68 research outputs found

    Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of interregional interactions in ensuring economic security

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    The adoption of strategies for the spatial development of the Russian Federation, national and economic security has brought the study of inter-regional interactions up to date. In this regard, the authors have reviewed the theoretical and methodological approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to the issues of interregional cooperation in various branches of science and production. Interpretations of the concepts “inter-regional interaction”, “economic security” and “economic security of the region” are analysed. The role of inter-regional cooperation, especially inter-regional investment projects, as critical factors in ensuring regional economic security is emphasised. Groups of potential risks and risk-forming factors for joint inter-regional infrastructure projects are identified. Interregional projects are classified according to their scope and purpose: 1) in the production sphere; 2) projects promoting innovation; 3) projects aiming at infrastructure development. Examples of existing interregional projects in the Ural Federal District are presented. The study uses general scientific methods, in particular, analysis and synthesis. The results of the study can serve as a basis for the further development of new theoretical and methodological approaches to solving the problems of inter-regional cooperation

    The algorithm for applying the rating system of evaluation as an effective method of influencing the activation of cognitive activity of students

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    The algorithm for applying the rating system of evaluation as an effective method of influencing the activation of cognitive activity of students / Olena Fedorenko, Lidia Pletenytska, Kateryna Averina and oth. // Journal of Critical Reviews. – 2020. – Vol. 7, Issue 13. – P. 106-108. – DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31838/jcr.07.13.17.Fedorenko, O., Pletenytska, L., Averina, K., Honcharuk, V., Danilevich, L. The algorithm for applying the rating system of evaluation as an effective method of influencing the activation of cognitive activity of students (2020) Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(13), pp. 106-108. DOI: 10.31838/jcr.07.13.17.У статті представлений алгоритм застосування рейтингової системи оцінювання для ефективного впливу на активізацію пізнавальної діяльності студентів. Пропонується 100-бальний рейтинг оцінювання студентів, який враховує основні критерії, такі як творче мислення, індивідуальність, самостійна робота, оригінальність індивідуальних завдань, навчальна пунктуальність, регулярне відвідування занять.The article presents an algorithm for applying the rating system of assessment to effectively influence the activation of cognitive activity of students. A 100-point student assessment rating is proposed, which takes into account the main criteria, such as creative thinking, individuality, independent work, originality of individual tasks, educational punctuality, regular attendance of classes.В статье представлен алгоритм применения рейтинговой системы оценивания для эффективного влияния на активизацию познавательной деятельности студентов. Предлагается 100-бальный рейтинг оценивания студентов, учитывающий основные критерии, такие как творческое мышление, индивидуальность, самостоятельная работа, оригинальность индивидуальных задач, учебная пунктуальность, регулярное посещение занятий

    Know Your Heart: Rationale, design and conduct of a cross-sectional study of cardiovascular structure, function and risk factors in 4500 men and women aged 35-69 years from two Russian cities, 2015-18

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    Russia has one of the highest rates of cardiovascular disease in the world. The International Project on Cardiovascular Disease in Russia (IPCDR) was set up to understand the reasons for this. A substantial component of this study was the Know Your Heart Study devoted to characterising the nature and causes of cardiovascular disease in Russia by conducting large cross-sectional surveys in two Russian cities Novosibirsk and Arkhangelsk. The study population was 4542 men and women aged 35-69 years recruited from the general population. Fieldwork took place between 2015-18. There were two study components: 1) a baseline interview to collect information on socio-demographic characteristics and cardiovascular risk factors, usually conducted at home, and 2) a comprehensive health check at a primary care clinic which included detailed examination of the cardiovascular system. In this paper we describe in detail the rationale for, design and conduct of these studies.The International Project on Cardiovascular Disease in Russia (IPCDR) project was supported in part by a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award [100217]. The project was also funded by the Arctic University of Norway, UiT in Tromsø; Norwegian Institute of Public Health; the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Social Affairs


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    The aim was to assess the efficacy of mitochondriatargeted antioxidant SkQ1 in prevention of structural and functional abnormalities of brain postresuscitation after cardiac arrest.Materials and methods. Adult male Wistar rats (n=19) underwent cardiac arrest for 7 minutes followed by resuscitation. Nine rats were administered with 500 nmol/kg SkQ1 per os with water for 2 weeks (1 week before and 1 week after resuscitation). A control group consisted of shamoperated animals (n=10). At days 4—6 post operation locomotor activity and anxiety («elevated plus maze» test) and sensorimotor function of limbs («beam walking» test) were examined. Total numbers of neurons per 1 mm of their layer length in vulnerable neuronal populations (cerebellar Purkinje cells and piramidal neurons of hippocampus fields CA1 and CA4) were estimated by histological analysis of the specimens stained with cresyl violet on day 7 postresuscitation. To identify possible mechanisms of SkQ1 action, the immunohistochemical study of a glialderived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) expression in piramidal neurons of hippocampus was performed by indirect peroxidaseantiperoxidase method and antiGDNF primary polyclonal antibodies.Results. Ischemiareperfusion resulted in neuronal loss in all studied brain areas followed by reduction in locomotor activity and development of sensorimotor deficit. SkQ1 prevented development of postresuscitative locomotor and sensorimotor irregularities, significantly reduced Purkinje cells loss, prevented death of piramidal neurons in hippocampal field CA4, but not in CA1. Data demonstrated, that iIn Purkinje cells from resuscitated rats treated with SkQ1 there was a significant increase in number of GDNFpositive neurons, which were more resistant to ischemia (transition of GDNFnegative cells toward the category of cells actively expressing this factor) that promoted their survival postresuscitation.Conclusion. Data confirm the positive effects of SkQ1 on structural and functional status of the brain postre suscitation and suggest possible use of SkQ1 for the prevention or correction of posthypoxic encephalopathies.Цель работы — оценка эффективности митохондриальнонаправленного антиоксиданта SkQ1 для предупреждения постреанимационных нарушений структурнофункционального состояния мозга.Материалы и методы. У 19 половозрелых самцов крыс Вистар вызывали остановку сердца на 7 минут с последующей реанимацией. Часть животных (n=9) получала SkQ1 перорально в дозе 500 нмоль/кг с водой в течение 2х недель (1 неделю до и 1 неделю после реанимации). Контролем служили ложнооперированные животные (n=10). На 4—6е сутки после реанимации у крыс оценивали двигательную активность и тревожность (тест «приподнятый крестообразный лабиринт»), а также сенсомоторную функцию конечностей (тест «сужающаяся дорожка»). Через 7 суток после реанимации на препаратах, окрашенных по Нисслю, определяли плотность нейронов на 1 мм длины их слоя в высокочувствительных к гипоксии нейрональных популяциях (пирамидные нейроны полей СА1 и СА4 гиппокампа, клетки Пуркинье мозжечка). Для выявления возможных механизмов действия SkQ1 проводили иммуногистохимическое исследование экспрессии глиального нейротрофического фактора (GDNF) непрямым пероксидазноантипероксидазным методом с использованием первичных поликлональных антител против GDNF.Результаты. Обнаружено, что ишемияреперфузия приводит к гибели нейронов во всех исследованных отделах мозга, что сопровождается снижением двигательной активности и развитием сенсомоторного дефицита. Применение SkQ1 предупреждает развитие постреанимационных двигательных и сенсомоторных нарушений, существенно уменьшает гибель клеток Пуркинье мозжечка, предотвращает гибель пирамидных нейронов в поле СА4 гиппокампа, но не в поле СА1. Показано, что в популяции клеток Пуркинье мозжечка применение SkQ1 сопровождается увеличением числа GDNFположительных нейронов, более устойчивых к ишемии (переход части GDNFотрицательных клеток в категорию активно экспрессирующих этот фактор нейронов), что способствует их выживанию в постреанимационном периоде.Заключение. Полученные в работе данные свидетельствуют о положительном воздействии SkQ1 на структурнофункциональное состояние мозга в постреанимационном периоде, что обуславливает перспективность применения этого препарата для предотвращения и коррекции постгипоксических энцефалопатий

    Know Your Heart: Rationale, design and conduct of a cross-sectional study of cardiovascular structure, function and risk factors in 4500 men and women aged 35-69 years from two Russian cities, 2015-18 [version 2; referees: 3 approved]

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    Russia has one of the highest rates of cardiovascular disease in the world. The International Project on Cardiovascular Disease in Russia (IPCDR) was set up to understand the reasons for this. A substantial component of this study was the Know Your Heart Study devoted to characterising the nature and causes of cardiovascular disease in Russia by conducting large cross-sectional surveys in two Russian cities Novosibirsk and Arkhangelsk. The study population was 4542 men and women aged 35-69 years recruited from the general population. Fieldwork took place between 2015-18. There were two study components: 1) a baseline interview to collect information on socio-demographic characteristics and cardiovascular risk factors, usually conducted at home, and 2) a comprehensive health check at a primary care clinic which included detailed examination of the cardiovascular system. In this paper we describe in detail the rationale for, design and conduct of these studies