36 research outputs found

    A locally compact quantum group of triangular matrices

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    We construct a one parameter deformation of the group of 2×2 upper triangular matrices with determinant 1 using the twisting construction. An interesting feature of this new example of a locally compact quantum group is that the Haar measure is deformed in a non-trivial way. Also, we give a complete description of the dual C∗-algebra and the dual comultiplication.Побудовано однопараметричну деформацію групи верхніх трикутних матриць розміру 2 × 2 із детермінантом 1 з використанням конструкції скруту. Цікавою рисою цього нового прикладу локально компактної квантової групи є нетривіальна деформація міри Хаара. Наведено також повний опис дуальної C*-алгебри та дуальної комультиплікації

    Multiple noncommutative tori and Hopf algebras

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    We derive the Kac-Paljutkin finite-dimensional Hopf algebras as finite fibrations of the quantum double torus and generalize the construction for quantum multiple tori.Comment: 18 pages; AMSLaTeX (major revision, the construction of dual rewritten using approach of multiplier Hopf algebras, references added

    The distribution of geodesic excursions into the neighborhood of a cone singularity on a hyperbolic 2-orbifold

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    A generic geodesic on a finite area, hyperbolic 2-orbifold exhibits an infinite sequence of penetrations into a neighborhood of a cone singularity, so that the sequence of depths of maximal penetration has a limiting distribution. The distribution function is the same for all such surfaces and is described by a fairly simple formula.Comment: 20 page

    Twisting and Rieffel's deformation of locally compact quantum groups. Deformation of the Haar measure

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    We develop the twisting construction for locally compact quantum groups. A new feature, in contrast to the previous work of M. Enock and the second author, is a non-trivial deformation of the Haar measure. Then we construct Rieffel's deformation of locally compact quantum groups and show that it is dual to the twisting. This allows to give new interesting concrete examples of locally compact quantum groups, in particular, deformations of the classical az+baz+b group and of the Woronowicz' quantum az+baz+b group

    Approximate Homomorphisms of Ternary Semigroups

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    A mapping f:(G1,[]1)(G2,[]2)f:(G_1,[ ]_1)\to (G_2,[ ]_2) between ternary semigroups will be called a ternary homomorphism if f([xyz]1)=[f(x)f(y)f(z)]2f([xyz]_1)=[f(x)f(y)f(z)]_2. In this paper, we prove the generalized Hyers--Ulam--Rassias stability of mappings of commutative semigroups into Banach spaces. In addition, we establish the superstability of ternary homomorphisms into Banach algebras endowed with multiplicative norms.Comment: 10 page

    More on quantum groups from the the quantization point of view

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    Star products on the classical double group of a simple Lie group and on corresponding symplectic grupoids are given so that the quantum double and the "quantized tangent bundle" are obtained in the deformation description. "Complex" quantum groups and bicovariant quantum Lie algebras are discused from this point of view. Further we discuss the quantization of the Poisson structure on symmetric algebra S(g)S(g) leading to the quantized enveloping algebra Uh(g)U_{h}(g) as an example of biquantization in the sense of Turaev. Description of Uh(g)U_{h}(g) in terms of the generators of the bicovariant differential calculus on F(Gq)F(G_q) is very convenient for this purpose. Finally we interpret in the deformation framework some well known properties of compact quantum groups as simple consequences of corresponding properties of classical compact Lie groups. An analogue of the classical Kirillov's universal character formula is given for the unitary irreducible representation in the compact case.Comment: 18 page

    Classical and Quantum Nambu Mechanics

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    The classical and quantum features of Nambu mechanics are analyzed and fundamental issues are resolved. The classical theory is reviewed and developed utilizing varied examples. The quantum theory is discussed in a parallel presentation, and illustrated with detailed specific cases. Quantization is carried out with standard Hilbert space methods. With the proper physical interpretation, obtained by allowing for different time scales on different invariant sectors of a theory, the resulting non-Abelian approach to quantum Nambu mechanics is shown to be fully consistent.Comment: 44 pages, 1 figure, 1 table Minor changes to conform to journal versio