24 research outputs found

    Adiposity, hormone replacement therapy use and breast cancer risk by age and hormone receptor status: a large prospective cohort study

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    INTRODUCTION: Associations of hormone-receptor positive breast cancer with excess adiposity are reasonably well characterized; however, uncertainty remains regarding the association of body mass index (BMI) with hormone-receptor negative malignancies, and possible interactions by hormone replacement therapy (HRT) use. METHODS: Within the European EPIC cohort, Cox proportional hazards models were used to describe the relationship of BMI, waist and hip circumferences with risk of estrogen-receptor (ER) negative and progesterone-receptor (PR) negative (n = 1,021) and ER+PR+ (n = 3,586) breast tumors within five-year age bands. Among postmenopausal women, the joint effects of BMI and HRT use were analyzed. RESULTS: For risk of ER-PR- tumors, there was no association of BMI across the age bands. However, when analyses were restricted to postmenopausal HRT never users, a positive risk association with BMI (third versus first tertile HR = 1.47 (1.01 to 2.15)) was observed. BMI was inversely associated with ER+PR+ tumors among women aged ≀49 years (per 5 kg/m2 increase, HR = 0.79 (95%CI 0.68 to 0.91)), and positively associated with risk among women ≄65 years (HR = 1.25 (1.16 to 1.34)). Adjusting for BMI, waist and hip circumferences showed no further associations with risks of breast cancer subtypes. Current use of HRT was significantly associated with an increased risk of receptor-negative (HRT current use compared to HRT never use HR: 1.30 (1.05 to 1.62)) and positive tumors (HR: 1.74 (1.56 to 1.95)), although this risk increase was weaker for ER-PR- disease (Phet = 0.035). The association of HRT was significantly stronger in the leaner women (BMI ≀22.5 kg/m2) than for more overweight women (BMI ≄25.9 kg/m2) for, both, ER-PR- (HR: 1.74 (1.15 to 2.63)) and ER+PR+ (HR: 2.33 (1.84 to 2.92)) breast cancer and was not restricted to any particular HRT regime. CONCLUSIONS: An elevated BMI may be positively associated with risk of ER-PR- tumors among postmenopausal women who never used HRT. Furthermore, postmenopausal HRT users were at an increased risk of ER-PR- as well as ER+PR+ tumors, especially among leaner women. For hormone-receptor positive tumors, but not for hormone-receptor negative tumors, our study confirms an inverse association of risk with BMI among young women of premenopausal age. Our data provide evidence for a possible role of sex hormones in the etiology of hormone-receptor negative tumors

    EnquĂȘte sur le portage de Staphylocoque dorĂ© rĂ©sistant Ă  la mĂ©ticilline en salle de surveillance post-interventionnelle

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    Les salles de surveillance post-interventionnelles sont des structures en salle commune avec une charge de soins infirmiers importante pouvant ĂȘtre Ă  l'origine de la transmission croisĂ©e du SARM.Dans cette Ă©tude prospective rĂ©alisĂ©e sur une pĂ©riode de 15 jours, nous avons recherchĂ© Ă  Ă©valuer la prĂ©valence du portage de SARM parmi les patients de SSPI, les facteurs de risques de ce portage et le risque de transmission, Ă©value par le nombre de patients ayant Ă©tĂ© en contact au sein de la SSPI avec un patient porteur de SARM.Parmi les 255 patients Ă©tudiĂ©s, 7 patients, correspondant Ă  10 admissions, Ă©taient porteurs de SARM. Les facteurs de risque retrouvĂ©s en analyse univariĂ©e d'un portage de SARM Ă©taient une classe ASA et Altemeier supĂ©rieures Ă  2, la durĂ©e d'hospitalisation dans l'annĂ©e et en prĂ©-opĂ©ratoire, une antibiothĂ©rapieedans l'annĂ©e et la prĂ©sence d'une sonde vĂ©sicale. MalgrĂ© une faible prĂ©valence du portage de SARM(2.7%), prĂ©s d'un tiers de l'ensemble des patients a Ă©tĂ© en contact avec au moins un porteur de SARM. Ces rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent le risque potentiel important de transmission croisĂ©e et plaident pour l'application de mesures strictes d'hygiĂ©ne en SSPI.PARIS7-Villemin (751102101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    L'eau, enjeux politiques et théologiques, de Sumer à la Bible

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    La présente thÚse investit un corpus d'inscriptions royales et de textes littéraires, plus particuliÚrement mythologiques et bibliques, sur plusieurs millénaires depuis Sumer jusqu'à la Bible, afin d'identifier les motifs littéraires de l'eau, de repérer leur transmission, leur évolution, les possibilités d'emprunt, et surtout d'interroger leurs fonctions au sein de l idéologie du temps, leurs enjeux politiques et théologiques. Trois motifs littéraires sont ainsi étudiés de maniÚres approfondies : la traversée, le déluge et l'eau d abondance. L'étude montre des fonctionnements littéraires divers dans leur évolution, leur transmission et leur réception. Pourtant, en Mésopotamie, ils révÚlent leur enjeu commun au sein d'une théologie politique de la médiation royale. Le roi, déluge de son dieu traverse sans cesse au- delà du déluge afin de puiser l eau d'abondance, l'eau pérenne d'une civilisation éternelle. Les emprunts bibliques fonctionnent dÚs lors comme des "dés-emprunts" au service d une théologie de la révélation de la Torah et non de la médiation royale.This thesis investigates a corpus of royal inscriptions and literary texts, with special emphasis on those that are mythological and biblical, stretching over several millennia from the early days of Sumer to the bibilical period, in order to determine the ways in which the concept of water was used. It traces the transmission and evolution of these motifs, their interrelationship, and in particular the way they function in the political and theological ideology of their time. Three literary motifs are the object of a careful study: the crossing of water, the flood and the water of abundance. Though their study shows diversity in their evolution, transmission and reception, it appears that their function is common at the heart of the Mesopotamian political theology of royal mediation. The king as the deluge of his god crossess the flood again and again in order to have the primeval waters of abundance and life flow for the eternity of civilisation and royal institution. The same could not be said biblical reception where the motifs though borrowedd serve a radically "new" theology revealing the Torah at its heart.PARIS4-BU Serpente (751052129) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Design Patterns en EIAH : vers un langage de Patterns pour l'Ă©valuation des apprenants

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    National audienceDans cet article nous prĂ©sentons un premier ensemble de 17 Design Patterns (DP) pour la conception dEIAH qui Ă©valuent des apprenants en situation de rĂ©solution de problĂšmes, par exemple des problĂšmes mathĂ©matiques, logiques ou de programmation. La dĂ©marche dĂ©valuation dĂ©crite par ces DPs comporte trois Ă©tapes : premiĂšrement, recueil et analyse des informations sur un seul apprenant pour un seul exercice, deuxiĂšmement construction dune vue gĂ©nĂ©rale sur lactivitĂ© individuelle dun apprenant sur un ensemble dexercices et, troisiĂšmement Ă©laboration dune vue gĂ©nĂ©rale sur lactivitĂ© de toute une classe sur un mĂȘme ensemble dexercices. Nous montrons comment cet ensemble de DPs mis au point pour capitaliser lexpĂ©rience de plusieurs projets menĂ©s par les co-auteurs rend compte Ă©galement de la conception de lĂ©valuation des apprenants dans dautres EIAH dĂ©crits dans la littĂ©rature. Nous soutenons que lapproche Design Pattern facilite la communication entre les disciplines intervenant dans la conception des EIAH et permet de capturer leur expĂ©rience de conception afin de faciliter la rĂ©utilisation dans des projets Ă  venir, de cumuler les rĂ©sultats de recherche et de participer Ă  la formation des jeunes chercheurs du domaine. Lensemble de DPs prĂ©sentĂ©s ici est un premier pas en ce sens

    A Structured set of Design Patterns for Learners' Assessment

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    International audienceIn this paper we present a structured set of Design Patterns (DPs) that deals with trackingstudents while they solve problem in specific domains such as programming or mathematics. Ourcollection of 17 DPs yields a three step approach: First step: to collect and analyze information oneach student for each exercise; Second step: to build a higher level view of one student's activity ona set of exercises; Third step: to build an overview of the whole class activity. To evaluate our DPset we investigate whether our DPs account for experiences from the literature as a first step towarda Pattern Language for Students’ Assessment

    Design Patterns pour l’évaluation des apprenants dans un EIAH

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    This paper presents a structured set of 17 Design Patterns (DP for short). These DPs target the design of learning systems that assess learners while solving problems, for example problems in mathematics, logic or programming. Learners’ assessment is a three step approach : first collect and analyse data while a learner solves a problem, second overview of a learner’s activity across a set of exercises and third overview of the activity of a group of learners on a set of exercises. This set of DPs has emerged as a way of capitalizing on the work done by the co-authors while sharing their experience in this area. We show that these DPs do account for other experiences taken from the literature. In our opinion, writing sets of DPs is a way to facilitate communication in pluridisciplinary teams for the design of e-learning systems. The present set is a step in that direction.Dans cet article nous prĂ©sentons un premier ensemble de 17 Design Patterns (DP) pour la conception d’EIAH qui Ă©valuent des apprenants en situation de rĂ©solution de problĂšmes. La dĂ©marche d’évaluation dĂ©crite par ces DPs comporte trois Ă©tapes : premiĂšrement, recueil et analyse des informations sur un seul apprenant pour un seul exercice, deuxiĂšmement construction d’une vue gĂ©nĂ©rale sur l’activitĂ© individuelle d’un apprenant sur un ensemble d’exercices et, troisiĂšmement Ă©laboration d’une vue gĂ©nĂ©rale sur l’activitĂ© de toute une classe sur un mĂȘme ensemble d’exercices. Nous montrons que cet ensemble de DPs capitalisant l’expĂ©rience de plusieurs projets menĂ©s par les co-auteurs rend compte Ă©galement de la conception de l’évaluation des apprenants dans d’autres EIAH dĂ©crits dans la littĂ©rature. Nous soutenons que l’approche Design Pattern facilite la communication entre les disciplines intervenant dans la conception des EIAH et permet de capturer leur expĂ©rience de conception pour faciliter la rĂ©utilisation dans des projets Ă  venir. L’ensemble de DPs prĂ©sentĂ©s ici est un premier pas en ce sens.Delozanne Elisabeth, Le Calvez Françoise, Merceron Agathe, Labat Jean-Marc. Design Patterns pour l’évaluation des apprenants dans un EIAH. In: Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation, volume 14, 2007. Les Dimensions Ă©motionnelles de l'interaction dans un EIAH/Analyses des traces d'utilisation dans les EIAH. pp. 45-80

    Number and Replating Capacity of Endothelial Colony‐Forming Cells are Telomere Length Dependent: Implication for Human Atherogenesis

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    International audienceBackground Short leukocyte telomere length (TL) is associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Endothelial repair plays a key role in the development of atherosclerosis. The objective was to examine associations between TL and proliferative dynamics of endothelial colony‐forming cells (ECFCs), which behave as progenitor cells displaying endothelial repair activity. Methods and Results To isolate ECFCs, we performed a clonogenic assay on blood samples from 116 participants (aged 24–94 years) in the TELARTA (Telomere in Arterial Aging) cohort study. We detected no ECFC clones in 29 (group 1), clones with no replating capacity in other 29 (group 2), and clones with replating capacity in the additional 58 (group 3). Leukocyte TL was measured by Southern blotting and ECFCs (ECFC‐TL). Age‐ and sex‐adjusted leukocyte TL (mean±SEM) was the shortest in group 1 (6.51±0.13 kb), longer in group 2 (6.69±0.13 kb), and the longest in group 3 (6.78±0.09 kb) ( P <0.05). In group 3, ECFC‐TL was associated with the number of detected clones ( P <0.01). ECFC‐TL (7.98±0.13 kb) was longer than leukocyte TL (6.74±0.012 kb) ( P <0.0001) and both parameters were strongly correlated ( r =0.82; P <0.0001). Conclusions Individuals with longer telomeres display a higher number of self‐renewing ECFCs. Our results also indicate that leukocyte TL, as a proxy of TL dynamics in ECFCs, could be used as a surrogate marker of endothelial repair capacity in clinical and laboratory practice because of easy accessibility of leukocytes. Registration URL: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov ; Unique identifier: NCT02176941

    Functional Impairment of Endothelial Colony Forming Cells (ECFC) in Patients with Severe Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD)

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    International audienceEndothelial dysfunction is a key factor in atherosclerosis. However, the link between endothelial repair and severity of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is unclear. This study investigates the relationship between ASCVD, markers of inflammation, and circulating endothelial progenitor cells, namely hematopoietic cells with paracrine angiogenic activity and endothelial colony forming cells (ECFC). Two hundred and forty-three subjects from the TELARTA study were classified according to the presence of clinical atherosclerotic disease. ASCVD severity was assessed by the number of involved vascular territories. Flow cytometry was used to numerate circulating progenitor cells (PC) expressing CD34 and those co-expressing CD45, CD34, and KDR. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells ex vivo culture methods were used to determine ECFC and Colony Forming Unit- endothelial cells (CFU-EC). The ECFC subpopulation was analyzed for proliferation, senescence, and vasculogenic properties. Plasma levels of IL-6 and VEGF-A were measured using Cytokine Array. Despite an increased number of circulating precursors in ASCVD patients, ASCVD impaired the colony forming capacity and the angiogenic properties of ECFC in a severity-dependent manner. Alteration of ECFC was associated with increased senescent phenotype and IL-6 levels. Our study demonstrates a decrease in ECFC repair capacity according to ASCVD severity in an inflammatory and senescence-associated secretory phenotype context

    FantĂŽmes d’écrivains

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    Par quoi les Ă©crivains sont-ils habitĂ©s ? Souvent par d’autres Ă©crivains. Pas seulement parce qu’ils s’influencent ou s’inspirent les uns les autres mais parce que parfois ils Ă©crivent Ă  l’ombre de l’Ɠuvre d’un autre, Ă  la lumiĂšre du rayonnement laissĂ© par un confrĂšre cĂ©lĂšbre, vivant ou mort, qu’ils admirent, qu’ils fuient, qui les enrichit ou les entrave. Ils Ă©crivent alors en contrepoint de l’Ɠuvre d’un autre, en dialogue ou en rĂ©sistance. Ils sont travaillĂ©s par la prĂ©sence d’un aĂźnĂ© ou d’un contemporain qui est pour eux une autoritĂ© Ă  honorer, Ă  dĂ©passer, Ă  combattre. Ce rapport Ă  l’écrivain est une occasion de fĂ©conditĂ©, de rivalitĂ©, au pire un vĂ©ritable empĂȘchement. Dans tous les cas, cette intime obsession, cette hantise les oblige Ă  trouver leur propre voix, chercher leur propre espace et plus largement, dĂ©cider du sens qu’ils donnent Ă  leur propre quĂȘte. Ces fantĂŽmes d’écrivains sont donc bien ce qui hante leur crĂ©ation : ils la visitent et l’inquiĂštent, la rendent plus vivante, plus personnelle, la forcent Ă  affirmer ses contours, fĂ»t-ce dans la destruction de cette figure intĂ©rieure qu’elle porte en elle et que tout Ă  la fois elle enfouit et exhibe. Il s’agissait donc de traquer les fantĂŽmes dont est peuplĂ©e la littĂ©rature
 Les articles de ce recueil explorent divers cas de relation intime entre un Ă©crivain et un autre, diverses conditions singuliĂšres de crĂ©ation « hantĂ©e »