648 research outputs found

    EASL Clinical Practice Guideline : Occupational liver diseases

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    A variety of chemicals have been linked to occupational liver diseases, including several solvents and mixtures thereof, pesticides, and metals. Workplace exposures have been associated with virtually the entire spectrum of acute and chronic liver diseases. However, their prevalence is inadequately quantified and their epidemiology limited. Occupational liver diseases may result from high accidental or from prolonged lower level exposures. Whereas the former is uncommon and easily recognised, the latter are relatively more frequent but often overlooked because they may display normal values of conventional markers, have an insidious onset and be asymptomatic or be obfuscated and confounded by concurrent conditions. In addition, specific tests of toxicity are not available, histopathology may not be revealing and the assessment of internal dose of chemicals is usually not decisive. Given these circumstances, the diagnosis of these liver disorders is challenging, one of exclusion and often requires an interdisciplinary approach. These recommendations offer a classification of the type of liver injuries associated with occupational exposures \u2013 based in part on the criteria for drug-induced liver injury \u2013 a grading of their severity, and the diagnostic and preventive criteria for chemically induced occupational liver disease

    Temporal preparation driven by rhythms is resistant to working memory interference

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    It has been recently shown that temporal orienting demands controlled attention (Capizzi et al., 2012). However, there is current debate on whether temporal preparation guided by regular rhythms also requires the generation of endogenous temporal expectancies or rather involves a mechanism independent of executive control processes. We investigated this issue by using a dual-task paradigm in two different experiments. In Experiment 1, the single-task condition measured reaction time to respond to the onset of an auditory stimulus preceded by either a regular or an irregular auditory rhythm. The dual-task condition additionally included a working memory task, which demanded mental counting and updating. In Experiment 2, the simultaneously WM task was a variant of the Sternberg Task. We hypothesized that, if temporal preparation induced by rhythms did not involve executive processing, it would not be interfered by the simultaneous working memory task. The results showed that participants could anticipate the moment of target onset on the basis of the regular rhythm and, more important, this ability resisted the interference from the double task condition in both experiments. This finding supports that temporal preparation induced by rhythms, in contrast to temporal orienting, does not require resources of executive control.Ramón y Cajal and Plan Nacional ICDCi programmes, (RYC-2007-00296, PSI2010-15399)SEJ2007-63645 from the Junta de AndalucíaPSI2010-19655 from the Plan Nacional ICDCi (Ministerio de Innovación y Ciencia)CSD2008-00048 CONSOLIDER INGENIO (Dirección General de Investigación

    Serum biomarkers and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after liver transplantation

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    Liver transplantation (LT) is the only potentially curative treatment for selected patients with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) who are not candidates for resection. When the Milan criteria are strictly applied, 75% to 85%of 3- to 4-year actuarial survival rates are achieved, but up to 20% of the patients experience HCC recurrence after transplantation. The Milan criteria are based on the preoperative tumor macromorphology, tumor size and number on computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging that neither correlate well with posttransplant histological study of the liver explant nor accurately predict HCC recurrence after LT, since they do not include objective measures of tumor biology. Preoperative biological markers, including alpha-fetoprotein, desgamma- carboxiprothrombin or neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-tolymphocyte ratio, can predict the risk for HCC recurrence after transplantation. These biomarkers have been proposed as surrogate markers of tumor differentiation and vascular invasion, with varied risk magnitudes depending on the defined cutoffs. Different studies have shown that the combination of one or several biomarkers integrated into prognostic models predict the risk of HCC recurrence after LT more accurately than Milan criteria alone. In this review, we focus on the potential utility of these serum biological markers to improve the performance of Milan criteria to identify patients at high risk of tumora

    Resultados del trasplante hepático en pacientes con carcinoma hepatocelular

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Cirugía. Fecha de lectura: 21-09-2017Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 21-03-201

    Analysis of the European Directive 98/83/EC: Paradigm of the Justification and Establishment of Parametric Values. The Specific Case of Pesticides

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    La protección de la salud a la vez que se garantiza el acceso al agua potable a toda la población es uno de los objetivos principales a nivel mundial. En ese sentido, la Unión Europea, a través de la Directiva 98/83/CE, establece los parámetros y valores paramétricos máximos admisibles para garantizar la calidad del agua destinada al consumo humano. El objetivo de este artículo es dar una visión global de los valores establecidos en la Directiva Europea en comparación con otros países y organizaciones, como la Organización Mundial de la Salud, en base a su justificación toxicológica, haciendo especial mención al caso concreto de los plaguicidas, en los que existe una gran diferencia entre los valores paramétricos fijados. Asimismo, se presenta una comparativa con los valores establecidos por la Directiva 91/414/CEE para límites máximos de residuos de plaguicidas en alimentos, destacando la importancia de aunar criterios.The health protection while ensuring the access to safe drinking water to the entire population is one of the main objectives all over the world. In this regard, the European Union, through Directive 98/83/EC, sets the parameters and maximum allowable parametric values to ensure the quality of water intended for human consumption. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the values established in the European Directive in comparison with other countries and organizations, such as the World Health Organization, based on toxicological justification, doing special mention to the case of pesticides, in which there is great difference between the parametric values set. It also presents a comparison with the values fixed by the Directive 91/414/EEC concerning maximum residue limits of pesticides in food, highlighting the importance of joining criteria

    Strategies of the Spanish press in the face of the Twitter algorithm change. Analysis of tweets published between 2018-2020

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    Twitter recently celebrated its 15th anniversary. During this period, the platform has gone through several phases, culminating in a record number of subscribers and profits in 2021. Twitter is a household name all over the world and people know what it can or cannot provide, independent of the future growth that it may experience with new investments and updates. This article aims to verify two interrelated hypotheses, namely: the Spanish press already knows how to optimise the social network Twitter, as three decades have elapsed since its launch; and, secondly, the algorithm modification implemented by Twitter in 2018 has triggered a change in the positioning of the headers studied in this social network. In order to demonstrate both, the object of analysis will be conducted by a mixed approach through quantitative statistical processes (which will study the number of impacts and retweets and likes obtained), and inductive qualitative methods such as semi-structured interviews. This multidisciplinary approach will provide a more complete and in-depth analysis of the phenomenon. The research focuses on the period between 2018 and 2020, and addresses the participation on Twitter of the four main traditional newspapers (El País, La Vanguardia, ABC and El Mundo) as well as four native digital newspapers (20 Minutos, El Español, elDiario.es and El Huffpost). The analysis comprises more than 1.5 million tweets among the eight chosen newspapers.Twitter acaba de celebrar su decimoquinto aniversario. Durante este periodo, la plataforma ha pasado varias fases que han culminado con un récord de suscriptores y beneficios en 2021. El mundo conoce Twitter y sabe qué es lo que puede o no proporcionar, aparte de las posibilidades de crecimiento que pueda experimentar en caso de potenciales inversiones. En el presente artículo se pretende comprobar dos hipótesis interrelacionadas, a saber: la prensa española en castellano ya sabe cómo optimizar la red social Twitter, por haber transcurrido tres lustros desde su puesta en marcha; y, en segundo lugar, el cambio de algoritmo implementado por Twitter en 2018 que ha desencadenado un cambio de posicionamiento de las cabeceras estudiadas en esta red social. Con el propósito de demostrar ambas, se abordará el objeto de análisis desde un enfoque mixto a través de procesos cuantitativos estadísticos (que estudiarán el número de impactos y de retuits y likes obtenidos), y métodos cualitativos inductivos como entrevistas semiestructuradas a los responsables de redes de los medios involucrados. Esta aproximación mixta proporcionará un análisis más completo y profundo sobre el fenómeno. La investigación se centra en el período comprendido entre 2018 y 2020, y aborda la participación en Twitter de cuatro periódicos tradicionales (El País, La Vanguardia, ABC y El Mundo), así como de cuatro periódicos nativos digitales (20 Minutos, El Español, elDiario.es y El Huffpost). El análisis comprende más de 1,5 millones de tuits entre los ocho periódicos elegidos

    Immunohistochemical analysis of ß3 integrin (CD61): expression in pig tissues and human tumors

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    CD61 is a membrane glycoprotein that associates with CD41 (aIIb) to form the heterodimeric complex gpIIb/IIIa (CD41/CD61), predominantly expressed in platelets and megakariocytes. CD61 or ß3 integrin also associates with av (CD51) to form the vitronectin receptor, which is expressed in many tissues. We have used a monoclonal antibody against the porcine gpIIIa or CD61 (JM2E5) to study the distribution of this molecule in different normal pig tissues. As in humans, CD61 was broadly expressed in all tissues examined. In the kidney, strong expression of CD61 was observed in epithelial cells from renal tubules. In the testis, CD61 expression was detected in the Leydig cells. However, in liver, CD61 was weak or not detected. Many integrins are particularly involved in tumogenicity and in tumor progression mediating cellcell interaction. Immunofluorescence experiments using cultured human tumor HeLa cells showed nuclear and cytoplasmic staining of mAb JM2E5. Immunohistochemical analysis of human tumor sections from several organs showed a heterogeneus distribution in metastatic cases from colon and breast carcinoma. However, no staining was found in metastasis from melanom

    Percepciones de los futuros docentes respecto al potencial de la ludificación y la inclusión de los videojuegos en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje

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    El trabajo pretende analizar las percepciones de los estudiantes de los grados de Educación Infantil, Primaria y Pedagogía de distintas universidades españolas y latinoamericanas respecto al potencial y uso de la ludificación en el aula para la mejora de los rendimientos y valorar la inclusión del videojuego en los entornos personales de aprendizaje de dicho alumnado analizando las posibilidades pedagógicas del mismo, el potencial para la creación de comunidades de aprendizaje y las opciones para procesos de transformación social. En este sentido, se perseguía conocer el potencial educativo de la ludificación y la adecuación del uso de videojuegos en las etapas de Educación Infantil y Primaria gracias a las percepciones de los futuros docentes en formación. Para ello se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo mediante una encuesta transversal con una muestra de 197 participantes. Los resultados han sido muy positivos respecto a estas herramientas: los fututos docentes están totalmente convencidos de que la ludificación será una herramienta más que estimulante para el alumnado, considerando que los estudiantes trabajarían en el aula con mayor entusiasmo; además, el uso de videojuegos supondrá una influencia en los discentes que fomente la adquisición de las competencias clave establecidas por la legislación educativa.El treball pretén analitzar les percepcions dels estudiants dels graus d'Educació Infantil, Primària i Pedagogia de diferents universitats espanyoles i llatinoamericanes pel que fa al potencial i ús de la ludificació i els videojocs a l'aula per a la millora dels rendiments, i valorar la inclusió del videojoc en els entorns personals d'aprenentatge de l'alumnat analitzant les possibilitats pedagògiques d'aquest, el potencial per a la creació de comunitats d'aprenentatge i les opcions per a processos de transformació social. En aquest sentit, es persegueix conèixer el potencial educatiu de la ludificació i l'adequació de l'ús de videojocs a les etapes d'Educació Infantil i Primària a partir de les percepcions dels futurs docents. Per fer-ho, es va dur a terme un estudi descriptiu mitjançant la tècnica de l'enquesta transversal amb una mostra de 197 participants. Els resultats i les conclusions han estat molt positius pel que fa a aquestes eines; així, els futures docents estan totalment convençuts que la ludificació serà una eina més que estimulant per a l'alumnat, considerant que els alumnes treballarien a l'aula amb més entusiasme; a més, l'ús de videojocs suposarà una influència en els estudiants que fomentarà l'adquisició de les competències clau establertes per la legislació educativa.This paper analyzes the perceptions of students enrolled in bachelor's degree programs in early childhood education, primary education and pedagogy at various Spanish and Latin American universities regarding the potential use of gamification in classrooms to improve academic performance and evaluate the inclusion of video games in the personal learning environments of these students. The educational possibilities, the potential for the creation of learning communities and the main options for social transformation processes of these teaching tools are analyzed. The article seeks to determine the educational potential of gamification and the appropriate use of video games in pre-school and primary education through the perceptions of future teachers. To this end, a descriptive study using a crosssectional survey with a sample of 197 participants is carried out. The results are very positive regarding these tools: future teachers are fully convinced that gamification is a very stimulating tool for students as it motivates them to work in the classroom. Moreover, the use of video games promotes the acquisition of key competencies established under the educational legislation

    Selective Oxidative Dearomatization of Angular Tetracyclic Phenols by Controlled Irradiation under Air: Synthesis of an Angucyclinone-Type Double Peroxide with Anticancer Properties

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    Angular tetracyclic p-peroxyquinols, p-quinols and a pentacyclic double peroxide, showing anticancer properties, were Selective oxidative dearomatization of angular tetracyclic phenols by controlled irradiation under air: synthesis of an angucyclinone‐type double peroxide with anticancer properties María J. Cabrera-Afonso,a Silvia R. Lucena,b Ángeles Juarranz,b Antonio Urbano,*a,c M. Carmen Carreño*a,c aDepartamento de Química Orgánica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Cantoblanco, 28049-Madrid, Spain. bDepartamento de Biología, UAM, Cantoblanco, 28049-Madrid, Spain. cInstitute for Advanced Research in Chemical Sciences (IAdChem), UAM, Cantoblanco, 28049-Madrid, Spain. Supporting Information Placeholder synthesized from the corresponding phenols by an environmentally friendly solvent- and wavelength-controlled irradiation under air in the absence of an external photosensitizerWe thank MINECO (Grants CTQ2017-83309-P, CTQ2014-53894R and FIS PI15/00974) for financial suppor

    Cambios estructurales durante las reformas de mercado: evidencias para Argentina y Brasil entre 1980 y 2008

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    La investigación observa el cambio estructural y su eficiencia en Argentina y Brasil entre 1980 y 2008, como resultado de la interacción del cambio tecnológico y las innovaciones con las complementariedades. Para ello, tras realizar las pruebas de raíces unitarias y de cointegración, se ha estimado una ecuación general sobre el cambio estructural y tres parciales sobre sus componentes. Según los resultados no hubo crecimiento basado en el cambio estructural en Argentina. En Brasil hubo una respuesta positiva pero débil, lo que apunta a la necesidad de mejorar la coordinación de su sistema de innovación y la articulación de su estructura productiva