188 research outputs found

    Lattice models for granular-like velocity fields: Finite-size effects

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    Long-range spatial correlations in the velocity and energy fields of a granular fluid are discussed in the framework of a 1d lattice model. The dynamics of the velocity field occurs through nearest-neighbour inelastic collisions that conserve momentum but dissipate energy. A set of equations for the fluctuating hydrodynamics of the velocity and energy mesoscopic fields give a first approximation for (i) the velocity structure factor and (ii) the finite-size correction to the Haff law, both in the homogeneous cooling regime. At a more refined level, we have derived the equations for the two-site velocity correlations and the total energy fluctuations. First, we seek a perturbative solution thereof, in powers of the inverse of system size. On the one hand, when scaled with the granular temperature, the velocity correlations tend to a stationary value in the long time limit. On the other hand, the scaled standard deviation of the total energy diverges, that is, the system shows multiscaling. Second, we find an exact solution for the velocity correlations in terms of the spectrum of eigenvalues of a certain matrix. The results of numerical simulations of the microscopic model confirm our theoretical results, including the above described multiscaling phenomenon

    Chemical modeling for pH prediction of acidified musts with gypsum and tartaric acid in warm regions

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    Winemaking of musts acidified with up to 3 g/L of gypsum (CaSO4 2H2O) and tartaric acid, both individually and in combination, as well as a chemical modeling have been carried out to study the behaviour of these compounds as acidifiers. Prior to fermentation gypsum and tartaric acid reduce the pH by 0.12 and 0.17 pH units/g/L, respectively, but while gypsum does not increase the total acidity and reduces buffering power, tartaric acid shows the opposite behaviour. When these compounds were used in combination, the doses of tartaric acid necessary to reach a suitable pH were reduced. Calcium concentrations increase considerably in gypsum-acidified must, although they fell markedly after fermentation over time. Sulfate concentrations also increased, although with doses of 2 g/L they were lower than the maximum permitted level (2.5 g/L). Chemical modeling gave good results and the errors in pH predictions were less than 5% in almost all case

    La agricultura marginal como fuente de sedimentos en el Pirineo Central

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    [Resumen] La agricultura cerealista ha ocupado grandes extensiones en los valles pirenaicos, en exposiciones solanas por debajo de 1600 m de altitud. En este artículo se estudia el papel de la agricultura tradicional en la producción de sedimentos y la degradación del paisaje. Por medio de parcelas experimentales puede afirmarse que la agricultura itinerante y el barbecho han dado lugar a pérdidas de suelo muy elevadas y explican la pedregosidad superficial de mu.chas laderas. En el caso de la agricultura itinerante (articas), la quema de matorral y la incorporación de cenizas al suelo como fertilizante no contribuía a mejorar sustancialmente la calidad de los suelos.[Abstract] Cereal cropping has occupied large extent in the Pyrenean valleys, on sunny aspects under 1.600 m a.s.l. In this paper the role of traditional farming on sediment yield and landscape degradation is studied. By means of experimental plots the authors conclude than shifting agriculture an fallow land have caused great soil losses and explain the surface stoniness in many hillslopes. In the case of shifting agriculture, the burning of the shrub cover and the use of ashes as fertilizer did not contribute to improve the quality of soil

    Análisis de la fábrica magnética en modelos analógicos de arcillas

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    Este estudio presenta el análisis de la fábrica magnética en una serie de modelos analógicos realizados con arcillas rojas comerciales. A partir de la disgregación de la arcilla en agua y su posterior decantación conseguimos reproducir la adquisición de una fábrica magnética deposicional (geometría oblata del elipsoide magnético con el eje mínimo de susceptibilidad perpendicular al plano de depósito). En un modelo de deformación de desgarre (experimento de Riedel), la lineación magnética se dispone paralela a la dirección de estiramiento. En el modelo de acortamiento, la lineación magnética se orienta perpendicular a la dirección de acortamiento. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto el gran potencial de la arcilla roja comercial para ser utilizada en este tipo de modelos analógicos, así como su capacidad de registrar una fábrica magnética coherente en cada caso. This study shows the magnetic fabric analysis applied to several analogue models developed with common commercial red clays. By dispersing the clays in water and after allowing their subsequent decan-tation, we were able to reproduce the acquisition of a depositional magnetic fabric (oblate geometry of the magnetic ellipsoid with the minimum susceptibility axis perpendicular to the deposit plane). In a strike-slip deformation model (Riedel experiment), magnetic lineation is parallel to the stretching direction. In the shortening model, magnetic lineation orients perpendicular to the shortening direction. The obtained results illustrate the great potential of these commercial red clays to be used in this type of analogue models, as well as their capacity to register a coherent magnetic fabric in each case

    Tethyan versus Iberian extension during the Cretaceous period in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula: insights from magnetic fabrics

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    This work investigates how anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) recorded the strain related to the Early Cretaceous extensional processes in synrift sediments of the Maestrat basin (eastern Spain). Forty-two sites, distributed throughout the Lower Cretaceous sequence with dominant gentle dips, were sampled. Minerals contributing to the AMS are mainly phyllosilicates. The parallelism between magnetic and sedimentary foliation seems to indicate that a primary (synsedimentary and early diagenetic) magnetic fabric was preserved at 84% of sites. Consequently, preferred orientations of magnetic lineations are interpreted to record the effect of extensional processes coeval with sedimentation and diagenesis during this period. At these 35 sites, two main magnetic lineation orientations are found, delimiting two large domains: a NE–SW orientation prevailing in the NW sector of the basin (parallel to the extension direction of the Iberian basin), and NW–SE to NNW–SSE orientations to the SE (parallel to the extension direction controlling the western Tethys margin). Directional variability demonstrates that the Maestrat basin is located at the boundary between two domains (Iberian and Tethyan) undergoing different plate-scale extensional processes. The subsequent Cenozoic tectonic inversion affected the synsedimentary magnetic fabrics at only a few sites at the borders of the basin, where compressive features are more developed

    Multidisciplinary approach to constrain kinematics of fault zones at shallow depths: a case study from the Cameros–Demanda thrust (North Spain)

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    Determining transport direction in thrusts is one of the main issues to study deformation and to achieve reliable balanced cross-sections reconstruction of inverted basins and thrust systems. Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility provides a tool to study deformation in fault rocks through the relationships between the magnetic susceptibility ellipsoid and deformational structures. The Cameros-Demanda Thrust (N Spain) shows a relatively simple history, with an average N-directed movement during the Cenozoic, and provides the possibility of determining the relationships between magnetic fabrics and transport directions in thrusts. The outcropping rocks are Mesozoic limestones in the hangingwall of the main thrust and Cenozoic conglomerates and Albian sandstones and coal in its footwall. Illite crystallinity and organic matter maturity indicate P-T conditions on the order of....The study of AMS in fault rocks (more than 400 samples distributed in 25 sites with fault gouge, breccia and microbreccia) in the Cameros thrust and its comparison with kinematic indicators (foliation, S/C structures and slickenside striations) indicates, in spite of the a priori simple relationships inferred from thrust geometry, a complex history of movements, changing from top-to-the-NW to top-to-the-NE along the history of Cenozoic thrusting. The transport direction is either oblique to the magnetic lineation and perpendicular to the strike of magnetic foliation, and can be checked with shear structures observed in thin sections and other kinematic indicators. The results obtained indicate that AMS can give clues about the transport direction in thrusts depending on the particular structures developed in each studied area

    Longitudinal analysis of blood DNA methylation identifies mechanisms of response to tumor necrosis factor inhibitor therapy in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, immune-mediated inflammatory disease of the joints that has been associated with variation in the peripheral blood methylome. In this study, we aim to identify epigenetic variation that is associated with the response to tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi) therapy.Peripheral blood genome-wide DNA methylation profiles were analyzed in a discovery cohort of 62 RA patients at baseline and at week 12 of TNFi therapy. DNA methylation of individual CpG sites and enrichment of biological pathways were evaluated for their association with drug response. Using a novel cell deconvolution approach, altered DNA methylation associated with TNFi response was also tested in the six main immune cell types in blood. Validation of the results was performed in an independent longitudinal cohort of 60 RA patients.Treatment with TNFi was associated with significant longitudinal peripheral blood methylation changes in biological pathways related to RA (FDR<0.05). 139 biological functions were modified by therapy, with methylation levels changing systematically towards a signature similar to that of healthy controls. Differences in the methylation profile of T cell activation and differentiation, GTPase-mediated signaling, and actin filament organization pathways were associated with the clinical response to therapy. Cell type deconvolution analysis identified CpG sites in CD4+T, NK, neutrophils and monocytes that were significantly associated with the response to TNFi.Our results show that treatment with TNFi restores homeostatic blood methylation in RA. The clinical response to TNFi is associated to methylation variation in specific biological pathways, and it involves cells from both the innate and adaptive immune systems.The Instituto de Salud Carlos III.Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved