1,730 research outputs found

    Cap rock efficiency of geothermal systems in fold-and-thrust belts: Evidence from paleo-thermal and structural analyses in Rosario de La Frontera geothermal area (NW Argentina)

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    Cap rock characterization of geothermal systems is often neglected despite fracturing may reduce its efficiency and favours fluid migration. We investigated the siliciclastic cap rock of Rosario de La Frontera geothermal system (NW Argentina) in order to assess its quality as a function of fracture patterns and related thermal alteration. Paleothermal investigations (XRD on fine-grained fraction of sediments, organic matter optical analysis and fluid inclusions on veins) and 1D thermal modelling allowed us to distinguish the thermal fingerprint associated to sedimentary burial from that related to fluid migration. The geothermal system is hosted in a Neogene N-S anticline dissected by high angle NNW- and ENE-striking faults. Its cap rock can be grouped into two quality categories: ‱ rocks acting as good insulators, deformed by NNW–SSE and E–W shear fractures, NNE-SSW gypsum- and N-S-striking calcite-filled veins that developed during the initial stage of anticline growth. Maximum paleo-temperatures (< 60 °C) were experienced during deposition to folding phases.‱ rocks acting as bad insulators, deformed by NNW-SSE fault planes and NNW- and WNW-striking sets of fractures associated to late transpressive kinematics. Maximum paleo-temperatures higher than about 115 °C are linked to fluid migration from the reservoir to surface (with a reservoir top at maximum depths of 2.5 km) along fault damage zones.This multi-method approach turned out to be particularly useful to trace the main pathways of hot fluids and can be applied in blind geothermal systems where either subsurface data are scarce or surface thermal anomalies are lacking.Fil: Maffucci, R.. Universita Degli Studi Della Tuscia; Italia. Universita Degli Studi Roma Tre; ItaliaFil: Corrado, Sveva. Universita Degli Studi Roma Tre; ItaliaFil: Aldega, L.. Instituto de Investigaciones Universitarias Roma la Sapienza; ItaliaFil: Bigi, S.. Instituto de Investigaciones Universitarias Roma la Sapienza; ItaliaFil: Chiodi, Agostina Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Investigaciones en EnergĂ­a no Convencional. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de FĂ­sica. Instituto de Investigaciones en EnergĂ­a no Convencional; ArgentinaFil: Di Paolo, L.. Eni E&P Division; ItaliaFil: Giordano, G.. Universita Degli Studi Roma Tre; ItaliaFil: Invernizzi, C.. Universita Degli Di Camerino; Itali

    Expeditious Calibration Method for Quantification of Odorous Mixtures via GC

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    An odour sample is generally a complex matrix consisting of numerous molecules (mostly volatile organic compounds, VOCs) chemically different from each other, and which can be perceived by the human nose. In order to chemically characterize this complex gaseous matrix, gas-chromatography (GC) is commonly used. By this analytical technique, it is possible to obtain the resolution of odour gaseous mixtures in order to qualify and quantify the compounds. However, the quantification is a tricky operation based on the comparison of the sample under examination with purpose-made gas mixtures containing a compound, chosen as a standard, at known concentration. Commonly, these mixtures are obtained from cylinders of compressed gases, the use of which involves problems relating to their management, thermodynamic equilibrium feasibility, considerable economic outlay and not-negligible procurement times. This paper describes a method, proposed as a versatile and simple alternative to the use of such cylinders, for preparing gaseous calibration standards at known concentration. The method involves the continuous injection of VOC in liquid form, by means of a syringe pump, into a stream of neutral gas, such as air or nitrogen, which acts as diluent gas, controlled by a mass flow meter. Exploiting the volatility of the compounds used, it is possible to generate a continuous gas stream, exiting the system, containing the selected VOC at the desired concentration, which can be directly used as calibration standard

    Design and commissioning of a thermal stability test-rig for mixtures as working fluids for ORC applications

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    Abstract A novel test-rig for studying the thermal stability of mixtures as working fluids for ORC applications was designed and commissioned at the Laboratory of Compressible-fluid dynamics for Renewable Energy Applications (CREA) of Politecnico di Milano, in collaboration with the University of Brescia. The set-up is a standard one, in which a vessel containing the fluid under scrutiny is placed in a vertical oven for ~ 100 hours at a constant temperature T = Tstress. During the test, the pressure P is monitored to detect thermal decomposition of the fluid. After the test, the vessel is placed in a controlled thermal bath, where the pressure is measured at different value of the temperature T, with

    Optimal detection of losses by thermal probes

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    We consider the discrimination of lossy bosonic channels and focus to the case when one of the values for the loss parameter is zero, i.e., we address the detection of a possible loss against the alternative hypothesis of an ideal lossless channel. This discrimination is performed by inputting one-mode or two-mode squeezed thermal states with fixed total energy. By optimizing over this class of states, we find that the optimal inputs are pure, thus corresponding to single- and two-mode squeezed vacuum states. In particular, we show that for any value of the damping rate smaller than a critical value there is a threshold on the energy that makes the two-mode squeezed vacuum state more convenient than the corresponding single-mode state, whereas for damping larger than this critical value two-mode squeezed vacua are always better. We then consider the discrimination in realistic conditions, where it is unlikely to have pure squeezing. Thus by fixing both input energy and squeezing, we show that two-mode squeezed thermal states are always better than their single- mode counterpart when all the thermal photons are directed into the dissipative channel. Besides, this result also holds approximately for unbalanced distribution of the thermal photons. Finally, we also investigate the role of correlations in the improvement of detection. For fixed input squeezing (single-mode or two-mode), we find that the reduction of the quantum Chernoff bound is a monotone function of the two-mode entanglement as well as the quantum mutual information and the quantum discord. We thus verify that employing squeezing in the form of correlations (quantum or classical) is always a resource for loss detection whenever squeezed thermal states are taken as input.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. Revised versio

    Clonal Chromosome Anomalies Affecting Fli1 Mimic Inherited Thrombocytopenia Of The Paris-Trousseau Type

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    Introduction: The thrombocytopenia of the Paris-Trousseau (TCPT) type is a contiguous gene syndrome characterized by mild bleeding tendency, variable thrombocytopenia (THC), abnormal giant alpha-granules in platelets and dysmegakaryopoiesis: it derives from a constitutional deletion of chromosome 11 leading to the loss of FLI1, a transcription factor involved in megakaryocyte differentiation and maturation. Case report: A women with an acquired, isolated THC developing over 10 yr showed morphological features typical of TCPT in platelets and bone marrow (BM). Twenty years after the onset of THC, the other hematological parameters are still normal and the patient is well. Results: Clonal hemopoiesis was shown and chromosome analyses performed on BM revealed a clone with 45 chromosomes and a complex unbalanced translocation involving chromosomes 2, 3, and 11. The anomaly was present in the majority of bone marrow cells but only in a few peripheral blood elements. A microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization defined the deleted region of chromosome 11 including the FLI1 locus that was missing. Conclusion: Although our patient presented with nearly all the characteristics of TCPT, her illness was acquired instead of being inherited and the most appropriate diagnosis is that of the unilineage dysplasia 'refractory THC.' This observation suggests that appropriate cytogenetic investigations should be always considered in patients with acquired THC of unknown origin

    Oxygen–ozone therapy in the rehabilitation field: state of the art on mechanisms of action, safety and effectiveness in patients with musculoskeletal disorders

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    In recent years, the interest in oxygen–ozone (O2O3) therapy application has considerably increased in the field of rehabilitation. Despite its widespread use in common clinical practice, the biochemical effects of O2O3 are still far from being understood, although its chemical properties seem to play a pivotal role in exerting its positive effects on different pathological conditions. Indeed, the effectiveness of O2O3 therapy might be partly due to the moderate oxidative stress produced by O3 interactions with biological components. O2O3 therapy is widely used as an adjuvant therapeutic option in several pathological conditions characterized by chronic inflammatory processes and immune over‐activation, and most musculoskeletal disorders share these pathophysiological processes. The present comprehensive review depicts the state‐of‐the‐art on the mechanisms of action, safety and effectiveness of O2O3 therapy in the complex scenario of the management of musculoskeletal disorders. Taken together, our findings suggest that O2O3 therapy seems to reduce pain and improve functioning in patients affected by low back pain and knee osteoarthritis, as reported by several studies in the literature. However, to date, further studies are warranted to clearly investigate the therapeutic effects of this promising therapy on other musculoskeletal disorders in the field of rehabilitation
