2,305 research outputs found

    Development of New Taro Varieties through Breeding

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    The production of new crop varieties through hybridization is the only stable method of crop improvement. As a program, crop improvement through breeding has been a major project of most research centers and institutes. An example of the value of plant breeding was demonstrated by the release of IR-8 or "miracle rice" by the International Rice Research Institute in the mid-1960's. Other crops like corn and wheat had similar dramatic and valuable contributions. In Hawaii, new variety development has been and continues to be an important and well supported program of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association. Although taro is considered to be one of the oldest cultivated crops, there has virtually been no research program aimed at improving the varieties existing throughout the world. Because of the importance of taro as a commercial and staple crop in Hawaii and many countries in Asia and the Pacific area, an organized crop improvement program through breeding should be established and supported. Some of the advantages, problems, and general method of hybridizing taro are discussed

    Nitrofen for taro weed control

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    Non-thermal radiation from a pulsar wind interacting with an inhomogeneous stellar wind

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    Binaries hosting a massive star and a non-accreting pulsar are powerful non-thermal emitters due to the interaction of the pulsar and the stellar wind. The winds of massive stars are thought to be inhomogeneous, which could have an impact on the non-thermal emission. We study numerically the impact of the presence of inhomogeneities or clumps in the stellar wind on the high-energy non-thermal radiation of high-mass binaries hosting a non-accreting pulsar. We compute the trajectories and physical properties of the streamlines in the shocked pulsar wind without clumps, with a small clump, and with a large one. This information is used to compute the synchrotron and inverse Compton emission from the non-thermal populations, accounting also for the effect of gamma-ray absorption through pair creation. A specific study is done for PSR B1259-63/LS2883. When stellar wind clumps perturb the two-wind interaction region, the associated non-thermal radiation in the X-ray band,of synchrotron origin, and in the GeV-TeV band, of inverse Compton origin, is affected by several effects: (i) strong changes in the the plasma velocity direction that result in Doppler boosting factor variations, (ii) strengthening of the magnetic field that mainly enhances the synchrotron radiation, (iii) strengthening of the pulsar wind kinetic energy dissipation at the shock, potentially available for particle acceleration, and (iv) changes in the rate of adiabatic losses that affect the lower energy part of the non-thermal particle population. The radiation above 100 GeV detected, presumably, during the post-periastron crossing of the Be star disc in PSR B1259-63/LS2883, can be roughly reproduced assuming that the crossing of the disc is modeled as the encounter with a large inhomogeneity.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, submitted to A&

    Identificación de las barreras de acceso a la información, a la participación y al aprendizaje en el Museo Es Baluard

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    The paper presents a collaborative research between GREID (Research Group on Inclusive Education and Diversity, UIB) and the AEAC (Area of Education of Es Baluard, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Palma). This is a pioneering study that applies the principles of Universal Design to assess the accessibility that presents the museum. Specifically, the study suggests two basic objectives: The first one is to identify the barriers to undestand the information and content that the museum offers any visitor. The second one is to evaluate the accessibility of visits and workshops for schools. Through various data collection instruments (direct observation, analysis and video recordings of meetings, document analysis and focus groups), we identify significant barriers that reflect an homogeneus concepto f visitor, still predominant in the Museum and also that is shared with a lot of schools.El artículo presenta una investigación1 colaborativa desarrollada entre el GREID (Grupo de Investigación sobre Escuela Inclusiva y Diversidad, de la UIB) y el Área de Educación de Es Baluard Museo de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo de Palma. Se trata de un estudio pionero en el que se aplican los principios del diseño universal para valorar la accesibilidad que presenta el museo. En concreto, en el estudio se desarrollan dos objetivos básicos: primero, se identifican las barreras de acceso al edificio, a la información y a los contenidos que el museo ofrece a cualquier visitante. Segundo, se evalúa la accesibilidad de las visitas y talleres que se destinan a las escuelas. Mediante un diseño de investigación complejo que utiliza diversos instrumentos de recogida de información (observación directa, análisis y registro en vídeo de las sesiones, análisis documental y grupos de discusión), se detectan importantes barreras que reflejan una concepción homogénea de entender al visitante, aún predominante en el Museo y aún presente centros educativos

    Application of ISTOF-II system in no-anglo-saxon educational context

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    El objetivo de este estudio es identificar qué escuelas y qué docentes podemos considerar que son eficaces, basándonos en un instrumento de observación que evalúa la eficacia escolar y del docente. Con este propósito, se administró por primera vez en un contexto educativo no-anglosajón el Sistema Internacional de Observación y Feedback Docente (ISTOF-II). Se combinaron el uso de técnicas de investigación de carácter cualitativo (entrevistas al profesorado y directores de los centros seleccionados) y cuantitativo (protocolo de observación). Se observó a 21 profesionales impartir lengua (castellana, catalana e inglesa) y matemáticas, en 15 centros de educación primaria. Los resultados muestran asociaciones negativas entre la edad y experiencia del profesorado y sus prácticas, y entre el porcentaje de estudiantes de bajo nivel socioeconómico y la calidad de enseñanza que reciben. A su vez, el estudio evidencia que el ISTOF-II, un sistema de observación válido internacionalmente, resulta útil para mejorar la calidad de la educación. La discusión versa sobre la importancia de la identificación y difusión de prácticas y centros eficaces a partir de instrumentos que se compartan a nivel internacionalThe objective of this study is to identify which schools and which teachers can be considered effective, based on an observation tool that evaluates the effectiveness of the school and the teacher. The International System for Teacher Observation and Feedback (ISTOF-II) was used in a non-Anglo Saxon educational context for the first time. Research techniques were used that combine qualitative (interviews with teachers and head teachers in the selected schools) and quantitative (observation protocol) analysis. Twenty-one teachers were observed teaching languages (Spanish, Catalan and English) and mathematics in 15 primary schools. The results showed negative links between the age and experience of the teachers and their practices and between the percentage of students at a low socio-economic level and the quality of teaching they receive. The study proves that an internationally valid observation system, such as the ISTOF-II, is a useful tool in in identifying effective practices and schools. Discussion concerns the importance of identifying and spreading effective centers and practices through international systems of assessmen

    Application of ISTOF-II system in non anglosaxon context

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    Este estudio evalúa la eficacia escolar y del docente. Se administró el Sistema Internacional de Observación y Feedback Docente (ISTOF II), por primera vez en un contexto no anglosajón. Se observaron a 21 profesionales impartir lengua (castellana, catalana e inglesa) y matemáticas, en 15 centros de educación primaria, durante el curso 2010-2011. Se combina el uso de técnicas de investigación de carácter cualitativo (entrevistas al profesorado y directores de los centros seleccionados) y cuantitativo (protocolo de observación). Los resultados muestran asociaciones negativas entre la edad y experiencia del profesorado y sus prácticas, y entre el porcentaje de estudiantes de bajo nivel socioeconómico y la calidad de enseñanza que reciben. El estudio evidencia que un sistema de observación válido internacionalmente tal como el ISTOF-II resulta necesario para mejorar la calidad de la educaciónThis study evaluates school and teacher effectiveness. The International Teaching Observation and Feedback System (ISTOF II) was administered for the first time in a non-Anglo-Saxon context. Twenty-one professionals were observed to teach Spanish (Catalan and English) and mathematics in 15 primary education centers during the 2010- 2011 academic year. It combines the use of qualitative research techniques (interviews with teachers and directors of selected centers) and quantitative (observation protocol). The results show negative associations between the age and experience of teachers and their practices, and between the percentage of students with low socioeconomic status and the quality of education they receive. The study shows that an internationally valid observational system such as ISTOF-II is necessary to improve the quality of educatio

    Characterization and stability of catanionic vesicles formed by pseudo-tetraalkyl surfactant mixtures

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    The phase behavior of an ad hoc synthesized surfactant, sodium 8-hexadecylsulfate (8-SHS), and its mixtures with didecyldimethylammonium bromide (DiDAB) in water is reported. We dealt with dilute concentration regimes, at a total surfactant content of <30 mmol kg-1 where vesicular aggregates may be formed. The high synergistic behavior of such catanionic mixtures is concomitant with strongly negative interaction parameters, β (≈-18 kBT), significant gain in the free energy of association, ΔGagg, and much lower association concentration compared to the pure surfactants. Vesicle size and ζ-potential depend on the mixture composition. Hydrodynamic diameters increase by progressive addition of oppositely charged surfactants to the one in excess. Counter-intuitively, the ζ-potential becomes more negative at DiDAB molar fractions close to 0.2. The same holds in the reverse case, the ζ-potential becomes more positive after small additions of 8-SHS; anyhow, the effect is more significant in anionic-rich mixtures. This phenomenon was explained by assuming a significant release of counterions and an asymmetric distribution of the two surfactants in the inner and outer vesicle leaflets. The equimolar mixtures form a cubic phase rather than the expected lamellar one. The effect of NaBr concentration on the stability of catanionic vesicles was also investigated. At high NaBr concentrations, all systems are destabilized. For DiDAB-rich vesicles, flocculation is observed, while for 8-SHS-rich ones, lamellar domains are formed at the bottom of the samples. The role played by NaBr depends on whether it is added before or after mixing the surfactants. In particular, preformed catanionic vesicles show a great kinetic stability towards addition of NaBr compared to those obtained by other procedures.We thank Jaume Caelles, in the SAXS-WAXS service at IQAC, for X-Ray measurements; Imma Carrera for technical assistance in the synthesis and surface tension measurements. Financial support from MINECO CTQ2013-41514-P and MAT2012- 38047-CO-02 is gratefully acknowledged. Financial support from Generalitat de Catalunya 2014SGR836 is gratefully acknowledged. Financial support from “La Sapienza” University of Rome (IT) is acknowledged too.Peer reviewe

    Beliefs and Practices of the Members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Mexico

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    The Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA) in Mexico is organized into five geographic zones (Conferences). The instrument Survey 2017 for Members of the SDA, created by the General Conference of SDA, was applied in order to identify the SDA members’ profile in Mexico in relation to aspects related to belief and practice. The sampling scheme used was non-probabilistic for convenience. The sample size was n = 2,351 members of the SDA in Mexico. An exploratory descriptive analysis was carried out in seven key aspects: personal demographics, household demographics and religion, religious behavior and religious roles, attitudes and experiences, wellbeing, beliefs and health. A factorial analysis was made to the sections Attitudes and Religious Experiences and Beliefs , using Principal Component Analysis. The internal consistency of the Religious Attitudes and Experiences section was evaluated by means of the Cronbach\u27s Alpha coefficient. Three factors were identified regarding Attitudes and Religious Experiences: 1) Identity and Mission, 2) Biblical Foundations, 3) Training and Communication. For Beliefs, two factors were identified: 1) Fundamental Beliefs, 2) Spiritual Implications. Regarding the extracted factors, comparisons were made by Conference, gender and age, using ANOVA of a factor. Spatial representations of the performance of each Conference were made. The IBM SPSS Statistics Version 22, R-Studio®, and QGis® software were used for data analysis. The level of significance was set at 0.0

    Educación Física y atención al alumnado con enfermedad crónica en la escuela

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    En este estudio se identifican y analizan los facilitadores y los obstáculos para mejorar la Calidad de Vida (CdV) del alumnado con enfermedad crónica (EC) en la escuela, así como el papel que juega la Educación Física (EF) en el desarrollo y bienestar de este colectivo. Se realizan 43 entrevistas a pediatras y alumnado con EC y 8 grupos de discusión con profesionales sanitarios, profesorado y familias. Entre los resultados obtenidos destacan la coincidencia de todos los colectivos al afirmar que la escuela y sobre todo la figura de un tutor comprometido, son facilitadores para el buen desarrollo emocional y físico del alumnado con EC. Contrariamente, se subraya la falta de comunicación entre los profesionales, la escasez de recursos y la no participación en las clases de EF, en las salidas y actividades extraescolares, como obstáculos para conseguir una verdadera CdV del alumnado con EC durante su escolarización. A partir de estos resultados, se propone replantear la atención del alumnado con EC, especialmente en la materia de EF y dotar de profesionales sanitarios y psicólogos con la intención de crear redes de apoyo para este colectivo.This study identifies and analyses both the enabling factors and the obstacles for improvement to the quality of life of students with Chronic Illness (CI) at school, as well as the role of Physical Education in the development and welfare of this group. Following 43 interviews with paediatricians and students with CI, as well as 8 discussion groups with healthcare professionals, teachers and families, we detected a patent need for an in-depth study of the role of Physical Education in improvement to the quality of life of students with CI at school. Among the results obtained in the study, it is noteworthy that all the participating groups agree that the school, and particularly the figure of a committed mentor teacher, are essential to enabling the solid emotional and physical development of students with CI. On the other hand, we would highlight a lack of communication among professionals, the scarcity of resources and non participation in Physical Education classes, extracurricular outings and activities as obstacles that hinder the quality of life for students with CI at school. Based on the results obtained, we propose a reconsideration of the care of students with CI at school, particularly in Physical Education classes, and the provision of healthcare staff and psychologists, to create support networks for this group.Neste estudo foram identificados e analisados os facilitadores e os obstáculos para melhorar a Qualidade de Vida (CdV) de alunos com doença crónica (DC) na escola, assim como o papel que desempenha a Educação Física (EF) no desenvolvimento e bem-estar deste grupo. Foram realizadas 43 entrevistas a pediatras e alunos com DC e 8 grupos de discussão com profissionais sanitários, professores e famílias. Entre os resultados obtidos destacam a coincidência de todos os grupos ao afirmarem que a escola e, sobretudo, a figura de um tutor comprometido são facilitadores para o bom desenvolvimento emocional e físico dos alunos com DC. Contrariamente, sublinha-se a falta de comunicação entre os profissionais, a escassez de recursos e a não participação nas aulas de EF, nas saída e actividades extra-escolares, como obstáculos para conseguir uma verdadeira CdV dos alunos com DC durante a sua escolarização, A partir destes resultados, propõe-se um novo planeamento à atenção aos alunos com DC, especialmente na matéria de EF e dotar os profissionais sanitários e psicólogos visando a criação de redes de apoio para este grupo