2,144 research outputs found

    Ground-based photometric surveillance of the passive geodetic satellite

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    Ground-based photometry of Passive Geodetic Earth Orbiting Satellite /PAGEOS

    Quantitative observations of the behavior of anomalous low altitude ClO in the Antarctic spring Stratosphere, 1987

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    During the second National Ozone Expedition ground-based observations at McMurdo Station Antarctica were performed which resulted in a second season's measurement of abnormally large amounts of ClO in the Antarctic spring stratosphere. The original measurements of 1986, in which the presence of this anomalous layer was first discovered, were limited in low altitude recovery of the ClO mixing ratio profile by the restrictions of the spectral bandwidth (256 MHz) which was used to measure the pressure-broadened ClO emission line shape. The 1987 measurements were marked by the use of twice the spectral bandpass employed the previous year, and allow a better characterization of the ClO mixing ratio profile in the critical altitude range 18 to 25 km. In-situ aircraft measurements of ClO made over the Palmer Peninsula during Aug. and Sept. of 1987 by Anderson, et al. effectively determined the important question of the ClO mixing ratio profile at altitudes inaccessible to our technique, below approximately 18 to 18.5 km. These flights did not penetrate further than 75 deg S, however, (vs 78 deg S for McMurdo) and were thus limited to coverage near the outer boundaries of the region of severest ozone depletion over Antarctica in 1987, did not reach an altitude convincingly above that of the peak mixing ratio for ClO, and were not able to make significant observations of the diurnal variation of ClO. The two techniques, and the body of data recovered by each, thus complement one another in producing a full picture of the anomalous ClO layer intimately connected with the region of Antarctic spring ozone depletion. An analysis is presented of the mixing ratio profile from approximately 18 to 45 km, the diurnal behavior, and the secular change in ClO over McMurdo Station during Sept. and early Oct. 1987

    Daytime ClO over McMurdo in September 1987: Altitude profile retrieval accuracy

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    During the 1987 National Ozone Expedition, mm-wave emission line spectra of the 278.6 GHz rotational stratospheric ClO were observed at McMurdo Station, Antarctica. The results confirm the 1986 discovery of a lower stratospheric layer with approximately 100 times the normal amount of ClO; the 1987 observations, made with a spectrometer bandwidth twice that used in 1986, make possible a more accurate retrieval of the altitude profile of the low altitude component of stratospheric ClO from the pressure broadened line shape, down to approximately 16 km. The accuracy of the altitude profile retrievals is discussed, using the daytime (09:30 to 19:30, local time) data from 20 to 24 September, 1987 as an example. The signal strength averaged over this daytime period is approx. 85 percent of the midday peak value. The rate of ozone depletion implied by the observed ClO densities is also discussed

    Photometric measurements of surface characteristics of echo i satellite final report

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    Photometric measurements of Echo I satellite surface characteristic

    Manidipine regulates the transcription of cytokine genes.

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    Biomass burning and urban air pollution over the Central Mexican Plateau

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    Observations during the 2006 dry season of highly elevated concentrations of cyanides in the atmosphere above Mexico City (MC) and the surrounding plains demonstrate that biomass burning (BB) significantly impacted air quality in the region. We find that during the period of our measurements, fires contribute more than half of the organic aerosol mass and submicron aerosol scattering, and one third of the enhancement in benzene, reactive nitrogen, and carbon monoxide in the outflow from the plateau. The combination of biomass burning and anthropogenic emissions will affect ozone chemistry in the MC outflow

    Effect of sulfate aerosol on tropospheric NOx and ozone budgets: Model simulations and TOPSE evidence

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    The distributions of NOx and O3 are analyzed during TOPSE (Tropospheric Ozone Production about the Spring Equinox). In this study these data are compared with the calculations of a global chemical/transport model (Model for OZone And Related chemical Tracers (MOZART)). Specifically, the effect that hydrolysis of N2O5 on sulfate aerosols has on tropospheric NOx and O3 budgets is studied. The results show that without this heterogeneous reaction, the model significantly overestimates NOx concentrations at high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) in winter and spring in comparison to the observations during TOPSE; with this reaction, modeled NOx concentrations are close to the measured values. This comparison provides evidence that the hydrolysis of N2O5 on sulfate aerosol plays an important role in controlling the tropospheric NOx and O3 budgets. The calculated reduction of NOx attributed to this reaction is 80 to 90% in winter at high latitudes over North America. Because of the reduction of NOx, O3 concentrations are also decreased. The maximum O3reduction occurs in spring although the maximum NOx reduction occurs in winter when photochemical O3 production is relatively low. The uncertainties related to uptake coefficient and aerosol loading in the model is analyzed. The analysis indicates that the changes in NOxdue to these uncertainties are much smaller than the impact of hydrolysis of N2O5 on sulfate aerosol. The effect that hydrolysis of N2O5 on global NOx and O3 budgets are also assessed by the model. The results suggest that in the Northern Hemisphere, the average NOx budget decreases 50% due to this reaction in winter and 5% in summer. The average O3 budget is reduced by 8% in winter and 6% in summer. In the Southern Hemisphere (SH), the sulfate aerosol loading is significantly smaller than in the Northern Hemisphere. As a result, sulfate aerosol has little impact on NOx and O3 budgets of the Southern Hemisphere

    Analysis of ozone and nitric acid in spring and summer Arctic pollution using aircraft, ground-based, satellite observations and MOZART-4 model: source attribution and partitioning

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    In this paper, we analyze tropospheric O_3 together with HNO_3 during the POLARCAT (Polar Study using Aircraft, Remote Sensing, Surface Measurements and Models, of Climate, Chemistry, Aerosols, and Transport) program, combining observations and model results. Aircraft observations from the NASA ARCTAS (Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites) and NOAA ARCPAC (Aerosol, Radiation and Cloud Processes affecting Arctic Climate) campaigns during spring and summer of 2008 are used together with the Model for Ozone and Related Chemical Tracers, version 4 (MOZART-4) to assist in the interpretation of the observations in terms of the source attribution and transport of O_3 and HNO_3 into the Arctic (north of 60Ā° N). The MOZART-4 simulations reproduce the aircraft observations generally well (within 15%), but some discrepancies in the model are identified and discussed. The observed correlation of O_3 with HNO_3 is exploited to evaluate the MOZART-4 model performance for different air mass types (fresh plumes, free troposphere and stratospheric-contaminated air masses). Based on model simulations of O_3 and HNO_3 tagged by source type and region, we find that the anthropogenic pollution from the Northern Hemisphere is the dominant source of O3 and HNO3 in the Arctic at pressures greater than 400 hPa, and that the stratospheric influence is the principal contribution at pressures less 400 hPa. During the summer, intense Russian fire emissions contribute some amount to the tropospheric columns of both gases over the American sector of the Arctic. North American fire emissions (California and Canada) also show an important impact on tropospheric ozone in the Arctic boundary layer. Additional analysis of tropospheric O_3 measurements from ground-based FTIR and from the IASI satellite sounder made at the Eureka (Canada) and Thule (Greenland) polar sites during POLARCAT has been performed using the tagged contributions. It demonstrates the capability of these instruments for observing pollution at northern high latitudes. Differences between contributions from the sources to the tropospheric columns as measured by FTIR and IASI are discussed in terms of vertical sensitivity associated with these instruments. The first analysis of O_3 tropospheric columns observed by the IASI satellite instrument over the Arctic is also provided. Despite its limited vertical sensitivity in the lowermost atmospheric layers, we demonstrate that IASI is capable of detecting low-altitude pollution transported into the Arctic with some limitations

    A new high-sensitivity superconducting receiver for mm-wave remote-sensing spectroscopy of the stratosphere

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    We describe a recently constructed ground-based mm-wave spectrometer incorporating a superconducting tunnel junction as a heterodyne mixer-receiver. Under conditions of low tropospheric water vapor, the superior sensitivity of this receiver allows spectral line measurements of stratospheric molecules with mixing ratios as small as a few tenths of a part per billion (e.g., ClO, HCN) to be made in 4 to 6 hours, with a signal to noise ratio of at least 30:1. We expect to be able to halve this time by further improvement of the mixer's intrinsic noise level
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