25,725 research outputs found

    Total and partial cross sections of the 112^{112}Sn(α,γ\alpha,\gamma)116^{116}Te reaction measured via in-beam γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy

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    An extended database of experimental data is needed to address uncertainties of the nuclear-physics input parameters for Hauser-Feshbach calculations. Especially α\alpha+nucleus optical model potentials at low energies are not well known. The in-beam technique with an array of high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors was successfully applied to the measurement of absolute cross sections of an (α\alpha,γ\gamma) reaction on a heavy nucleus at sub-Coulomb energies. The total and partial cross-section values were measured by means of in-beam γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy. Total and partial cross sections were measured at four different α\alpha-particle energies from Eα=10.5E_\alpha = 10.5 MeV to Eα=12E_\alpha = 12 MeV. The measured total cross-section values are in excellent agreement with previous results obtained with the activation technique, which proves the validity of the applied method. The experimental data was compared to Hauser-Feshbach calculations using the nuclear reaction code TALYS. A modified version of the semi-microscopic α\alpha+nucleus optical model potential OMP 3, as well as modified proton and γ\gamma widths, are needed in order to obtain a good agreement between experimental data and theory. It is found, that a model using a local modification of the nuclear-physics input parameters simultaneously reproduces total cross sections of the 112^{112}Sn(α\alpha,γ\gamma) and 112^{112}Sn(α\alpha,p) reactions. The measurement of partial cross sections turns out to be very important in this case in order to apply the correct γ\gamma-ray strength function in the Hauser-Feshbach calculations. The model also reproduces cross-section values of α\alpha-induced reactions on 106^{106}Cd, as well as of (α\alpha,n) reactions on 115,116^{115,116}Sn, hinting at a more global character of the obtained nuclear-physics input.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Gas Giant Protoplanets Formed by Disk Instability in Binary Star Systems

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    We present a suite of three dimensional radiative gravitational hydrodynamics models suggesting that binary stars may be quite capable of forming planetary systems similar to our own. The new models with binary companions do not employ any explicit artificial viscosity, and also include the third (vertical) dimension in the hydrodynamic calculations, allowing for transient phases of convective cooling. The calculations of the evolution of initially marginally gravitationally stable disks show that the presence of a binary star companion may actually help to trigger the formation of dense clumps that could become giant planets. We also show that in models without binary companions, which begin their evolution as gravitationally stable disks, the disks evolve to form dense rings, which then break-up into self-gravitating clumps. These latter models suggest that the evolution of any self-gravitating disk with sufficient mass to form gas giant planets is likely to lead to a period of disk instability, even in the absence of a trigger such as a binary star companion.Comment: 52 pages, 28 figure

    Observable Dependent Quasi-Equilibrium in Slow Dynamics

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    We present examples demonstrating that quasi-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation behavior at short time differences is not a generic feature of systems with slow non-equilibrium dynamics. We analyze in detail the non-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation ratio X(t,tw) associated with a defect-pair observable in the Glauber-Ising spin chain. It turns out that X≠1X \neq 1 throughout the short-time regime and in particular X(tw,tw) = 3/4 for tw→∞tw \to \infty. The analysis is extended to observables detecting defects at a finite distance from each other, where similar violations of quasi-equilibrium behaviour are found. We discuss our results in the context of metastable states, which suggests that a violation of short-time quasi-equilibrium behavior could occur in general glassy systems for appropriately chosen observables.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures; substantially improved version of cond-mat/040571

    Growing massive black holes through super-critical accretion of stellar-mass seeds

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    The rapid assembly of the massive black holes that power the luminous quasars observed at z∼6−7z \sim 6-7 remains a puzzle. Various direct collapse models have been proposed to head-start black hole growth from initial seeds with masses ∼105 M⊙\sim 10^5\,\rm M_\odot, which can then reach a billion solar mass while accreting at the Eddington limit. Here we propose an alternative scenario based on radiatively inefficient super-critical accretion of stellar-mass holes embedded in the gaseous circum-nuclear discs (CNDs) expected to exist in the cores of high redshift galaxies. Our sub-pc resolution hydrodynamical simulations show that stellar-mass holes orbiting within the central 100 pc of the CND bind to very high density gas clumps that arise from the fragmentation of the surrounding gas. Owing to the large reservoir of dense cold gas available, a stellar-mass black hole allowed to grow at super-Eddington rates according to the "slim disc" solution can increase its mass by 3 orders of magnitudes within a few million years. These findings are supported by simulations run with two different hydro codes, RAMSES based on the Adaptive Mesh Refinement technique and GIZMO based on a new Lagrangian Godunov-type method, and with similar, but not identical, sub-grid recipes for star formation, supernova feedback, black hole accretion and feedback. The low radiative efficiency of super-critical accretion flows are instrumental to the rapid mass growth of our black holes, as they imply modest radiative heating of the surrounding nuclear environment.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Dynamic heterogeneities in critical coarsening: Exact results for correlation and response fluctuations in finite-sized spherical models

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    We study dynamic heterogeneities in the out-of-equilibrium coarsening dynamics of the spherical ferromagnet after a quench from infinite temperature to its critical point. A standard way of probing such heterogeneities is by monitoring the fluctuations of correlation and susceptibility, coarse-grained over mesoscopic regions. We discuss how to define fluctuating coarse-grained correlations (C) and susceptibilities (Chi) in models where no quenched disorder is present. Our focus for the spherical model is on coarse-graining over the whole volume of NN spins, which requires accounting for N^{-1/2} non-Gaussian fluctuations of the spin. The latter are treated as a perturbation about the leading order Gaussian statistics. We obtain exact results for these quantities, which enable us to characterise the joint distribution of C and Chi fluctuations. We find that this distribution is qualitatively different, even for equilibrium above criticality, from the spin-glass scenario where C and Chi fluctuations are linked in a manner akin to the fluctuation-dissipation relation between the average C and Chi. Our results show that coarsening at criticality is clearly heterogeneous for d>4 and suggest that, as in other glassy systems, there is a well-defined timescale on which fluctuations across thermal histories are largest. Surprisingly, however, neither this timescale nor the amplitude of the heterogeneities increase with the age of the system, as would be expected from the growing correlation length. For d<4, the strength of the fluctuations varies on a timescale proportional to the age of the system; the corresponding amplitude also grows with age, but does not scale with the correlation volume as might have been expected naively.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figures, version for publication in J. Stat. Mech. Shortened by cutting all technical details in section 6, with minor corrections elsewher

    Heterogeneous Dynamics of Coarsening Systems

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    We show by means of experiments, theory and simulations, that the slow dynamics of coarsening systems displays dynamic heterogeneity similar to that observed in glass-forming systems. We measure dynamic heterogeneity via novel multi-point functions which quantify the emergence of dynamic, as opposed to static, correlations of fluctuations. Experiments are performed on a coarsening foam using Time Resolved Correlation, a recently introduced light scattering method. Theoretically we study the Ising model, and present exact results in one dimension, and numerical results in two dimensions. For all systems the same dynamic scaling of fluctuations with domain size is observed.Comment: Minor changes; to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Aging in One-Dimensional Coagulation-Diffusion Processes and the Fredrickson-Andersen Model

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    We analyse the aging dynamics of the one-dimensional Fredrickson-Andersen (FA) model in the nonequilibrium regime following a low temperature quench. Relaxation then effectively proceeds via diffusion limited pair coagulation (DLPC) of mobility excitations. By employing a familiar stochastic similarity transformation, we map exact results from the free fermion case of diffusion limited pair annihilation to DLPC. Crucially, we are able to adapt the mapping technique to averages involving multiple time quantities. This relies on knowledge of the explicit form of the evolution operators involved. Exact results are obtained for two-time correlation and response functions in the free fermion DLPC process. The corresponding long-time scaling forms apply to a wider class of DLPC processes, including the FA model. We are thus able to exactly characterise the violations of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT) in the aging regime of the FA model. We find nontrivial scaling forms for the fluctuation-dissipation ratio (FDR) X = X(tw/t), but with a negative asymptotic value X = -3*pi/(6*pi - 16) = -3.307. While this prevents a thermodynamic interpretation in terms of an effective temperature, it is a direct consequence of probing FDT with observables that couple to activated dynamics. The existence of negative FDRs should therefore be a widespread feature in non mean-field systems.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figure

    Rapid Formation of Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in Galaxy Mergers with Gas

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    Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are a ubiquitous component of the nuclei of galaxies. It is normally assumed that, following the merger of two massive galaxies, a SMBH binary will form, shrink due to stellar or gas dynamical processes and ultimately coalesce by emitting a burst of gravitational waves. However, so far it has not been possible to show how two SMBHs bind during a galaxy merger with gas due to the difficulty of modeling a wide range of spatial scales. Here we report hydrodynamical simulations that track the formation of a SMBH binary down to scales of a few light years following the collision between two spiral galaxies. A massive, turbulent nuclear gaseous disk arises as a result of the galaxy merger. The black holes form an eccentric binary in the disk in less than a million years as a result of the gravitational drag from the gas rather than from the stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in Science, 40 pages, 7 figures, Supplementary Information include

    Experimental constraints on the γ\gamma-ray strength function in 90^{90}Zr using partial cross sections of the 89^{89}Y(p,γ\gamma)90^{90}Zr reaction

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    Partial cross sections of the 89^{89}Y(p,γ\gamma)90^{90}Zr reaction have been measured to investigate the γ\gamma-ray strength function in the neutron-magic nucleus 90^{90}Zr. For five proton energies between Ep=3.65E_p=3.65 MeV and Ep=4.70E_p=4.70 MeV, partial cross sections for the population of seven discrete states in 90^{90}Zr have been determined by means of in-beam γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy. Since these γ\gamma-ray transitions are dominantly of E1E1 character, the present measurement allows an access to the low-lying dipole strength in 90^{90}Zr. A γ\gamma-ray strength function based on the experimental data could be extracted, which is used to describe the total and partial cross sections of this reaction by Hauser-Feshbach calculations successfully. Significant differences with respect to previously measured strength functions from photoabsorption data point towards deviations from the Brink-Axel hypothesis relating the photo-excitation and de-excitation strength functions.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
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