3,546 research outputs found

    Phosphine-Catalyzed Formation of Carbon-Sulfur Bonds: Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of gamma-Thioesters

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    Supporting Information Available: Experimental procedures and compound characterization data. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org.A method for catalytic asymmetric γ sulfenylation of carbonyl compounds has been developed. In the presence of an appropriate catalyst, thiols not only add to the γ position of allenoates, overcoming their propensity to add to the β position in the absence of a catalyst, but do so with very good enantioselectivity. Sulfur nucleophiles are now added to the three families of nucleophiles (carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen) that had earlier been shown to participate in catalyzed γ additions. The phosphine catalyst of choice, TangPhos, had previously only been employed as a chiral ligand for transition metals, not as an efficient enantioselective nucleophilic catalyst.National Institutes of Health (U.S.)National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (R01-GM57034)Merck & Co.Novartis (Firm

    The Thioredoxin-Regulated α-Amylase 3 of Arabidopsis thaliana Is a Target of S-Glutathionylation

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced in cells as normal cellular metabolic by-products. ROS concentration is normally low, but it increases under stress conditions. To stand ROS exposure, organisms evolved series of responsive mechanisms. One such mechanism is protein S-glutathionylation. S-glutathionylation is a post-translational modification typically occurring in response to oxidative stress, in which a glutathione reacts with cysteinyl residues, protecting them from overoxidation. α-Amylases are glucan hydrolases that cleave α-1,4-glucosidic bonds in starch. The Arabidopsis genome contains three genes encoding α-amylases. The sole chloroplastic member, AtAMY3, is involved in osmotic stress response and stomatal opening and is redox-regulated by thioredoxins. Here we show that AtAMY3 activity was sensitive to ROS, such as H2O2. Treatments with H2O2 inhibited enzyme activity and part of the inhibition was irreversible. However, in the presence of glutathione this irreversible inhibition was prevented through S-glutathionylation. The activity of oxidized AtAMY3 was completely restored by simultaneous reduction by both glutaredoxin (specific for the removal of glutathione-mixed disulfide) and thioredoxin (specific for the reduction of protein disulfide), supporting a possible liaison between both redox modifications. By comparing free cysteine residues between reduced and GSSG-treated AtAMY3 and performing oxidation experiments of Cys-to-Ser variants of AtAMY3 using biotin-conjugated GSSG, we could demonstrate that at least three distinct cysteinyl residues can be oxidized/glutathionylated, among those the two previously identified catalytic cysteines, Cys499 and Cys587. Measuring the pKa values of the catalytic cysteines by alkylation at different pHs and enzyme activity measurement (pKa1 = 5.70 ± 0.28; pKa2 = 7.83 ± 0.12) showed the tendency of one of the two catalytic cysteines to deprotonation, even at physiological pHs, supporting its propensity to undergo redox post-translational modifications. Taking into account previous and present findings, a functional model for redox regulation of AtAMY3 is proposed

    Target specificity among canonical nuclear poly(A) polymerases in plants modulates organ growth and pathogen response

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    Polyadenylation of pre-mRNAs is critical for efficient nuclear export, stability, and translation of the mature mRNAs, and thus for gene expression. The bulk of pre-mRNAs are processed by canonical nuclear poly(A) polymerase (PAPS). Both vertebrate and higher-plant genomes encode more than one isoform of this enzyme, and these are coexpressed in different tissues. However, in neither case is it known whether the isoforms fulfill different functions or polyadenylate distinct subsets of pre-mRNAs. Here we show that the three canonical nuclear PAPS isoforms in Arabidopsis are functionally specialized owing to their evolutionarily divergent C-terminal domains. A strong loss-of-function mutation in PAPS1 causes a male gametophytic defect, whereas a weak allele leads to reduced leaf growth that results in part from a constitutive pathogen response. By contrast, plants lacking both PAPS2 and PAPS4 function are viable with wild-type leaf growth. Polyadenylation of SMALL AUXIN UP RNA (SAUR) mRNAs depends specifically on PAPS1 function. The resulting reduction in SAUR activity in paps1 mutants contributes to their reduced leaf growth, providing a causal link between polyadenylation of specific pre-mRNAs by a particular PAPS isoform and plant growth. This suggests the existence of an additional layer of regulation in plant and possibly vertebrate gene expression, whereby the relative activities of canonical nuclear PAPS isoforms control de novo synthesized poly(A) tail length and hence expression of specific subsets of mRNAs

    Tests of Transfer Reaction Determinations of Astrophysical S-Factors

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    The 16O(3He,d)17F{}^{16}O ({}^{3}He,d) {}^{17}F reaction has been used to determine asymptotic normalization coefficients for transitions to the ground and first excited states of 17F{}^{17}F. The coefficients provide the normalization for the tails of the overlap functions for 17F16O+p{}^{17}F \to{}^{16}O + p and allow us to calculate the S-factors for 16O(p,γ)17F{}^{16}O (p,\gamma){}^{17}F at astrophysical energies. The calculated S-factors are compared to measurements and found to be in very good agreement. This provides the first test of this indirect method to determine astrophysical direct capture rates using transfer reactions. In addition, our results yield S(0) for capture to the ground and first excited states in 17F^{17}F, without the uncertainty associated with extrapolation from higher energies.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Transdiagnostic commonalities and differences in resting state functional connectivity of the default mode network in schizophrenia and major depression

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    Schizophrenia and depression are prevalent psychiatric disorders, but their underlying neural bases remains poorly understood. Neuroimaging evidence has pointed towards the relevance of functional connectivity aberrations in defaultmode network (DMN) hubs, dorso-medial prefrontal cortex and precuneus, in both disorders, but commonalities and differences in resting state functional connectivity of those two regions across disorders has not been formally assessed. Here, we took a transdiagnostic approach to investigate resting state functional connectivity of those two regions in 75 patients with schizophrenia and 82 controls from 4 scanning sites and 102 patients with depression and 106 controls from 3 sites. Our results demonstrate common dysconnectivity patterns as indexed by a significant reduction of functional connectivity between precuneus and bilateral superior parietal lobe in schizophrenia and depression. Furthermore, our findings highlight diagnosis-specific connectivity reductions of the parietal operculum in schizophrenia relative to depression. In light of evidence that points towards the importance of the DMN for social cognitive abilities and well documented impairments of social interaction in both patient groups, it is conceivable that the observed transdiagnostic connectivity alterations may contribute to interpersonal difficulties, but this could not be assessed directly in our study as measures of social behavior were not available. Given the operculum's role in somatosensory integration, diagnosis-specific connectivity reductions may indicate a pathophysiological mechanism for basic self-disturbances that is characteristic of schizophrenia, but not depression. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc

    Reversal of cell, circuit and seizure phenotypes in a mouse model of DNM1epileptic encephalopathy

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    Dynamin-1 is a large GTPase with an obligatory role in synaptic vesicle endocytosis at mammalian nerve terminals. Heterozygous missense mutations in the dynamin-1 gene (DNM1) cause a novel form of epileptic encephalopathy, with pathogenic mutations clustering within regions required for its essential GTPase activity. We reveal the most prevalent pathogenic DNM1 mutation, R237W, disrupts dynamin-1 enzyme activity and endocytosis when overexpressed in central neurons. To determine how this mutation impacted cell, circuit and behavioural function, we generated a mouse carrying the R237W mutation. Neurons from heterozygous mice display dysfunctional endocytosis, in addition to altered excitatory neurotransmission and seizure-like phenotypes. Importantly, these phenotypes are corrected at the cell, circuit and in vivo level by the drug, BMS-204352, which accelerates endocytosis. Here, we demonstrate a credible link between dysfunctional endocytosis and epileptic encephalopathy, and importantly reveal that synaptic vesicle recycling may be a viable therapeutic target for monogenic intractable epilepsies.<br/

    Lesion-symptom mapping corroborates lateralization of verbal and nonverbal memory processes and identifies distributed brain networks responsible for memory dysfunction

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    Memory disorders are a common consequence of cerebrovascular accident (CVA). However, uncertainties remain about the exact anatomical correlates of memory impairment and the material-specific lateralization of memory function in the brain. We used lesion-symptom mapping (LSM) in patients with first-time CVA to identify which brain structures are pivotal for verbal and nonverbal memory and to re-examine whether verbal and nonverbal memory functions are lateralized processes in the brain. The cognitive performance of a relatively large cohort of 114 patients in five classic episodic memory tests was analysed with factor analysis. Two factors were extracted that distinguished the verbal and nonverbal components of these memory tests, and their scores were subsequently tested for anatomical correlates by combining univariate and multivariate LSM. LSM analysis revealed for the verbal factor exclusively left-hemispheric insular, subcortical and adjacent white matter regions and for the nonverbal factor exclusively right-hemispheric temporal, occipital, insular, subcortical and adjacent white matter structures. These results corroborate the long-standing hypothesis of a material-specific lateralization of memory function in the brain and confirm a robust association between right temporal lobe lesions and nonverbal memory dysfunction. The right-hemispheric correlates for the nonverbal aspects of episodic memory include not only classic memory structures in the medial temporal lobe but also a more distributed network that includes cortical and subcortical structures also known for implicit memory processes