root" of these algebras. The theory is a simple, Grassmann, two-matrix model. Its quantum action is a Chern-Simons theory whose differential is a first-quantized, quantum mechanical BRST operator. The theory is a basic ingredient for building fundamental theories of physical observables.Comment: 4 pages, LaTe

    Elective Recital: Kristin A. Latini, double bass

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    Rediscovering the scientific and didactic value of minor herbarium collections: the seeds and fruits collection by Gustavo Bonaventura

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    Seeds and fruits collections are very important from a systematic point of view and represent useful references in several disciplines and research fields. The Herbarium of Sapienza University of Rome (RO) hosts a Spermoteque/Carpoteque, which was organized by Gustavo Bonaventura (1902-1976). The purpose of this paper is to describe the heritage of Bonaventura's collection. It consists of 42 wooden boxes, globally hosting 3411 glass tubes containing seeds, fruits, and other materials. The collection was first of all catalogued; then, analysis were conducted regarding taxonomic composition, temporal and geographic coverage, institutions of provenience, collectors, content, and preservation status. The specimens refer to 2740 taxa, belonging to 890 genera and 135 families. Many genera of agricultural interest are present, each one with different cultivars. The collection spans across 130 years (1843-1975) and hosts specimens coming from all over the world. Materials were provided by several herbaria, botanical gardens and agrarian institutes, and by 50 collectors. The Bonaventura's collection is still a useful reference collection, testifying biodiversity over times and thus being useful for diachronic studies; moreover, it documents the interests of collectors and the past network activity between institutions

    Charge dynamics in molecular junctions: Nonequilibrium Green's Function approach made fast

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    Real-time Green's function simulations of molecular junctions (open quantum systems) are typically performed by solving the Kadanoff-Baym equations (KBE). The KBE, however, impose a serious limitation on the maximum propagation time due to the large memory storage needed. In this work we propose a simplified Green's function approach based on the Generalized Kadanoff-Baym Ansatz (GKBA) to overcome the KBE limitation on time, significantly speed up the calculations, and yet stay close to the KBE results. This is achieved through a twofold advance: first we show how to make the GKBA work in open systems and then construct a suitable quasi-particle propagator that includes correlation effects in a diagrammatic fashion. We also provide evidence that our GKBA scheme, although already in good agreement with the KBE approach, can be further improved without increasing the computational cost.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Quantum Darboux theorem

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    The problem of computing quantum mechanical propagators can be recast as a computation of a Wilson line operator for parallel transport by a flat connection acting on a vector bundle of wave functions. In this picture, the base manifold is an odd-dimensional symplectic geometry, or quite generically a contact manifold that can be viewed as a "phase-spacetime,"while the fibers are Hilbert spaces. This approach enjoys a "quantum Darboux theorem"that parallels the Darboux theorem on contact manifolds which turns local classical dynamics into straight lines. We detail how the quantum Darboux theorem works for anharmonic quantum potentials. In particular, we develop a novel diagrammatic approach for computing the asymptotics of a gauge transformation that locally makes complicated quantum dynamics trivial

    The symplectic origin of conformal and Minkowski superspaces

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    Supermanifolds provide a very natural ground to understand and handle supersymmetry from a geometric point of view; supersymmetry in d=3,4,6d=3,4,6 and 1010 dimensions is also deeply related to the normed division algebras. In this paper we want to show the link between the conformal group and certain types of symplectic transformations over division algebras. Inspired by this observation we then propose a new\,realization of the real form of the 4 dimensional conformal and Minkowski superspaces we obtain, respectively, as a Lagrangian supermanifold over the twistor superspace C4∣1\mathbb{C}^{4|1} and a big cell inside it. The beauty of this approach is that it naturally generalizes to the 6 dimensional case (and possibly also to the 10 dimensional one) thus providing an elegant and uniform characterization of the conformal superspaces.Comment: 15 pages, references added, minor change
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