73 research outputs found

    L’abitato dell’Età del Bronzo recente di Meldola (FC)

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    In questo contributo si presentano i materiali e i dati di scavo relativi ad una struttura databile all’età del Bronzo Recente rinvenuta a Meldola, in un’area precedentemente interessata da segnalazioni ottocentesche. Il rinvenimento si inserisce nel quadro del popolamento della provincia di Forlì-Cesena e offre spunti interessanti soprattutto per l’analisi dell’occupazione del territorio collinare scarsamente documentato per la fase protostorica. I reperti ceramici indicano una piena adesione ai modelli del subappenninico con ampi riscontri nel territorio romagnolo e adriatico centro-italico. L’analisi delle faune rinvenute completa il quadro conoscitivo del sito

    Comportamento de triticale e trigo dos cerrados brasileiros na moagem e na produção industrial de pães, biscoitos, bolos e massas alimentícias.

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    Foram caracterizados os comportamentos de triticale e de trigo, procedentes dos cerrados brasileiros, na moagem e a qualidade das farinhas na produção industrial de pães, biscoitos, bolos e massas alimentícias. O triticale (P. H. 73,2) foi moído sem condicionamento, obtendo-se 72,6% de extração sendo 39,0% de farinha especial e 61,0% de farinha comum. O trigo (P.H. 77,9) foi moído com 15% de umidade, obtendo-se 76,5% de extração sendo 42,6% de farinha especial e 57,4% de farinha comum. Os tempos de moagem/ton de grãos foram praticamente iguais. Pão francês, com 10 ou 20% de farinha de triticale, apresentou qualidade igual ao padrão elaborado semente com farinha de trigo comercial. Pão industrial tipo americano fabricado com 80% de farinha de trigo e 20% de triticale foi considerado bom quando se reduziu o tempo de fermentação. Foram fabricados biscoitos fermentados, salgados, doces secos e amanteigados e concluiu-se que em qualquer um destes tipos pode-se utilizar exclusivamente farinha de triticale ou de trigo dos cerrados, sendo que os biscoitos de triticale, quando comparados com o padrão industrial, apresentaram-se sempre iguais ou superiores. Bolos, com 50% de farinha de triticale e de farinha de triticale, foram considerados superiores, quanto ao sabor, em relação ao padrão industrial. Produziram-se massas alimentícias do tipo espaguete e ninho, com 20% de farinha de triticale e 80% de farinha de trigo especial (cerrados). Os tempos de cozimento, para os dois tipos de massa, foram iguais ao do padrão industrial. Quanto ao aumento de peso e volume, pelo cozimento, os espaguetes não apresentaram diferença, enquanto que, para o tipo ninho, houve diminuição significativa quando se usou farinha de triticale.bitstream/item/65366/1/CTAA-DOCUMENTOS-04-BOLETIM-DE-PESQUISA-NUMERO-004-COMPORTAMENTODE-TRITICALE-E-TRIGO-DOS-CERRADOS-.pd

    Potential Pharmacokinetic Interactions of Common Cardiovascular Drugs and Selected European and Latin American Herbal Medicines: A Scoping Review

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    Background: Herb–drug interactions are nowadays an important decision factor in many healthcare interventions. Patients with cardiovascular risk factors such as hyperlipidemia and hypertension are usually prescribed long-term treatments. We need more informed decision tools to direct future clinical research and decision making to avoid HDI occurrences in this group. Methods: A scoping review was conducted using data from online databases such as PUBMED, the National Library of Medicine, and the electronic Medicines Compendium. Included studies consisted of the reported effects on Phase 1/2 and P-glycoprotein of herbal medicines listed in the medicines agencies of Latin America and Europe and drugs used for cardiovascular conditions (statins, diuretics, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, and ACE inhibitors). The cross tabulation of the results allowed for finding potential HDI. Results and conclusions: as per the preclinical data reviewed here, we encourage more clinical research on whether drugs with apparently very low interaction risk, such as pravastatin, nadolol, and nimodipine/nitrendipine, may help prevent HDI when statins, beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers, respectively, are prescribed for long-term treatments

    Comparing the Prevalence of Polypharmacy and Potential Drug-Drug Interactions in Nursing Homes and in the Community Dwelling Elderly of Emilia Romagna Region

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    Backround: We aimed at assessing the prevalence of polypharmacy and potential drug-drug interactions (DDIs) with clinical relevance in elderly patient on Emilia Romagna area. Both outpatients and residents in nursing homes were assessed, with only partially overlapping strategies. Methods: We defined a list of 190 pairs of potentially interacting drugs, based on literature appraisal and availability of therapeutic alternatives. January-June 2018 data on drug use in patients over 65 years-old were collected from nine Local Health Authorities of Emilia Romagna: data on community-dwelling subjects were extracted from archives of reimbursed prescriptions, while drug use in a sample of nursing homes was recorded from clinical charts in one index day within the same semester. The frequency of polypharmacy (at least five or at least 10 concurrent drugs) and of each DDI was calculated. Results: In line with different rates of polypharmacy (80% vs 16%), the risk of exposure to at least one interaction was 53.7% in nursing homes and 26.4% in outpatients. Among DDIs, in nursing homes antidepressants—anxiolytics (11.9%) ranked first, followed by antidepressants—aspirin (7.4%). In outpatients, ACE-inhibitors—non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reached 7.2% followed by the calcium channel blockers—α-blockers (2.4%). Discussion: Polypharmacy and risk of DDIs appeared very different in the two settings, due to both technical and clinical reasons. In order to reduce use of benzodiazepines, NSAIDs, antidepressants and relevant DDIs, 1) defining alternative options for pain relief in elderly outpatients, and 2) implementing non-pharmacological management of insomnia and anxiety in nursing homes should be prioritized

    The DICA Endoscopic Classification for Diverticular Disease of the Colon Shows a Significant Interobserver Agreement among Community Endoscopists: an International Study

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    Background & Aims: The Diverticular Inflammation and Complication Assessment (DICA) endoscopic classification of diverticulosis and diverticular disease (DD) is currently available. It scores severity of the disease as DICA 1, DICA 2 and DICA 3. Our aim was to assess the agreement on this classification in an international endoscopists community setting. Methods: A total of 96 doctors (82.9% endoscopists) independently scored a set of DD endoscopic videos. The percentages of overall agreement on DICA score and a free-marginal multirater kappa (kappa) coefficient were reported as statistical measures of interrater agreement. Results: Overall agreement in using DICA was 91.8% with a free-marginal kappa of 88% (95% CI 80-95). The overall agreement levels were: DICA 1, 85.2%; DICA 2, 96.5%; DICA 3, 99.5%. The free marginal. was: DICA 1 = 0.753, DICA 2 = 0.958, DICA 3 = 0.919. The agreement about the main endoscopic items was 83.4% (k 67%) for diverticular extension, 62.6% (k 65%) for number of diverticula for each district, 86.8% (k 82%) for presence of inflammation, and 98.5 (k 98%) for presence of complications. Conclusions: The overall interrater agreement in this study ranges from good to very good. DICA score is a simple and reproducible endoscopic scoring system for diverticulosis and DD

    International Consensus on Diverticulosis and Diverticular Disease. Statements from the 3rd International Symposium on Diverticular Disease

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    The statements produced by the Chairmen and Speakers of the 3rd International Symposium on Diverticular Disease, held in Madrid on April 11th-13th 2019, are reported. Topics such as current and evolving concepts on the pathogenesis, the course of the disease, the news in diagnosing, hot topics in medical and surgical treatments, and finally, critical issues on the disease were reviewed by the Chairmen who proposed 39 statements graded according to level of evidence and strength of recommendation. Each topic was explored focusing on the more relevant clinical questions. The vote was conducted on a 6-point scale and consensus was defined a priori as 67% agreement of the participants. The voting group consisted of 124 physicians from 18 countries, and agreement with all statements was provided. Comments were added explaining some controversial areas

    The molecular logic of endocannabinoid signalling

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    The endocannabinoids are a family of lipid messengers that engage the cell surface receptors that are targeted by Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the active principle in marijuana (Cannabis). They are made on demand through cleavage of membrane precursors and are involved in various short-range signalling processes. In the brain, they combine with CB1 cannabinoid receptors on axon terminals to regulate ion channel activity and neurotransmitter release. Their ability to modulate synaptic efficacy has a wide range of functional consequences and provides unique therapeutic possibilities. © 2003, Nature Publishing Group. All rights reserved

    Energy Design

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