10,854 research outputs found

    Post-Newtonian corrections to the motion of spinning bodies in NRGR

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    In this paper we include spin and multipole moment effects in the formalism used to describe the motion of extended objects recently introduced in hep-th/0409156. A suitable description for spinning bodies is developed and spin-orbit, spin-spin and quadrupole-spin Hamiltonians are found at leading order. The existence of tidal, as well as self induced finite size effects is shown, and the contribution to the Hamiltonian is calculated in the latter. It is shown that tidal deformations start formally at O(v^6) and O(v^10) for maximally rotating general and compact objects respectively, whereas self induced effects can show up at leading order. Agreement is found for the cases where the results are known.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures. Typos corrected, to appear in Physical Review

    Dynamics of test bodies with spin in de Sitter spacetime

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    We study the motion of spinning test bodies in the de Sitter spacetime of constant positive curvature. With the help of the 10 Killing vectors, we derive the 4-momentum and the tensor of spin explicitly in terms of the spacetime coordinates. However, in order to find the actual trajectories, one needs to impose the so-called supplementary condition. We discuss the dynamics of spinning test bodies for the cases of the Frenkel and Tulczyjew conditions.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex forma

    Innermost Stable Circular Orbit of a Spinning Particle in Kerr Spacetime

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    We study stability of a circular orbit of a spinning test particle in a Kerr spacetime. We find that some of the circular orbits become unstable in the direction perpendicular to the equatorial plane, although the orbits are still stable in the radial direction. Then for the large spin case ($S < \sim O(1)), the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) appears before the minimum of the effective potential in the equatorial plane disappears. This changes the radius of ISCO and then the frequency of the last circular orbit.Comment: 25 pages including 8 figure

    Gigahertz quantum key distribution with InGaAs avalanche photodiodes

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    We report a demonstration of quantum key distribution (QKD) at GHz clock rates with InGaAs avalanche photodiodes (APDs) operating in a self-differencing mode. Such a mode of operation allows detection of extremely weak avalanches so that the detector afterpulse noise is sufficiently suppressed. The system is characterized by a secure bit rate of 2.37 Mbps at 5.6 km and 27.9 kbps at 65.5 km when the fiber dispersion is not compensated. After compensating the fiber dispersion, the QKD distance is extended to 101 km, resulting in a secure key rate of 2.88 kbps. Our results suggest that InGaAs APDs are very well suited to GHz QKD applications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Fuels treatment and wildfire effects on runoff from Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forests

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    We applied an eco-hydrologic model (Regional Hydro-Ecologic Simulation System [RHESSys]), constrained with spatially distributed field measurements, to assess the impacts of forest-fuel treatments and wildfire on hydrologic fluxes in two Sierra Nevada firesheds. Strategically placed fuels treatments were implemented during 2011–2012 in the upper American River in the central Sierra Nevada (43 km2) and in the upper Fresno River in the southern Sierra Nevada (24 km2). This study used the measured vegetation changes from mechanical treatments and modelled vegetation change from wildfire to determine impacts on the water balance. The well-constrained headwater model was transferred to larger catchments based on geologic and hydrologic similarities. Fuels treatments covered 18% of the American and 29% of the Lewis catchment. Averaged over the entire catchment, treatments in the wetter central Sierra Nevada resulted in a relatively light vegetation decrease (8%), leading to a 12% runoff increase, averaged over wet and dry years. Wildfire with and without forest treatments reduced vegetation by 38% and 50% and increased runoff by 55% and 67%, respectively. Treatments in the drier southern Sierra Nevada also reduced the spatially averaged vegetation by 8%, but the runoff response was limited to an increase of less than 3% compared with no treatment. Wildfire following treatments reduced vegetation by 40%, increasing runoff by 13%. Changes to catchment-scale water-balance simulations were more sensitive to canopy cover than to leaf area index, indicating that the pattern as well as amount of vegetation treatment is important to hydrologic response

    Second-order gravitational self-force

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    We derive an expression for the second-order gravitational self-force that acts on a self-gravitating compact-object moving in a curved background spacetime. First we develop a new method of derivation and apply it to the derivation of the first-order gravitational self-force. Here we find that our result conforms with the previously derived expression. Next we generalize our method and derive a new expression for the second-order gravitational self-force. This study also has a practical motivation: The data analysis for the planned gravitational wave detector LISA requires construction of waveforms templates for the expected gravitational waves. Calculation of the two leading orders of the gravitational self-force will enable one to construct highly accurate waveform templates, which are needed for the data analysis of gravitational-waves that are emitted from extreme mass-ratio binaries.Comment: 35 page

    Rapid Polymerase Chain Reaction–Based Test for the Detection of Female Urogenital Chlamydial Infections

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Amplicor Chlamydia trachomatis Test (Roche Molecular Systems, Branchburg, NJ), a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based technique, as a screening test for the detection of female urogenital C. trachomatis infections, comparing it to an enzyme immunoassay method

    Signature of chaos in gravitational waves from a spinning particle

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    A spinning test particle around a Schwarzschild black hole shows a chaotic behavior, if its spin is larger than a critical value. We discuss whether or not some peculiar signature of chaos appears in the gravitational waves emitted from such a system. Calculating the emitted gravitational waves by use of the quadrupole formula, we find that the energy emission rate of gravitational waves for a chaotic orbit is about 10 times larger than that for a circular orbit, but the same enhancement is also obtained by a regular "elliptic" orbit. A chaotic motion is not always enhance the energy emission rate maximally. As for the energy spectra of the gravitational waves, we find some characteristic feature for a chaotic orbit. It may tell us how to find out a chaotic behavior of the system. Such a peculiar behavior, if it will be found, may also provide us some additional informations to determine parameters of a system such as a spin.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Mechanism Design in Social Networks

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    This paper studies an auction design problem for a seller to sell a commodity in a social network, where each individual (the seller or a buyer) can only communicate with her neighbors. The challenge to the seller is to design a mechanism to incentivize the buyers, who are aware of the auction, to further propagate the information to their neighbors so that more buyers will participate in the auction and hence, the seller will be able to make a higher revenue. We propose a novel auction mechanism, called information diffusion mechanism (IDM), which incentivizes the buyers to not only truthfully report their valuations on the commodity to the seller, but also further propagate the auction information to all their neighbors. In comparison, the direct extension of the well-known Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism in social networks can also incentivize the information diffusion, but it will decrease the seller's revenue or even lead to a deficit sometimes. The formalization of the problem has not yet been addressed in the literature of mechanism design and our solution is very significant in the presence of large-scale online social networks.Comment: In The Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Francisco, US, 04-09 Feb 201

    Highly relativistic spinning particle starting near rph(−)r_{ph}^{(-)} in a Kerr field

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    Using the Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon (MPD) equations, we investigate the trajectories of a spinning particle starting near rph(−)r_{ph}^{(-)} in a Kerr field and moving with the velocity close to the velocity of light (rph(−)r_{ph}^{(-)} is the Boyer-Lindquist radial coordinate of the counter-rotation circular photon orbits). First, as a partial case of these trajectories, we consider the equatorial circular orbit with r=rph(−)r=r_{ph}^{(-)}. This orbit is described by the solution that is common for the rigorous MPD equations and their linear spin approximation. Then different cases of the nonequatorial motions are computed and illustrated by the typical figures. All these orbits exhibit the effects of the significant gravitational repulsion that are caused by the spin-gravity interaction. Possible applications in astrophysics are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure
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