3,248 research outputs found

    Turbinate Surgery in Chronic Rhinosinusitis: Techniques and Ultrastructural Outcomes

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    Chronic nasal obstruction due to hypertrophic rhinitis is commonly associated with perennial allergic and nonallergic rhinitis. It is not a simple enlargement of mucosal and submucosal tissues, but it is characterized by deep histological modifications. This pathology, a very frequent condition encountered in rhinological practice, has a significant impact on quality of life. Patients usually complain about sneezing, rhinorrhea, frontal headache, postnasal drip, snoring, blocked nasal ducts, and sleep disorders. When medical therapy fails, surgical reduction of inferior turbinates is mandatory. A large variety of surgical techniques in literature exist, but there is a lack of consensus about which is the proper technique to perform. In this chapter, we describe the most important techniques of inferior turbinate reduction with advantages and disadvantages of each one

    Obsidian Sourcing at Uliland Bundok Site and its Implications for Mobility, Exchange, and Social Contexts in the Philippine Metal Age

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    This article discusses the results of chemical analysis to trace the source of the obsidian artifacts from the site of Ulilang Bundok in Batangas, Philippines. The obsidian artifacts used in this study were excavated from the site of Ulilang Bundok while samples of obsidian were also collected from known obsidian sources in Nagcarlan, Batangas, and Pagudpod, Ilocos Norte, for comparative purposes. Chemical analyses of the obsidian artifacts and source samples were carried out on a scanning electron microscope using the energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer at the University of Science Malaysia, Penang and the electron microprobe at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Multi-elemental analysis and statistical procedures performed on elemental data obtained from the obsidian artifacts and sources provided strong indications that the obsidian artifacts from Ulilang Bundok were made using obsidian obtained from the Nagcarlan source. The chemical sourcing results are significant in that they suggest that obsidian was a limited and valued raw material that was likely mined and traded through expanding social exchange networks. This has further implications for understanding how the complexity and spatial extent of trade reflects emerging social complexity in the Philippines Metal Age

    A suspicious dark lesion in a boy.

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    The presence of history of hyperpigmented crust in a patient with a history of adequate hygiene is typical of terra firma\u2010forme dermatosis. The treatment is the rubbing of the skin with isopropyl alcohol (removal of the hyperpigmented brown crust, confirming the diagnosis). Physicians should be aware because early diagnosis avoid unnecessary treatment

    Immunohistochemical evaluation of aquaporin-4 and its correlation with CD68, IBA-1, HIF-1α, GFAP, and CD15 expressions in fatal traumatic brain injury

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. Our understanding of its pathobiology has substantially increased. Following TBI, the following occur, edema formation, brain swelling, increased intracranial pressure, changes in cerebral blood flow, hypoxia, neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, excitotoxicity, and apoptosis. Experimental animal models have been developed. However, the difficulty in mimicking human TBI explains why few neuroprotective strategies, drawn up on the basis of experimental studies, have translated into improved therapeutic strategies for TBI patients. In this study, we retrospectively examined brain samples in 145 cases of death after different survival times following TBI, to investigate aquaporin-4 (AQP4) expression and correlation with hypoxia, and neuroinflammation in human TBI. Antibodies anti-glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP), aquaporin-4 (AQP4), hypoxia induced factor-1α (HIF-1α), macrophage/phagocytic activation (CD68), ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule-1 (IBA-1), and neutrophils (CD15) were used. AQP4 showed a significant, progressive increase between the control group and groups 2 (one-day survival) and 3 (three-day survival). There were further increases in AQP4 immunopositivity in groups 4 (seven-day survival), 5 (14-dayssurvival), and 6 (30-day survival), suggesting an upregulation of AQP4 at 7 to 30 days compared to group 1. GFAP showed its highest expression in non-acute cases at the astrocytic level compared with the acute TBI group. Data emerging from the HIF-1α reaction showed a progressive, significant increase. Immunohistochemistry with IBA-1 revealed activated microglia starting three days after trauma and progressively increasing in the next 15 to 20 days after the initial trauma. CD68 expression demonstrated basal macrophage and phagocytic activation mostly around blood vessels. Starting from one to three days of survival after TBI, an increase in the number of CD68 cells was progressively observed; at 15 and 30 days of survival, CD68 showed the most abundant immunopositivity inside or around the areas of necrosis. These findings need to be developed further to gain insight into the mechanisms through which brain AQP4 is upregulated. This could be of the utmost clinicopathological importance

    Bot and gender detection of twitter accounts using distortion and LSA notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019

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    In this work, we present our approach for the Author Profiling task of PAN 2019. The task is divided into two sub-problems, bot, and gender detection, for two different languages: English and Spanish. For each instance of the problem and each language, we address the problem differently. We use an ensemble architecture to solve the Bot Detection for accounts that write in English and a single SVM for those who write in Spanish. For the Gender detection we use a single SVM architecture for both the languages, but we pre-process the tweets in a different way. Our final models achieve accuracy over the 90% in the bot detection task, while for the gender detection, of 84.17% and 77.61% respectively for the English and Spanish languages

    Cross-domain authorship attribution combining instance-based and profile-based features notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019

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    Being able to identify the author of an unknown text is crucial. Although it is a well-studied field, it is still an open problem, since a standard approach has yet to be found. In this notebook, we propose our model for the Authorship Attribution task of PAN 2019, that focuses on cross-domain setting covering 4 different languages: French, Italian, English, and Spanish. We use n-grams of characters, words, stemmed words, and distorted text. Our model has an SVM for each feature and an ensemble architecture. Our final results outperform the baseline given by PAN in almost every problem. With this model, we reach the second place in the task with an F1-score of 68%

    Post-mortem computed tomography (PMCT) radiological findings and assessment in advanced decomposed bodies.

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the study is to report radiological findings and features in advanced decomposed bodies obtained by post-mortem computed tomography (PMCT) with autopsy correlation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective descriptive multicentric study included 41 forensic cases examined between May 2013 and November 2016. All the bodies were PMCT-scanned prior to autopsy, and internal putrefactive state was determined using the radiological alteration index (RAI) by a radiologist with expertise in forensic radiology and a forensic pathologist trained in forensic imaging. After PMCT scans, grade of external putrefaction (GEP) was assigned during the external examination and the complete autopsy was performed by forensic pathologists. RESULTS: The PMCT images evaluation revealed that the RAI index was > 61 in all bodies, corresponding to a moderate-massive presence of putrefactive gas. The gas grade was > II in correspondence of the major vessels, heart cavities, liver parenchyma, vertebra L3 and subcutaneous pectoral tissues, and varied from I to III in correspondence of the kidney. Cadaveric external examination revealed the presence of advanced transformative phenomena, with a GEP3 and GEP4 in most of the cases, with body swelling, eyes and tongue protrusion, body fluids expulsion and fat liquefaction. CONCLUSION: Radiological imaging by PMCT as an adjunct to autopsy in advanced decomposed bodies represents a useful tool in detecting post-mortem gas, even in very small amounts. A correct interpretation process of the PMCT data is essential to avoid images pitfalls, due to natural decomposition that can be mistaken for pathologic processes
