1,550 research outputs found

    The Herschel/PACS view of disks around low-mass stars in Chamaleon-I

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    Circumstellar disks are expected to be the birthplaces of planets. The potential for forming one or more planets of various masses is essentially driven by the initial mass of the disks. We present and analyze Herschel/PACS observations of disk-bearing M-type stars that belong to the young ~2 Myr old Chamaleon-I star forming region. We used the radiative transfer code RADMC to successfully model the SED of 17 M-type stars detected at PACS wavelengths. We first discuss the relatively low detection rates of M5 and later spectral type stars with respect to the PACS sensitivity, and argue their disks masses, or flaring indices, are likely to be low. For M0 to M3 stars, we find a relatively broad range of disk masses, scale heights, and flaring indices. Via a parametrization of dust stratification, we can reproduce the peak fluxes of the 10 μ\mum emission feature observed with Spitzer/IRS, and find that disks around M-type stars may display signs of dust sedimentation. The Herschel/PACS observations of low-mass stars in Cha-I provide new constraints on their disk properties, overall suggesting that disk parameters for early M-type stars are comparable to those for more massive stars (e.g., comparable scale height and flaring angles). However, regions of the disks emitting at about 100 μ\mum may still be in the optically thick regime, preventing direct determination of disk masses. Thus the modeled disk masses should be considered as lower limits. Still, we are able to extend the wavelength coverage of SED models and start characterizing effects such as dust sedimentation, an effort leading the way towards ALMA observations of these low-mass stars

    The Formation of Brown Dwarfs: Observations

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    We review the current state of observational work on the formation of brown dwarfs, focusing on their initial mass function, velocity and spatial distributions at birth, multiplicity, accretion, and circumstellar disks. The available measurements of these various properties are consistent with a common formation mechanism for brown dwarfs and stars. In particular, the existence of widely separated binary brown dwarfs and a probable isolated proto-brown dwarf indicate that some substellar objects are able to form in the same manner as stars through unperturbed cloud fragmentation. Additional mechanisms such as ejection and photoevaporation may play a role in the birth of some brown dwarfs, but there is no observational evidence to date to suggest that they are the key elements that make it possible for substellar bodies to form.Comment: Protostars and Planets V, in pres

    An HST Imaging Survey of Low-Mass Stars in the Chamaeleon I Star Forming region

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    We present new HST/WFPC2 observations of 20 fields centered around T Tauri stars in the Chamaeleon I star forming region. Images have been obtained in the F631N ([OI]6300A), F656N (Ha) and F673N ([SII]6716A+6731A) narrow-band filters, plus the Johnson V-band equivalent F547M filter. We detect 31 T Tauri stars falling within our fields. We discuss the optical morphology of 10 sources showing evidence of either binarity, circumstellar material, or mass loss. We supplement our photometry with a compilation of optical, infrared and sub-millimeter data from the literature, together with new sub-mm data for three objects, to build the Spectral Energy Distributions (SED) of 19 single sources. Using an SED model fitting tool, we self-consistently estimate a number of stellar and disk parameters, while mass accretion rates are directly derived from our Ha photometry. We find that bolometric luminosities derived from dereddened optical data tend to be underestimated in systems with high alpha(2-24} IR spectral index, suggesting that disks seen nearly edge-on may occasionally be interpreted as low luminosity (and therefore more evolved) sources. On the other hand, the same alpha(2-24) spectral index, a tracer of the amount of dust in the warmer layers of the circumstellar disks, and the mass accretion rate appear to decay with the isocronal stellar age, suggesting that the observed age spread (~0.5-5 Myr) within the cluster is real. Our sample contains a few outliers that may have dissipated their circumstellar disks on shorter time-scale.Comment: to appear on Astronomical Journal, accepted April 16, 2012 (AJ-10740

    An eighteenth century tunnel as possible archive for palaeoclimate studies

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    The former Silva Lake (present “Pian del Lago”, Siena, Italy) developed during late Quaternary and formed as a poljie on the Triassic limestones. The depression, nowadays completely drained, is N-S oriented, 4.5 km wide and 12 km long. The lake never exceeded 6 m in depth, and it was mainly a grassy swamp during the dry season. The lake depression is filled with 20 to 30 m of a reddish siltyclayey succession. Starting from the Middle Age till late 18th century, the shallow waters of the lake and the humid area around acted as a swampy area infested by malaria. In 1766 a Sienese nobleman, Francesco Bindi Sergardi drained the lake excavating a drainage 2124m-long tunnel in Triassic limestones to connect the Silva Lake with the closeby Rigo Creek. However, quite often the tunnel was filled with debris and the lake swamped up again. In 1780 Pietro Leopoldo Grand Duke of Tuscany definitively reclaimed the Silva Lake and completed the construction of the drainage tunnel by paving and extending it for an additional 197 m. Since then, the tunnel is called the ”Canale del Gran Duca”. The entrance altitude of the canal is at 252 m a.s.l., and the exit is at 247 m a.s.l. The altitude difference is therefore of 5 m, and the canal floor has a slope of 0.2 %. The canal is for the most part paved but, in places, solid walls of Triassic limestone are still visible. Diffuse karst features are forming locally. Stalactites have lengths varying from 5 to 10 cm, and flowstones occur along the tunnel walls. The presence of these speleothems has allowed geochemical investigations to establish climatic variations of the last two centuries. The tunnel was probably cleaned and well maintained for sometime after its construction (1780), and it is likely that all the remaining speleothems have developed in the last two centuries with an estimated growth of a 0.5/6 mm per year. A petrographic investigation of a well laminated flowstone with a parasitic stalagmite has been undertaken to determine the growth mechanisms. Oxygen and carbon isotope data (δ18O and δ13C values) were used as indirect proxies for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Preliminary, data show significant variations along the axis of the flowstone possibly related to environmental and climatic variations within and above the “canale”

    The Inner Rim of YSO Disks: Effects of dust grain evolution

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    Dust-grain growth and settling are the first steps towards planet formation. An understanding of dust physics is therefore integral to a complete theory of the planet formation process. In this paper, we explore the possibility of using the dust evaporation front in YSO disks (`the inner rim') as a probe of the dust physics operating in circumstellar disks. The geometry of the rim depends sensitively on the composition and spatial distribution of dust. Using radiative transfer and hydrostatic equilibrium calculations we demonstrate that dust growth and settling can curve the evaporation front dramatically (from a cylindrical radius of about 0.5 AU in the disk mid-plane to 1.2 AU in the disk upper layers for an A0 star). We compute synthetic images and interferometric visibilities for our representative rim models and show that the current generation of near-IR long-baseline interferometers (VLTI, CHARA) can strongly constrain the dust properties of circumstellar disks, shedding light on the relatively poorly understood processes of grain growth, settling and turbulent mixing.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Low EUV Luminosities Impinging on Protoplanetary Disks

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    The amount of high-energy stellar radiation reaching the surface of protoplanetary disks is essential to determine their chemistry and physical evolution. Here, we use millimetric and centimetric radio data to constrain the EUV luminosity impinging on 14 disks around young (~2-10Myr) sun-like stars. For each object we identify the long-wavelength emission in excess to the dust thermal emission, attribute that to free-free disk emission, and thereby compute an upper limit to the EUV reaching the disk. We find upper limits lower than 1042^{42} photons/s for all sources without jets and lower than 5×10405 \times 10^{40} photons/s for the three older sources in our sample. These latter values are low for EUV-driven photoevaporation alone to clear out protoplanetary material in the timescale inferred by observations. In addition, our EUV upper limits are too low to reproduce the [NeII] 12.81 micron luminosities from three disks with slow [NeII]-detected winds. This indicates that the [NeII] line in these sources primarily traces a mostly neutral wind where Ne is ionized by 1 keV X-ray photons, implying higher photoevaporative mass loss rates than those predicted by EUV-driven models alone. In summary, our results suggest that high-energy stellar photons other than EUV may dominate the dispersal of protoplanetary disks around sun-like stars.Comment: Accepted for publication to The Astrophysical Journa

    ALMA Observations of the Young Substellar Binary System 2M1207

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    We present ALMA observations of the 2M1207 system, a young binary made of a brown dwarf with a planetary-mass companion at a projected separation of about 40 au. We detect emission from dust continuum at 0.89 mm and from the J=32J = 3 - 2 rotational transition of CO from a very compact disk around the young brown dwarf. The small radius found for this brown dwarf disk may be due to truncation from the tidal interaction with the planetary-mass companion. Under the assumption of optically thin dust emission, we estimated a dust mass of 0.1 MM_{\oplus} for the 2M1207A disk, and a 3σ\sigma upper limit of 1 MMoon\sim 1~M_{\rm{Moon}} for dust surrounding 2M1207b, which is the tightest upper limit obtained so far for the mass of dust particles surrounding a young planetary-mass companion. We discuss the impact of this and other non-detections of young planetary-mass companions for models of planet formation, which predict the presence of circum-planetary material surrounding these objects.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A

    First Detection of Millimeter Dust Emission from Brown Dwarf Disks

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    We report results from the first deep millimeter continuum survey targeting Brown Dwarfs (BDs). The survey led to the first detection of cold dust in the disks around two young BDs (CFHT-BD-Tau 4 and IC348 613), with deep JCMT and IRAM observations reaching flux levels of a few mJy. The dust masses are estimated to be a few Earth masses assuming the same dust opacities as usually applied to TTauri stars.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for ApJ

    A Search for Companions to Brown Dwarfs in the Taurus and Chamaeleon Star Forming Regions

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    We present the results of a search for companions to young brown dwarfs in the Taurus and Chamaeleon I star forming regions (1/2-3 Myr). We have used WFPC2 on board HST to obtain F791W and F850LP images of 47 members of these regions that have spectral types of M6-L0 (0.01-0.1 Msun). An additional late-type member of Taurus, FU Tau (M7.25+M9.25), was also observed with adaptive optics at Keck Observatory. We have applied PSF subtraction to the primaries and have searched the resulting images for objects that have colors and magnitudes that are indicative of young low-mass objects. Through this process, we have identified promising candidate companions to 2MASS J04414489+2301513 (rho=0.105"/15 AU), 2MASS J04221332+1934392 (rho=0.05"/7 AU), and ISO 217 (rho=0.03"/5 AU). We reported the discovery of the first candidate in a previous study, showing that it has a similar proper motion as the primary through a comparison of astrometry measured with WFPC2 and Gemini adaptive optics. We have collected an additional epoch of data with Gemini that further supports that result. By combining our survey with previous high-resolution imaging in Taurus, Chamaeleon, and Upper Sco (10 Myr), we measure binary fractions of 14/93 = 0.15+0.05/-0.03 for M4-M6 (0.1-0.3 Msun) and 4/108 = 0.04+0.03/-0.01 for >M6 (10 AU. Given the youth and low density of these three regions, the lower binary fraction at later types is probably primordial rather than due to dynamical interactions among association members. The widest low-mass binaries (>100 AU) also appear to be more common in Taurus and Chamaeleon than in the field, which suggests that the widest low-mass binaries are disrupted by dynamical interactions at >10 Myr, or that field brown dwarfs have been born predominantly in denser clusters where wide systems are disrupted or inhibited from forming.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Postural adjustments to self-triggered perturbations under conditions of changes in body orientation

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    We studied anticipatory and compensatory postural adjustments (APAs and CPAs) associated with self-triggered postural perturbations in conditions with changes in the initial body orientation. In particular, we were testing hypotheses on adjustments in the reciprocal and coactivation commands, role of proximal vs. distal muscles, and correlations between changes in indices of APAs and CPAs. Healthy young participants stood on a board with full support or reduced support area and held a standard load in the extended arms. They released the load in a self-paced manned with a standard small-amplitude arm movement. Electromyograms of 12 muscles were recorded and used to compute reciprocal and coactivation indices between three muscle pairs on both sides of the body. The subject's body was oriented toward one of three targets: straight ahead, 60° to the left, and 60° to the right. Body orientation has stronger effects on proximal muscle pairs compared to distal muscles. It led to more consistent changes in the reciprocal command compared to the coactivation command. Indices of APAs and CPAs showed positive correlations across conditions. We conclude that the earlier suggested hierarchical relations between the reciprocal and coactivation command could be task-specific. Predominance of negative or positive correlations between APA and CPA indices could also be task-specific