5,609 research outputs found

    Cristinalidad de caolinitas en yacimientos de bauxitas carsticas del NE España

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    La mineralogía de las bauxitas cársticas de la Península Ibérica presenta una gran monotonía, estando fundamentalmente formadas por caolinita, boelunita, hematites y rutilo. Se ha medido la cristalinidad de caolinitas de más de veinte afloramientos de bauxitas cársticas, utilizando el método de Hinckley y el test de la hidrazina. El espesor medio de· los cristales de caolinita, se ha calculado en estas muestras mediante el método de Scherrer. Ambos grupos de datos están correlacionados aceptablemente con la relación I Boelun 100/I K 001. El análisis de estos datos permite sostener la hipótesis de un origen poligénico y heterocrónico de estas caolinitas, interpretando las fases de caolinita de baja cristalinidad como procedentes de una caolinización tardía de boelunita

    Simplified Hand Configuration for Object Manipulation

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    This work is focused on obtaining realistic human hand models that are suitable for manipulation tasks. Firstly, a 24 DOF kinematic model of the human hand is defined. This model is based on the human skeleton. Intra-finger and inter-finger constraints have been included in order to improve the movement realism. Secondly, two simplified hand descriptions (9 and 6 DOF) have been developed according to the constraints predefined. These simplified models involve some errors in reconstructing the hand posture. These errors are calculated with respect to the 24 DOF model and evaluated according to the hand gestures. Finally, some criteria are defined by which to select the hand description best suited to the features of the manipulation task

    Criminal proportionality: Approach to the minor disobedience and the lack of consideration for the authority

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    En el presente trabajo se expone el contenido y alcance del principio de proporcionalidad penal. Idoneidad, necesidad y proporcionalidad estricta son los tres niveles de análisis que el jurista debe llevar a cabo para comprobar la proporcionalidad de una norma penal en abstracto, de una medida o de la aplicación de un tipo. Sin embargo, no debemos llevarnos a engaño. Solo en los casos más extremos el principio de proporcionalidad responde a la constitucionalidad de una norma penal concreta, si bien va a ser un poderoso instrumento argumentativo. En la segunda parte del trabajo, aplicaremos este examen de proporcionalidad a la desobediencia leve y a la falta de respeto y consideración debida a la autoridad, antes regulados en el derogado artículo 634 CP y hoy reubicados como delito leve e infracción administrativa graveThis paper explains the content and the significance to examine the so-called principle of criminal proportionality. Suitability, necessity and strict proportionality are the three levels of analysis that the jurist must take into consideration. The principle of proportionality is going to give us the concrete answer of the constitutionality of a rule only in extreme cases, although it will be a powerful argumentative tool. In the second part, we will apply this test of proportionality to the minor disobedience and the lack of consideration for the authority, now relocated as minor crime and administrative offens

    Games as Political Actors in Digital Journalism

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    The goal of this study is to explore the role of digital games as political actors in digital journalism. The development of digital games designed to frame journalistic messages led to the emergence of newsgames. This trend impacts online mass media outlets’ performance as political actors in democratic polities. In this article, we explore the current relationship between political communication and newsgames by answering the following research question: How do online mass media outlets use newsgames to report, interpret, and critically analyze democratic polities? In this study, an inductive grounded theory approach was used to analyze 29 political newsgames published in 25 mass-media digital outlets across 11 different countries. The findings reveal that mass media outlets employ political newsgames to perform four distinct functions when covering political events: analytical reportage, commentary, critical scrutiny, and representation

    Modal Analysis of a Fire-Damaged Masonry Vault

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    This study analyzes the thermo-mechanical behavior of a brick vault and the effect of a fire on its dynamic characteristics. Based on the results of an experimental test of a real barrel vault with a net span of 161 cm and a net rise of 46.5 cm, an accurate numerical model to simulate the behavior of the brick-and-mortar structure under thermo-mechanical stresses has been implemented. The comparison of the evolution of the displacement in the keystone and the temperatures at various points of the vault allows us to affirm that the adopted micro-modeling approach presents a good accuracy and a feasible computational effort. Finally, this study shows, from a numerical point of view, how the variation in the structure’s eigenfrequencies can be predicted for extreme situations, such as fire damage. This aspect can be critical to develop effective intervention and prevention strategies, which can be useful for the preservation of our valuable cultural and historic resources

    Colonia Augusta Firma – Astigi (Écija, Seville): New Archaeological and Epigraphical Evidence

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    En este trabajo se ofrece una síntesis de las últimas novedades arqueológicas que están proporcionando las excavaciones en desarrollo en la plaza de Armas del antiguo alcázar de la ciudad. Se añaden a este panorama las aportaciones que brindan los recientes hallazgos epigráficos, incorporando algunas piezas inéditas.This paper offers a summary of the latest outcomes of archaeological excavations that are being carried out in the plaza de Armas of the old town’s alcázar. Contributions provided by epigraphic recent news are added to this panorama, incorporating some unpublished pieces.Unión Europea, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad HAR2014-55857-PUnión Europea, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad HAR2015-64392-C4-4-