43 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pembangkit Halaman HTML Untuk Pembuatan Media Cetak Digital Berbasis Windows Metro Style

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    Aplikasi dibangun dengan memanfaatkan Windows Metro Style agar dapat dijalankan pada sistem operasi Windows 8. Input dari aplikasi pembangkit halaman ini berupa HTML. Aplikasi ini menyediakan editor halaman HTML agar pengguna dapat mengubah isi halaman tanpa harus membuat ulang media dan juga dapat menampilkan daftar media yang pernah dibuat sebelumnya agar dapat dibuka sewaktu-waktu. Pengujian aplikasi dilakukan dengan menggunduh folder yang berisi file HTML, file HTML tersebut sebelumnya harus sudah diurutkan terlebih dahulu jika terdapat lebih dari satu file, contohnya: 01.html, 02.html, dll. File HTML yang sudah diinputkan, dibaca dan digabungkan di dalam aplikasi dengan menggunakan metode HTML tag extraction method. Metode tersebut bertujuan untuk mencari tag <body>, <script>, <h1>, dll. Halaman yang sudah digabungkan ditambahkan skrip menggunakan plugin BookBlock dan Booklet agar menyerupai tampilan atau format membuka pada buku maupun majalah. Output aplikasi berupa tampilan media cetak digital yang berjalan pada Windows 8. Dapat dijalankan menggunakan komputer pribadi maupun komputer tablet dengan sistem operasi Windows 8. Karena output aplikasi berupa halaman HTML, halaman tersebut dapat ditampilkan dalam browser dengan macam-macam perangkat. Akan tetapi, untuk keberhasilan tampilan halaman tergantung pada browser perangkat dan layar monitor perangkat

    Sosialisasi Pengenalan Dan Pencegahan Diabetes Melitus

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    Diabetes melitus didefinisikan sebagai kelainan metabolik dengan berbagai etiologi yang ditandai dengan hiperglikemia kronis dengan gangguan metabolisme karbohidrat, protein dan lemak yang dihasilkan dari defek pada sekresi insulin, kerja insulin, atau keduanya. Diabetes melitus saat ini menjadi salah satu ancaman kesehatan global. DM dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 kelompok, yaitu DM tipe 1, DM tipe 2, DM gestasional dan DM tipe lain. Penemuan obat diabetes mellitus yang diciptakan juga semakin banyak namun terkadang memiliki efek samping yang tidak kita inginkan. Sehingga melalui penyuluhan ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin agar masyarakat dapat memahami bahwa penting sekali untuk menjaga pola sehat agar terhindar dari penyakit diabetes mellitus. Selama acara berlangsung, Proses sosialisasi berlangsung dengan sangat baik. Untuk memastikan para peserta sosialisasi memahami dan mengerti materi yang telah disampaikan, dilakukan evaluasi pertanyaan mengenai materi dan meminta para peserta untuk mengulang kembali materi yang telah dijelaskan. Sehingga diharapkan para peserta yang lainnya lebih antusias dalam mengikuti penyuluhan dan sesi tanya jawab terhadap materi yang telah disampaika

    Advances in Social Media Research:Past, Present and Future

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    Social media comprises communication websites that facilitate relationship forming between users from diverse backgrounds, resulting in a rich social structure. User generated content encourages inquiry and decision-making. Given the relevance of social media to various stakeholders, it has received significant attention from researchers of various fields, including information systems. There exists no comprehensive review that integrates and synthesises the findings of literature on social media. This study discusses the findings of 132 papers (in selected IS journals) on social media and social networking published between 1997 and 2017. Most papers reviewed here examine the behavioural side of social media, investigate the aspect of reviews and recommendations, and study its integration for organizational purposes. Furthermore, many studies have investigated the viability of online communities/social media as a marketing medium, while others have explored various aspects of social media, including the risks associated with its use, the value that it creates, and the negative stigma attached to it within workplaces. The use of social media for information sharing during critical events as well as for seeking and/or rendering help has also been investigated in prior research. Other contexts include political and public administration, and the comparison between traditional and social media. Overall, our study identifies multiple emergent themes in the existing corpus, thereby furthering our understanding of advances in social media research. The integrated view of the extant literature that our study presents can help avoid duplication by future researchers, whilst offering fruitful lines of enquiry to help shape research for this emerging field

    Economic Valuation for Information Security Investment: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Research on technological aspects of information security risk is a well-established area and familiar territory for most information security professionals. The same cannot be said about the economic value of information security investments in organisations. While there is an emerging research base investigating suitable approaches measuring the value of investments in information security, it remains difficult for practitioners to identify key approaches in current research. To address this issue, we conducted a systematic literature review on approaches used to evaluate investments in information security. Following a defined review protocol, we searched several databases for relevant primary studies and extracted key details from the identified studies to answer our research questions. The contributions of this work include: a comparison framework and a catalogue of existing approaches and trends that would help researchers and practitioners navigate existing work; categorisation and mapping of approaches according to their key elements and components; and a summary of key challenges and benefits of existing work, which should help focus future research efforts

    Robust collaborative collision avoidance between robots with nearly symmetric crossing trajectories

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    International audienceThe growth in both acceptance and usage of mobile robots have given risen to novel challenges in robot navigation. Often, robots that share a space but are unable to communicate are required to safely avoid each other even under sensor noise. Current approaches have often relied on the assumption that collaboration is always done correctly, in practice, sensor noise might lead robots to make avoidance motions that are not mutually beneficial and do not actually decrease the collision risk. Our approach intends to mitigate the negative impact of sensor noise in collaborative collision avoidance of robots. As a consequence, even if robots initially take non-mutually beneficial avoidance motions they would correctly perceive their role in the next decision step

    Robust collaborative collision avoidance between robots with nearly symmetric crossing trajectories

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    International audienceThe growth in both acceptance and usage of mobile robots have given risen to novel challenges in robot navigation. Often, robots that share a space but are unable to communicate are required to safely avoid each other even under sensor noise. Current approaches have often relied on the assumption that collaboration is always done correctly, in practice, sensor noise might lead robots to make avoidance motions that are not mutually beneficial and do not actually decrease the collision risk. Our approach intends to mitigate the negative impact of sensor noise in collaborative collision avoidance of robots. As a consequence, even if robots initially take non-mutually beneficial avoidance motions they would correctly perceive their role in the next decision step

    Pre-processing deconvolution based technique for improving the performances of ECG codecs: Comparison to SPIHT

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    International audienceIn this paper, a deconvolution preprocessing module for ECG codec performance improvement (DPM-ECPI) is presented. The idea is simple but efficient. Primary, it consists in transforming an ECG signal to an impulsional one using a deconvolution process. The obtained signal is then encoded for either transmission or storage. In this work we take into consideration the well known SPIHT algorithm, used also for efficient comparison purpose. To reconstruct the signal, a simple convolution is however applied to the decoded impulsional signal. For high compression ratios, we show that this new compression scheme is particularly interesting than a direct coding. As it is common, real signals from MIT-BIH arrhythmia database have been used to validate the proposed scheme