4,767 research outputs found

    Mid-Infrared Variability of protostars in IC 1396A

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    We have used Spitzer/IRAC to conduct a photometric monitoring program of the IC1396A dark globule in order to study the mid-IR (3.6 - 8 micron) variability of the heavily embedded Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) present in that area. We obtained light curves covering a 14 day timespan with a twice daily cadence for 69 YSOs, and continuous light curves with approximately 12 second cadence over 7 hours for 38 YSOs. Typical accuracies for our relative photometry were 1-2% for the long timespan data and a few mmag, corresponding to less than 0.5%, for the 7 hour continuous "staring-mode" data. More than half of the YSOs showed detectable variability, with amplitudes from ~0.05 mag to ~0.2 mag. About thirty percent of the YSOs showed quasi-sinusoidal light curve shapes with apparent periods from 5-12 days and light curve amplitudes approximately independent of wavelength over the IRAC bandpasses. We have constructed models which simulate the time dependent spectral energy distributions of Class I and I I YSOs in order to attempt to explain these light curves. Based on these models, the apparently periodic light curves are best explained by YSO models where one or two high latitude photospheric spots heat the inner wall of the circumstellar disk, and where we view the disk at fairly large inclination angle. Disk inhomogeneities, such as increasing the height where the accretion funnel flows to the stellar hotspot, enhances the light curve modulations. The other YSOs in our sample show a range of light curve shapes, some of which are probably due to varying accretion rate or disk shadowing events. One star, IC1396A-47, shows a 3.5 hour periodic light curve; this object may be a PMS Delta Scuti star


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    A Disk Shadow Around the Young Star ASR 41 in NGC 1333

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    We present images of the young stellar object ASR 41 in the NGC 1333 star forming region at the wavelengths of H_alpha and [SII] and in the I, J, H, and K-bands. ASR 41 has the near-infrared morphology of an edge-on disk object, but appears an order of magnitude larger than typical systems of this kind. We also present detailed models of the scattering and radiative transfer in systems consisting of a young star surrounded by a proto-planetary disk, and the whole system being embedded in either an infalling envelope or a uniform molecular cloud. The best fit to the observed morphology can be achieved with a disk of approx. 200 AU diameter, immersed in a low density cloud. The low cloud density is necessary to stay below the sub-mm flux upper limits and to preserve the shadow cast by the disk via single scattering. The results demonstrate that ASR 41 is probably not inherently different from typical edge-on disk objects, and that its large apparent size is due to the shadow of a much smaller disk being projected into the surrounding dusty molecular material

    The Relationship of Immune Status to the Efficacy of Immunotherapy in Preventing Tumour Recurrence in Mice

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    The immunotherapeutic value of tumour extracts or B.C.G. in preventing either the occurrence of primary tumours or the recurrence of tumours in surgically resected animals has been examined. A transplantable methylcholanthrene induced tumour in DBA/2J mice was used. Neither tumour extract nor chemically modified extract was effective in preventing tumour growth in immunized animals, even though the mice demonstrated measurable levels of cell mediated tumour immunity at the time of tumour challenge. The frequency of tumour recurrence after resection of small tumours (about 1·0 g) was significantly lowered by treatment of the mice with a combination of B.C.G. and either modified or unmodified tumour extract. The frequency of recurrence after resection of large tumours (about 2·5 g) was not affected by any form of immunotherapy although the survival time of treated animals was significantly prolonged. The immunological status of animals with small and large tumours was examined and it was shown that mice with 1·0 g tumours have unimpaired mitogen responsiveness and measurable tumour specific immunity, whereas mice bearing large tumours (2·5 g) have a markedly impaired immune system

    Herschel Observations of a Newly Discovered UX Ori Star in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    The LMC star, SSTISAGE1C J050756.44-703453.9, was first noticed during a survey of EROS-2 lightcurves for stars with large irregular brightness variations typical of the R Coronae Borealis (RCB) class. However, the visible spectrum showing emission lines including the Balmer and Paschen series as well as many Fe II lines is emphatically not that of an RCB star. This star has all of the characteristics of a typical UX Ori star. It has a spectral type of approximately A2 and has excited an H II region in its vicinity. However, if it is an LMC member, then it is very luminous for a Herbig Ae/Be star. It shows irregular drops in brightness of up to 2 mag, and displays the reddening and "blueing" typical of this class of stars. Its spectrum, showing a combination of emission and absorption lines, is typical of a UX Ori star that is in a decline caused by obscuration from the circumstellar dust. SSTISAGE1C J050756.44-703453.9 has a strong IR excess and significant emission is present out to 500 micron. Monte Carlo radiative transfer modeling of the SED requires that SSTISAGE1C J050756.44-703453.9 has both a dusty disk as well as a large extended diffuse envelope to fit both the mid- and far-IR dust emission. This star is a new member of the UX Ori subclass of the Herbig Ae/Be stars and only the second such star to be discovered in the LMC.Comment: ApJ, in press. 9 pages, 5 figure

    The youngest massive protostars in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We demonstrate the unique capabilities of Herschel to study very young luminous extragalactic young stellar objects (YSOs) by analyzing a central strip of the Large Magellanic Cloud obtained through the HERITAGE Science Demonstration Program. We combine PACS 100 and 160, and SPIRE 250, 350, and 500 microns photometry with 2MASS (1.25-2.17 microns) and Spitzer IRAC and MIPS (3.6-70 microns) to construct complete spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of compact sources. From these, we identify 207 candidate embedded YSOs in the observed region, ~40% never-before identified. We discuss their position in far-infrared color-magnitude space, comparing with previously studied, spectroscopically confirmed YSOs and maser emission. All have red colors indicating massive cool envelopes and great youth. We analyze four example YSOs, determining their physical properties by fitting their SEDs with radiative transfer models. Fitting full SEDs including the Herschel data requires us to increase the size and mass of envelopes included in the models. This implies higher accretion rates (greater than or equal to 0.0001 M_sun/yr), in agreement with previous outflow studies of high-mass protostars. Our results show that Herschel provides reliable longwave SEDs of large samples of high-mass YSOs; discovers the youngest YSOs whose SEDs peak in Herschel bands; and constrains the physical properties and evolutionary stages of YSOs more precisely than was previously possible.Comment: Main text: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; Online material: 3 figures, 1 table; to appear in the A&A Herschel Special Issu

    Reconstructing a Simple Polytope from its Graph

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    Blind and Mani (1987) proved that the entire combinatorial structure (the vertex-facet incidences) of a simple convex polytope is determined by its abstract graph. Their proof is not constructive. Kalai (1988) found a short, elegant, and algorithmic proof of that result. However, his algorithm has always exponential running time. We show that the problem to reconstruct the vertex-facet incidences of a simple polytope P from its graph can be formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem that is strongly dual to the problem of finding an abstract objective function on P (i.e., a shelling order of the facets of the dual polytope of P). Thereby, we derive polynomial certificates for both the vertex-facet incidences as well as for the abstract objective functions in terms of the graph of P. The paper is a variation on joint work with Michael Joswig and Friederike Koerner (2001).Comment: 14 page
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