14,279 research outputs found

    Electron paramagnetic resonance and photochromism of N3V0\mathrm{N}_{3}\mathrm{V}^{0} in diamond

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    The defect in diamond formed by a vacancy surrounded by three nearest-neighbor nitrogen atoms and one carbon atom, N3V\mathrm{N}_{3}\mathrm{V}, is found in ≈98%\approx98\% of natural diamonds. Despite N3V0\mathrm{N}_{3}\mathrm{V}^{0} being the earliest electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum observed in diamond, to date no satisfactory simulation of the spectrum for an arbitrary magnetic field direction has been produced due to its complexity. In this work, N3V0\mathrm{N}_{3}\mathrm{V}^{0} is identified in 15N^{15}\mathrm{N}-doped synthetic diamond following irradiation and annealing. The 15N3V0\mathrm{^{15}N}_{3}\mathrm{V}^{0} spin Hamiltonian parameters are revised and used to refine the parameters for 14N3V0\mathrm{^{14}N}_{3}\mathrm{V}^{0}, enabling the latter to be accurately simulated and fitted for an arbitrary magnetic field direction. Study of 15N3V0\mathrm{^{15}N}_{3}\mathrm{V}^{0} under excitation with green light indicates charge transfer between N3V\mathrm{N}_{3}\mathrm{V} and Ns\mathrm{N_s}. It is argued that this charge transfer is facilitated by direct ionization of N3V−\mathrm{N}_{3}\mathrm{V}^{-}, an as-yet unobserved charge state of N3V\mathrm{N}_{3}\mathrm{V}

    Impurity transport in a mixed-collisionality stellarator plasma

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    A potential threat to the performance of magnetically confined fusion plasmas is the problem of impurity accumulation, which causes the concentration of highly charged impurity ions to rise uncontrollably in the center of the plasma and spoil the energy confinement by excessive radiation. It has long been thought that the collisional transport of impurities in stellarators always leads to such accumulation (if the electric field points inwards, which is usually the case), whereas tokamaks, being axisymmetric, can benefit from "temperature screening", i.e., an outward flux of impurities driven by the temperature gradient. Here it is shown, using analytical techniques supported by results from a new numerical code, that such screening can arise in stellarator plasmas too, and indeed does so in one of the most relevant operating regimes, where the impurities are highly collisional whilst the bulk plasma is in any of the low-collisionality regimes.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Scattering of charge carriers by point defects in bilayer graphene

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    Theory of scattering of massive chiral fermions in bilayer graphene by radial symmetric potential is developed. It is shown that in the case when the electron wavelength is much larger than the radius of the potential the scattering cross-section is proportional to the electron wavelength. This leads to the mobility independent on the electron concentration. In contrast with the case of single-layer, neutral and charged defects are, in general, equally relevant for the resistivity of the bilayer graphene.Comment: final versio

    Impurity transport and bulk ion flow in a mixed collisionality stellarator plasma

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    The accumulation of impurities in the core of magnetically confined plasmas, resulting from standard collisional transport mechanisms, is a known threat to their performance as fusion energy sources. Whilst the axisymmetric tokamak systems have been shown to benefit from the effect of temperature screening, that is an outward flux of impurities driven by the temperature gradient, impurity accumulation in stellarators was thought to be inevitable, driven robustly by the inward pointing electric field characteristic of hot fusion plasmas. We have shown in Helander et. al. (2017b) that such screening can in principle also appear in stellarators, in the experimentally relevant mixed collisionality regime, where a highly collisional impurity species is present in a low collisionality bulk plasma. Details of the analytic calculation are presented here, along with the effect of the impurity on the bulk ion flow, which will ultimately affect the bulk contribution to the bootstrap current

    The evolution of glutathione metabolism in phototrophic microorganisms

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    The low molecular weight thiol composition of a variety of phototropic microorganisms is examined in order to ascertain how evolution of glutathione (GSH) production is related to the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis. Cells were extracted in the presence of monobromobimane (mBBr) to convert thiols (RSH) to fluorescent derivatives (RSmB) which were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Significant levels of GSH were not found in green sulfur bacteria. Substantial levels were present in purple bacteria, cyanobacteria, and eukaryotic algae. Other thiols measured included cysteine, gamma-glutamylcysteine, thiosulfate, coenzyme A, and sulfide. Many of the organisms also exhibited a marked ability to reduce mBBr to syn-(methyl,methyl)bimane, an ability which was quenched by treatment with 2-pyridyl disulfide or 5,5 prime-bisdithio - (2-nitrobenzoic acid) prior to reaction with mBBr. These observations indicate the presence of a reducing system capable of electron transfer to mBBr and reduction of reactive disulfides. The distribution of GSH in phototropic eubacteria indicates that GSH synthesis evolved at or around the time that oxygenic photosynthesis evolved

    Duality Between Spatial and Angular Shift in Optical Reflection

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    We report a unified representation of the spatial and angular Goos-Hanchen and Imbert-Fedorov shifts that occur when a light beam reflects from a plane interface. We thus reveal the dual nature of spatial and angular shifts in optical beam reflection. In the Goos-Hanchen case we show theoretically and experimentally that this unification naturally arises in the context of reflection from a lossy surface (e.g., a metal).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The importance of the classical channel in the impurity transport of optimized stellarators

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    In toroidal magnetic confinement devices, such as tokamaks and stellarators, neoclassical transport is usually an order of magnitude larger than its classical counterpart. However, when a high-collisionality species is present in a stellarator optimized for low Pfirsch-Schl\"uter current, its classical transport can be comparable to the neoclassical transport. In this letter, we compare neoclassical and classical fluxes and transport coefficients calculated for Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) and Large Helical Device (LHD) cases. In W7-X, we find that the classical transport of a collisional impurity is comparable to the neoclassical transport for all radii, while it is negligible in the LHD cases, except in the vicinity of radii where the neoclassical transport changes sign. In the LHD case, electrostatic potential variations on the flux-surface significantly enhance the neoclassical impurity transport, while the classical transport is largely insensitive to this effect in the cases studied.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Ice/frost detection using millimeter wave radiometry

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    A series of ice detection tests was performed on the shuttle external tank (ET) and on ET target samples using a 35/95 GHz instrumentation radiometer. Ice was formed using liquid nitrogen and water spray inside a test enclosure containing ET spray on foam insulation samples. During cryogenic fueling operations prior to the shuttle orbiter engine firing tests, ice was formed with freon and water over a one meter square section of the ET LOX tank. Data analysis was performed on the ice signatures, collected by the radiometer, using Georgia Tech computing facilities. Data analysis technique developed include: ice signature images of scanned ET target; pixel temperature contour plots; time correlation of target data with ice present versus no ice formation; and ice signature radiometric temperature statistical data, i.e., mean, variance, and standard deviation

    Surface roughness and interfacial slip boundary condition for quartz crystal microbalances

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    The response of a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) is considered using a wave equation for the substrate and the Navier-Stokes equations for a finite liquid layer under a slip boundary condition. It is shown that when the slip length to shear wave penetration depth is small, the first order effect of slip is only present in the frequency response. Importantly, in this approximation the frequency response satisfies an additivity relation with a net response equal to a Kanazawa liquid term plus an additional Sauerbrey "rigid" liquid mass. For the slip length to result in an enhanced frequency decrease compared to a no-slip boundary condition, it is shown that the slip length must be negative so that the slip plane is located on the liquid side of the interface. It is argued that the physical application of such a negative slip length could be to the liquid phase response of a QCM with a completely wetted rough surface. Effectively, the model recovers the starting assumption of additivity used in the trapped mass model for the liquid phase response of a QCM having a rough surface. When applying the slip boundary condition to the rough surface problem, slip is not at a molecular level, but is a formal hydrodynamic boundary condition which relates the response of the QCM to that expected from a QCM with a smooth surface. Finally, possible interpretations of the results in terms of acoustic reflectivity are developed and the potential limitations of the additivity result should vapour trapping occur are discussed

    Nitrification-denitrification in WSP: a mechanism for permanent nitrogen removal in maturation ponds

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    A pilot-scale primary maturation pond was spiked with 15N-labelled ammonia (15NH4Cl) and 15N labelled nitrite (Na15NO2), in order to improve current understanding of the dynamics of inorganic nitrogen transformations and removal in WSP systems. Stable isotope analysis of δ15N showed that nitrification could be considered as an intermediate step in WSP, which is masked by simultaneous denitrification, under conditions of low algal activity. Molecular microbiology analysis showed that denitrification can be considered a feasible mechanism for permanent nitrogen removal in WSP, which may be supported either by ammonia-oxidising bacteria (AOB) or by methanotrophs, in addition to nitrite-oxidising bacteria (NOB). However, the relative supremacy of the denitrification process over other nitrogen removal mechanisms (e.g., biological uptake) depends upon phytoplanktonic activity
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