139 research outputs found


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    El presente artículo es una revisión descriptiva de los términos cyborg, avatar y cibermarketing, a la luz de las teorías contemporáneas y además de revisar la relación del avatar y el ciborg, en cuanto a la tendencia de representar el cuerpo mediante alter egos o personajes artificiales. Por otra parte, se busca llamar la atención sobre la importancia de los avatares en las nuevas construcciones de imaginarios en el ámbito del marketing. Las indagaciones iniciales de esta investigación provienen del trabajo doctoral de la profesora Dulce María Bautista más adelante con el propósito aprovechar la importancia de este tema para el campo del marketing se realizó la investigación sobre portadores de marca alcances semióticos y culturales en 2017 en el departamento de Mercadología de la Universidad Central de Bogotá, de esta última investigación hay una ponencia en el III congreso internacional de investigación de la Red Radar Colombia 2018

    Efecto de tres diferentes fracciones de peso molecular alto del medio condicionado por células BRL en el desarrollo embrionario bovino in vitro.

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    Para investigar la presencia de factores embriotróficos en el medio condicionado por células BRL (MCBRL), tres fracciones de peso molecular alto (>1, >5 y >10 Kda.) del MCBRL fueron adicionadas al medio TCM-199. Los oocitos fueron extraídos por el método de corte de ovarios de vacas sacrificadas en matadero, fueron madurados en una tensión del 5% de C0 2 en aire a 39ºC por 24 horas en medio TCM-199 suplementado con suero de vaca en estro al 10%. Después de la maduración, los oocitos fueron lavados tres veces en medio TL-HEPES y transferidos a las gotas de fertilización. Los oocitos fueron fertilizados en gotas de 50 ml de medio TL-FERT bajo aceite mineral espermatozoides congelados-descongelados, seleccionados por Swim-up y capacitados con heparina. Después de 18 a 20 horas post-fertilización, los cigotos fueron cultivados en MCBRL (control), fracción >1, >5 y >10 KDa. Las diferentes fracciones del MCBRL incrementaron la proporción de embriones que alcanzaron el estado de divididos (2- 8 células) después de tres días de cultivo (61-75%). La mayor proporción de embriones divididos fue alcanzada en la fracción > de 10 KDa. El desarrollo embrionario al estado de mórula/blastocisto no mostró diferencias significativas en las diferentes condiciones de cultivo (p>0.05). El recuento de núcleos no mostró diferencias significativas (P>0.05) en las diferentes condiciones de cultivo, con recuentos promedio en el rango de 15-23 células por embrión. En conclusión, los resultados muestran que la remoción de factores de peso molecular bajo del MCBRL mejoran el desarrollo embrionario al estado de divididos, pero es deficiente para promover el desarrollo mórula/blastocist

    Yield, Agronomic Characteristics and Chemical Composition of Silage Fodder (Sorghum bicolor L.) With and Without Fertilization

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    Objective: To evaluate the yield, structural characteristics of sorghum with and without fertilization and the quality of silages. Design / Methodology / Approach: The evaluated variables were, in forage: dry matter yield (DMY, kg ha-1), leaf:stem ratio (L:S, g g-1), plant height (H, cm) and intercepted radiation (IR, %), and in silage: dry matter (DM, %) crude protein (CP, %), neutral detergent fiber (NDF, %), acid detergent fiber (ADF, %), lactic acid (LA, %) and  pH. There were two treatments, with fertilization and without fertilization. Results: The agronomic characteristics L:S, H and IR improved by fertilization (P<0.05). The DMY with fertilization was 7060 kg DM ha-1 and without fertilization was 5472 kg DM ha-1. The DM, CP, NDF, ADF and LA values of silage with fertilization were 33.60, 7.83, 51.06, 28.51 and 4.51 %, respectively, and the pH was 4.3, and without fertilization these values were 47.67, 5.83, 43.36, 25.21 and 2.86 %, respectively, and the pH was 4.66, all values were different when comparing with and without fertilization (P<0.05). Study limitations / implications: These quality parameters should continue to be studied in sorghum silages and with different fertilization doses to expand the decision landscape. Findings / conclusions: According to the results obtained, it is concluded that the sorghum crop should be fertilized for ensiling, since a higher dry matter yield, better agronomic and nutritional characteristics are obtained.Objective: To evaluate the yield and structural characteristics of sorghum fodder, aswell as the chemical quality of the fodder and the silage with and without fertilization. Design/Methodology/Approach: The evaluated variables were, in the fodder: drymatter yield (DMY, kg ha -1 ), leaf:stalk ratio (L:S, g g -1 ), plant height (H, cm) andintercepted radiation (IR, %); and in the silage: dry matter (DM, %) crude protein (CP,%), neutral detergent fiber (NDF, %), acid detergent fiber (ADF, %), lactic acid (LA,%) and pH. There were two treatments, with fertilization and without fertilization. Results: The agronomic characteristics L:S, H and IR improved with fertilization(P<0.05). The DMY with fertilization was 7060 kg DM ha -1 and without fertilization, itwas 5472 kg DM ha -1 . The values of DM, CP, NDF, ADF and LA of the silage withfertilization were 33.60, 7.83, 51.06, 28.51 and 4.51%, respectively, and the pH was4.3, and without fertilization these values were 47.67, 5.83, 43.36, 25.21 and 2.86%,respectively, and the pH was 4.66; all values were different when comparing with andwithout fertilization (P<0.05).Study Limitations/Implications: These quality parameters should continue to bestudied in sorghum silages and with different fertilization doses to expand thedecision outlook.Findings/Conclusions: According to the results obtained, it is concluded that thesorghum fodder crop should be fertilized for the ensilage, since higher dry matteryield, better agronomic, and nutritional characteristics are obtained.

    Reliable quantification of the potential for equations based on spot urine samples to estimate population salt intake: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Methods based on spot urine samples (a single sample at one time-point) have been identified as a possible alternative approach to 24-hour urine samples for determining mean population salt intake. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to identify a reliable method for estimating mean population salt intake from spot urine samples. This will be done by comparing the performance of existing equations against one other and against estimates derived from 24-hour urine samples. The effects of factors such as ethnicity, sex, age, body mass index, antihypertensive drug use, health status, and timing of spot urine collection will be explored. The capacity of spot urine samples to measure change in salt intake over time will also be determined. Finally, we aim to develop a novel equation (or equations) that performs better than existing equations to estimate mean population salt intake. METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data will be conducted. A search has been conducted to identify human studies that report salt (or sodium) excretion based upon 24-hour urine samples and spot urine samples. There were no restrictions on language, study sample size, or characteristics of the study population. MEDLINE via OvidSP (1946-present), Premedline via OvidSP, EMBASE, Global Health via OvidSP (1910-present), and the Cochrane Library were searched, and two reviewers identified eligible studies. The authors of these studies will be invited to contribute data according to a standard format. Individual participant records will be compiled and a series of analyses will be completed to: (1) compare existing equations for estimating 24-hour salt intake from spot urine samples with 24-hour urine samples, and assess the degree of bias according to key demographic and clinical characteristics; (2) assess the reliability of using spot urine samples to measure population changes in salt intake overtime; and (3) develop a novel equation that performs better than existing equations to estimate mean population salt intake. RESULTS: The search strategy identified 538 records; 100 records were obtained for review in full text and 73 have been confirmed as eligible. In addition, 68 abstracts were identified, some of which may contain data eligible for inclusion. Individual participant data will be requested from the authors of eligible studies. CONCLUSIONS: Many equations for estimating salt intake from spot urine samples have been developed and validated, although most have been studied in very specific settings. This meta-analysis of individual participant data will enable a much broader understanding of the capacity for spot urine samples to estimate population salt intake

    Physiological and public health basis for assessing micronutrient requirements in children and adolescents. The EURRECA network

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    This paper provides an overview of the current knowledge relating to the nutritional requirements and corresponding recommended nutrient intake values of children and adolescents for micronutrients and specificities related to these requirements in the course of childhood and adolescence in Europe. Aspects that can influence micronutrient requirements, such as physiological requirements and bioavailability of the nutrients in the organism, are discussed. The methodology used to obtain the data and also the main knowledge gaps regarding these concepts are emphasized. Methodological critical points in achieving the data and physiological aspects of children and adolescents are important in order to standardize the reference values for micronutrients among Europe for these stages of life

    The Relationship between Dioxin-Like Polychlorobiphenyls and IGF-I Serum Levels in Healthy Adults: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Study

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    OBJECTIVE: Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and dioxin-like polychlorobiphenyls (DL-PCBs) have been associated with the pathogenesis of several diseases like cancer, diabetes and growth disorders. Because it has been suggested that organohalogenated contaminants could influence IGF-I levels in adults, the potential relationship between DL-PCBs and IGF-I serum levels was studied in 456 healthy adults from a representative sample of the general population of the Canary Islands (Spain). DESIGN: Free circulating serum levels of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 were measured through an ELISA methodology, while the serum levels of the 12 DL-PCBs congeners (IUPAC numbers # 77, 81, 105, 114, 118, 123, 126, 156, 157, 167, 169, and 189) were measured by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS). RESULTS: DL-PCBs 156 and 167, Total DL-PCBs body burden (∑PCBs: sum over the 12 measured DL-PCBs), and Total toxic burden (in terms of toxic equivalence to dioxins: ∑TEQs) showed a trend of inverse association with IGF-I serum levels in the whole studied population. After adjusting for potential confounders, including gender, body mass index (BMI), age, and IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3), younger (18-45 years) women with lower BMI (<27 kg/m(2)) and detectable levels of DL-PCB-156 showed significantly lower IGF-I levels than those in the same age and BMI subgroup with non-detectable levels of DL-PCB-156 (p<0.001). Similarly, ∑PCBs and ∑TEQs showed a tendency to an inverse association with IGF-I levels in the same group of women (p=0.017 and p=0.019 respectively). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that DL-PCBs could be involved in the regulation of the IGF-system in a way possibly influenced by gender, age and BMI. Although these results should be interpreted with caution, such circumstances could contribute to explain the development of diseases associated to the IGF system

    Rationale and study design of the prospective, longitudinal, observational cohort study “rISk strAtification in end-stage renal disease” (ISAR) study

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    Background: The ISAR study is a prospective, longitudinal, observational cohort study to improve the cardiovascular risk stratification in endstage renal disease (ESRD). The major goal is to characterize the cardiovascular phenotype of the study subjects, namely alterations in micro-and macrocirculation and to determine autonomic function. Methods/design: We intend to recruit 500 prevalent dialysis patients in 17 centers in Munich and the surrounding area. Baseline examinations include: (1) biochemistry, (2) 24-h Holter Electrocardiography (ECG) recordings, (3) 24-h ambulatory blood pressure measurement (ABPM), (4) 24 h pulse wave analysis (PWA) and pulse wave velocity (PWV), (5) retinal vessel analysis (RVA) and (6) neurocognitive testing. After 24 months biochemistry and determination of single PWA, single PWV and neurocognitive testing are repeated. Patients will be followed up to 6 years for (1) hospitalizations, (2) cardiovascular and (3) non-cardiovascular events and (4) cardiovascular and (5) all-cause mortality. Discussion/conclusion: We aim to create a complex dataset to answer questions about the insufficiently understood pathophysiology leading to excessively high cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular mortality in dialysis patients. Finally we hope to improve cardiovascular risk stratification in comparison to the use of classical and non-classical (dialysis-associated) risk factors and other models of risk stratification in ESRD patients by building a multivariable Cox-Regression model using a combination of the parameters measured in the study