25 research outputs found

    The Context of Current Content Analysis of Gender Roles: An Introduction to a Special Issue

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    The aim of this paper is to provide context for the quantitative content analyses of gender roles that are to be included in both parts of this special issue. First, a timeline of historical uses of the content analysis methodology is presented. Second, research objectives that frequently drive content analysis of gender roles are described; these include: to support feminist claims, to compare media with real life, to predict effects on audiences, and to detect effects of media producers on content. Third, previous content analyses published in Sex Roles and other gender-focused journals are reviewed and categorized in terms of medium, genre, time span, gender, and nationality. Finally, contributions of each of the articles in this special issue are outlined

    Región Sur: Foro Mujeres Rurales y Equidad Ante la Pandemia por COVID-19

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    Participantes: -Jussara Dantas, socia fundadora, Cooperativa Agropecuárica Familiar de Canudos, Uauá y Curaçá (COOPECUC). -Geise Mascarenhas, Punto Focal Brasil de la Comisión de Equidad de Género en el medio rural de REAF. -Carol Acevedo, Presidenta, Red Apícola Nacional de Chile. -Jarolin Fernández, Presidenta del Comité de Género y socia productora, Asociación de Productores Kurupicaity. -Katina Aguilas, Presidenta del Comité de Género y socia productora, Cooperativa Manduvirá. -Silvia Páez Red Nacional de Grupos de Mujeres Rurales. -Griselda Mendietta, vitinicultora, Cooperativa VICCA. -Salete Valesan Camba, Directora de FLACSO Brasil.Las mujeres rurales son las mas afectadas en la justicia de genero, con la crisis de la pandemia por Covid-19 se ha detectado que disminuyen sus fuentes de ingreso y su participación productiva se ve limitada. Se identifican las necesidades de la mujer rural ante la pandemia por medio del foro enfocado en la región Sur "Región Sur: Foro Mujeres Rurales y Equidad Ante la Pandemia por COVID-19". Este foro con el fin de fomentar la participación de especialistas en el tema y la experiencia de las mujeres rurales

    Plugging nonporous polyamide membranes for enhanced rejection of small contaminants during advanced wastewater treatment

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    Removing N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a regulated carcinogenic chemical, with a reverse osmosis (RO) membrane is a key challenge for enhancing the safety of reused potable water. This study aimed to achieve high rejection of NDMA and salts by plugging the nanopores in an RO membrane with linear-chain amines, amides, and epoxides. Plugging with amines or epoxides generally led to a reduction in water permeance and an increase in conductivity rejection. NDMA rejection increased linearly with the size of amines. The RO membrane plugged with dodecylamine exhibited an NDMA rejection of 80% when treating the effluent from a membrane bioreactor, and this performance was maintained for 8 d. In contrast, amide or epoxide plugs resulted in only minor improvements in NDMA rejection. We speculate that the amine plugs remain in the nanopores through electrostatic attractions, whereas amides and epoxides become readily detached from the nanopores because they are only bound through weaker hydrogen-bonding interactions. This study provides an understanding of the plugging mechanism that enhances NDMA rejection and demonstrated high NDMA rejection using treated wastewater