94 research outputs found

    Generation of Arbitrary Frequency Chirps with a Fiber-Based Phase Modulator and Self-Injection-Locked Diode Laser

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    We present a novel technique for producing pulses of laser light whose frequency is arbitrarily chirped. The output from a diode laser is sent through a fiber-optical delay line containing a fiber-based electro-optical phase modulator. Upon emerging from the fiber, the phase-modulated pulse is used to injection-lock the laser and the process is repeated. Large phase modulations are realized by multiple passes through the loop while the high optical power is maintained by self-injection-locking after each pass. Arbitrary chirps are produced by driving the modulator with an arbitrary waveform generator

    Superparamagnetic Liposomes for MRI Monitoring and External Magnetic Field-Induced Selective Targeting of Malignant Brain Tumors

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    Magnetic-fluid-loadedliposomes (MFLs) of optimized magnetic responsiveness are newly worked out from the entrapment of superparamagnetic maghemite nanocrystals in submicronic PEG-ylated rhodamine-labelled phospholipid vesicles. This nanoplatform provides an efficient tool for the selective magnetic targeting of malignant tumors localized in brain and non-invasive traceability by MRI through intravascular administration. As assessed by in vivo 7-T MRI and ex vivo electron spin resonance, 4-h exposure to 190-T m–1magnetic field gradient efficiently concentrates MFLs into human U87 glioblastoma implanted in the striatum of mice. The magnetoliposomes are then longer retained therein as checked by MRI monitoring over a 24-h period. Histological analysis by confocal fluorescence microscopy confirms the significantly boosted accumulation of MFLs in the malignant tissue up to the intracellular level. Electron transmission microscopy reveals effective internalization by endothelial and glioblastoma cells of the magnetically conveyed MFLs as preserved vesicle structures. The magnetic field gradient emphasizes MFL distribution solely in the tumors according to the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect while comparatively very low amounts are recovered in the other cerebral areas. Such a selective targeting precisely traceable by MRI is promising for therapeutic applications since the healthy brain tissue can be expected to be spared during treatments by deleterious anticancer drugs carried by magnetically guided MFLs

    Observation of coherent transients in ultrashort chirped excitation of an undamped two-level system

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    The effects of Coherent excitation of a two level system with a linearly chirped pulse are studied theoretically and experimentally (in Rb (5s - 5p)) in the low field regime. The Coherent Transients are measured directly on the excited state population on an ultrashort time scale. A sharp step corresponds to the passage through resonance. It is followed by oscillations resulting from interferences between off-resonant and resonant contributions. We finally show the equivalence between this experiment and Fresnel diffraction by a sharp edge.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in PR

    BOSC 2022: the first hybrid and 23rd annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference

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    The 23 rd annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC 2022) was part of this year's conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB). Launched in 2000 and held every year since, BOSC is the premier meeting covering open source bioinformatics and open science. ISMB 2022 was, for the first time, a hybrid conference, with the in-person component hosted in Madison, Wisconsin (USA). About 1000 people attended ISMB 2022 in person, with another 800 online. Approximately 200 people participated in BOSC sessions, which included 28 talks chosen from submitted abstracts, 46 posters, and a panel discussion, "Building and Sustaining Inclusive Open Science Communities". BOSC 2022 included joint keynotes with two other COSIs. Jason Williams gave a BOSC / Education COSI keynote entitled "Riding the bicycle: Including all scientists on a path to excellence". A joint session with Bio-Ontologies featured a keynote by Melissa Haendel, "The open data highway: turbo-boosting translational traffic with ontologies.

    Tools and data services registry: a community effort to document bioinformatics resources.

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    Life sciences are yielding huge data sets that underpin scientific discoveries fundamental to improvement in human health, agriculture and the environment. In support of these discoveries, a plethora of databases and tools are deployed, in technically complex and diverse implementations, across a spectrum of scientific disciplines. The corpus of documentation of these resources is fragmented across the Web, with much redundancy, and has lacked a common standard of information. The outcome is that scientists must often struggle to find, understand, compare and use the best resources for the task at hand.Here we present a community-driven curation effort, supported by ELIXIR-the European infrastructure for biological information-that aspires to a comprehensive and consistent registry of information about bioinformatics resources. The sustainable upkeep of this Tools and Data Services Registry is assured by a curation effort driven by and tailored to local needs, and shared amongst a network of engaged partners.As of November 2015, the registry includes 1785 resources, with depositions from 126 individual registrations including 52 institutional providers and 74 individuals. With community support, the registry can become a standard for dissemination of information about bioinformatics resources: we welcome everyone to join us in this common endeavour. The registry is freely available at https://bio.tools

    Toll-Like Receptor 3 (TLR3) Plays a Major Role in the Formation of Rabies Virus Negri Bodies

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    Human neurons express the innate immune response receptor, Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3). TLR3 levels are increased in pathological conditions such as brain virus infection. Here, we further investigated the production, cellular localisation, and function of neuronal TLR3 during neuronotropic rabies virus (RABV) infection in human neuronal cells. Following RABV infection, TLR3 is not only present in endosomes, as observed in the absence of infection, but also in detergent-resistant perinuclear inclusion bodies. As well as TLR3, these inclusion bodies contain the viral genome and viral proteins (N and P, but not G). The size and composition of inclusion bodies and the absence of a surrounding membrane, as shown by electron microscopy, suggest they correspond to the previously described Negri Bodies (NBs). NBs are not formed in the absence of TLR3, and TLR3−/− mice—in which brain tissue was less severely infected—had a better survival rate than WT mice. These observations demonstrate that TLR3 is a major molecule involved in the spatial arrangement of RABV–induced NBs and viral replication. This study shows how viruses can exploit cellular proteins and compartmentalisation for their own benefit
