1,765 research outputs found

    An integrated approach for monitoring soil settlements at the VIrgo site

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    The Virgo detector, currently in its 2nd generation configuration Advanced Virgo (AdV), is a Michelson interferometer aimed at the gravitational waves research and at opening a new window on the study of the Universe. It is made of two orthogonal arms being each 3 kilometers long and is located at the site of the European Gravitational Observatory (EGO), in the countryside near Pisa, Italy. After the construction of the Virgo facilities completed in 2002, over the years a steady subsidence process has been observed as a consequence of the building and embankment overloads. In consideration of the subsoil characteristics, whose surface portion is mainly formed by a 25Ă·60 m thickness layer of clay with limited thin layers of sands, the evolution of settlements was expected and properly considered for the design of the civil engineering infrastructures, so that the vacuum tubes can be readjusted to keep the original alignment. However, along 15 years of time life, the initial estimates of the expected displacements were continuously compared with the observed effects. The measured settlements have been regularly monitored and adopted for implementing the necessary realignment activities. This paper reports the monitoring activities conducted over the years, mainly consisting of regular high accuracy levelling surveys, periodically integrated by GPS and classical theodolite measurements. These sets of measurement were adopted to perform the Virgo realignment procedure needed to keep the interferometer rigidly tied in a 3x3km plane. In order to improve the knowledge on the trend of the settlements affecting the Virgo infrastructures, an analysis based on differential interferometry using satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data has been performed and compared with the outcome from in-situ data


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    Secara statistik tindak penculikan terhadap anak terus meningkat bahkan dengan berbagai motif. Awal tahun 2023 fenomena terkait penculikan anak terjadi di Makassar dimana korban yang merupakan siswa sekolah dasar diculik lalu dibunuh untuk tujuan perdagangan organ. Di sisi lain, orangtua dan guru menghadapi keterbatasan dalam melakukan pengawasan kepada anak baik di lingkungan rumah maupun di lingkungan sekolah, sehingga pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk membantu anak-anak menumbuhkan rasa mawas diri atau self-awareness sejak dini melalui metode bercerita menggunakan media hand puppet sebagai langkah preventif dalam mencegah tindak penculikan pada anak. Metode ini dipilih karena sesuai dengan usia anak yang memerlukan media pembelajaran yang dapat menarik perhatian mereka, serta menyampaikan pesan-pesan pembelajaran dengan cara yang mudah dipahami dan tidak membosankan. Dengan melibatkan 87 partisipan yang merupakan siswa-siswi di Taman Kanak-kanan Frater Bakti Luhur Makassar sehingga ditemukan hasil evaluasi yang menunjukkan bahwa setiap anak berperan aktif berpartisipasi dalam memberikan umpan balik (feedback) terkait perananan tokoh serta kepekaan mereka terhadap orang asing di lingkungan rumah maupun sekolah dalam pementasan puppet show yang dilaksanakan. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, menumbuhkan  self-awareness melalui media puppet show untuk mengenalkan pentingnya keamanan diri dan menghadapi situasi yang tidak kondusif, seperti penculikan anak di lingkungan sekolah, memberikan hasil yang efektif

    The effect of exposure to low frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) as an integral part of the housing system on anxiety-related behaviour, cognition and welfare in two strains of laboratory mouse.

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    Electromagnetic field (EMF) technology has the potential to improve scientific data capture and welfare assessment by allowing automated data collection from individual cages. How- ever, it is important to determine any impact that a new technology itself may have on animal welfare, and previous studies have found contrasting results of EMF on laboratory rodent anxiety-like behaviour and cognition. We therefore investigated whether there was an effect of low frequency EMF experienced continuously over a six-week period, as an integral part of the animal housing system, on measures of mouse anxiety-related behaviour, cognition and welfare. We housed mice (N = 80) of two strains (BALB/cAnNCrl and C57BL/6NCrl) separately in Individually Ventilated Cages (IVCs) in groups of four, either with the EMF plate turned ‘on’ or ‘off’ (n = 5). Some measures, e.g. food and water utilisation, were col- lected at regular intervals, whereas measures of anxiety-like behaviour (e.g. open field test) and cognitive performance (novel-object recognition test) were collected only at the end of the study. We found expected strong strain differences in most measures, e.g. latency to leave the starting square in an open field test, with C57BL/6NCrl mice moving away sooner, and interactions between strain and time for those measures recorded at more than one time point, e.g. significant weight gain over time for both strains, but with BALB/cAnNCrl mice weighing more. However, we found no significant effects of treatment (EMF ‘on’/‘off’) for any of the measures collected. These results indicate that, for the measures recorded here, there was no measurable impact on the behaviour and welfare of low frequency EMF exposure experienced continuously over a six-week period. Housing systems that include EMF monitoring technology may therefore be suitable for use without influencing either ani- mal welfare or scientific outcomes

    Metafora Pada Lirik Lagu Soundtrack Anime Guilty Crown

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    This study discusses the types of categories and analysis of metaphorical meanings contained in the lyrics of anime anime soundtrack Guilty Crown. The purpose of this study is to determine the type of category and the meaning of the metaphor in the lyrics of anime soundtrack Guilty Crown. The object of this study is four songs of anime soundtrack Guilty Crown. This is a quantitative study with with descriptive method. The result of study found eleven metaphorical expressions and type of categories as human, living, object, substance, energy, cosmic, and beimg. The categories of animate and terrestrial beings are not found in this study. In addition, this study uses association techniques in determining the meaning of metaphor


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    Permasalahan anak saat ini pada umumnya yaitu masalah kesulitan makan diantaranya kurangnya pengetahuan ibu mengenai gizi yang harus dipemuhi pada masa pertumbuhan anak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara pengetahuan gizi ibu dengan status gizi anak usia 12- 24 bulan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tateli Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa. Penelitian ini menggunakan Desain Penelitian Survey Analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional, dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli-September 2019 di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tateli Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa. Sampel yang digunakan sebesar 70 anak. Instrumen penelitian: Kuesioner, timbangan berat badan dan microtoise. Pengolahan data menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil uji statistik dalam penelitian menunjukkan status gizi dengan indikator BB/U gizi baik 68,6%, gizi kurang 28,6% dan gizi lebih 2,9%. Indikator TB/U tinggi 4,3%, normal 62,9%, pendek 30,0% dan sangat pendek 2,9%. Indikator BB/TB normal 70,0%, gemuk 86%, kurus 15,7% dan sangat kurus 5,7%. Sedangkan, Pengetahuan gizi ibu yang baik berjumlah 62,9%, cukup berjumlah 24,3% dan kurang 12,9%. Berdasarkan hasil uji Spearman menujukkan terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan gizi ibu dengan (BB/U) nilai p =  0,006 tetapi tidak terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan gizi ibu dengan (TB/U) nilai p = 0,244 dan (BB/TB) tidak terdapat hubungan dengan nilai p = 0,240  pada anak 12- 24 bulan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tateli Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa. Kesimpulan diharapkan bagi ibu yang memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang baik untuk sering ke Posyandu saat kegiatan Posyandu berlangsung atau sudah dijadwalkan untuk mendapatkan penimbangan anak. Saran agar ibu juga mendapat penyuluhan dari petugas kesehatan agar dapat menambah pengetahuan agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisisi anak. Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan Gizi Ibu dan Status Gizi ABSTRACTThe problem of children today in general is the problem of eating difficulties including lack of maternal knowledge about nutrition that must be met during the child's growing period. The purpose of this research was to determine whether there is a Relationship Between Mother's Nutrition Knowledge and The Nutritional Status of Children 12-24 Months In The Working Area of The Tateli Community Health Center, Mandolang District, Minahasa Regency. This research used an Analytical Survey research design with a Cross Sectional approach, carried out in July-September 2019 in the Tateli Community Health Center, Mandolang District, Minahasa Regency. The sample used was 70 children. Research instruments: Questionnaires, Weight Scales and Microtoise. Data processing using the Spearman Correlation test. The results of statistical tests in the research indicate that the nutritional status with an indicator of Body Weight/Age is 68.6% good nutrition, 28.6% malnutrition and 2.9% over nutrition. Indicator Height/Age, high 4.3%, normal 62.9%, short 30.0% and very short 2.9%. Indicator of Body Weight/Height is 70.0% normal, 86% fat, 15.7% thin and very thin 5.7%. Meanwhile, good knowledge of maternal nutrition is amount 62.9%, enough amounted to 24.3% and less 12.9%. Based on the results of the Spearman test shows there is a relationship between maternal nutrition knowledge with (BB/U) p value = 0,006 but there is no relationship between maternal nutritional knowledge with (TB/U) p value = 0,244 and (BB/TB) value of p = 0,240 in children 12-24 months in the working are of the Tateli Community Health Center, Mandolang District, Minahasa Regency. It is expected that mothers who have inadequate knowledge often go to integrated healthcare post when they doing activities take place or have been scheduled to get a child's weighing. So that mothers also receive counseling from health workers in order to increase knowledge in order to meet the nutritional needs of children. Keywords: Mother’s Nutritional Knowledge and Nutritional Statu

    Elemental analysis of histological specimens: A method to unmask nano asbestos fibers

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    There is recent mounting evidence that nanoparticles may have enhanced toxicological potential in comparison to the same material in the bulk form. The aim of this study was to develop a new method for unmask asbestos nanofibers from Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded tissue. There is an increasing amount of evidence that nanoparticles may enhance toxicological potential in comparison to the same material in the bulk form. The aim of this study was to develop a new method to unmask asbestos nanofibers from Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) tissue. For the first time, in this study we applied Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) microanalysis through transmission electron microscopy to demonstrate the presence of asbestos nanofibers in histological specimens of patients with possible occupational exposure to asbestos. The diagnostic protocol was applied to 10 randomly selected lung cancer patients with no history of previous asbestos exposure. We detected asbestos nanofibers in close contact with lung cancer cells in two lung cancer patients with previous possible occupational exposure to asbestos. We were also able to identify the specific asbestos iso-type, which in one of the cases was the same rare variety used in the workplace of the affected patient. By contrast, asbestos nanofibers were not detected in lung cancer patients with no history of occupational asbestos exposure. The proposed technique can represent a potential useful tool for linking the disease to previous workplace exposure in uncertain cases. Furthermore, Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) tissues stored in the pathology departments might be re-evaluated for possible etiological attribution to asbestos in the case of plausible exposure. Since diseases acquired through occupational exposure to asbestos are generally covered by workers' insurance in most countries, the application of the protocol used in this study may have also relevant social and economic implications

    Monitoring Active Volcanos Using Aerial Images and the Orthoview Tool

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    In volcanic areas, where it can be difficult to perform direct surveys, digital photogrammetry techniques are rarely adopted for routine volcano monitoring. Nevertheless, they have remarkable potentialities for observing active volcanic features (e.g., fissures, lava flows) and the connected deformation processes. The ability to obtain accurate quantitative data of definite accuracy in short time spans makes digital photogrammetry a suitable method for controlling the evolution of rapidly changing large-area volcanic phenomena. The systematic acquisition of airborne photogrammetric datasets can be adopted for implementing a more effective procedure aimed at long-term volcano monitoring and hazard assessment. In addition, during the volcanic crisis, the frequent acquisition of oblique digital images from helicopter allows for quasi-real-time monitoring to support mitigation actions by civil protection. These images are commonly used to update existing maps through a photo-interpretation approach that provide data of unknown accuracy. This work presents a scientific tool (Orthoview) that implements a straightforward photogrammetric approach to generate digital orthophotos from single-view oblique images provided that at least four Ground Control Points (GCP) and current Digital Elevation Models (DEM) are available. The influence of the view geometry, of sparse and not-signalized GCP and DEM inaccuracies is analyzed for evaluating the performance of the developed tool in comparison with other remote sensing techniques. Results obtained with datasets from Etna and Stromboli volcanoes demonstrate that 2D features measured on the produced orthophotos can reach sub-meter-level accuracy

    A rule-based approach to implicit emotion detection in text

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    Most research in the area of emotion detection in written text focused on detecting explicit expressions of emotions in text. In this paper, we present a rule-based pipeline approach for detecting implicit emotions in written text without emotion-bearing words based on the OCC Model. We have evaluated our approach on three different datasets with five emotion categories. Our results show that the proposed approach outperforms the lexicon matching method consistently across all the three datasets by a large margin of 17–30% in F-measure and gives competitive performance compared to a supervised classifier. In particular, when dealing with formal text which follows grammatical rules strictly, our approach gives an average F-measure of 82.7% on “Happy”, “Angry-Disgust” and “Sad”, even outperforming the supervised baseline by nearly 17% in F-measure. Our preliminary results show the feasibility of the approach for the task of implicit emotion detection in written text
