40 research outputs found

    Wireless battery charger for ev with circular or planar coils: comparison

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    This paper presents the experimental results obtained in the wireless energy transfer system prototype based on circular or planar coils. With these experimental results we can choose the tuning settings to improve the power transmission efficiency in wireless energy transfer systems. In wireless energy transfer for electric vehicle batteries charging, the coil shape and the range between the coils are the most important issues of those systems

    Specific features of intrafamily interaction in the families of preschool children aged 6-7 years who were premature at birth

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    Diagnostic studies of intrafamily interaction in 106 families who rise preschool older children born at the gestational age of 32-37 weeks have been made. The control group comprised 54 families who had full term age matched children. The study of the parents" attitude toward their family role and parent-child relationship was conducted according to the PARI methods. It has been stabled that specificities of intrafamily interaction are determined by the gestational age of the child at birth. It has been shown that families rising premature children who were born at 32-34 weeks of gestation are characterized by disturbed parental role family role and disturbed parent-child relationship. We have failed to identify differenceis in the character of intrafamily interaction between families of preschool children born at the gestational age of 35-37 weeks and families with full term preschool children. The data obtained confirm the necessity to diagnose intrafamily interaction and psychological assistance to families who rise preschool children aged 6-7 years who were premature at birth.Проведена диагностика внутрисемейных отношений в 106 семьях, воспитывающих недоношенных детей старшего дошкольного возраста, родившихся в сроке гестации 32-37 недель. Контролем послужили 54 семьи, имевшие доношенных детей аналогичного возраста. Изучение отношения родителей к семейной роли и родительско-детских отношений проводилось по методике PARI. Установлено, что особенности внутрисемейных отношений определяются гестационным возрастом ребенка при рождении. Показано, что для семей, воспитывающих недоношенных детей, родившихся в сроке гестации 32-34 недели, характерны нарушение установок в отношении родителей к семейной роли и дисгармоничность родительско-детских отношений. Не выявлено различий в характере внутрисемейных отношений между семьями дошкольников, родившихся в сроке гестации 35-37 недель, и семьями доношенных дошкольников. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о необходимости диагностики внутрисемейных отношений и психологического сопровождения семей, воспитывающих недоношенных детей старшего дошкольного возраста

    Multifrequency VLBA study of the blazar S5 0716+714 during the active state in 2004 II. Large-scale jet kinematics and the comparison of the different methods of VLBI data imaging as applied to kinematic studies of AGN

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    We study the jet kinematics of the blazar S5 0716+714 during its active state in 2003-2004 with multi-epoch VLBI observations. Aims. We present a kinematic analysis of the large-scale (0-12 mas) jet of 0716+714, based on the results of six epochs of VLBA monitoring at 5 GHz. Additionally, we compare kinematic results obtained with two imaging methods based on different deconvolution algorithms. The blazar 0716+714 has a diffuse large-scale jet and a very faint bright compact core. Experiments with simulated data showed that the conventional data reduction procedure based on the CLEAN deconvolution algorithm does not perform well in restoring this type of structure. This might be the reason why previous kinematic studies of this source yielded ambiguous results. In order to obtain accurate kinematics of this source, we independently applied two imaging techniques to the raw data: the conventional method, based on difference mapping, which uses CLEAN deconvolution, and the generalized maximum entropy method (GMEM) realized in the VLBImager package developed at the Pulkovo Observatory in Russia. The results of both methods give us a consistent kinematic scenario: the large-scale jet of 0716+714 is diffuse and stationary. Differences between the inner (0-1 mas) and outer (1-12 mas) regions of the jet in brightness and velocity of the components could be explained by the bending of the jet, which causes the angle between the jet direction and the line of sight to change from ~5 deg to ~11 deg. For the source 0716+714 both methods worked at the limit of their capability.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A, 201

    The atmospheric role in the Arctic water cycle: A review on processes, past and future changes, and their impacts

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Atmospheric humidity, clouds, precipitation, and evapotranspiration are essential components of the Arctic climate system. During recent decades, specific humidity and precipitation have generally increased in the Arctic, but changes in evapotranspiration are poorly known. Trends in clouds vary depending on the region and season. Climate model experiments suggest that increases in precipitation are related to global warming. In turn, feedbacks associated with the increase in atmospheric moisture and decrease in sea ice and snow cover have contributed to the Arctic amplification of global warming. Climate models have captured the overall wetting trend but have limited success in reproducing regional details. For the rest of the 21st century, climate models project strong warming and increasing precipitation, but different models yield different results for changes in cloud cover. The model differences are largest in months of minimum sea ice cover. Evapotranspiration is projected to increase in winter but in summer to decrease over the oceans and increase over land. Increasing net precipitation increases river discharge to the Arctic Ocean. Over sea ice in summer, projected increase in rain and decrease in snowfall decrease the surface albedo and, hence, further amplify snow/ice surface melt. With reducing sea ice, wind forcing on the Arctic Ocean increases with impacts on ocean currents and freshwater transport out of the Arctic. Improvements in observations, process understanding, and modeling capabilities are needed to better quantify the atmospheric role in the Arctic water cycle and its changes.We thank all colleagues involved in the Arctic Freshwater Synthesis (AFS) for fruitful discussions. In particular, John Walsh is acknowledged for his constructive comments on the manuscript. AFS has been sponsored by the World Climate Research Programme’s Climate and the Cryosphere project (WCRP-CliC), the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), and the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP). The work for this paper has been supported by the Academy of Finland (contracts 259537 and 283101), the UK Natural Environment Research Council (grant NE/J019585/1), the US National Science Foundation grant ARC-1023592 and the Program “Arctic” and the Basic Research Program of the Presidium Russian Academy of Sciences. NCAR is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation. We gratefully acknowledge the project coordination and meeting support of Jenny Baeseman and Gwenaelle Hamon at the CliC International Project Office. No new data were applied in the manuscript. Data applied for Figures 2 and 3 are available from the JRA-55 archive at http://jra. kishou.go.jp/JRA-55/index_en. html#usage

    Formation of students' scientific thinking based on the learning of methods of the substance analysis

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    Introduction. In Federal State Standards of the Higher Education (FSS HE) of the natural-science and technical specialties and also in a number of the corresponding professional standards, the competence in the field of analytical chemistry is specified as one of the main qualification characteristics of an expert/university graduate. It is caused by interdisciplinarity of analytical chemistry and a wide range of application of analysis methods which are used today not only directly on chemical production, but also in power engineering, construction engineering, metallurgy, materials science, standardization, certification, and many other spheres. At the current time, however, there is a big gap between achievements of chemical science and content of high school discipline that reduces quality of staff training demanded in labour market. This discrepancy is caused both by preservation of traditional methodology of teaching chemistry and the reasons of the methodical plan. The aim of the publication is to search for more effective and productive ways of mastering the educational material that is relevant for acquiring the qualifications required from the university graduate. Methodology and research methods. Methodological framework of the article involves the concepts of chemical and natural-science education at the higher school; the principles of the system-based, cognitive, practice-focused and competence-based training. Results and scientific novelty. On the basis of the review and generalization of scientific and methodological resources on the theory and practice of application of the analysis methods of substances from didactic positions, a number of these methods have been singled out and compared; their role and features in determination of a molecule structure and other characteristics of an individual substance and its solutions have been shown. Despite the fact that the work is carried out using known methods of analysis, such a generalization makes it possible to more clearly understand the principles of the choice of a method and the method importance according to the purposes and specifics of the studied object that is essential for formation of research skills during training, as well as for formation of scientific thinking and the required qualification acquisition by graduates of the natural-science and technical specialties. In order to update the acquired knowledge, the examples illustrating applied use of various analysis methods in modern research and production practice have been collected. Tables have been made for a faster perception of the material by methods of analysis for the purpose of an informed choice of the method. Reliance on the principle of tabular collection of material makes it easier to understand the individuality of the method; allows teachers to reduce their workload; and on the part of students, to shorten the time and simplify the procedure of choosing the method of chemical, physicochemical and/or physical analysis. Practical significance. The work is compiled in accordance with the State General Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education, and can be recommended to practising and beginning teachers of higher education institutions, as well as graduate students of chemical specialties. The materials presented in the article can assist in designing the curricula of chemical disciplines or modules of educational programs. © 2018 Obrazovanie i Nauka. All rights reserved

    Structure–properties relationships in fibre drawing of bioactive phosphate glasses

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    New bioactive phosphate glasses suitable for continuous fibre production are investigated in this work. The structure of both bulk and fibres from Na2O–CaO–MgO–P2O5 glasses has been studied by means of Raman and 31P and 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies, and the structural results have been correlated with the mechanical properties of the fibres and the dissolution rate of the bulk glasses. It has been observed that the mechanical properties of the phosphate glass fibres are influenced by the glass network connectivity, while the dissolution rates are governed by the Qi speciation of the PO4 units. As seen in previous studies, molar volume seems to play an important role in the fragility behaviour of phosphate glasses. Here, a lower molar volume resulting from the increase in the oxygen packing density hinders the cooperative flow of the PO4 units throughout the glass network and, therefore, causes a reduction in the kinetic fragility

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    Meeting abstrac


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    The aim of the investigation is to show the possibility of updating of the training program of the discipline «Chemistry» intended for training of engineers of chemical specialties of higher educational institutions on the basis of results of the last researches in the field of nanochemistry. The article is addressed to the scientists and teachers developing the specific fields of science, to students and graduate students who have decided to devote themselves to new perspective science of the 21st century.Methods. The analysis of the works concerning the combinational scattering method (Raman spectroscopy) is made. Exposure to the combinational scattering method and the method of infrared spectroscopy is necessary for the undergraduates who are engaged in synthesis of new nanomaterials on the basis of carbon while deciding of the obtained experimental data. The physical and chemical analysis was used in the research to study the properties and structure of shungite of the Zazhoginsky field – the unique natural mineral containing nanoparticles and the effective sorbent applied to purification of drinking water (emission spectral analysis with inductively coupled plasma, Raman spectroscopy and Infrared spectroscopy).Results and scientific novelty. When processing shungite with toluene, ochroleucous resinous substance was educed; this is an organic substance according to data of IR-spectroscopy. On the basis of the analysis of data of Ramanspectroscopy, the line about 2700 cm–1 is offered to consider as the indicator of crystallinity. A variety of physical and chemical and structural properties in connection on the basis of shungite allows us to speak about chemistry of fullerenes and nanochemistry as the new perspective direction of chemistry.Practical significance. Described data on Raman-spectroscopy will help undergraduates, young scientists and researchers to identify various modifications of carbon in the nanomaterials synthesized by them on the basis of carbon. The data received during the research can be used for laboratory work «Determination of shungit nanocomponents through modern physical and chemical methods», having included it in the subject «Carbon» of the program of discipline «Chemistry». The materials of the article can also serve as a starting point for creation of a special short-term course on studying of materials of group of carbon in the system of advanced training for employees of the entities who are engaged in shungite processing


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    Introduction. In Federal State Standards of the Higher Education (FSS HE) of the natural-science and technical specialties and also in a number of the corresponding professional standards, the competence in the field of analytical chemistry is specified as one of the main qualification characteristics of an expert/university graduate. It is caused by interdisciplinarity of analytical chemistry and a wide range of application of analysis methods which are used today not only directly on chemical production, but also in power engineering, construction engineering, metallurgy, materials science, standardization, certification, and many other spheres. At the current time, however, there is a big gap between achievements of chemical science and content of high school discipline that reduces quality of staff training demanded in labour market. This discrepancy is caused both by preservation of traditional methodology of teaching chemistry and the reasons of the methodical plan. The aim of the publication is to search for more effective and productive ways of mastering the educational material that is relevant for acquiring the qualifications required from the university graduate. Methodology and research methods. Methodological framework of the article involves the concepts of chemical and natural-science education at the higher school; the principles of the system-based, cognitive, practice-focused and competence-based training. Results and scientific novelty. On the basis of the review and generalization of scientific and methodological resources on the theory and practice of application of the analysis methods of substances from didactic positions, a number of these methods have been singled out and compared; their role and features in determination of a molecule structure and other characteristics of an individual substance and its solutions have been shown. Despite the fact that the work is carried out using known methods of analysis, such a generalization makes it possible to more clearly understand the principles of the choice of a method and the method importance according to the purposes and specifics of the studied object that is essential for formation of research skills during training, as well as for formation of scientific thinking and the required qualification acquisition by graduates of the natural-science and technical specialties. In order to update the acquired knowledge, the examples illustrating applied use of various analysis methods in modern research and production practice have been collected. Tables have been made for a faster perception of the material by methods of analysis for the purpose of an informed choice of the method. Reliance on the principle of tabular collection of material makes it easier to understand the individuality of the method; allows teachers to reduce their workload; and on the part of students, to shorten the time and simplify the procedure of choosing the method of chemical, physicochemical and/or physical analysis. Practical significance. The work is compiled in accordance with the State General Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education, and can be recommended to practising and beginning teachers of higher education institutions, as well as graduate students of chemical specialties. The materials presented in the article can assist in designing the curricula of chemical disciplines or modules of educational programs

    Students' mastering of structural analysis of substance as a method to form future specialists' scientific thinking Part I

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    Introduction. In today's knowledge society, the amount of scientific-applied information, which university graduates have to acquire, continues to increase continuously. There is a concurrent reduction in the number of study hours to undertake educational programmes in order to increase the hours for students' independent work. Against this background, higher school is required to increase future experts' competencies. Therefore, the content of fundamental and special disciplines of entire period of training and independent work of students should be thoroughly coordinated by increasing students' motivation to self-education and self-development. Classroom-based and independent learning of disciplines and sections of fundamental academic courses, especially chemistry, is impossible without formation of students' scientific thinking. Today, it is difficult to consider the activity of most professionals without the ability to think scientifically: active expansion of science into professional sphere has a strong tendency to be increased. The aim of the present research is to show the possibilities of formation and development of scientific thinking in the students of natural-scientific and technical directions of education using the example of studying of one of the elements of programmes in chemistry (the method of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis). Methodology and research methods. The research was carried out on the basis of competency-based, systematic and interdisciplinary approaches. The methods of analysis, synthesis, integration, differentiation and compactification of fundamental knowledge and training material were used. Results and scientific novelty. The high potential of chemical education for formation of scientific thinking, subject content (chemical), natural-scientific and holistic scientific thinking is emphasised. However, chemistry education in higher education institution is complicated by the absence of the unified structure of fundamental preparation, the preservation of extensive approach to the content of chemical disciplines, the irrational organisation of students' independent work, which now is accounted for a half of instructional time. Overcoming these problems lies in the dialectic unity of fundamental and practice-oriented knowledge, which is provided by the compliance with the principles of continuity and interdisciplinarity. It is necessary to provide deductive structurisation of training material in order to give integrity and systemacity to the content of education, without which it is impossible to create a comprehensive natural-scientific picture of the world in students. The key initial element of vocational training stimulating the formation of reflexive skills and scientific thinking of future experts is mastering by students of a categorical-conceptual framework of science, which is consistently and comprehensively revealed throughout a high school stage of education. The authors designated phases of development of scientific thinking (formal-logical, reflexive-theoretical, hypothetico-deductive thinking), which are not clearly differentiated due to interpenetration and entanglement of their components and identity of thought processes in terms of their speed and quality. However, the allocation of these stages allows to structure and to correct the content of educational material taking into account the characteristics and the level of students' readiness. From these standpoints, the expediency of more detailed examination of the NMR method is proved within the disciplines such as “Chemistry”, “General Chemistry”, “Inorganic Chemistry” and “Analytical Chemistry” (a part of material about the NMR method can be worked out by students independently). This method, based on one phenomenon, includes hundreds of various types of the experiments, which are intended for receiving particular information. The NMR method is widely used both in scientific research, including master's thesis, and in the most various manufacturing spheres. Today, the spectroscopy of NMR is recognised as the most powerful informative and perspective method of structural analysis of substance. The fundamental nature, interdisciplinarity and universality of the method provide students with basic professional knowledge on physics, chemistry, medicine, biology, technology and ecology. The authors of the present research propose the option of configuration of educational information on NMR. According to the suggested version, the principle of work is the following: firstly, bachelors study the system of key concepts and terms, moving gradually from formal-logical to substantial generalisations; then, students learn to explain the phenomena scientifically and to make forecasts, and, as a result, they become the “owners” of hypothetico-deductive thinking. The acquired competencies are the key to professional literacy, which is improved in master's degree programme, when the previously compactified scientific knowledge in a contracted form is developed in the form suitable for an optimal solution of a particular research or practical aim. The similar scheme of vocational training makes it possible to overcome traditional orientation of high school programmes of the natural-science block (i.e. retention of permanently growing amount of factual material). Practical significance. The research materials can be useful for methodologists of the higher school, for experts engaged in methodological development and the organisation of educational process, for high school teachers of chemistry and related disciplines, for post-graduate students and master's students of chemical and chemico-technological specialties as well. © 2019 Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University. All rights reserved