1,248 research outputs found

    An all-sky Support Vector Machine selection of WISE YSO Candidates

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    We explored the AllWISE catalogue of the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer mission and identified Young Stellar Object candidates. Reliable 2MASS and WISE photometric data combined with Planck dust opacity values were used to build our dataset and to find the best classification scheme. A sophisticated statistical method, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used to analyse the multi-dimensional data space and to remove source types identified as contaminants (extragalactic sources, main sequence stars, evolved stars and sources related to the interstellar medium). Objects listed in the SIMBAD database are used to identify the already known sources and to train our method. A new all-sky selection of 133,980 Class I/II YSO candidates is presented. The estimated contamination was found to be well below 1% based on comparison with our SIMBAD training set. We also compare our results to that of existing methods and catalogues. The SVM selection process successfully identified >90% of the Class I/II YSOs based on comparison with photometric and spectroscopic YSO catalogues. Our conclusion is that by using the SVM, our classification is able to identify more known YSOs of the training sample than other methods based on colour-colour and magnitude-colour selection. The distribution of the YSO candidates well correlates with that of the Planck Galactic Cold Clumps in the Taurus--Auriga--Perseus--California region.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, 15 table

    A Broadband Study of Galactic Dust Emission

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    We have combined infrared data with HI, H2 and HII surveys in order to spatially decompose the observed dust emission into components associated with different phases of the gas. An inversion technique is applied. For the decomposition, we use the IRAS 60 and 100 micron bands, the DIRBE 140 and 240 micron bands, as well as Archeops 850 and 2096 micron wavelengths. In addition, we apply the decomposition to all five WMAP bands. We obtain longitude and latitude profiles for each wavelength and for each gas component in carefully selected Galactic radius bins.We also derive emissivity coefficients for dust in atomic, molecular and ionized gas in each of the bins.The HI emissivity appears to decrease with increasing Galactic radius indicating that dust associated with atomic gas is heated by the ambient interstellar radiation field (ISRF). By contrast, we find evidence that dust mixed with molecular clouds is significantly heated by O/B stars still embedded in their progenitor clouds. By assuming a modified black-body with emissivity law lambda^(-1.5), we also derive the radial distribution of temperature for each phase of the gas. All of the WMAP bands except W appear to be dominated by emission from something other than normal dust, most likely a mixture of thermal bremstrahlung from diffuse ionized gas, synchrotron emission and spinning dust. Furthermore, we find indications of an emissivity excess at long wavelengths (lambda > 850 micron) in the outer Galaxy (R > 8.9 kpc). This suggests either the existence of a very cold dust component in the outer Galaxy or a temperature dependence of the spectral emissivity index. Finally, it is shown that ~ 80% of the total FIR luminosity is produced by dust associated with atomic hydrogen, in agreement with earlier findings by Sodroski et al. (1997).Comment: accepted for publication by A&

    The description of Gyrodactylus corleonis sp. n. and G. neretum sp. n. (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) with comments on other gyrodactylids parasitizing pipefish (Pisces: Syngnathidae)

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    The current work describes two new species of Gyrodactylus von Nordmann, 1832 collected from pipefish Syngnathus scovelli (Evermann et Kendall) and Syngnathus typhle L. during two separate gyrodactylosis episodes on fish held in a public aquarium located in northern Italy. The gyrodactylids collected from the skin, fins and gills of pipefish were subjected to a morphological analysis of the attachment hooks and the morphometric data were compared to the four species of Gyrodactylus previously described from syngnathid hosts, namely G. eyipayipi Vaughan, Christison, Hansen et Shinn, 2010, G. pisculentus Williams, Kritsky, Dunnigan, Lash et Klein, 2008, G. shorti Holliman, 1963 and G. syngnathi Appleby, 1996. Principal components analysis (PCA) of the morphological data indicated six clusters; two discrete groups among the specimens taken from the pipefish held in the Italian aquarium and four further groups representing G. eyipayipi, G. pisculentus, G. shorti and G. syngnathi. Molecular sequences of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) and the 5.8S gene for the new species considered here were then compared with those available for other species in GenBank. The comparison did not reveal any identical match, supporting the morphological analysis that Gyrodactylus corleonis sp. n. from S. typhle and Gyrodactylus neretum sp. n. from S. scovelli represent distinct species. Both G. corleonis and G. neretum possess robust hamuli, marginal hook blades that curve smoothly from their sickle base to a point beyond the toe and, ventral bars with a broad median portion and a reduced membrane. Gyrodactylus corleonis, however, can be distinguished on the basis of its heart-shaped ventral bar; G. neretum has a 1:2 hamulus point:shaft ratio and a rectangular-shaped ventral bar. A redescription of the haptoral hard parts of the four species previously recorded on pipefish is also presented

    Spitzer And Herschel Multiwavelength Characterization Of The Dust Content Of Evolved H Ii Regions

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    We have analyzed a uniform sample of 16 evolved H II regions located in a 2 Degree-Sign Multiplication-Sign 2 Degree-Sign Galactic field centered at (l,b) = (30 Degree-Sign , 0 Degree-Sign ) and observed as part of the Herschel Hi-GAL survey. The evolutionary stage of these H II regions was established using ancillary radio-continuum data. By combining Hi-GAL PACS (70 {mu}m, 160 {mu}m) and SPIRE (250 {mu}m, 350 {mu}m, and 500 {mu}m) measurements with MIPSGAL 24 {mu}m data, we built spectral energy distributions of the sources and showed that a two-component gray-body model is a good representation of the data. In particular, wavelengths \u3e70 {mu}m appear to trace a cold dust component, for which we estimated an equilibrium temperature of the big grains (BGs) in the range 20-30 K, while for {lambda} \u3c 70 {mu}m, the data indicate the presence of a warm dust component at temperatures of the order of 50-90 K. This analysis also revealed that dust is present in the interior of H II regions, although likely not in a large amount. In addition, the data seem to corroborate the hypothesis that the main mechanism responsible for the (partial) depletion of dust in H II regions ismore » radiation-pressure-driven drift. In this framework, we speculated that the 24 {mu}m emission that spatially correlates with ionized gas might be associated with either very small grain or BG replenishment, as recently proposed for the case of wind-blown bubbles. Finally, we found that evolved H II regions are characterized by distinctive far-IR and submillimeter colors, which can be used as diagnostics for their identification in unresolved Galactic and extragalactic regions.« les

    Grain size limits derived from 3.6 {\mu}m and 4.5 {\mu}m coreshine

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    Recently discovered scattered light from molecular cloud cores in the wavelength range 3-5 {\mu}m (called "coreshine") seems to indicate the presence of grains with sizes above 0.5 {\mu}m. We aim to analyze 3.6 and 4.5 {\mu}m coreshine from molecular cloud cores to probe the largest grains in the size distribution. We analyzed dedicated deep Cycle 9 Spitzer IRAC observations in the 3.6 and 4.5 {\mu}m bands for a sample of 10 low-mass cores. We used a new modeling approach based on a combination of ratios of the two background- and foreground-subtracted surface brightnesses and observed limits of the optical depth. The dust grains were modeled as ice-coated silicate and carbonaceous spheres. We discuss the impact of local radiation fields with a spectral slope differing from what is seen in the DIRBE allsky maps. For the cores L260, ecc806, L1262, L1517A, L1512, and L1544, the model reproduces the data with maximum grain sizes around 0.9, 0.5, 0.65, 1.5, 0.6, and > 1.5 {\mu}m, respectively. The maximum coreshine intensities of L1506C, L1439, and L1498 in the individual bands require smaller maximum grain sizes than derived from the observed distribution of band ratios. Additional isotropic local radiation fields with a spectral shape differing from the DIRBE map shape do not remove this discrepancy. In the case of Rho Oph 9, we were unable to reliably disentangle the coreshine emission from background variations and the strong local PAH emission. Considering surface brightness ratios in the 3.6 and 4.5 {\mu}m bands across a molecular cloud core is an effective method of disentangling the complex interplay of structure and opacities when used in combination with observed limits of the optical depth.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Modeling and predicting the shape of the far-infrared to submillimeter emission in ultra-compact HII regions and cold clumps

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    Dust properties are very likely affected by the environment in which dust grains evolve. For instance, some analyses of cold clumps (7 K- 17 K) indicate that the aggregation process is favored in dense environments. However, studying warm (30 K-40 K) dust emission at long wavelength (λ\lambda>>300 μ\mum) has been limited because it is difficult to combine far infared-to-millimeter (FIR-to-mm) spectral coverage and high angular resolution for observations of warm dust grains. Using Herschel data from 70 to 500 μ\mum, which are part of the Herschel infrared Galactic (Hi-GAL) survey combined with 1.1 mm data from the Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey (BGPS), we compared emission in two types of environments: ultra-compact HII (UCHII) regions, and cold molecular clumps (denoted as cold clumps). With this comparison we tested dust emission models in the FIR-to-mm domain that reproduce emission in the diffuse medium, in these two environments (UCHII regions and cold clumps). We also investigated their ability to predict the dust emission in our Galaxy. We determined the emission spectra in twelve UCHII regions and twelve cold clumps, and derived the dust temperature (T) using the recent two-level system (TLS) model with three sets of parameters and the so-called T-β\beta (temperature-dust emissvity index) phenomenological models, with β\beta set to 1.5, 2 and 2.5. We tested the applicability of the TLS model in warm regions for the first time. This analysis indicates distinct trends in the dust emission between cold and warm environments that are visible through changes in the dust emissivity index. However, with the use of standard parameters, the TLS model is able to reproduce the spectral behavior observed in cold and warm regions, from the change of the dust temperature alone, whereas a T-β\beta model requires β\beta to be known.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 19 pages, 8 figures, 7 table

    Accidental neck and chest penetration by a metal sliver derived from an axe for wood chopping: A case report

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    Background: Penetrating neck and chest trauma is a very common entity in emergency medicine that usually requires surgical treatment. Our case report illustrates the case of a 27-year-old Arabian man with hemopneumothorax associated with pneumomediastinum due to an unusual occupational injury. Case presentation: A metal sliver, coming from an axe using for wood chopping, penetrated the neck of a 27-year-old Arabian man in the left supraclavicular region mimicking a gun bullet; the entrance hole was at the left pleural dome where the sliver had just penetrated the apex of the lung passing through the upper lobe of his left lung creating an exit wound in the dorsal segment of the same lobe arriving in the posterior thoracic wall. Biportal video-assisted thoracic surgery was performed to remove blood clots and the unusual foreign body. Conclusion: In the literature, there are several case series about this topic, with some of them reporting unusual foreign bodies that lead to penetrating trauma. However, to the best of our knowledge, no cases like the one we have reported are described in the current literature

    Scattering from dust in molecular clouds: Constraining the dust grain size distribution through near-infrared cloudshine and infrared coreshine

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    Context. The largest grains (0.5−1 μm) in the interstellar size distribution are efficient in scattering near- and mid-infrared radiation. These wavelengths are therefore particularly well suited to probe the still uncertain high-end of the size distribution. Aims. We investigate the change in appearance of a typical low-mass molecular core from the Ks (2.2 μm) band to the Spitzer IRAC 3.6 and 8 micron bands, and compare with model calculations, which include variations of the grain size distribution. Methods. We combine Spitzer IRAC and ground-based near-infrared observations to characterize the scattered light observed at the near- and mid-infrared wavelengths from the core L260. Using a spherical symmetric model core, we perform radiative transfer calculations to study the impact of various dust size distributions on the intensity profiles across the core. Results. The observed scattered light patterns in the Ks and 3.6 μm bands are found to be similar. By comparison with radiative transfer models the two profiles place constraints on the relative abundance of small and large (more than 0.25 μm) dust grains. The scattered light profiles are found to be inconsistent with an interstellar silicate grain distribution extending only to 0.25 μm and large grains are needed to reach the observed fluxes and the flux ratios. The shape of the Ks band surface brightness profile limits the largest grains to 1−1.5 μm. Conclusions. In addition to observing coreshine in the Spitzer IRAC channels, the combination with ground-based near-infrared observations are suited to constrain the properties of large grains in cores