308 research outputs found


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    High resolution 3D models produced from photographs acquired with consumer-grade cameras are becoming increasingly common in the fields of geosciences. However, the quality of an image-based 3D model depends on the planning of the photogrammetric surveys. This means that the geometric configuration of the multi-view camera network and the control data have to be designed in accordance with the required accuracy, resolution and completeness. From a practical application point of view, a proper planning (of both photos and control data) of the photogrammetric survey especially for terrestrial acquisition, is not always ensured due to limited accessibility of the target object and the presence of occlusions. To solve these problems, we propose a different image acquisition strategy and we test different geo-referencing scenarios to deal with the practical issues of a terrestrial photogrammetric survey. The proposed photogrammetric survey procedure is based on the acquisition of a sequence of images in panorama mode by rotating the camera on a standard tripod. The offset of the pivot point from the projection center prevents the stitching of these images into a panorama. We demonstrate how to still take advantage of this capturing mode. The geo-referencing investigation consists of testing the use of directly observed coordinates of the camera positions, different ground control point (GCP) configurations, and GCPs with different accuracies, i.e. artificial targets vs. natural features. Images of the test field in a low-slope hill were acquired from the ground using an SLR camera. To validate the photogrammetric results a terrestrial laser scanner survey is used as benchmark

    Cancer/Testis Antigen MAGE-C1/CT7: New Target for Multiple Myeloma Therapy

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    Cancer/Testis Antigens (CTAs) are a promising class of tumor antigens that have a limited expression in somatic tissues (testis, ovary, fetal, and placental cells). Aberrant expression of CTAs in cancer cells may lead to abnormal chromosome segregation and aneuploidy. CTAs are regulated by epigenetic mechanisms (DNA methylation and acetylation of histones) and are attractive targets for immunotherapy in cancer because the gonads are immune privileged organs and anti-CTA immune response can be tumor-specific. Multiple myeloma (MM) is an incurable hematological malignancy, and several CTAs have been detected in many MM cell lines and patients. Among CTAs expressed in MM we must highlight the MAGE-C1/CT7 located on the X chromosome and expressed specificity in the malignant plasma cells. MAGE-C1/CT7 seems to be related to disease progression and functional studies suggests that this CTA might play a role in cell cycle and mainly in survival of malignant plasma cells, protecting myeloma cells against spontaneous as well as drug-induced apoptosis

    The libraries that made SUCEST

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    A large-scale sequencing of sugarcane expressed sequence tags (ESTs) was carried out as a first step in depicting the genome of this important tropical crop. Twenty-six unidirectional cDNA libraries were constructed from a variety of tissues sampled from thirteen different sugarcane cultivars. A total of 291,689 cDNA clones were sequenced in their 5? and 3?end regions. After trimming low-quality sequences and removing vector and ribosomal RNA sequences, 237,954 ESTs potentially derived from protein-encoding messenger RNA (mRNA) remained. The average insert size in all libraries was estimated to be 1,250bp with the insert length varying from 500 to 5,000 bp. Clustering the 237,954 sugarcane ESTs resulted in 43,141clusters, from which 38% had no matches with existing sequences in the public databases. Around 53% of the clusters were formed by ESTs expressed in at least two libraries while 47% of the clusters are formed by ESTs expressed in only one library. A global analysis of the ESTs indicated that around 33% contain cDNA clones with full-length insert.1

    Effect of the Austempering Process on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 27MnCrB5-2 Steel

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    AbstractThe effect of austempering parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 27MnCrB5-2 steel has been investigated by means of: dilatometric, microstructural and fractographic analyses; tensile and Charpy V-notch (CVN) impact tests at room temperature and a low temperature.Microstructural analyses showed that upper bainite developed at a higher austempering temperature, while a mixed bainitic-martensitic microstructure formed at lower temperatures, with a different amount of bainite and martensite and a different size of bainite sheaf depending on the temperature. Tensile tests highlighted superior yield and tensile strengths (≈30%) for the mixed microstructure, with respect to both fully bainitic and Q&T microstructures, with only a low reduction in elongation to failure (≈10%). Impact tests confirmed that mixed microstructures have higher impact properties, at both room temperature and a low temperature

    Longitudinal evolution of the immune suppressive glioma microenvironment in different synchronous lesions during treatment

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    The role of immune suppression in glioma progression has been clearly established.1 We and others have recently demonstrated that myeloid cells play a major role in the tumor microenvironment of glioblastoma (GBM) patients,2,3 and that not only bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) have a higher intrinsic immune suppressive ability compared to resident microglial cells (MG), but also that this ability greatly increases going from the periphery to the tumor core.3 In lower grade gliomas (grades II and III), a much lower amount of BMDM is present, devoid of immune suppressive ability.3 We present here a longitudinal analysis of the immune infiltrate in a patient with a synchronous occurrence of GBM in the left temporal lobe, and a low-grade glioma (LGG) in the right frontal lobe, with discordant isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH)-mutational status,4 followed by two GBM relapse

    Common determinants of dental caries and obesity in children : a multi-ethnic nested birth cohort study in the United Kingdom

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    The article examines the common determinants of childhood dental caries and obesity. Longitudinal data from the Born in Bradford cohort study (BiB1000) (n = 1735) and dental data (dental general anaesthetics (GA) and oral health survey 2014/15) (n = 171) were used to test a framework on the social determinants of childhood dental caries (decayed, missing, filled teeth (dmft) index) and obesity (body mass index (BMI)). The BiB1000 data were collected at pregnancy week 26–28 and after birth at 6, 12, 18, 24 and 36 months. The determinants were demographics, wellbeing, socio-economic status (SES), dietary behaviours and physical activity behaviour of the children. Missing data were accounted for through multiple imputation (MI). The framework was tested through structural equation modelling. Overall, the model fit was adequate. No alcohol consumption of the mother after giving birth, higher frequency of child drinking sugar-sweetened beverages, emotional and behavioural difficulties of the child and being male were directly associated with both BMI and dental caries. Caregivers uninvolved or indulgent feeding style were associated with higher BMI and less dental caries. Social deprivation was associated with lower BMI and higher dmft. Five determinants were directly associated with BMI only. Fifteen indirect paths were significant for both child dental caries and BMI. The findings suggest common determinants for both childhood obesity and dental caries. Common risk factor approach seems appropriate for planning future health promotion programmes


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    The recent introduction of new technologies such as augmented reality, machine learning and the worldwide spread of mobile devices provided with imaging, navigation sensors and high computational power can be exploited in order to drammatically change the museum visit experience. Differently from the traditional use of museum docents or audio guides, the introduction of digital technologies already proved to be useful in order to improve the interest of the visitor thanks to the increased interaction and involvement, reached also by means of visual effects and animations. Actually, the availability of 3D representations, augmented reality and navigation abilities directly on the visitor’s device can lead to a personalized visit, enabling the visitor to have an experience tailored on his/her needs. In this framework, this paper aims at investigating the potentialities of smartphone stereo-vision to improve the geometric information about the artworks available on the visitor’s device. More specifically, in this work smartphone stereo-vision will used as a 3D model generation tool in a 3D artwork recognition system based on a neural network classifier

    In vitro and in silico validation of CA3 and FHL1 downregulation in oral cancer.

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    Abstract. Background: Aberrant methylation is a frequent event in oral cancer. Methods: In order to better characterize these alterations, a search for genes downregulated by aberrant methylation in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) was conducted through the mining of ORESTES dataset. Findings were further validated in OSCC cell lines and patients? samples and confirmed using TCGA data. Differentially expressed genes were identified in ORESTES libraries and validated in vitro using RT-PCR in HNSCC cell-lines and OSCC tumor samples. Further confirmation of these results was performed using mRNA expression and methylation data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data. Results: From the set of genes selected for validation, CA3 and FHL1 were downregulated in 60% (12/20) and 75% (15/20) of OSCC samples, respectively, and in HNSCC cell lines. The treatment of cell lines JHU-13 and FaDu with the demethylating agent 5'-aza-dC was efficient in restoring CA3 and FHL1 expression. TCGA expression and methylation data on OSCC confirms the downregulation of these genes in OSCC samples and also suggests that expression of CA3 and FHL1 is probably regulated by methylation. The downregulation of CA3 and FHL1 observed in silico was validated in HNSCC cell lines and OSCC samples, showing the feasibility of integrating different datasets to select differentially expressed genes in silico. Conclusions: These results showed that the downregulation of CA3 and FHL1 data observed in the ORESTES libraries was validated in HNSCC cell lines and OSCC samples and in a large cohort of samples from the TCGA database. Moreover, it suggests that expression of CA3 and FHL1 could probably be regulated by methylation having an important role the oral carcinogenesis.Article number: 193

    ABCA1 and HDL3 are required to modulate smooth muscle cells phenotypic switch after cholesterol loading

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    Aim. Arterial smooth muscle cells (SMCs) may accumulate cholesterol and modify their phenotypic behavior becoming foam cells. We aimed to characterize the role of HDL3 and the ATP binding cassette transporter ABCA1 in this process. Methods. We evaluated the cholesterol-induced phenotypic changes in SMCs isolated from wild type (WT) and ABCA1 knock out (KO) mice and how HDL3 affects these changes. Results. Cholesterol loading downregulates the expression of ACTA2 (SMC-marker), and increases the expression of Mac-2, SRB1, ABCG1 and ABCA1 (macrophage-related genes). HDL3 normalizes ACTA2 expression and reduces the expression of macrophage-related genes in WT cells. Interestingly, the effect of HDL3 is completely lost in ABCA1 KO cells. Concordantly, ABCA1 knock-down by siRNA completely abolishes the rescue effect by HDL3 in WT SMC. The presence of HDL3 does not differently affect cholesterol accumulation in WT or ABCA1 KO cells and stimulates phospholipids removal only in WT cells. Cholesterol loading reduces the expression of myocardin, the key SMC transcriptional coactivator (-55%, p<0.01 vs control) in both cell types, while increases the expression of KLF4 (a transcriptional factor which represses the expression of myocardin) in WT cells (+240%, p<0.01 vs control). HDL3 normalizes myocardin and KLF4 levels in WT cells while it does not have any effect in ABCA1 KO cells. Similar results are obtained on miR-143/145, which positively regulate myocardin. Conclusions. HDL3 modulates the miR143/145-myocardin-KLF4 axis and prevents the cholesterol-induced phenotypic changes in SMC, but only in the presence of a functional ABCA1

    Targeting of immunosuppressive myeloid cells from glioblastoma patients by modulation of size and surface charge of lipid nanocapsules

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    Background: Myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) and tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are two of the major players involved in the inhibition of anti-tumor immune response in cancer patients, leading to poor prognosis. Selective targeting of myeloid cells has therefore become an attractive therapeutic strategy to relieve immunosuppression and, in this frame, we previously demonstrated that lipid nanocapsules (LNCs) loaded with lauroyl-modified gemcitabine efficiently target monocytic MDSCs in melanoma patients. In this study, we investigated the impact of the physico-chemical characteristics of LNCs, namely size and surface potential, towards immunosuppressive cell targeting. We exploited myeloid cells isolated from glioblastoma patients, which play a relevant role in the immunosuppression, to demonstrate that tailored nanosystems can target not only tumor cells but also tumor-promoting cells, thus constituting an efficient system that could be used to inhibit their function. Results: The incorporation of different LNC formulations with a size of 100 nm, carrying overall positive, neutral or negative charge, was evaluated on leukocytes and tumor-infiltrating cells freshly isolated from glioblastoma patients. We observed that the maximum LNC uptake was obtained in monocytes with neutral 100 nm LNCs, while positively charged 100 nm LNCs were more effective on macrophages and tumor cells, maintaining at low level the incorporation by T cells. The mechanism of uptake was elucidated, demonstrating that LNCs are incorporated mainly by caveolae-mediated endocytosis. Conclusions: We demonstrated that LNCs can be directed towards immunosuppressive cells by simply modulating their size and charge thus providing a novel approach to exploit nanosystems for anticancer treatment in the frame of immunotherapy.[Figure not available: see fulltext.