785 research outputs found

    Detrended fluctuation analysis on the correlations of complex networks under attack and repair strategy

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    We analyze the correlation properties of the Erdos-Renyi random graph (RG) and the Barabasi-Albert scale-free network (SF) under the attack and repair strategy with detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). The maximum degree k_max, representing the local property of the system, shows similar scaling behaviors for random graphs and scale-free networks. The fluctuations are quite random at short time scales but display strong anticorrelation at longer time scales under the same system size N and different repair probability p_re. The average degree , revealing the statistical property of the system, exhibits completely different scaling behaviors for random graphs and scale-free networks. Random graphs display long-range power-law correlations. Scale-free networks are uncorrelated at short time scales; while anticorrelated at longer time scales and the anticorrelation becoming stronger with the increase of p_re.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Detection of relic gravitational waves in the CMB: Prospects for CMBPol mission

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    Detection of relic gravitational waves, through their imprint in the cosmic microwave background radiation, is one of the most important tasks for the planned CMBPol mission. In the simplest viable theoretical models the gravitational wave background is characterized by two parameters, the tensor-to-scalar ratio rr and the tensor spectral index ntn_t. In this paper, we analyze the potential joint constraints on these two parameters, rr and ntn_t, using the potential observations of the CMBPol mission, which is expected to detect the relic gravitational waves if r0.001r\gtrsim0.001. The influence of the contaminations, including cosmic weak lensing, various foreground emissions, and systematical errors, is discussed.Comment: 26 pages, 19 figures, 4 tables; JCAP in pres

    Haldane-gap excitations in the low-H_c 1-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet NDMAP

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    Inelastic neutron scattering on deuterated single-crystal samples is used to study Haldane-gap excitations in the new S=1 one-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet NDMAP, that was recently recognized as an ideal model system for high-field studies. The Haldane gap energies Δx=0.42\Delta_x=0.42 meV, Δy=0.52\Delta_y=0.52 meV and Δz=1.86\Delta_z=1.86 meV, for excitations polarized along the a, b, and c crystallographic axes, respectively, are directly measured. The dispersion perpendicular to the chain axis c is studied, and extremely weak inter-chain coupling constants Jy=1.8103J_y=1.8\cdot 10^{-3} meV and Jx=3.5104J_x=3.5\cdot 10^{-4} meV, along the a and b axes, respectively, are determined. The results are discussed in the context of future experiments in high magnetic fields.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Resistive Random Access Memories (RRAMs) Based on Metal Nanoparticles

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    It is demonstrated that planar structures based on silver nanoparticleshosted in a polymer matrix show reliable and reproducible switching properties attractive for non-volatile memory applications. These systems can be programmed between a low conductance (off-state) and high conductance (on-state) with an on/off ratio of 3 orders of magnitude, large retention times and good cycle endurance. The planar structure design offers a series of advantages discussed in this contribution, which make it an ideal tool to elucidate the resistive switching phenomena

    Scaling and exact solutions for the flux creep problem in a slab superconductor

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    The flux creep problem for a superconductor slab placed in a constant or time-dependent magnetic field is considered. Logarithmic dependence of the activation energy on the current density is assumed, U=U0 ln(J/Jc), with a field dependent Jc. The density B of the magnetic flux penetrating into the superconductor, is shown to obey a scaling law, i.e., the profiles B(x) at different times can be scaled to a function of a single variable. We found exact solution for the scaling function in some specific cases, and an approximate solution for a general case. The scaling also holds for a slab carrying transport current I resulting in a power-law V(I) with exponent p~1. When the flux fronts moving from two sides of the slab collapse at the center, the scaling is broken and p crosses over to U0/kT.Comment: RevTex, 10 pages including 6 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    New electronic memory device concepts based on metal oxide-polymer nanostructures planer diodes

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    Nanostructure silver oxide thin films diodes can exhibit resistive switching effects. After an electroforming process the device can be programmed between a low conductance (off-state) and high conductance (on- state) with a voltage pulse and they are already being considered for non-volatile memory applications. However, the origin of programmable resistivity changes in a network of nanostructure silver oxide embedded in polymer is still a matter of debate. This work provides some results on a planer diode which may help to elucidate resistive switching phenomena in nanostructure metal oxide diodes. The XRD pattern after switching appears with different crystalline planes, plus temperature dependent studies reveal that conduction of both on and off states is weak thermal activated. Intriguing the carrier transport is the same for both on and off-states. Difference between states comes from the dramatic changes in the carrier density. The main mechanism of charge transport for on-state is tunneling. The charge transport leads to SCLC in higher voltages pulse for the off state. The mechanism will be explained based on percolation concepts

    Spin-1 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chains in an External Staggered Field

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    We present in this paper a nonlinear sigma-model analysis of a spin-1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain in an external commensurate staggered magnetic field. After rediscussing briefly and extending previous results for the staggered magnetization curve, the core of the paper is a novel calculation, at the tree level, of the Green functions of the model. We obtain precise results for the elementary excitation spectrum and in particular for the spin gaps in the transverse and longitudinal channels. It is shown that, while the spectral weight in the transverse channel is exhausted by a single magnon pole, in the longitudinal one, besides a magnon pole a two-magnon continuum appears as well whose weight is a stedily increasing function of the applied field, while the weight of the magnon decreases correspondingly. The balance between the two is governed by a sum rule that is derived and discussed. A detailed comparison with the present experimental and numerical (DMRG) status of the art as well as with previous analytical approaches is also made.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, LaTe

    Unified model of baryonic matter and dark components

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    We investigate an interacting two-fluid cosmological model and introduce a scalar field representation by means of a linear combination of the individual energy densities. Applying the integrability condition to the scalar field equation we show that this "exotic quintessence" is driven by an exponential potential and the two-fluid mixture can be considered as a model of three components. These components are associated with baryonic matter, dark matter and dark energy respectively. We use the Simon, Verde & Jimenez (2005) determination of the redshift dependence of the Hubble parameter to constrain the current density parameters of this model. With the best fit density parameters we obtain the transition redshift between non accelerated and accelerated regimes z_{acc}=0.66 and the time elapsed since the initial singularity t_0= 19.8 Gyr. We study the perturbation evolution of this model and find that the energy density perturbation decreases with the cosmological time.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures A new section adde

    Magnetic excitations in coupled Haldane spin chains near the quantum critical point

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    Two quasi-1-dimensional S=1 quantum antiferromagnetic materials, PbNi2V2O8 and SrNi2V2O8, are studied by inelastic neutron scattering on powder samples. While magnetic interactions in the two systems are found to be very similar, subtle differences in inter-chain interaction strengths and magnetic anisotropy are detected. The latter are shown to be responsible for qualitatively different ground state properties: magnetic long-range order in SrNi2V2O8 and disordered ``spin liquid'' Haldane-gap state in PbNi2V2O8.Comment: 15 figures, Figs. 5,9, and 10 in color. Some figures in JPEG format. Complete PostScript and PDF available from http://papillon.phy.bnl.gov/publicat.ht

    History effect in inhomogeneous superconductors

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    A model was proposed to account for a new kind of history effect in the transport measurement of a sample with inhomogeneous flux pinning coupled with flux creep. The inhomogeneity of flux pinning was described in terms of alternating weak pinning (lower jc) and strong pinning region (higher jc). The flux creep was characterized by logarithmic barrier. Based on this model, we numerically observed the same clockwise V-I loops as reported in references. Moreover, we predicted behaviors of the V-I loop at different sweeping rates of applied current dI/dt or magnetic fields Ba, etc. Electric transport measurement was performed in Ag-sheathed Bi2-xPbxSr2Ca2Cu3Oy tapes immersed in liquid nitrogen with and without magnetic fields. V-I loop at certain dI/dt and Ba was observed. It is found that the area of the loop is more sensitive to dI/dt than to Ba, which is in agreement well with our numerical results.Comment: To appear in Phys Rev B, October 1 Issu