23 research outputs found

    Characterisation of Phomopsis spp. associated with die-back of rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) in South Africa

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    Die-back of rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) causes substantial losses in commercial Aspalathus plantations in South Africa. In the past, the disease has been attributed to Phomopsis phaseoli (teleomorph: Diaporthe phaseolorum). Isolates obtained from diseased plants, however, were highly variable with regard to morphology and pathogenicity. The aim of the present study was thus to identify the Phomopsis species associated with die-back of rooibos. Isolates were subjected to DNA sequence comparisons of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2) and partial sequences of the translation elongation factor-1 alpha gene. Furthermore, isolates were also compared in glasshouse inoculation trials on 8-mo-old potted plants to evaluate their pathogenicity. Five species were identified, of which D. aspalathi (formerly identified as D. phaseolorum or D. phaseolorum var. meridionalis) proved to be the most virulent, followed by D. ambigua, Phomopsis theicola, one species of Libertella and Phomopsis, respectively, and a newly described species, P. cuppatea. A description is also provided for D. ambigua based on a newly designated epitype specimen

    The genus Bipolaris

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    The genus Bipolaris includes important plant pathogens with worldwide distribution. Species recognition in the genus has been uncertain due to the lack of molecular data from ex-type cultures as well as overlapping morphological characteristics. In this study, we revise the genus Bipolaris based on DNA sequence data derived from living cultures of fresh isolates, available ex-type cultures from worldwide collections and observation of type and additional specimens. Combined analyses of ITS, GPDH and TEF gene sequences were used to reconstruct the molecular phylogeny of the genus Bipolaris for species with living cultures. The GPDH gene is determined to be the best single marker for species of Bipolaris. Generic boundaries between Bipolaris and Curvularia are revised and presented in an updated combined ITS and GPDH phylogenetic tree. We accept 47 species in the genus Bipolaris and clarify the taxonomy, host associations, geographic distributions and species’ synonymies. Modern descriptions and illustrations are provided for 38 species in the genus with notes provided for the other taxa when recent descriptions are available. Bipolaris cynodontis, B. oryzae, B. victoriae, B. yamadae and B. zeicola are epi- or neotypified and a lectotype is designated for B. stenospila. Excluded and doubtful species are listed with notes on taxonomy and phylogeny. Seven new combinations are introduced in the genus Curvularia to accomodate the species of Bipolaris transferred based on the phylogenetic analysis. A taxonomic key is provided for the morphological identification of species within the genus

    A systematic account of the genus Plagiostoma (Gnomoniaceae, Diaporthales) based on morphology, host-associations, and a four-gene phylogeny

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    Members of the genus Plagiostoma inhabit leaves, stems, twigs, and branches of woody and herbaceous plants predominantly in the temperate Northern Hemisphere. An account of all known species of Plagiostoma including Cryptodiaporthe is presented based on analyses of morphological, cultural, and DNA sequence data. Multigene phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences from four genes (β-tubulin, ITS, rpb2, and tef1-α) revealed eight previously undescribed phylogenetic species and an association between a clade composed of 11 species of Plagiostoma and the host family Salicaceae. In this paper these eight new species of Plagiostoma are described, four species are redescribed, and four new combinations are proposed. A key to the 25 accepted species of Plagiostoma based on host, shape, and size of perithecia, perithecial arrangement in the host, and microscopic characteristics of the asci and ascospores is provided. Disposition of additional names in Cryptodiaporthe and Plagiostoma is also discussed

    Leaf-inhabiting genera of the Gnomoniaceae, Diaporthales

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    The Gnomoniaceae are characterised by ascomata that are generally immersed, solitary, without a stroma, or aggregated with a rudimentary stroma, in herbaceous plant material especially in leaves, twigs or stems, but also in bark or wood. The ascomata are black, soft-textured, thin-walled, and pseudoparenchymatous with one or more central or eccentric necks. The asci usually have a distinct apical ring. The Gnomoniaceae includes species having ascospores that are small, mostly less than 25 μm long, although some are longer, and range in septation from non-septate to one-septate, rarely multi-septate. Molecular studies of the Gnomoniaceae suggest that the traditional classification of genera based on characteristics of the ascomata such as position of the neck and ascospores such as septation have resulted in genera that are not monophyletic. In this paper the concepts of the leaf-inhabiting genera in the Gnomoniaceae are reevaluated using multiple genes, specifically nrLSU, translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1-α), and RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (rpb2) for 64 isolates. ITS sequences were generated for 322 isolates. Six genera of leaf-inhabiting Gnomoniaceae are defined based on placement of their type species within the multigene phylogeny. The new monotypic genus Ambarignomonia is established for an unusual species, A. petiolorum. A key to 59 species of leaf-inhabiting Gnomoniaceae is presented and 22 species of Gnomoniaceae are described and illustrated


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    Names of Phytopathogenic Fungi: A Practical Guide

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    Using the correct name for phytopathogenic fungi and oomycetes is essential for communicating knowledge about species and their biology, control, and quarantine as well as for trade and research purposes. However, many plant pathogenic fungi are pleomorphic, meaning they produce different asexual (anamorph) and sexual (teleomorph) morphs in their life cycles. Therefore, more than one name has been applied to different morphs of the same species, which has confused users. The onset of DNA technologies makes it possible to connect different morphs of the same species, resulting in a move to a more natural classification system for fungi in which a single name for a genus and species can now be used. This move to a single nomenclature, coupled with the advent of molecular systematics and the introduction of polythetic taxonomic approaches, has been the main driving force for a reclassification of fungi, including pathogens. Nonetheless, finding the correct name for species remains challenging. In this article we outline a series of steps or considerations to greatly simplify this process and provide links to various online databases and resources to aid in determining the correct name. Additionally, a list of accurate names is provided for the most common genera and species of phytopathogenic fungi

    Species limits in Diaporthe

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