120 research outputs found

    Global Determinants of the International Movement of Production Factors: Economic-legal and Institutional Context

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    Scientific research is devoted to current problems of the influence of globalization on changes in the international movement of production factors in the 21st century. Considerable attention is focused on the economic, legal and institutional aspects of the transformation of the international movement of capital and labor in modern conditions, taking into account the need to apply an integrated interdisciplinary approach to identify new phenomena and processes that occur in the global economic environment The state and trends of development in the organization of global production, investment and marketing in the context of destabilizing phenomena in the global economy, the strengthening of non-protectionist appeals in the world avant-garde countries to return production to the national territory and the exacerbation of social and economic problems caused by international migration are revealed. The authors are looking for answers to difficult questions about the opportunities for small open economies to be attracted to global value chains through the format of investment and contractual relations, to increase the level of localization of international and national production through import substitution, to optimize the taxation of entrepreneurial activities in a liberalized international capital transfer, transform the national regulatory policy as a mechanism that ensures the possibility of taking into account the imperatives of globalization and contributes to the protection of national economic interests, ensure the development of fair competition as a prerequisite for the country’s integration into world economic processes

    Impact of weather and climate on seed protein and oil content of soybean in the North Сaucasus

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    For a targeted search of initial breeding material for the quality of soybean seeds, it is necessary to know the patterns of the dependence of the corresponding seed characters on the weather and climatic conditions in a particular region. Global climatic change, the concretization of which is relevant, has a share in this dependence. Thus, the aim of this work was to identify the relationship between the variability of protein and oil content in soybean seeds with climatic parameters in the North Caucasus as well as trends in this variability over a long time period. The study of 1 442 soybean accessions from VIR collection in the Krasnodar region during 1987–2015 had been carried out and the tendencies of the variability of protein and oil content in seeds in this environment were estimated. The regression analysis in differences with forward stepwise selection of variables has been used to construct models for the dependence of the protein and oil content on generalized agrometeorological indices. During 1987–2015, for the period with temperatures above 10 °C, the sums of active temperatures increased by 218 °C/10 years and precipitation decreased by 20.9 mm/10 years. In the dynamics of protein content, a trend has been revealed as an increase by 2.5 % over 10 years, while there is no reliable trend in oil content. The maximum average mean of oil content and the smallest protein were in the middle-maturing accessions (22.2 and 38.8 %), and a relatively high protein content was detected, on average, in the early- (21.6 and 40.0 %) and late-maturing (20.2 and 39.9 %) varieties. The protein content had been increasing with a growth of the duration of the period with temperatures above 22 °C and decreasing with a raise in precipitation over a period of temperatures above 18 °C. The accumulation of oil in seeds was promoted by an increase of the hydrothermal coefficient over the period with temperatures above 19 °C, and, in late-maturating varieties, prevented by a prolonged autumn period with temperatures below 15 °C. Long-term growth in protein content is due to both climatic change and genetic improvement of varieties

    Легочный вариант гистиоцитоза из клеток Лангерганса у пожилого мужчины

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    Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a heterogeneous group of diseases with typical accumulation of Langerhans cells in different organs and tissues and formation of granulomas with eosinophil infiltration. Pulmonary LCH in adults is an orphan interstitial lung disease. This disease could occur independently on 15% or to be a part of a multisystemic disease in similar proportion of cases. The clinical course of LCH is various and unpredictable and could vary from asymptomatic course to severe progressive pulmonary injury and respiratory failure. The disease could regress spontaneously in a quarter of patients; have the stable course in 50% and progress in 25% of patients. A case of early-stage pulmonary LCH in a 73-year-old smoker was reported in the article. The diagnose was made according to histological and immunohistochemical investigations of VATS biopsy of the lung tissue. Disseminated injury of the lungs without cysts was found that is typical for early stage of LCH and is difficult for detection. Radiological follow-up revealed rapid progression of the disease.Гистиоцитоз из клеток Лангерганса (ГКЛ) – гетерогенная группа заболеваний, характеризующихся накоплением клеток Лангерганса в различных органах и тканях с формированием гранулем с эозинофильной инфильтрацией. Легочный вариант ГКЛ у взрослых относится к редким интерстициальным заболеваниям легких. В 15 %наблюдений может развиться самостоятельное заболевание, с той же частотой ГКЛ является проявлением мультисистемного заболевания. Течение ГКЛ разнообразно и непредсказуемо – от бессимптомных форм до тяжелого прогрессирующего поражения легких, сопровождающегося дыхательной недостаточностью. У #¼ пациентов наблюдается самопроизвольный регресс, у 50 % – стабильное течение заболевания, у 25 % –прогрессирование. Приводится наблюдение гистиоцитоза легких у курящего мужчины 73 лет на ранней стадии развития заболевания, выявленного на основании гистологического и иммуногистохимического исследования привидеоторакоскопической биопсии легкого. В данном наблюдении описано очаговое диссеминированное поражение легких без кистозных изменений верхних и средних долей легких, что характерно для начальной фазы развития ГКЛ, сложной для диагностики. Динамическое рентгенологическое наблюдение свидетельствует о быстропрогрессирующем течении заболевания


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    Objective: to reveal early changes in the hemostatic system during warfarin therapy in cardiac surgical patients, by comprehensively evaluating their hemostatic status.Subjects and methods. Seventyfive patients receiving cardiac surgical treatment were examined. All the patients took warfarin for 5±1.5 days. Laboratory studies involving the determination of routine coagulogram readings and thrombodynamic indicators (lag time (Tlag) and rate (Vs) of clot growth, and concentrations of individual Factors II, VI, IX, and X) were used to evaluate the patients' hemostatic status.Results. 28% of the patients were found to have an international normalized ratio (INR) of above 3.0. There was a correlation of Tlag with INR (R2=0.66). Both indicators were  comparatively highly correlated with Factor II and Factor X concentrations (R2=0.50 and 0.40 for Tlag; R2=0.53 and 0.48 for INR) and were uncorrelated with Factor IX levels (R2=0.20 for Tlag and 0.34 for INR). However, there was a difference in Factor VII concentrations: no correlation for Tlag (R2=0.20) whereas it for INR was rather high (R2=0.42). The index Vs was uncorrelated with INR (R2=0.24) and the concentration of blood coagulation factors (R2<0.1). There was a high correlation between Factor II and Factor X concentrations (R2=0.87); the correlation between the concentrations of all other pairs of coagulation factors was substantially lower (R20.45). The lack of correlation of a thrombodynamic indicator, such as clot growth rate, with the concentration of coagulation factors points to the fact that warfarin acts mainly on the phase of coagulation activation rather than that of clot propagation.Conclusion. The weak correlation between coagulation factors (except that of a pair of Factor II and Factor X) is indicative of the individual response of the patients to warfarin treatment and the need to monitor the hemostatic status by global hemostatic tests rather than by individual proteins. The thrombodynamic indicator Tlag reflects the effect of warfarin in proportion to INR. Warfarin virtually fails to affect the rate of clot growth so this indicator may be used to evaluate the patient's procoagulant status uncompensated for with warfarin intake. Цель работы. Выявление ранних изменений в системе гемостаза при терапии варфарином у кардиохирургических больных путем комплексной оценки гемостатического статуса пациентов.Материалы и методы. Исследовано 75 пациентов, проходивших кардиохирургическое лечение. Все пациенты получали варфарин (продолжительность лечения больных — 5±1,5 суток). Для оценки гемостатического статуса больных использовали лабораторные методы, включающие определение рутинных показателей коагулограммы, тромбодинамики (время задержки Tlag и скорости роста сгустка (Vs), исследования концентрации II, VII, IX, X факторов).Результаты. Установлено, что у 28%больных показатель МНО находился в области свыше 3.0. Установлена корреляция Tlag с  MНО (R2=0,66). Оба показателя имеют сравнительно высокую корреляцию с концентрацией FII и FX (R2=0,50 и 0,40 для Tlag, R2=0,53 и 0,48 для МНО) и не коррелируют с концентрацией FIX (R2=0,20 для Tlag и 0,34 для МНО). Однако наблюдается расхождение в случае концентрации FVII: корреляция для Tlag отсутствует (R2=0,20), тогда как для МНО она достаточно высока (R2=0,42). Параметр Vs не коррелирует с МНО (R2=0,24) и концентрацией факторов свертывания (R2<0,1). Обнаружена высокая корреляция между концентрациями факторов FII и FX (R2=0,87), корреляция между концентрациями всех других пар факторов свертывания существенно ниже (R20,45). Отсутствие корреляции такого показателя тромбодинамики как скорость роста сгустка от концентрации факторов указывает на то, что варфарин действует преимущественно на фазу активации свертывания, но не на фазу распространения сгустка.Заключение. Слабая корреляция факторов свертывания между собой (за исключением пары фактор II — фактор X) указывает на индивидуальный ответ больных на лечение варфарином и необходимость мониторинга состояния гемостаза не по отдельным белкам, а глобальными тестами. Параметр Tlag в тромбодинамике отражает эффект варфарина пропорционально МНО. Варфарин практически не влияет на скорость роста сгустка Vs, поэтому данный параметр можно использовать для оценки прокоагулянтного состояния пациента, не компенсируемого приемом варфарина

    Promiscuous targeting of bromodomains by bromosporine identifies BET proteins as master regulators of primary transcription response in leukemia

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    Bromodomains (BRDs) have emerged as compelling targets for cancer therapy. The development of selective and potent BET (bromo and extra-terminal) inhibitors and their significant activity in diverse tumor models have rapidly translated into clinical studies and have motivated drug development efforts targeting non-BET BRDs. However, the complex multidomain/subunit architecture of BRD protein complexes complicates predictions of the consequences of their pharmacological targeting. To address this issue, we developed a promiscuous BRD inhibitor [bromosporine (BSP)] that broadly targets BRDs (including BETs) with nanomolar affinity, creating a tool for the identification of cellular processes and diseases where BRDs have a regulatory function. As a proof of principle, we studied the effects of BSP on leukemic cell lines known to be sensitive to BET inhibition and found, as expected, strong antiproliferative activity. Comparison of the modulation of transcriptional profiles by BSP after a short exposure to the inhibitor resulted in a BET inhibitor signature but no significant additional changes in transcription that could account for inhibition of other BRDs. Thus, nonselective targeting of BRDs identified BETs, but not other BRDs, as master regulators of context-dependent primary transcription response.The Structural Genomics Consortium is a registered charity (no. 1097737) that receives funds from AbbVie, Bayer Pharma AG, Boehringer Ingelheim, Canada Foundation for Innovation, Eshelman Institute for Innovation, Genome Canada, Innovative Medicines Initiative (EU/EFPIA) (ULTRA-DD grant 115766), Janssen, Merck & Co., Novartis Pharma AG, Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation, Pfizer, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Takeda, and Wellcome Trust (092809/Z/10/Z). P.F., S.P., and C.-Y.W. were supported by a Wellcome Career Development Fellowship (095751/Z/11/Z). A.-C.G. is the Canada Research Chair in Functional Proteomics and the Lea Reichmann Chair in Cancer Proteomics and was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (foundation grant FDN143301). J.-P.L. was supported by a Cancer Research Society (Canada) Scholarship for the Next Generation of Scientists

    Федеральные клинические рекомендации Российского респираторного общества по диагностике и лечению тяжелых форм гриппа

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    Influenza is an acute respiratory viral infection with high morbidity. The 2009 influenza pandemic known as "swine flu" was caused by А / H1N1 / 09 influenza virus and was characterized by several specific features including frequent injury of the lower respiratory tract with development of progressive pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in children, young and middleaged adults. Clinical course of pneumonia complicating swine flu and management of such patients have been discussed in these guidelines. Admission to a hospital ward and to ICU, antiviral drugs, therapy of pneumonia and ARDS including supplemental oxygen, respiratory support, noninvasive ventilation and extracorporal membrane oxygenation, and preventive measures were also reviewedГрипп – острое респираторное вирусное заболевание с высокой заболеваемостью. Пандемия гриппа 2009 г., известная как "свиной" грипп, была вызвана вирусом А / H1N1 / 09 и имела ряд особенностей, в том числе чаще осложнялась поражением нижних дыхательных путей с развитием прогрессирующей пневмонии и острого респираторного дистресссиндрома (ОРДС) у детей и взрослых. В данных клинических рекомендациях рассматриваются особенности клинического течения пневмонии, развившейся на фоне "свиного" гриппа и тактика ведения таких больных, включая показания для госпитализации в стационар и отделение интенсивной терапии, использование противовирусных препаратов, медикаментозную терапию пневмонии и ОРДС на фоне гриппа, принципы кислородотерапии, вентиляционной поддержки, неизвазивной вентиляции легких и экстракорпоральной мембранной оксигенации, а также принципы профилактики