865 research outputs found

    Critical success factors during the implementation of ISO 22000:2018

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    Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to evaluate why companies still struggle with ISO 22000 implementation and maintenance, identifying which aspects are key for its success. Design/methodology/approach - A literature review was carried out based on Scientific articles and implementation guides collected from Google Scholar, ScienceDirect and ResearchGate. Findings - Nine aspects seem to have a broader impact on organizations maintenance of ISO 22000 and other FSMS. Furthermore, the empirical research reveals that having an efficient food safety management system is a prerequisite for companys competitiveness. Practical implications - The findings show that many of the critical success factors for a FSMS implementation are based on regular and adequate management of people inside the company. Originality/value - A novel model of segmenting critical success factors is presented, which has practical implications for ISO 22000 achievement.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modelling the radiative effects of biomass burning aerosols on carbon fluxes in the Amazon region

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    Every year, a dense smoke haze covers a large portion of South America originating from fires in the Amazon Basin and central parts of Brazil during the dry biomass burning season between August and October. Over a large portion of South America, the average aerosol optical depth at 550 nm exceeds 1.0 during the fire season, while the background value during the rainy season is below 0.2. Biomass burning aerosol particles increase scattering and absorption of the incident solar radiation. The regional-scale aerosol layer reduces the amount of solar energy reaching the surface, cools the near-surface air, and increases the diffuse radiation fraction over a large disturbed area of the Amazon rainforest. These factors affect the energy and CO2 fluxes at the surface. In this work, we applied a fully integrated atmospheric model to assess the impact of biomass burning aerosols in CO2 fluxes in the Amazon region during 2010. We address the effects of the attenuation of global solar radiation and the enhancement of the diffuse solar radiation flux inside the vegetation canopy. Our results indicate that biomass burning aerosols led to increases of about 27 % in the gross primary productivity of Amazonia and 10 % in plant respiration as well as a decline in soil respiration of 3 %. Consequently, in our model Amazonia became a net carbon sink; net ecosystem exchange during September 2010 dropped from +101 to −104 TgC when the aerosol effects are considered, mainly due to the aerosol diffuse radiation effect. For the forest biome, our results point to a dominance of the diffuse radiation effect on CO2 fluxes, reaching a balance of 50–50 % between the diffuse and direct aerosol effects for high aerosol loads. For C3 grasses and savanna (cerrado), as expected, the contribution of the diffuse radiation effect is much lower, tending to zero with the increase in aerosol load. Taking all biomes together, our model shows the Amazon during the dry season, in the presence of high biomass burning aerosol loads, changing from being a source to being a sink of CO2 to the atmosphere

    Height-diameter allometry of tropical forest trees

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    Tropical tree height-diameter (H:D) relationships may vary by forest type and region making large-scale estimates of above-ground biomass subject to bias if they ignore these differences in stem allometry. We have therefore developed a new global tropical forest database consisting of 39 955 concurrent H and D measurements encompassing 283 sites in 22 tropical countries. Utilising this database, our objectives were: 1. to determine if H:D relationships differ by geographic region and forest type (wet to dry forests, including zones of tension where forest and savanna overlap). 2. to ascertain if the H:D relationship is modulated by climate and/or forest structural characteristics (e.g. stand-level basal area, A). 3. to develop H:D allometric equations and evaluate biases to reduce error in future local-to-global estimates of tropical forest biomass. Annual precipitation coefficient of variation (PV), dry season length (SD), and mean annual air temperature (TA) emerged as key drivers of variation in H:D relationships at the pantropical and region scales. Vegetation structure also played a role with trees in forests of a high A being, on average, taller at any given D. After the effects of environment and forest structure are taken into account, two main regional groups can be identified. Forests in Asia, Africa and the Guyana Shield all have, on average, similar H:D relationships, but with trees in the forests of much of the Amazon Basin and tropical Australia typically being shorter at any given D than their counterparts elsewhere. The region-environment-structure model with the lowest Akaike\u27s information criterion and lowest deviation estimated stand-level H across all plots to within amedian −2.7 to 0.9% of the true value. Some of the plot-to-plot variability in H:D relationships not accounted for by this model could be attributed to variations in soil physical conditions. Other things being equal, trees tend to be more slender in the absence of soil physical constraints, especially at smaller D. Pantropical and continental-level models provided less robust estimates of H, especially when the roles of climate and stand structure in modulating H:D allometry were not simultaneously taken into account

    Selectivity of mycoinsecticides and a pyrethroid to the egg parasitoid Cleruchoides noackae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae).

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    Plants of the genus Eucalyptus, cultivated in many countries, have great importance for the world economy. In Brazil, this culture occupies a total of 5.7 million hectares, but native and exotic insect pests can reduce its productivity. Thaumastocoris peregrinus Carpintero & Dellapé (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae), an exotic Australian pest, damages Eucalyptus plants. Biological control using the egg parasitoid Cleruchoides noackae Lin & Huber (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), Heteroptera predators and entomopathogenic fungi, such as Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae, have potential for managing T. peregrinus. Chemical insecticides, including bifenthrin and acetamiprid+bifenthrin, also control this insect. The compatibility of chemical and biological control methods favors integrated pest management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the selectivity of commercial products based on B. bassiana, M. anisopliae and the chemical bifenthrin on the parasitoid C. noackae and its parasitism on T. peregrinus eggs. The selectivity test followed the standards recommended by the International Organization for Biological Control (IOBC). Beauveria bassiana has selectivity to parasitism as well as viability, but was slightly harmful to C. noackae adults; M. anisopliae was innocuous to adults and to the viability of the ofspring of this parasitoid, but it reduced the parasitism rate; and bifenthrin did not show selectivity to this parasitoid
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