85 research outputs found

    Description of knowledge and attitude about free sex in adolescent in kendari city

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    Adolescence is a dynamic growth and development phase in life, a period of transition from childhood to adulthood marked by accelerated physical, mental, emotional and social development, making it vulnerable to reproductive health disorders. The purpose of this study was to describe knowledge and attitudes about free sex among adolescents in the city of Kendari in 2021. This quantitative research was carried out using a descriptive approach. A total of 223 samples were selected by purposive sampling technique. The results showed that most of the adolescents in Kendari had good knowledge and attitudes regarding free sex.  Even so, it needs routine education, parental control and supervision at each phase of adolescent development

    Penegakan Diagnosa Keperawatan pada Pasien Gastroesofagus Reflux Disease dengan Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Forward Chaining

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    This study aimed to see the use of a computer-based expert system with the forward channeling method for detecting Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and its application in nursing. The research method used in writing this literature review is based on 25 literature in 2018-2022. This expert system is run with PHP and MYSQL programs. The results of this study are that the Forward Chaining Expert System program will detect gastroesophageal reflux disease based on the symptoms inputted into the system and display an intervention plan that can be carried out like an expert. Still, this system cannot show 100% appropriate disease diagnosis because it requires a series of other tests that still need to be put in the system. In conclusion, with this expert system technology, health workers and users are increasingly assisted and shorten the time required for disease diagnosis and treatment.   Keywords: Expert System, Forward Chaining, Gastroesophageal Reflux Diseas

    The effects of the ethanolic extract of mahogany seeds (Swietenia macrophylla King) on the renal function of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

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    Diabetes-associated oxidative stress causes glomerular hypertrophy, decrease ofglomerular filtration rate and inhibits cell proliferation that lead to the decrease of renalfunction as indiated by the increase of serum creatinine level and the presence ofprotein in urine. Mahogany seed (Swietenia macrophylla King) has been proven to haveantidiabetic activity. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the ethanolicextract of mahogany seeds on the renal function of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.Six normal rats as control (Group I) and 24 diabetic rats were used in this study. Thediabetic rats were randomized allocated into four groups with six rats in each group.Group II was considered as diabetic rats control and received aquadest. Group III-V wereconsidered as extract administered diabetic group and received ethanolic extract of S.macrophylla seed for 21 days at a dose of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg BW, respectively.Serum malondialdehyde (MDA), serum creatinine, and urine protein levels were monitored,before and after the ethanolic extract of S. macrophylla seed administration. Serum MDA,serum creatinine and urine protein levels of all rats after STZ induction (Group II-V) weresignificantly higher than without STZ induction (p < 0.05). A significant decrease in theserum MDA and serum creatinine as well as urine protein levels were observed after thetreatment with ethanolic extract of S. macrophylla seed compared to before treatment(p < 0.05). In conclusion, the ethanolic extract of S. macrophylla seed is able to correctrenal dysfunction of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats


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    Penggunaan dosis, konsentrasi, dan volume semprot yang kurang atau kelebihan dari rekomendasi yang dianjurkan akan berakibat pestisida tersebut tidak dapat bekerja sesuai dengan fungsinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberadaan dan konsentrasi residu pestisida organofosfat dalam sayuran kol (brassica oleracea) dan sawi (brassica juncea l) di Desa Baroko Kecematan Baroko Kabupaten Enrekang. Jenis penelitian adalah observasional dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Metode pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan 2 tahap adalah purposive sampling dan simple random sampling dengan kriteria pengambilan sampel diambil langsung dari salah satu kebun petani kol dan sawi, sayuran yang diambil masih dalam keadaan segar dan bersih, dan sampel dilakukan pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk mengetahui kada residu pestisida organofosfat.Pemeriksaan sampel dilakukan di Laboratorium Balai Proteksi Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Maros. Hasil pemeriksaan sampel sayuran kol tidak terdeteksi sedangkan hasil pemeriksaan sampel sayuran sawi terdeteksi golongan organofosfat mengandung bahan aktif klorpiripos, sawi hijau I dengan konsentrasi 0,0945 mg/kg dan sawi hijau II dengan konsentrasi 0,5985 mg/kg. Residu golongan organofosfat dalam sayuran kol masih dibawah Batas Maksimum Residu (BMR) berdasarkan SNI 2008 yaitu 0,1 mg/kg. Sedangkan hasil pemeriksaan residu pestisida pada sayuran sawi sudah melebihi Batas Maksimum Residu yang telah ditetapkan


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    This study aims to examine whether the need of students can affect the process of self-actualization of children at Paud Santo Vincentius A Paulo Kupang. In this study, an analysis was carried out on each indicator of the variable need of students and the variable of the child's self-actualization process so that it can be seen whether there is an influence relationship between the two variables. The population of this study consisted of 66 people: PAUD managers, teachers, and parents. The research sample was taken using the saturated sample technique. The result of the descriptive statistical analysis showed that the student's need was categorized as good with a score of 73.32%, and the self-actualization process was also in a good category with a score of 69.71%. The result of the partial effect test shows that there is a positive and significant influence between student's needs on the process of self-actualization of children at Paud Santo Vincentius A Paulo Kupang (t test value 4.176 and sig. 0.000 &lt;0.05). It is recommended that PAUD managers need to complete learning facilities, create an environment that supports the development of children's potential, educators need to provide guidance, assistance, and direction that motivates children to develop aspects that help actualization, parents need to be actively involved in activities that encourage self-actualization that programmed by the school in order to help children develop their potential as optimally as possible

    Studi Manajemen Pengelolaan Obat di Puskesmas Lawa Kabupaten Muna Barat Tahun 2015

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    Pengelolaan obat merupakan suatu rangkaian kegiatan yang menyangkut aspekperencanaan, pengadaan, penyimpanan, pendistribusian dan penghapusan obat yangdikelola secara optimal untuk menjamin tercapainya ketepatan jumlah dan jenis perbekalanfarmasi. Pada pengelolaan obat di Puskesmas tingkat ketersediaan obat masih belum sesuaidengan kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan karena masih sering terjadi kekurangan dankekosongan obat disisi lain terjadi pula kelebihan obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmendapatkan informsi lebih mendalam tentang studi manajemen pengelolaan obat diPuskesmas Lawa Kabubaten Muna Barat tahun 2015 ditinjau dari perencanaan, pengadaan,penyimpanan, pendistribusian dan penghapusan. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif denganpendekatan deskriptif. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 4 orang, yang terdiri dari 2orang informan kunci dan 2 orang informan biasa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwaperencanaan pengelolaan obat berdasarkan metode epidemiologi dengan pengadaan obatdi sesuaikan pola penyakit dengan mengajukan LPLPO (Lembar Permintaan Dan LembarPemakaian Obat) ke Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Muna Barat dan GFK (Gudang FarmasiKota). Tempat penyimpanan obat di puskesmas masih kurang memadai, namunpenyusunannya sudah memenuhi standar penyimpanan obat di puskesmas. Pendistribusianobat yang dilakukan sesuai dengan prosedur pengelolaan obat, serta mengadakanpemusnahan pada obat yang kadaluarsa


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    Kajian tentang analisis kualitas briket arang sekam padi yang diaktivasi dengan tanur telah berhasil dilakukan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh variasi suhu aktivasi terhadap kualitas briket arang aktif sekam padi. Kualitas briket arang dapat ditentukan dari kerapatan, kadar air, kadar abu, volatile matter, fixed carbon, nilai kalor dan uji pembakaran untuk mengamati waktu sulut dan laju nyala. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap yaitu penyiapan bahan baku, karbonisasi, penggerusan dan pengayakan, pencampuran bahan perekat, pencetakan, pengeringan dan penentuan mutu briket. Briket arang aktif sekam padi dibuat dengan menggunakan sagu sebagai perekat dangan perbandingan massa 9:1. Serbuk arang sekam padi diayak dengan ayakan berukuran 70 - 80 mesh. Sampel dicetak menggunakantekanan 9,5x106 N/m2 dan diaktivasi dengan tanur pada suhu 450°C, 475°C, dan 500°C selama 4 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kerapatan yang diperoleh berkisar 0,606 - 0,640 g/cm3, kadar air berkisar 4,57-5,29%, kadar abu berkisar antara 4,89 - 6,57%, volatile matter berkisar antara 70,15 - 75,35%, nilai kalor berkisar 4923,58 - 5131,84 kal/g. Arang yang diaktivasi pada suhu 500°C menunjukkan kualitas baik dengan waktu sulut 5,5 menit, laju pembakaran 0,08 g/menit, temperatur maksimum 482,5°C dan lama pembakaran selama 35 menit

    Analisis Sensitivitas Model Goal Programming Pada Optimasi Produksi Roti Menggunakan Metode Branch and Bound

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    Sya'qila Bakery is a manufacturing industry that produces bread in five flavor variants. The planning carried out by Sya'qila Bakery in the bread production process is considered suboptimal due to the limitation in the quantity of production for each flavor variant, resulting in occasional shortages of raw materials. Additionally, the order production process requires a long total completion time (makespan), resulting in delays in production completion (meaning tardiness). This research aims to optimize the total completion time, the average lateness, the use of raw materials, and production revenue. In this research, the Goal Programming model is utilized with the Branch and Bound method. The analysis results with the Goal Programming model using the Branch and Bound method obtain an optimal solution, which includes an excess of 36 minutes in total completion time (makespan), an excess of 6 minutes in average lateness (mean tardiness), no excess in the availability of raw materials, and zero sales revenue shortfall. Sensitivity analysis results indicate that bread production at Sya'qila Bakery will remain optimal if changes occur in the production completion time, production delay time, and raw material availability, as long as these changes remain within their tolerance limits

    Bimbingan Teknis Pemanfaatan xSIA untuk Pelaporan Akademik Siswa di SDN No. 133 Kabupaten Takalar

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    Sistem Informasi Akademik (xSIA) adalah sistem yang dibangun untuk mengelola data-data peserta ajar sehingga memberikan kemudahan kepada pengguna dalam hal ini adalah Guru dalam kegiatan administrasi akademik secara online. Sekolah perlu menyediakan layanan sistem informasi akademik dalam bentuk web application dimana Guru secara mandiri dapat melaksanakan pelaporan akademik siswa untuk kebutuhan sinkronisasi data Pelaporan Kinerja Guru (PKG) DAPODIK. Kemudahan dalam mengakses sistem informasi akademik mulai dari level Guru, Operator Sekolah sampai Kepala Sekolah diperlukan, sehingga pengembangkan xSIA untuk tingkat Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah diterapkan sesuai spesifikasi User Experience (UX) dan Developer Experience (DX). Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) berupa bimtek pemanfaatan xSIA yang diikuti oleh Guru dilaksanakan dengan model latihan Preceptorship dan Partisipatif. sedangkan tahap peran DAPODIK dengan aplikasi digunakan model Prototyping untuk merepresentasikan secara grafis alur kerja sistem. Target luaran berupa aplikasi berbasis web xSIA untuk pelaporan data akademik siswa
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