27 research outputs found

    Water table variations in the hyperarid Atacama Desert : role of the increasing groundwater extraction in the pampa del tamarugal (Northern Chile)

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    In the hyperarid Atacama Desert (Northern Chile), the economic and social development is supported using fossil groundwater. The groundwater extraction (GWE) has significantly increased over the last 30 years, reaching similar to 4.2 m(3).s(-1) in 2018 (+1890%) at the Pampa del Tamarugal Aquifer (PTA). But opposite assumptions lead to uncertainties concerning the role of the increasing anthropogenic pressures and the ephemeral recharge events in the water table (WT) variations. This paper analyzes: (i) the long-term groundwater levels changes between the late 1950s (post Saltpeter Work) and the early 2010s, and (ii) the short-term response of groundwater levels, based on the analysis of the 1998-2018 WT time series at 10 observation boreholes. Results indicate that the WT variations in space and time are strongly related to the anthropogenic pressure changes. Since the late 1950s, the WT is declining in the major part of the PTA. Nevertheless, local reduction of GWE together with ephemeral recharge events in alluvial fans allowed local WT rises. But after a large GWE increase (+114%) between 2004 and 2006, all observation boreholes highlight a general WT decline (-9.8 +/- 5.8 cm.yr(-1)). Over the years, anthropogenic pressures became the dominant factor of the WT variations and led to overuse the aquifer

    Impact of irrigated agriculture on groundwater resources in a temperate humid region

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    International audienceThe groundwater irrigation expansion, and its multiple potential impacts on the quantity and quality of water resources, is not just restricted to areas that are water limited. In this study we present the seasonal impacts irrigation practices can have on groundwater resources in a temperate humid region, where the average annual rain/PET ratio is 1.0. In this system the irrigation expansion is solely supported by groundwater pumping, but despite this only 5 boreholes are monitored for hydraulic head data. In this study, we compensate the scarce hydrophysical dataset by incorporating environmental tracers (major ions, δ18O, δ2H and δ13C) and dating tracers (3H, CFC, SF6 and 14C). Results indicate that at 9 of the 15 irrigation sites investigated, groundwater pumping for irrigation has induced the mixing of recent groundwater (up to 20 years). The changes in flow pathways, induced by irrigation, also results in seasonal declines in groundwater NO3 concentrations due to mixing with older waters. In temperate humid areas, such evaluations of the seasonal evolution of water residence time, mixing process, and agrochemical contaminants are an important contribution to real water resources management in irrigated catchments

    Assessing the sensitivity of the Southern Ocean’s biological carbon pump to climate change (BELCANTO II): final report

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    BELCANTO (BELgian research on Carbon uptake in the ANTarctic Ocean) is a longterm project aiming at applying and developing process-level studies, geochemical proxy tools and numerical tools for assessing and understanding the present-day functioning of the CO2 biological pump in the iron-limited Southern Ocean (S.O.) and for predicting its evolution in response to scenarios of increasing atmospheric CO2. Over the last four years BELCANTO implemented and developed several multi-proxy approaches for assessing nutrient consumption and carbon fluxes, including 234Thdeficit and natural silicon isotopic composition. High quality results were obtained for whole water column δ29Si-silicate and δ29Si-opal, including first ever results for the low silicate Subantarctic region. Results show that the δ29Si signature of diatoms appears to be homogeneous in the mixed layer and between diatom species. The preferential uptake of light isotope by diatoms is well reflected in the vertical distribution of silicate δ29Si, as well as in the upper ocean silicate δ29Si values which increase northwards in parallel with the decrease of silicate concentration. However, the relationship between δ29Si and silicate concentration appears complex and depends on variations in vertical and horizontal supply of silicate. Results based on other proxy tools (Baxs 234Th-deficit, f-ratio & new production) indicate relatively high particulate carbon export and absence of strong mesopelagic mineralization in the Subantarctic Zone, but relatively low export and enhanced mesopelagic mineralization further south in the Polar Front Zone and the southern ACC. Furthermore, remineralization was clearly enhanced during summer as compared to spring. Our observations of 234Th-based carbon export and new production along cross frontal transects also appear to challenge the widely accepted idea of enhanced primary and export production in the Subantarctic Zone and the Polar Frontal Zone, compared to more southern areas. Laboratory-controlled experiments on two widespread phytoplankton species (diatoms-Thalassiosira gravida and Phaeocystis Antarctica) showed an effect of Fe addition on the morphological form, enhancing the presence of the colonial form compared to the free-living cells for Phaeocystis and increasing the appearance of long chains of diatoms vs. free living cells. Under Fe enriched conditions, the maximum photosynthesis and growth rates increased. In addition the quality of the organic matter was modified, enhancing bacterial remineralization. Consequently, Fe addition may impact on the fate of the phytoplankton in the planktonic food web and the resulting efficiency of the biological pump. Accordingly, during the EIFEX large scale iron enrichment experiment, iron addition fosters a diatom bloom which appeared to broke up rather fast and to sink rapidly accordingly to 234Th measurements. This in turn triggered mesopelagic mineralization as evidenced in Baxs measurements. N-uptake experiments with Fe-limited and Fe-replete natural algal communities indicate that the effects of ammonium and iron on f-ratio and new production are not simply cumulative and that the enhancement of the f-ratio due to Fe addition depends on the ambient ammonium concentration. However the relationship between this enhancement and ammonium concentration is at present not fully understood. Our results imply that there is no simple relationship between export production and iron availability. Ammonium appears to counter the effects of iron addition on export production, particularly for HNLC areas such as the Southern Ocean. The meso-scale iron enrichment experiment performed during the EIFEX cruise, clearly showed that iron addition induced a diatom bloom but that the latter did not persist for long and collapsed soon after, thereby inducing a massive export of carbon as witnessed from significant deficits in 234Th activity. This export in turn triggered mesopelagic organic carbon mineralization as evidenced by excess Baxs contents. Measurements of pCO2, scaled using remote sensing data (sea surface temperature, chlorophyll and wind stress) and related CO2 fluxes, suggest that previous budgets of atmospheric CO2 uptake in the S.O. may be overestimated. However, our observations indicate that sea ice cover can act as an additional CO2 sink not taken into account in previous CO2 budgets. This sea-ice CO2 sink function results from physical and biogeochemical processes prevailing within the sea ice itself. Results obtained with SWAMCO-4, an idealized 1-D model of the marine planktonic system calculating C, N, P, Si, Fe cycling within the upper ocean, the export production and air-sea CO2 fluxes, suggest that the sink for atmospheric CO2 will increase in response to the raising atmospheric CO2 concentration. SWAMCO-4 simulations show that the amplitude of the predicted CO2 sink displays large regional and inter-annual variations which are related to local hydrodynamics and the dominant phytoplankton species. This is particularly acute in the Phaeocystis-dominated marginal ice zone of the Ross Sea. There the predicted annual CO2 sink appears positively related to the length of the sea ice cover period. This results from the accumulation of iron within the ice and its sudden release in the water column at the time of ice melting, favoring algal growth. The past and future evolution of the sea ice cover was conducted using the ORCA2- LIM and ECBILT-CLIO 3D ice-ocean models. The influence of the Southern Annular Mode on zonal integrated sea surface temperature and ice concentration seems to be small due to counteracting effects. Over the last 250 years, the annual mean ice coverage decreased in response to both natural and anthropogenic forcing, with the impact of the latter forcing clearly being enhanced over the last 150 years. Nowadays, the decrease of ice cover is more acute in the northern hemisphere as compared to the southern hemisphere, and this difference is due to thermal inertia of the S.O. However, model outputs predict a more abrupt decrease of S.O. sea ice extent in the future, resulting in similar decreases of annual mean sea ice extents in both hemispheres by the end of the century. In parallel, the seasonal amplitude of sea ice extent will increase. Preliminary runs with the coupled ice-ocean-biogeochemical model ORCA-LIMSWAMCO- 4, predict that the efficiency of the S.O. biological pump will be very sensitive to changes in the seasonal amplitude and the mean extent of the ice cover

    Integrated study of southern ocean biogeochemistry and climate interactions in the Anthropocene “BELCANTO III”. Final Report

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    The overall objective of the BELCANTO III project was to conduct targeted process studies and develop new proxies to construct and validate a realistic 3D ice-ocean biogeochemical model for the area south of latitude 30°S, based on improved understanding of the different factors regulating interactions between the atmosphere, ocean circulation and biogeochemical cycles and on synthesis/collection of existing/new data sets. The specific objectives were: - to improve our understanding about the iron cycling, with focus on the significance of iron-organic matter interactions for iron bioavailability and the efficiency of the biological pump (WP1) - to quantify nutrient consumption, CO2 uptake and C-export by assessing seasonality and interannuality of nutrient (Si, N) uptake; reconstruct carbon uptake and export from the surface layer via a multi-proxy approach; provide a relevant data set for 3D-NEMO-SWAMCO model validation (WP2) - to characterise the biogenic particles exported from the surface to the twilight zone and study their fate by quantifying remineralisation rates (WP3) - to model biogeochemical cycles in the modern Southern Ocean including seaice biogeochemistry (WP4) - to estimate impact of future climate change in the Southern Ocean through process-studies and modelling approaches (WP5)