756 research outputs found

    Many-body localization phase in a spin-driven chiral multiferroic chain

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    Many-body localization (MBL) is an emergent phase in correlated quantum systems with promising applications, particularly in quantum information. Here, we unveil the existence and analyze this phase in a chiral multiferroic model system. Conventionally, MBL occurrence is traced via level statistics by implementing a standard finite-size scaling procedure. Here, we present an approach based on the full distribution of the ratio of adjacent energy spacings. We find a strong broadening of the histograms of counts of these level spacings directly at the transition point from MBL to the ergodic phase. The broadening signals reliably the transition point without relying on an averaging procedure. The fast convergence of the histograms even for relatively small systems allows monitoring the MBL dynamics with much less computational effort. Numerical results are presented for a chiral spin chain with a dynamical Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, an established model to describe the spin excitations in a single-phase spin-driven multiferroic system. The multiferroic MBL phase is uncovered and it is shown how to steer it via electric fields

    Rawls, modelos econômicos e o argumento pluralista // DOI: 10.18226/21784612.v23.dossie.9

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    O presente artigo argumenta em duas direções. De um lado, sustenta que a teoria da justiça como equidade, de John Rawls, e em particular o princípio da diferença, antes de representar uma concepção igualitária da justiça, cumpre um objetivo inverso: o de dissociar a justiça social das exigências da igualdade econômica. A desigualdade econômica, na justiça como equidade, surge como um tipo de bem, desde que possa melhorar a posição de todos e em particular a dos menos favorecidos. Para sustentar esta tese, Rawls apela às ideias de pluralismo social e de convergência dos padrões de vida, no âmbito do que chama de uma sociedade bem-ordenada. De outro lado, o artigo sustenta que a teoria pode ser melhor entendida quando desvinculada da adesão a modelos institucionais e de regulação econômica historicamente situados. Uma distinção apropriada entre este sentido ético, dado pelo modo de fundamentação filosófico da teoria, e seus possíveis desdobramentos institucionais, é o melhor caminho para uma teoria que se propõe a servir como ponto de encontro entre as múltiplas visões do bem que competem em nossa tradição democrática.Palavras-chave: Rawls. Modelos econômicos. Princípio da diferença

    Entanglement dynamics of two nitrogen vacancy centers coupled by a nanomechanical resonator

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    In this paper we study the time evolution of the entanglement between two remote NV Centers (nitrogen vacancy in diamond) connected by a dual-mode nanomechanical resonator with magnetic tips on both sides. Calculating the negativity as a measure for the entanglement, we find that the entanglement between two spins oscillates with time and can be manipulated by varying the parameters of the system. We observed the phenomenon of a sudden death and the periodic revivals of entanglement in time. For the study of quantum decoherence, we implement a Lindblad master equation. In spite of its complexity, the model is analytically solvable under fairly reasonable assumptions, and shows that the decoherence influences the entanglement, the sudden death, and the revivals in time

    From chaos to many-body localization: some introductory notes

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    Staring from the kicked rotator as a paradigm for a system exhibiting classical chaos, we discuss the role of quantum coherence resulting in dynamical localization in the kicked quantum rotator. In this context, the disorder-induced Anderson localization is also discussed. Localization in interacting, quantum many-body systems (many-body localization) may also occur in the absence of disorder, and a practical way to identify its occurrence is demonstrated for an interacting spin chain

    Strain-Driven Structure-Ferroelectricity Relationship in hexagonal TbMnO3_3 Films

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    Thin films and heterostructures of hexagonal manganites as promising multiferroic materials have attracted a considerable interest recently. We report structural transformations of high quality epitaxial h-TMO/YSZ(111) films, analyzed by means of various characterization techniques. A phase transition from P63mc to P63mcm structure at TC~800 K was observed by temperature dependent Raman spectroscopy and optical ellipsometry. The latter probing directly electronic system, indicates its modification at the structural phase transition likely due to charge transfer from oxygen to Mn. In situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of the lamella samples displayed an irreversible P63mc-P63mcm transformation and vanishing of ferroelectric domains already at 410 K. After the temperature cycling (300K-1300K-300K) the room temperature TEM of h-TMO films revealed an inhomogeneous microstructure, containing ferroelectric and paraelectric nanodomains with P63mc and P63mcm structure, respectively. We point out a strong influence of stress relaxation, induced by temperature and by constrained sample geometry onto the structure and ferroelectricity in strain-stabilized h-TMO thin films.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    Dunaliella viridis TAV01: A halotolerant, Protein-Rich Microalga from the Algarve Coast

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    Tolerance to harsh environmental conditions, high growth rates and an amino acid profile adequate for human consumption are beneficial features observed in Dunaliella viridis TAV01, a novel strain isolated from a salt pond in the Algarve, Portugal. TAV01 was identified down to the species level by maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacers one and two regions (ITS1 and ITS-2) and was supported by ITS2 secondary structure analysis. The biochemical profile revealed high protein (35.7 g 100 g−1 DW; 65% higher than the minimum recommended by the World Health Organization) and lipid contents (21.3 g 100 g−1 DW), a relatively higher proportion of the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), α-linolenic (26.3% of total fatty acids (TFA)) and linoleic acids (22.8% of TFA), compared to those of other Dunaliella strains, and a balanced essential amino acids profile containing significant levels of leucine, phenylalanine, valine, and threonine. The major carotenoid was lutein, making up over 85% of total carotenoids. The presence of high-quality natural products in D. viridis TAV01 offers the possibility of using this new strain as a valuable biological resource for novel feed or food products as ingredients or supplements.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Coherent Modulation of Quasiparticle Scattering Rates in a Photoexcited Charge-Density-Wave System

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    We present a complementary experimental and theoretical investigation of relaxation dynamics in the charge-density-wave (CDW) system TbTe3 after ultrafast optical excitation. Using time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we observe an unusual transient modulation of the relaxation rates of excited photocarriers. A detailed analysis of the electron self-energy based on a nonequilibrium Green's function formalism reveals that the phase space of electron-electron scattering is critically modulated by the photoinduced collective CDW excitation, providing an intuitive microscopic understanding of the observed dynamics

    Визначення кількості рослинних антиоксидантів для захисту гірких хмелевих речовин від окисної деструкції

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    Досліджено кінетику окиснення гірких речовин водного розчину екстракту хмелю у прискорених умовах з різною концентрацією антиоксидантів із рослинної сировини. Визначено ефективну концентрацію антиоксидантів із кори дубу, трави звіробою та трави м'яти.Kinetics of bitter matters in aquatic solution of hope extract in speed-up terms with different concentration of antioxidants from the digister are investigated. Certainly effective concentration of antioxidants from the bark oak, st-john's-wort herbares and mint herbares are determinated

    Sol-gel deposition of nanostructured low refractive index materials on solar collector glazing

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    Nanoporous SiO2 and nanocomposite MgF2:SiO2 coatings have been deposited by sol gel dip-coating in a particle-free atmosphere. The refractive index of the prepared nanostructured thin films is determined from spectrophotometric data. In both cases, significantly lower values than for compact SiO2 have been achieved. Highly transparent samples have been produced in a single dip-coating step followed by simple thermal annealing in air. Broad spectral transmittance maxima are observed exceeding values of 98.5% (nanoporous SiO2) and 99.5% (quaternary Mg:F:Si:O films). MgF2:SiO2 nanocomposite thin films can be expected to exhibit a higher aging stability than porous SiO2 films with respect to pore-filling by hydrocarbons and are therefore a promising alternative as well for single-layered anti reflection coatings as for multilayered coulored coatings on solar collector glazing