46 research outputs found

    Principali criticità nella gestione dei CRAS

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    Un centro di recupero per animali selvatici (C.R.A.S.) \ue8 una struttura preposta all\u2019accoglienza, degenza, cura, riabilitazione e reinserimento in natura di esemplari di fauna ritrovata in difficolt\ue0. Le motivazioni su cui poggia il recupero possono essere cos\uec identificate: - riconoscimento all\u2019animale selvatico, del diritto ad essere curato e recuperato, indipendentemente dalla specie di appartenenza; - salvaguardia delle specie selvatiche in cattivo stato di conservazione; - riconoscimento all'intervento di recupero, di un valore educativo nei confronti delle tematiche della conservazione ambientale; - studio dei parametri fisiologici, monitoraggio epidemiologico e quant'altro possa ritenersi utile alla ricerca scientifica. In Italia la comparsa dei primi C.R.A.S. risale alla seconda met\ue0 degli anni \u201970; inizialmente questi centri erano destinati solo al recupero di uccelli (in particolar modo rapaci feriti da bracconieri) mentre, successivamente, la loro attivit\ue0 si \ue8 allargata anche a mammiferi e rettili. Non esiste un data base aggiornato che riporti tutte le strutture adibite a queste attivit\ue0 nel nostro Paese ma, probabilmente, tali centri si aggirano tra le 80 e le 100. Ovviamente la disponibilit\ue0 di spazi, voliere, recinti, personale qualificato e fondi \ue8 molto variabile e questo ne ostacola le finalit\ue0. Scopo della presente relazione \ue8 quella di mettere in risalto quelle che sono le principali criticit\ue0 anche confrontando la gestione con strutture analoghe presenti in paesi dove la biodiversit\ue0 \ue8 molto variegata, come l\u2019Australia. Le principali criticit\ue0 riscontrate si possono riassumere in alcuni punti: 1) scarsit\ue0 di fondi a disposizione di ogni C.R.A.S. Per esempio da conti economici svolti con i principi dell\u2019estimo nel C.R.A.S. di Vanzago (Mi), si \ue8 visto che la gestione di un pullo di rondone pu\uf2 costare fino a 100\u20ac mentre una lesione traumatica dovuta a bracconaggio in un rapace pu\uf2 arrivare a 400\u20ac. 2) Disponibilit\ue0 di strutture adeguate allo scopo, cercando anche di \u201cspecializzare\u201d alcuni CRAS all\u2019interno delle regioni. Alcuni centri, infatti, pur agendo con le migliori intenzioni non hanno competenze e strumenti sufficienti per svolgere questa attivit\ue0; le voliere ed i recinti devono rispondere a degli standard dimensionali adeguati. I C.R.A.S. non si devono trasformare in centri in cui vengono ricoverati animali sequestrati dalle autorit\ue0 giudiziarie, in parte anche per motivi opinabili, che occupano spazio e costano, togliendo risorse alle specie che hanno realmente bisogno di aiuto. Alcuni C.R.A.S. infati, soprattutto in alcune regioni d\u2019Italia, ricoverano anche alcune centinaia di soggetti bracconati all\u2019anno 3) Maggiore collaborazione con enti pubblici di ricerca (Universit\ue0) o privati (Cliniche veterinarie) che sopperiscano ad alcune carenze strutturali come la scarsit\ue0 di strumentari di diagnosi clinica (es. diagnostica per immagini). In Australia ogni clinica privata ha un veterinario esperto in fauna e spesso i C.R.A.S. locali non hanno veterinari interni proprio perch\ue9 si appoggiano a queste cliniche o alle universit\ue0 che si prestano gratuitamente ad assistere clinicamente gli animali. 4) Maggiore \u201cspecializzazione\u201d degli operatori (tirocinanti o volontari). La buona volont\ue0 e lo spirito di sacrificio non sempre \ue8 indice di efficienza; bisogno che gli operatori svolgano appositi corsi per acquisire manualit\ue0 e senso critico per poter meglio svolgere alcune operazioni. 5) Gestione delle specie alloctone e dell\u2019eutanasia. Questo aspetto coinvolge l\u2019etica personale ed \ue8 fonte di accesi dibattiti. In Australia, gi\ue0 dal 1992, esiste un \u201cCode of Practice\u201d che codifica alcuni aspetti gestionali ed \ue8 adottato in tutti gli stati; l\u2019eutanasia ad es. viene praticata su tutte le specie alloctone ricoverate, indipendentemente dalla loro situazione clinica; sugli animali irrecuperabili alla vita selvatica e anche sugli animali che pur essendo recuperabili, hanno costi di gestione non sarebbero sostenibili dal centro. 6) Monitoraggi post rilascio. Questo aspetto si collega al primo, il monitoraggio costa molto e quindi ci si limita spesso al solo inanellamento dell\u2019avifauna rilasciata. 7) Maggiore interazione almeno tra i C.R.A.S. della stessa regione, con adozione di protocolli operativi simili, pubblicazione di dati ed esperienze, sia in caso di successi sia di insuccessi. Un ultimo aspetto che non spetterebbe esclusivamente ai C.R.A.S. ma che comunque queste strutture possono implementare nella loro attivit\ue0 di divulgazione \ue8 sicuramente stimolare un forte coscienza ambientale. Si ritiene, infatti, che non sia sufficiente cercare di risolvere i problemi che affliggono l\u2019ambiente naturale ma sia fondamentale tentare di prevenirli. Per fare questo, come avviene in altri Paesi, \ue8 necessario sensibilizzare i cittadini alle problematiche ambientali ed educare i bambini affinch\ue9 rispettino il patrimonio naturalistico nel quale vivono

    Chiang Kai-shek’s “secret deal” at Xian and the start of the Sino-Japanese War

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    Using newly available archives, particularly the diary and the presidential papers of Chiang Kai-shek, this article challenges the conventional interpretations of the Xian Incident (1936), in particular the widely held belief that the kidnapping of China’s leader Chiang by two rebellious generals forced him to form a united front with the Communist Party to confront Japanese aggression, and of the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War 7 months later. It puts forth the interpretation that full-scale war between China and Japan was started not by Japan but by Chiang after a Japanese provocation, and the united front was only formed after Chiang ordered his best army units to attack Japanese forces in Shanghai in August 1937 turning it into the largest land battle after the First World War. It must be noted, however, that Japan acted provocatively and aggressively in a local incident outside Beijing a month earlier. Chiang decided on war not because he reached an agreement with the Chinese Communists to form a united front whilst a captive in Xian but because in Xian he received a signal from Josef Stalin that the Soviet Union would support him in a war with Japan. Chiang read Stalin right and the Soviet Union became the largest supplier of weapons to China in the first 4 years of China’s 8-year war with Japan. The hitherto unknown or “secret deal” Chiang made in Xian was an implicit one with Stalin, not with the Chinese Communist Party or its man on the spot Zhou Enlai

    Assessing West Nile virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV) exposure in bird ringers in the Netherlands: a high-risk group for WNV and USUV infection?

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    INTRODUCTION: In 2020, the first Dutch West Nile virus (WNV) infected birds were detected through risk-targeted surveillance of songbirds. Retrospective testing of patients with unexplained neurological disease revealed human WNV infections in July and August 2020. Bird ringers are highly exposed to mosquito bites and possibly avian excrements during ringing activities. This study therefore investigates whether bird ringers are at higher risk of exposure to WNV and Usutu virus (USUV). METHODS: Dutch bird ringers were asked to provide a single serum sample (May - September 2021) and to fill out a survey. Sera were screened by protein microarray for presence of specific IgG against WNV and USUV non-structural protein 1 (NS1), followed by focus reduction virus neutralization tests (FRNT). Healthcare workers (2009-2010), the national immunity cohort (2016-2017) and blood donors (2021) were used as control groups without this occupational exposure. RESULTS: The majority of the 157 participating bird ringers was male (132/157, 84%) and the median age was 62 years. Thirty-seven participants (37/157, 23.6%) showed WNV and USUV IgG microarray signals above background, compared to 6.4% (6/94) in the community cohort and 2.1% (2/96) in blood donors ( p < 0.01). Two seroreactive bird ringers were confirmed WNV or USUV positive by FRNT. The majority of seroreactive bird ringers travelled to EU countries with reported WNV human cases (30/37, 81%) ( p = 0.07). No difference was observed between bird ringers with and without previous yellow fever vaccination. DISCUSSION: The higher frequency of WNV and/or USUV IgG reactive bird ringers indicates increased flavivirus exposure compared to the general population, suggesting that individuals with high-exposure professions may be considered to complement existing surveillance systems. However, the complexity of serological interpretation in relation to location-specific exposure (including travel), and antibody cross-reactivity, remain a challenge when performing surveillance of emerging flaviviruses in low-prevalence settings

    Do parents of children with congenital malformations have a higher cancer risk? A nationwide study in Denmark

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    To investigate whether parents of children with congenital malformations more often developed cancer after birth of the child, a population-based case-control study in Denmark was undertaken. By linking the Cancer Registry with the Central Population Registry, we identified 8783 cancer patients having their first child born between 1977 and 1995 before the cancer was diagnosed. Parents of 41 206 firstborn children of a 10% random sample of newborns from the Birth Registry between 1980 and 1995 were identified as controls. We obtained malformation diagnoses of children of cases and controls by linking to the Hospital Discharge Registry. We estimated the association between malformation and cancer by using logistic regression, adjusting for maternal age at birth and sex of child. We found no increased risk of cancer in parents having children with malformations in general, but a higher cancer risk in parents of children born with cleft lip/palate, odds ratio (OR) for all cancer=1.8 (95% confidence interval 1.0–3.2), OR for lymphomas=4.2 (1.3–13.5) and OR for leukaemia=8.1 (2.0–33.7). This association was not restricted to cancer cases diagnosed shortly after birth of the child. Our results suggest a common genetic association between these diseases, but further studies are needed

    Estimación de la concentración media diaria de material particulado fino en la región del Complejo Industrial y Portuario de Pecém, Ceará, Brasil

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    A exposição ao material particulado fino (MP2,5) está associada a inúmeros desfechos à saúde. Desta forma, monitoramento da concentração ambiental do MP2,5 é importante, especialmente em áreas amplamente industrializadas, pois abrigam potenciais emissores do MP2,5 e de substâncias com potencial de aumentar a toxicidade de partículas já suspensas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é estimar a concentração diária do MP2,5 em três áreas de influência do Complexo Industrial e Portuário do Pecém (CIPP), Ceará, Brasil. Foi aplicado um modelo de regressão não linear para a estimativa do MP2,5, por meio de dados de profundidade óptica monitorados por satélite. As estimativas foram realizadas em três áreas de influência (Ai) do CIPP (São Gonçalo do Amarante – Ai I, Paracuru e Paraipaba – Ai II e Caucaia – Ai III, no período de 2006 a 2017. As médias anuais das concentrações estimadas foram inferiores ao estabelecido pela legislação nacional em todas as Ai (8µg m-3). Em todas as Ai, os meses referentes ao período de seca (setembro a fevereiro) apresentaram as maiores concentrações e uma predominância de ventos leste para oeste. Os meses que compreendem o período de chuva (março a agosto) apresentaram as menores concentrações e ventos menos definidos. As condições meteorológicas podem exercer um papel importante nos processos de remoção, dispersão ou manutenção das concentrações do material particulado na região. Mesmo com baixas concentrações estimadas, é importante avaliar a constituição das partículas finas dessa região, bem como sua possível associação a efeitos adversos à saúde da população local.Exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is associated with numerous negative health outcomes. Thus, monitoring the environmental concentration of PM2.5 is important, especially in heavily industrialized areas, since they harbor potential emitters of PM2.5 and substances with the potential to increase the toxicity of already suspended particles. This study aims to estimate daily concentrations of PM2.5 in three areas under the influence of the Industrial and Port Complex of Pecém (CIPP), Ceará State, Brazil. A nonlinear regression model was applied to estimate PM2.5, using satellitemonitored optical depth data. Estimates were performed in three areas of influence (Ai) of the CIPP (São Gonçalo do Amarante – AiI, Paracuru and Paraipaba – AiII, and Caucaia – AiIII), from 2006 to 2017. Estimated mean annual concentrations were lower than established by Brazil’s national legislation in all three Ai (8µg m-³). In all the Ai, the months of the dry season (September to February) showed the highest concentrations and a predominance of east winds, while the months of the rainy season (March to August) showed the lowest concentrations and less defined winds Weather conditions can play an important role in the removal, dispersal, or maintenance of concentrations of particulate matter in the region. Even at low estimated concentrations, it is important to assess the composition of fine participles in this region and their possible association with adverse health outcomes in the local population.La exposición al material particulado fino (MP2,5) está asociada a innumerables problemas de salud. Por ello, la supervisión de la concentración ambiental del MP2,5 es importante, especialmente en áreas ampliamente industrializadas, puesto que albergan potenciales emisores de MP2,5 y de sustancias con potencial de aumentar la toxicidad de partículas ya suspendidas. El objetivo de esta investigación es estimar la concentración diaria del MP2,5 en tres áreas de influencia del Complejo Industrial y Portuario de Pecém (CIPP), Ceará, Brasil. Se aplicó un modelo de regresión no lineal para la estimación del MP2,5, mediante datos de profundidad óptica supervisados por satélite. Las estimaciones fueron realizadas en tres áreas de influencia (Ai) del CIPP (São Gonçalo do Amarante – Ai I, Paracuru y Paraipaba – Ai II y Caucaia – Ai III en el período de 2006 a 2017. Las medias anuales de las concentraciones estimadas fueron inferiores a lo establecido por la legislación nacional en todas las Ai (8µg m-³). En todas las Ai, los meses referentes al período de sequía (de setiembre a febrero) presentaron las mayores concentraciones y una predominancia de vientos este a oeste, los meses que comprenden el período de lluvia (marzo a agosto) presentaron las menores concentraciones y vientos menos definidos. Las condiciones meteorológicas pueden ejercer un papel importante en los procesos de eliminación, dispersión o mantenimiento de las concentraciones del material particulado en la región. Incluso con bajas concentraciones estimadas es importante que se evalúe la constitución de las partículas finas de esta región, así como su posible asociación con efectos adversos para la salud de la población local

    Short-Lived Trace Gases in the Surface Ocean and the Atmosphere

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    The two-way exchange of trace gases between the ocean and the atmosphere is important for both the chemistry and physics of the atmosphere and the biogeochemistry of the oceans, including the global cycling of elements. Here we review these exchanges and their importance for a range of gases whose lifetimes are generally short compared to the main greenhouse gases and which are, in most cases, more reactive than them. Gases considered include sulphur and related compounds, organohalogens, non-methane hydrocarbons, ozone, ammonia and related compounds, hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Finally, we stress the interactivity of the system, the importance of process understanding for modeling, the need for more extensive field measurements and their better seasonal coverage, the importance of inter-calibration exercises and finally the need to show the importance of air-sea exchanges for global cycling and how the field fits into the broader context of Earth System Science

    Thalidomide in the treatment of erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL): systematic review of clinical trials and prospects of new investigations

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    FUNDAMENTOS: A hanseníase persiste como problema de saúde pública, e episódios de ENH são eventos agudos que ocorrem antes, durante e após PQT. Na última década, o uso da talidomida como agente imunomodulador foi expandido a outras doenças. OBJETIVOS: realizar revisão sistemática dos ensaios clínicos publicados sobre a eficácia e efeitos colaterais da talidomida no ENH. Descrever metodologia e resultados da triagem para recrutamento de ensaio clínico visando avaliar dose-resposta da talidomida seguida de desmame no ENH moderado e grave, realizado no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Analisaram-se ensaios publicados sobre talidomida no ENH. Foi delineado um ensaio clínico duplo-cego randomizado para avaliar dose de 100 thalid 300mg/dia de talidomida durante fase aguda de ENH, seguida de desmame da talidomida, thalid placebo. Para este ensaio clínico descreve-se metodologia e dados de recrutamento de pacientes, com ênfase na gravidade dos episódios de ENH. RESULTADOS: Os seis ensaios clínicos publicados nas décadas de 1960 e 1970 apontam para o benefício da talidomida no ENH, embora diferenças metodológicas dificultem a comparação. Na fase de recrutamento do ensaio brasileiro, dos 143 pacientes de ENH triados, 65% eram potencialmente elegíveis. A associação com neurite em 56,4% dos ENH moderados e graves exigiu co-intervenção com corticosteróide. CONCLUSÃO: O padrão de recrutamento dos pacientes evidenciou alta freqüência de neurite nos episódios de ENH. O esquema de talidomida isolada no ENH foi avaliado como infreqüente na prática clínica brasileira. O desafio atual é acumular evidências sobre a eficácia e efeitos colaterais da talidomida em associação com corticosteróides.BACKGROUND: Leprosy remains a public health problem. Episodes of erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) are acute events that occur before, during and after polychemotherapy. In the last decade, the use of thalidomide as an immunomodulating agent was expanded to other diseases. OBJECTIVES: To perform a systematic review of published clinical trials on efficacy and side effects of thalidomide in ENL. To describe the methodology and screening results of recruiting for a clinical trial performed in Brazil, which aimed to assess the dose-response of thalidomide followed by tapering regimen in severe and moderate cases of ENL. METHODS: Published clinical trials on the use of thalidomide in ENL were analyzed. A randomized, double-blind clinical trial was designed to evaluate the doses of 100mg versus 300mg/day thalidomide during the acute stage of ENL, followed by thalidomide tapering regimen versus placebo. For this clinical trial, the methodology and data for enrollment of patients were described, with an emphasis on severity of ENL episodes. RESULTS: Six clinical trials published in the 1960's and 1970's indicated the benefits of thalidomide in ENL, although methodological differences made comparison difficult. In the enrollment stage of the Brazilian trial, 65% of patients were potentially eligible out of 143 ENL patients screened. The association with neuritis in 56.4% of moderate and severe cases of ENL required the co-intervention with steroids. CONCLUSION: The patients' enrollment pattern demonstrated high frequency of neuritis in ENL episodes. The treatment regimen with thalidomide in monotherapy for ENL was considered infrequent in the clinical practice in Brazil. The current challenge is to accumulate evidence about efficacy and side effects of thalidomide in combination with steroids