2,111 research outputs found

    Indole modifies the central carbon flux in the anaerobic metabolism of Escherichia coli: application to the production of hydrogen and other metabolites.

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    Indole is a bicyclic signaling molecule with effects on both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The majority of studies of indole action have been performed with bacteria cultured under aerobic conditions and little information is available about its effects under anaerobic conditions. Here the effect of the indole on anaerobic metabolism of Escherichia coli WDHL was studied. Indole in the range 0.5-8mM was added to the culture medium and cell growth, hydrogen and metabolite production were compared to cultures lacking indole. Results showed that while 8mM indole abolished growth completely, 4mM indole had a partial bacteriostatic effect and the maximum optical density of the culture decreased by 44% compared to the control cultures. In addition, 4mM indole had an important effect on anaerobic metabolism. Hydrogen production increased from 650±115 to 1137±343mL H2/L, and hydrogen yield increased from 0.45±0.1 to 0.94±0.34mol H2/mol glucose, compared to the control culture. Carbon flux was also affected and the composition of the final by-products changed. Lactate (41mM) was the main metabolite in the control cultures, whereas ethanol (56.2mM) and acetate (41.2mM) were the main metabolites in the cultures with 2mM indole. We conclude that the supplementation of E. coli cultures with exogenous indole is a simple and novel strategy to improve the production of hydrogen as well as other metabolites such as ethanol used as biofuels.Partial financial support from CONACyT Grant Pro Nal 247498, SENER-Cemie Bio249564, and CONACyT sabbatical fellowship 259644.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nbt.2016.09.00

    Trading Off Aircraft Fuel Burn and NOx Emissions for Optimal Climate Policy

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    Aviation emits pollutants that affect climate, including CO2 and NOx; NOx indirectly so, through the formation of tropospheric ozone and reduction of ambient methane. To improve the fuel performance of engines, combustor temperatures and pressures often increase, increasing NOx emissions. Conversely, combustor modifications to reduce NOx may increase CO2. Hence, a technology tradeoff exists, which also translates to a tradeoff between short lived climate forcers and a long-lived greenhouse gas, CO2. Moreover, the NOx-O3-CH4 system responds in a non-linear manner, according to both aviation emissions and background NOx. A simple climate model was modified to incorporate non-linearities parameterized from a complex chemistry model. Case studies showed that for a scenario of a 20% reduction in NOx emissions the consequential CO2 penalty of 2% actually increased the total radiative forcing (RF). For a 2% fuel penalty, NOx emissions needed to be reduced by >43% to realize an overall benefit. Conversely, to ensure the fuel penalty for a 20% NOx emission reduction did not increase overall forcing, a 0.5% increase in CO2 was found to be the ‘break even’ point. The timescales of the climate effects of NOx and CO2 are quite different, necessitating careful analysis of proposed emissions tradeoffs


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    AIMS: Atherosclerotic plaque hypoxia is detrimental for macrophage function. Prolyl hydroxylases (PHDs) initiate cellular hypoxic responses, possibly influencing macrophage function in plaque hypoxia. Thus, we aimed to elucidate the role of myeloid PHDs in atherosclerosis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Myeloid-specific PHD knockout (PHDko) mice were obtained via bone marrow transplantation (PHD1ko, PHD3ko) or conditional knockdown through lysozyme M-driven Cre recombinase (PHD2cko). Mice were fed high cholesterol diet for 6–12 weeks to induce atherosclerosis. Aortic root plaque size was significantly augmented 2.6-fold in PHD2cko, and 1.4-fold in PHD3ko compared to controls but was unchanged in PHD1ko mice. Macrophage apoptosis was promoted in PHD2cko and PHD3ko mice in vitro and in vivo, via the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) 1α/BNIP3 axis. Bulk and single-cell RNA data of PHD2cko bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) and plaque macrophages, respectively, showed enhanced HIF1α/BNIP3 signalling, which was validated in vitro by siRNA silencing. Human plaque BNIP3 mRNA was positively associated with plaque necrotic core size, suggesting similar pro-apoptotic effects in human. Furthermore, PHD2cko plaques displayed enhanced fibrosis, while macrophage collagen breakdown by matrix metalloproteinases, collagen production, and proliferation were unaltered. Instead, PHD2cko BMDMs enhanced fibroblast collagen secretion in a paracrine manner. In silico analysis of macrophage-fibroblast communication predicted SPP1 (osteopontin) signalling as regulator, which was corroborated by enhanced plaque SPP1 protein in vivo. Increased SPP1 mRNA expression upon PHD2cko was preferentially observed in foamy plaque macrophages expressing ‘triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-2’ (TREM2hi) evidenced by single-cell RNA, but not in neutrophils. This confirmed enhanced fibrotic signalling by PHD2cko macrophages to fibroblasts, in vitro as well as in vivo. CONCLUSION: Myeloid PHD2cko and PHD3ko enhanced atherosclerotic plaque growth and macrophage apoptosis, while PHD2cko macrophages further activated collagen secretion by fibroblasts in vitro, likely via paracrine SPP1 signalling through TREM2hi macrophages

    New Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Dementia Using Positron Emission Tomography: Brain Regional Sensitivity-Mapping Method

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    Purpose: We devised a new computer-aided diagnosis method to segregate dementia using one estimated index (Total Z score) derived from the Brodmann area (BA) sensitivity map on the stereotaxic brain atlas. The purpose of this study is to investigate its accuracy to differentiate patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) from normal adults (NL). Methods: We studied 101 adults (NL: 40, AD: 37, MCI: 24) who underwent 18FDG positron emission tomography (PET) measurement. We divided NL and AD groups into two categories: a training group with (Category A) and a test group without (Category B) clinical information. In Category A, we estimated sensitivity by comparing the standard uptake value per BA (SUVR) between NL and AD groups. Then, we calculated a summated index (Total Z score) by utilizing the sensitivitydistribution maps and each BA z-score to segregate AD patterns. To confirm the validity of this method, we examined the accuracy in Category B. Finally, we applied this method to MCI patients. Results: In Category A, we found that the sensitivity and specificity of differentiation between NL and AD were all 100%. In Category B, those were 100% and 95%, respectively. Furthermore, we found this method attained 88% to differentiate ADconverters from non-converters in MCI group. Conclusions: The present automated computer-aided evaluation method based on a single estimated index provided good accuracy for differential diagnosis of AD and MCI. This good differentiation power suggests its usefulness not only for dementia diagnosis but also in a longitudinal study.浜松医科大学学位論文 医博第695号(平成27年3月16日

    Regional mitochondrial DNA and cell-type changes in post-mortem brains of non-diabetic Alzheimer’s disease are not present in diabetic Alzheimer’s disease

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    Background: Mitochondrial dysfunction is implicated in both diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and diabetes also increases the risk of AD, however the combined impact of AD and diabetes on brain mitochondria is unknown. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that the combination of both diabetes and AD exacerbates mitochondrial dysfunction. Methods: Post-mortem human brains (n=74), were used to determine mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content of cerebellum, frontal cortex and parietal cortex by quantifying absolute mtDNA copy number/cell using real time qPCR. mtDNA content was compared between diabetic and non-diabetic cases representing non-cognitively impaired controls (NCI), mildly cognitively impaired (MCI) and AD. A subset of parietal cortex samples was used to quantify mRNAs corresponding to cell types and mitochondrial function. Immune-staining of parietal cortex sections followed by semi-automated stereological assessment was performed to assess cell types. Results. Using mtDNA as an indicator of mitochondrial content, we observed significant regional variation, being highest in the parietal cortex, and lowest in the cerebellum. In the absence of diabetes, AD cases had decreased parietal cortex mtDNA, reduced MAP2 (neuronal) mRNA and increased GFAP (astrocyte) mRNA, relative to NCI. However, in the presence of both diabetes and AD, we did not observe these changes in the parietal cortex. Irrespective of cognitive status, all 3 brain regions in diabetic cases had significantly higher mtDNA than the non-diabetic cases. Conclusion. Our data show that the parietal cortex has the highest mitochondrial content but is also the most vulnerable to changes in AD, as shown by reduced mtDNA and neurones in this region. In contrast, when patients have both diabetes and AD, the AD associated parietal cortex changes are no longer seen, suggesting that the pathology observed in diabetic AD may be different to that seen in non-diabetic AD. The lack of clear functional changes in mitochondrial parameters in diabetic AD suggest that there may be different mechanisms contributing to cognitive impairment in diabetes and their impact on the respective disease neuro-pathologies remain to be fully understood

    The impact of SARS-CoV-2 in dementia across Latin America : A call for an urgent regional plan and coordinated response

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    The SARS-CoV-2 global pandemic will disproportionately impact countries with weak economies and vulnerable populations including people with dementia. Latin American and Caribbean countries (LACs) are burdened with unstable economic development, fragile health systems, massive economic disparities, and a high prevalence of dementia. Here, we underscore the selective impact of SARS-CoV-2 on dementia among LACs, the specific strain on health systems devoted to dementia, and the subsequent effect of increasing inequalities among those with dementia in the region. Implementation of best practices for mitigation and containment faces particularly steep challenges in LACs. Based upon our consideration of these issues, we urgently call for a coordinated action plan, including the development of inexpensive mass testing and multilevel regional coordination for dementia care and related actions. Brain health diplomacy should lead to a shared and escalated response across the region, coordinating leadership, and triangulation between governments and international multilateral networks

    Socio-geographical disparities of obesity and excess weight in adults in Spain: insights from the ENE-COVID study

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    Background: In Spain, differences in the prevalence of obesity and excess weight according to sex and sociodemographic factors have been described at the national level, although current data do not allow to delve into geographical differences for these conditions. The aim was to estimate national and regional prevalences of adult obesity and excess weight in Spain by sex and sociodemographic characteristics, and to explore difference sources of inequalities in its distribution, as well as its geographical pattern. Method: ENE-COVID study was a nationwide representative seroepidemiological survey with 57,131 participants. Residents in 35,893 households were selected from municipal rolls using a two-stage random sampling stratified by province and municipality size (April-June 2020). Participants (77.0% of contacted individuals) answered a questionnaire which collected self-reported weight and height, as well as different socioeconomic variables, that allowed estimating crude and standardized prevalences of adult obesity and excess weight. Results: Crude prevalences of obesity and excess weight were higher in men (obesity: 19.3% vs. 18.0%; excess weight: 63.7% vs. 48.4%), while severe obesity was more prevalent in women (4.5% vs. 5.3%). These prevalences increased with age and disability, and decreased with education, census tract income and municipality size. Differences by educational level, relative census income, nationality or disability were clearly higher among women. Obesity by province ranged 13.3-27.4% in men and 11.4-28.1% in women; excess weight ranged 57.2-76.0% in men and 38.9-59.5% in women. The highest prevalences were located in the southern half of the country and some north-western provinces. Sociodemographic characteristics only explained a small part of the observed geographical variability (25.2% obesity). Conclusion: Obesity and overweight have a high prevalence in Spain, with notable geographical and sex differences. Socioeconomic inequalities are stronger among women. The observed geographical variability suggests the need to implement regional and local interventions to effectively address this public health problem.This study was supported by Spanish Ministry of Health, Institute of Health Carlos III, and Spanish National Health System.S

    Genome of the facultative scuticociliatosis pathogen Pseudocohnilembus persalinus provides insight into its virulence through horizontal gene transfer

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    Radial velocity confirmation of K2-100b: A young, highly irradiated, and low-density transiting hot Neptune

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    We present a detailed analysis of HARPS-N radial velocity observations of K2-100, a young and active star in the Praesepe cluster, which hosts a transiting planet with a period of 1.7 d. We model the activity-induced radial velocity variations of the host star with a multidimensional Gaussian Process framework and detect a planetary signal of 10.6 \ub1 3.0 m s−1, which matches the transit ephemeris, and translates to a planet mass of 21.8 \ub1 6.2 M. We perform a suite of validation tests to confirm that our detected signal is genuine. This is the first mass measurement for a transiting planet in a young open cluster. The relatively low density of the planet, 2.04+−006661 g cm−3, implies that K2-100b retains a significant volatile envelope. We estimate that the planet is losing its atmosphere at a rate of 1011–1012 g s−1 due to the high level of radiation it receives from its host star