37 research outputs found

    Burn Center Organization and Cellular Therapy Integration: Managing Risks and Costs.

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    The complex management of severe burn victims requires an integrative collaboration of multidisciplinary specialists in order to ensure quality and excellence in healthcare. This multidisciplinary care has quickly led to the integration of cell therapies in clinical care of burn patients. Specific advances in cellular therapy together with medical care have allowed for rapid treatment, shorter residence in hospitals and intensive care units, shorter durations of mechanical ventilation, lower complications and surgery interventions, and decreasing mortality rates. However, naturally fluctuating patient admission rates increase pressure toward optimized resource utilization. Besides, European translational developments of cellular therapies currently face potentially jeopardizing challenges on the policy front. The aim of the present work is to provide key considerations in burn care with focus on architectural and organizational aspects of burn centers, management of cellular therapy products, and guidelines in evolving restrictive regulations relative to standardized cell therapies. Thus, based on our experience, we present herein integrated management of risks and costs for preserving and optimizing clinical care and cellular therapies for patients in dire need

    The GTPase RalA Regulates Different Steps of the Secretory Process in Pancreatic β-Cells

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    BACKGROUND: RalA and RalB are multifuntional GTPases involved in a variety of cellular processes including proliferation, oncogenic transformation and membrane trafficking. Here we investigated the mechanisms leading to activation of Ral proteins in pancreatic beta-cells and analyzed the impact on different steps of the insulin-secretory process. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that RalA is the predominant isoform expressed in pancreatic islets and insulin-secreting cell lines. Silencing of this GTPase in INS-1E cells by RNA interference led to a decrease in secretagogue-induced insulin release. Real-time measurements by fluorescence resonance energy transfer revealed that RalA activation in response to secretagogues occurs within 3-5 min and reaches a plateau after 10-15 min. The activation of the GTPase is triggered by increases in intracellular Ca2+ and cAMP and is prevented by the L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel blocker Nifedipine and by the protein kinase A inhibitor H89. Defective insulin release in cells lacking RalA is associated with a decrease in the secretory granules docked at the plasma membrane detected by Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence microscopy and with a strong impairment in Phospholipase D1 activation in response to secretagogues. RalA was found to be activated by RalGDS and to be severely hampered upon silencing of this GDP/GTP exchange factor. Accordingly, INS-1E cells lacking RalGDS displayed a reduction in hormone secretion induced by secretagogues and in the number of insulin-containing granules docked at the plasma membrane. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Taken together, our data indicate that RalA activation elicited by the exchange factor RalGDS in response to a rise in intracellular Ca2+ and cAMP controls hormone release from pancreatic beta-cell by coordinating the execution of different events in the secretory pathway

    Roles of Myosin Va and Rab3D in Membrane Remodeling of Immature Secretory Granules

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    Neuroendocrine secretory granules (SGs) are formed at the trans-Golgi network (TGN) as immature intermediates. In PC12 cells, these immature SGs (ISGs) are transported within seconds to the cell cortex, where they move along actin filaments and complete maturation. This maturation process comprises acidification-dependent processing of cargo proteins, condensation of the SG matrix, and removal of membrane and proteins not destined to mature SGs (MSGs) into ISG-derived vesicles (IDVs). We investigated the roles of myosin Va and Rab3 isoforms in the maturation of ISGs in neuroendocrine PC12 cells. The expression of dominant-negative mutants of myosin Va or Rab3D blocked the removal of the endoprotease furin from ISGs. Furthermore, expression of mutant Rab3D, but not of mutant myosin Va, impaired cargo processing of SGs. In conclusion, our data suggest an implication of myosin Va and Rab3D in the maturation of SGs where they participate in overlapping but not identical tasks

    Phospholipase D signaling: orchestration by PIP2 and small GTPases

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    Hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine by phospholipase D (PLD) leads to the generation of the versatile lipid second messenger, phosphatidic acid (PA), which is involved in fundamental cellular processes, including membrane trafficking, actin cytoskeleton remodeling, cell proliferation and cell survival. PLD activity can be dramatically stimulated by a large number of cell surface receptors and is elaborately regulated by intracellular factors, including protein kinase C isoforms, small GTPases of the ARF, Rho and Ras families and, particularly, by the phosphoinositide, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). PIP2 is well known as substrate for the generation of second messengers by phospholipase C, but is now also understood to recruit and/or activate a variety of actin regulatory proteins, ion channels and other signaling proteins, including PLD, by direct interaction. The synthesis of PIP2 by phosphoinositide 5-kinase (PIP5K) isoforms is tightly regulated by small GTPases and, interestingly, by PA as well, and the concerted formation of PIP2 and PA has been shown to mediate receptor-regulated cellular events. This review highlights the regulation of PLD by membrane receptors, and describes how the close encounter of PLD and PIP5K isoforms with small GTPases permits the execution of specific cellular functions

    A Role for Glutamate Transporters in the Regulation of Insulin Secretion

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    In the brain, glutamate is an extracellular transmitter that mediates cell-to-cell communication. Prior to synaptic release it is pumped into vesicles by vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs). To inactivate glutamate receptor responses after release, glutamate is taken up into glial cells or neurons by excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs). In the pancreatic islets of Langerhans, glutamate is proposed to act as an intracellular messenger, regulating insulin secretion from beta-cells, but the mechanisms involved are unknown. By immunogold cytochemistry we show that insulin containing secretory granules express VGLUT3. Despite the fact that they have a VGLUT, the levels of glutamate in these granules are low, indicating the presence of a protein that can transport glutamate out of the granules. Surprisingly, in beta-cells the glutamate transporter EAAT2 is located, not in the plasma membrane as it is in brain cells, but exclusively in insulin-containing secretory granules, together with VGLUT3. In EAAT2 knock out mice, the content of glutamate in secretory granules is higher than in wild type mice. These data imply a glutamate cycle in which glutamate is carried into the granules by VGLUT3 and carried out by EAAT2. Perturbing this cycle by knocking down EAAT2 expression with a small interfering RNA, or by over-expressing EAAT2 or a VGLUT in insulin granules, significantly reduced the rate of granule exocytosis. Simulations of granule energetics suggest that VGLUT3 and EAAT2 may regulate the pH and membrane potential of the granules and thereby regulate insulin secretion. These data suggest that insulin secretion from beta-cells is modulated by the flux of glutamate through the secretory granules

    Mécanismes moléculaires de la sécrétion d'insuline : implication de Slac2c/MyRIP, protéine effectrice de Rab27a, et rôle des phosphoinositides dans le processus d'exocytose

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    Résumé : La sécrétion de l'insuline en réponse au glucose circulant dans le sang est la fonction principale de la cellule β. La perte de cette fonction est une des caractéristiques du diabète de type 2. L'exocytose est une fonction cellulaire indispensable au renouvellement des composants lipidiques et protéiques de la membrane cellulaire, à la communication entre les cellules et au maintien d'un environnement adéquat. On peut distinguer deux types d'exocytose : l'exocytose constitutive et l'exocytose régulée. Cette dernière est déclenchée par des stimuli externes. L'exocytose régulée est contrôlée au niveau de la fusion des vésicules de sécrétion avec la membrane plasmique. Certains composants moléculaires impliqués dans ce processus font partie de la famille des GTPases Rab. Les deux membres de cette famille impliqués sont Rab3 et Rab27. Nous avons étudié le rôle de la GTPase Rab27 dans les cellules INS-1E, une lignée cellulaire pancréatique β qui sécrète de l'insuline de façon régulée. Nous avons trouvé que la diminution d'expression de la protéine en utilisant le technique de « RNA interference » diminue la sécrétion stimulée, mais que la distribution des granules n'est nullement affectées par ce changement d'activité intrinsèque. Un des effecteurs identifiés de cette GTPase est Slac2c/MyRIP. Cette protéine possède plusieurs domaines fonctionnels dont un qui lui permet de se lier à l'actine, constituant du cytosquelette cellulaire. L'ensemble de nos résultats suggèrent que Rab27 et MyRIP font partie d'un complexe permettant l'interaction de la granule de sécrétion avec le cytosquelette d'actine corticale et participent à la régulation des dernières étapes de l'exocytose d'insuline. Ensuite, nous avons étudié les phosphoinositides (PI). Les phosphoinositides sont d'importantes molécules impliquées dans le régulation du trafic vésiculaire. Nous avons trouvé que le phosphatidylinosito1-4-phosphate (PI4P) et le phosphatidylinositol-4,5-biphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) augmentent la sécrétion sous l'action de 10µM de Ca2+ dans les cellules INS-1E perméabilisées avec la streptolysine-O. En plus, nous avons démontré que l'exocytose est diminuée dans les cellules intactes exprimant une protéine qui séquestre le PI(4,5)P2. Une diminution similaire est observée en diminuant l'expression de deux enzymes impliquées dans la production du PI(4,5)P2, la PI4Kinase β type III et la PIP5Kinase γ type I. Pour clarifier le mécanisme d'action des PI, nous avons investigué l'implication de trois cibles potentielles des PI, la PLD1, CAPS1 et Mint1. Pour ce faire, nous avons réduit le niveau d'expression endogène de ces protéines, ce qui inhibe la libération d'hormones provoquée par le glucose. Tout ceci indique donc que la production du PI(4,5)P2 est nécessaire pour le contrôle de la sécrétion et suggère qu'une partie de l'effet du PI sur la sécrétion pourrait être exercé par l'activation de la PLD1, CAPS1 et Mint1. Abstract Insulin release from pancreatic β-cells plays an essential role in the achievement of blood glucose homeostasis and defects in the regulation of this process lead to profound metabolic disorders and hyperglycaemia (eg. type 2 diabetes). Almost every cell in our organism releases proteins and other biological compounds using a fundamental cellular process known as constitutive exocytosis. In exocrine and endocrine glands, the cells are endowed with an additional and more refined release mechanism directly tuned by extracellular signals. This process, referred to as regulated exocytosis, ensures the timely delivery of molecules such as peptide hormones and digestive enzymes to match the moment¬-to-moment requirements of the organism. Some of the molecular components involved in this process have been identified, including Rab3 and Rab27, two GTPases that regulate the final steps of secretion in many cells. We investigated the involvement of Rab27 GTPase in the secretory process of the insulin-secreting cell line INS-1E. We found that selective reduction of Rab27 expression by RNA interference did not alter granule distribution but impaired exocytosis triggered by insulin secretagogues. Screening for potential effectors revealed that Slac2c/MyRIP is associated with granules and attenuation of Slac2c expression severely impaired hormone release. This protein contains several functional domains, including, a binding domain for the cellular cytoskeleton constituent actin. Taken together our data suggest the Rab27 and MyRIP are part of a complex mediating the interaction of secretory granules with cortical cytoskeleton and participate to the regulation of the final steps in insulin exoctytosis. In the second part of the thesis, we studied phosphoinositides (PI). Phosphoinositides are important molecules involved in the regulation of vesicular trafficking. We found that phosphatidylinosito1-4-phosphate (PI4P) and phosphatidylinosito1-4,5-biphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) increase the secretory response triggered by 10µM Ca2+ in streptolysin-O permeabilized insulin-secreting INS-1E cells. In addition, nutrient-induced exocytosis was diminished in intact cells expressing constructs that sequester PI(4,5)P2. A similar decrease was observed after silencing of two enzymes involved in PI(4,5)P2 production, type III PI4Kinase β and type I PIP5Kinase γ, by RNA interference. To clarify the mechanism of action of PI, we investigated the involvement in the regulation of exocytosis of three potential PI targets, PLD1, CAPS1 and Mint1. Transfection of cells with silencers capable of reducing the endogenous levels of these proteins inhibited hormone release elicited by glucose. Our data indicate that the production PI(4,5)P2 is necessary for proper control of p-cell secretion and suggest that at least part of the effects of PI on insulin exocytosis could be exerted through the activation of PLD1, CAPS1 and Mint1