5,871 research outputs found

    Globalizing Hayden White

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    This conversation originated in a plenary session organized by Ewa Domańska and María Inés La Greca under the same title of ‘Globalizing Hayden White’ at the III International Network for Theory of History Conference ‘Place and Displacement: The Spacing of History’ held at Södertörn University, Stockholm, in August 2018. In order to pay homage to Hayden White’s life work 5 months after his passing we knew that what was needed–and what he himself would have wanted–was a vibrant intellectual exchange. Our ‘celebration by discussion’ contains elaborated and revised versions of the presentations by scholars from China (Xin Chen), Latin America (María Inés La Greca, Veronica Tozzi Thompson), United States (Paul Roth), Western (Kalle Pihlainen) and East-Central Europe (Ewa Domańska). We took this opportunity of gathering scholars who represent different parts of the world, different cultures and approaches to reflect on White’s ideas in a global context. Our interest was in discussing how his work has been read and used (or even misread and misused) and how it has influenced theoretical discussions in different parts of the globe. Rather than just offering an account as experts, we mainly wanted to reflect on the current state of our field and the ways that White’s inheritance might and should be carried forward in the future.Fil: Domanska, Ewa. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań; PoloniaFil: la Greca, María Inés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero. Departamento de Metodología, Estadística y Matemáticas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Departamento de Filosofía; ArgentinaFil: Roth, Paul A.. University of California at Santa Cruz; Estados UnidosFil: Chen, Xin. Zhejiang University; ChinaFil: Tozzi, María Verónica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero. Departamento de Metodología, Estadística y Matemáticas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Departamento de Filosofía; ArgentinaFil: Pihlainen, Kalle. Tallinn University; Estoni

    Fuzzy Authentication using Rank Distance

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    Fuzzy authentication allows authentication based on the fuzzy matching of two objects, for example based on the similarity of two strings in the Hamming metric, or on the similiarity of two sets in the set difference metric. Aim of this paper is to show other models and algorithms of secure fuzzy authentication, which can be performed using the rank metric. A few schemes are presented which can then be applied in different scenarios and applications.Comment: to appear in Cryptography and Physical Layer Security, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springe


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    Fine-structure diagnostics of neutral carbon toward HE 0515-4414

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    New high-resolution high signal-to-noise spectra of the z=1.15z=1.15 damped Lyman α\alpha (DLA) system toward the quasi-stellar object HE 0515-4414 reveal absorption lines of the multiplets 2 and 3 in \ion{C}{i}. The resonance lines are seen in two components with total column densities of logN=13.79±0.01\log N=13.79\pm0.01 and logN=13.36±0.01\log N=13.36\pm0.01, respectively. The comparision of theoretical calculations of the relative fine-structure population with the ratios of the observed column densities suggests that the \ion{C}{i} absorbing medium is either very dense or exposed to very intense UV radiation. The upper limit on the local UV energy density is 100 times the galactic UV energy density, while the upper limit on the \ion{H}{i} number density is 110 cm3^{-3}. The excitation temperatures of the ground state fine-structure levels of T=15.7T=15.7 and T=11.1T=11.1 K, respectively, are consistent with the temperature-redshift relation predicted by the standard Friedmann cosmology. The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) is only a minor source of the observed fine-structure excitation.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, uses A&A macro package, gzipped tar archive, accepted by A&

    Assessing the macroeconomic impact of Brexit through trade and migration channels

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    Este trabajo conjunto de Bundesbank, Banque de France y Banco de España analiza en detalle algunos de los numerosos canales a través de los cuales el brexit afectará a la economía del Reino Unido y a la de sus socios comerciales. En particular, se centra en los canales comercial y migratorio, haciendo una evaluación más general de los costes de la salida de la UE utilizando un modelo de gravedad. El canal comercial por sí solo puede reducir el PIB del Reino Unido un 2 % a medio plazo si el Reino Unido vuelve a las reglas de la OMC, mientras que un modelo de gravedad más general apuntaría a que el PIB del Reino Unido se reduciría casi un 6 % en comparación con el escenario de no salida. Por lo tanto, de acuerdo con nuestro análisis, el «coste de estar fuera de Europa» (como se estableció originalmente en el trabajo seminal de Cecchini en 1988) se encuentra entre el 2 % y el 6 % en términos de pérdidas del PIB real para el Reino Unido. Este impacto es en gran medida asimétrico, ya que el PIB de la zona del euro no se ve prácticamente afectado por este evento, al situarse menos de un 1 % por debajo del escenario de no salida en 2023. El estudio también pone de manifiesto cómo los resultados son sensibles a la reacción de las políticas económicas. En general, las políticas monetarias y fiscales pueden actuar para amortiguar el shock del brexitsin embargo, su efectividad depende de la fuente subyacente de la perturbaciónThis joint work by the Bundesbank, the Banque de France and the Banco de España highlights some of the numerous channels through which Brexit will affect the UK economy and its economic partners. In particular, it focuses on trade and migration channels, adding a more general assessment of exiting the EU through the use of a gravity model. The trade channel alone may cut UK GDP by 2% over the medium term if the UK reverts to WTO rules, while a more general gravity model would point to UK GDP falling by almost 6% compared to baseline. According to our analysis, the ‘cost of non-Europe’ (such as originally stated by Cecchini’s seminal work in 1988) lies therefore between 2% and 6% in terms of real GDP losses for the UK. With the shock being largely asymmetric, the EA remains relatively unscathed by the UK’s exit, with GDP less than 1% lower than baseline by 2023. The study also shows that results are sensitive to the envisaged policy response. In general, monetary and fiscal policies may act to cushion a Brexit-related shockhowever, the potency of the policy response depends on the underlying source of the shoc

    Do cancer detection rates differ between transperineal and transrectal micro-ultrasound mpMRI-fusion-targeted prostate biopsies? A propensity score-matched study

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    Introduction: High-resolution micro-ultrasound (micro-US) is a novel precise imaging modality that allows targeted prostate biopsies and multiparametric magnet resonance imaging (mpMRI) fusion. Its high resolution relying on a 29 MHz transducer allows real-time visualisation of prostate cancer lesions; this might overcome the inaccuracy of conventional MRI-US fusion biopsy strategies. We compared cancer detection rates in patients who underwent transrectal (TR-B) versus transperineal (TP-B) MR-micro-US fusion biopsy. Materials and methods: 1:2 propensity score matching was performed in 322 consecutive procedures: 56 TR-B and 266 TP-B. All prostate biopsies were performed using ExactVuTM micro-US system with mpMRI image fusion. Clinically significant disease was defined as grade group ≥2. The primary objective was to evaluate the detection of clinically significant disease according to access route. The secondary outcomes were to compare the respective detection rates of random and targeted biopsies stratified per access route and to evaluate micro-US for its potential added value. Results: 47 men undergoing TR-B and 88 undergoing TP-B were matched for age, PSA, clinical stage, prostate volume, PIRADS score, number of mpMRI-visible lesions and indication to biopsy. The detection rates of clinically significant and of any prostate cancer did not differ between the two groups (45% TR-B vs 42% TP-B; p = 0.8, and 57% TR-B vs 59% TP-B; p = 0.9, respectively). Detection rates also did not differ significantly between random (p = 0.4) and targeted biopsies (p = 0.7) stratified per access route. Micro-US targeted biopsy detected 36 MRI-invisible lesions in 33 patients; 19% of these lesions were positive for clinically significant disease. Overall, micro-US targeted biopsies upgraded 2% of patients to clinically significant disease that would have been missed otherwise. Conclusions: MR-micro-US-fusion TR-B and TP-B have similar diagnostic yields in terms of detection rates of clinically significant prostate cancer. Micro-US targeted biopsy appears to have an additional diagnostic value over systematic and MRI-targeted biopsies

    Response modes and coordination in a traffic context, an experimental comparison of Chinese and German participants

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    This paper reports results of laboratory experiments about traffic behavior of participants with different cultural backgrounds. We conducted the minority game as an elementary traffic scenario in which human participants of a German and Chinese subject pool had to choose over 100 periods between a road A and a road B. In each period, the road which was chosen by the minority of players won, these participants got a payoff. The payoff in the majority group was 0. An important observation is that the number of road changes of a participant is negatively correlated with her cumulative payoff. The Chinese participants reacted differently to the payoffs of preceding periods than the German participants

    Company ‘Emigration’ and EC Freedom of Establishment: Daily Mail Revisited

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    Following the ECJ’s recent case law on EC freedom of establishment (the Centros, Überseering and Inspire Art cases), regulatory competition for corporate law within the European Union takes place at an early stage of the incorporation of new companies. In contrast, as regards the ‘moving out’ of companies from the country of incorporation, the ECJ once considered a tax law restriction against the transfer abroad of a company’s administrative seat as compatible with EC freedom of establishment (the Daily Mail case). For years, this decision has been regarded as applicable to all restrictions imposed by countries of incorporation, even the forced liquidation of the ‘emigrating’ company. This paper addresses the question whether EC freedom of establishment really allows Member States to place any limit on the ‘emigration’ of nationally registered companies. It argues that EC freedom of establishment covers the transfer of the administrative seat as well as the transfer of the registered office and, therefore, that the country of incorporation cannot liquidate ‘emigrating’ companies. In addition, it addresses the question whether a new Directive is needed to allow the transfer of a com- pany’s registered office and the identity-preserving company law changes. It argues that such a Directive is necessary to avoid legal uncertainty and to protect the interests of employees, creditors and minority shareholders, among others, who could be detrimentally affected by the ‘emigration’ of national companies