8,832 research outputs found

    Direct detection of dark matter in SU(5)xU(1) supergravity

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    We compute the scattering rates for the lightest neutralino χ10\chi^0_1 in the forthcoming germanium (73Ge+76Ge)(^{73}{\rm Ge}+^{76}{\rm Ge}) detector and a proposed lead detector (207Pb)(^{207}{\rm Pb}), within the framework of SU(5)×U(1)SU(5)\times U(1) supergravity. We find that in only a small portion (\lsim10\%) of the parameter spaces of this class of models, are the rates in the germanium detector above the expected initial experimental sensitivity of 0.1 events/kg/day. However, a much larger portion (\lsim40\%) of the parameter spaces could be probed with an improved background rejection capability (0.01 events/kg/day) and/or a more sensitive detector (207Pb)(^{207}{\rm Pb}).Comment: 10 pages, Latex, 4 figures included (uuencoded

    Accurate Neutralino Relic Density Computations in Supergravity Models

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    We investigate the question of the proper thermal averaging of neutralino annihilation amplitudes which possess poles and thresholds, as they impact on the calculated neutralino relic density and therefore on the cosmological viability of supersymmetric models. We focus on two typical resonances, namely the ZZ boson and the lightest Higgs boson (hh). In the context of supergravity models with radiative electroweak symmetry breaking, an exploration of the whole parameter space of the model is possible and the overall relevance of these sophisticated analyses can be ascertained. As an example we chose the minimal SU(5)SU(5) supergravity model since the presence of such poles is essential to obtain a cosmologically acceptable model. We find that the proper thermal averaging is important for individual points in parameter space and that the fraction of cosmologically acceptable points is increased somewhat by the accurate procedure. However, qualitatively the new set of points is very similar to that obtained previously using the usual series approximations to the thermal average. We conclude that all phenomenological analyses based on the previously determined cosmologically allowed set remain valid.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures (available upon request as uuencoded file or separate ps files), tex (harvmac) CTP-TAMU-14/9

    Gender based water violence: cross cultural evidence of severe harm associated with water insecurity for women and girls

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    We examined how study participants in Indonesia and Peru viewed the relationship between water insecurity and women's health via thematic analysis of interviews and focus groups. Participants reported that water insecurity led to vaginal infections, miscarriage, premature births, uterine prolapse, poor nutrition, restricted economic opportunities, and intergenerational cycles of poverty. Participants in both countries stated that extreme burdens associated with water insecurity should be categorized as violence. Based on these findings, we developed the concept of “gender-based water violence,” defined as the spectrum of stressors associated with water insecurity that are so severe as to threaten human health and well-being, particularly that of women and girls

    Experimental study and calculation of the electron transfer coefficients on the dissolution behavior of chitosan in organic acids

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    Chitosan (CH) consists of water-insoluble N-acetylglucosamine and D-glucosamine molecules and has a higher solubility at a pH below six. This studyevaluated the solubility of chitosan in solutions of organic acids for the formation of films. HyperChemTMsoftware was used to perform the quantum analysis. In the experimental trials, the total soluble mass (TSM) and the viscosity of the solutions were measured by capillary viscometer. The chitosan filmswere made by the plate melting method, and the filmcharacteristics were evaluated. A quantum simulation suggested that lactic acid (LA) has a greater stability to react with chitosan. It was then verified experimentally that LA is a better solvent for chitosan due to the increase in its viscosity. The chemical interaction between CH and LA in solution favors the polymerization of films with better physical properties. We thereforeconclude that the uniformity in the formation of films of this polymer depends on the chemical interaction between the CH and the acid and not on the degree of solubility of the polymer

    Hot topics, urgent priorities, and ensuring success for racial/ethnic minority young investigators in academic pediatrics.

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    BackgroundThe number of racial/ethnic minority children will exceed the number of white children in the USA by 2018. Although 38% of Americans are minorities, only 12% of pediatricians, 5% of medical-school faculty, and 3% of medical-school professors are minorities. Furthermore, only 5% of all R01 applications for National Institutes of Health grants are from African-American, Latino, and American Indian investigators. Prompted by the persistent lack of diversity in the pediatric and biomedical research workforces, the Academic Pediatric Association Research in Academic Pediatrics Initiative on Diversity (RAPID) was initiated in 2012. RAPID targets applicants who are members of an underrepresented minority group (URM), disabled, or from a socially, culturally, economically, or educationally disadvantaged background. The program, which consists of both a research project and career and leadership development activities, includes an annual career-development and leadership conference which is open to any resident, fellow, or junior faculty member from an URM, disabled, or disadvantaged background who is interested in a career in academic general pediatrics.MethodsAs part of the annual RAPID conference, a Hot Topic Session is held in which the young investigators spend several hours developing a list of hot topics on the most useful faculty and career-development issues. These hot topics are then posed in the form of six "burning questions" to the RAPID National Advisory Committee (comprised of accomplished, nationally recognized senior investigators who are seasoned mentors), the RAPID Director and Co-Director, and the keynote speaker.Results/conclusionsThe six compelling questions posed by the 10 young investigators-along with the responses of the senior conference leadership-provide a unique resource and "survival guide" for ensuring the academic success and optimal career development of young investigators in academic pediatrics from diverse backgrounds. A rich conversation ensued on the topics addressed, consisting of negotiating for protected research time, career trajectories as academic institutions move away from an emphasis on tenure-track positions, how "non-academic" products fit into career development, racism and discrimination in academic medicine and how to address them, coping with isolation as a minority faculty member, and how best to mentor the next generation of academic physicians

    Phase profile analysis of transparent objects through the use of a two windows interferometer based on a one beam splitter configuration

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    AbstractIn this research we implemented a two windows interferometer based on polarization phase shifting and grating interferometry techniques in order to retrieve the phase data profile of the object in a single capture. The optical configuration has two optical beams with circular polarization in opposite directions, and it is coupled with a 4-f system. An amplitude grid is used as a filter which is placed at the Fourier plane to obtain replicas of each beam which can properly interfere, depending on the separation between beams. The interferometer presents the capability of changing the beam separation in order to make different orders interfere properly. The interference patterns produced can be separately modulated through the operation of linear polarizer's placed on each interference replica. In order to present the capabilities of the system we will select four interferograms result of contiguous orders interference

    Improvements to the X-ray Spectrometer at the Aerosol Laboratory, Instituto de FĂ­sica, UNAM

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    Due to the demands of better (accurate and precise) analytical results using X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) at the Aerosol Laboratory, Instituto de FĂ­sica, UNAM, it was necessary to carry out improvements in instrumentation and analytical procedures in the x-ray spectrometer located in this facility. A new turbomolecular vacuum system was installed, which allows reaching the working pressure in a shorter time. Characteristic x-rays are registered with a Silicon Drift Detector, or SDD, (8 mm thick Be window, 140 eV at 5.9 keV resolution), working directly in a high-vacuum, permitting the detection of x-rays with energies as low as 1 keV (Na Ka) and higher counting rates than in the past. Due to the interference produced by the Rh L x-rays emitted by the tube normally used for atmospheric and food analysis with Cl K x-rays, another tube with a W anode was mounted in the spectrometer to avoid this interference, with the possibility to select operation with any of these tubes. Examples of applications in atmospheric aerosols and other samples are presented, to demonstrate the enhanced function of the spectrometer. Other future modifications are also explained

    Carotenoid-based skin ornaments reflect foraging propensity in a seabird, Sula leucogaster

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    Carotenoid-based ornaments are common signalling features in animals. It has long been proposed that such ornaments communicate information about foraging abilities to potential mates. However, evidence linking foraging with ornamentation is largely missing from unmanipulated, free-ranging populations. To investigate this relationship, we studied a coastal population of brown booby (Sula leucogaster brewsteri), a seabird with a carotenoid-based gular skin ornament. ÎŽ13C values from both feathers and blood plasma were negatively correlated with male gular colour, indicating birds that consumed more pelagic prey in offshore locations had more ornamented skin than those that fed on nearshore, benthic prey. This relationship was supported by our GPS tracking results, which revealed longer, more offshore foraging trips among highly ornamented males. Our data show that brown booby ornaments are honest indicators of foraging propensity; a link consistent with the rarity hypothesis and potentially driven by the concentration of carotenoids found in phytoplankton versus benthic algae. Carotenoid-based ornaments may reflect foraging tendencies in animals such as coastal predators that use food webs with distinct carotenoid profiles

    Properties of hyperons in chiral perturbation theory

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    The development of chiral perturbation theory in hyperon phenomenology has been troubled due to power-counting subtleties and to a possible slow convergence. Furthermore, the presence of baryon-resonances, e.g. the lowest-lying decuplet, complicates the approach, and the inclusion of their effects may become necessary. Recently, we have shown that a fairly good convergence is possible using a renormalization prescription of the loop-divergencies which recovers the power counting, is covariant and consistent with analyticity. Moreover, we have systematically incorporated the decuplet resonances taking care of both power-counting and consistencyconsistency problems. A model-independent understanding of diferent properties including the magnetic moments of the baryon-octet, the electromagnetic structure of the decuplet resonances and the hyperon vector coupling f1(0)f_1(0), has been successfully achieved within this approach. We will briefly review these developments and stress the important role they play for an accurate determination of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element VusV_{us} from hyperon semileptonic decay data.Comment: To appear in HypX Proceeding
