3,714 research outputs found

    Comment on ``Validity of certain soft-photon amplitudes''

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    The criteria suggested by Welsh and Fearing (nucl-th/9606040) to judge the validity of certain soft-photon amplitudes are examined. We comment on aspects of their analysis which lead to incorrect conclusions about published amplitudes and point out important criteria which were omitted from their analysis.Comment: 6 pages plus 1 postscript figure, Revte

    Navier-Stokes analysis of transonic cascade flow

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    A new kind of C-type grid is proposed, this grid is non-periodic on the wake and allows minimum skewness for cascades with high turning and large camber. Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations are solved on this type of grid using a finite volume discretization and a full multigrid method which uses Runge-Kutta stepping as the driving scheme. The Baldwin-Lomax eddy-viscosity model is used for turbulence closure. A detailed numerical study is proposed for a highly loaded transonic blade. A grid independence analysis is presented in terms of pressure distribution, exit flow angles, and loss coefficient. Comparison with experiments clearly demonstrates the capability of the proposed procedure

    Multigrid calculation of three-dimensional viscous cascade flows

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    A 3-D code for viscous cascade flow prediction was developed. The space discretization uses a cell-centered scheme with eigenvalue scaling to weigh the artificial dissipation terms. Computational efficiency of a four stage Runge-Kutta scheme is enhanced by using variable coefficients, implicit residual smoothing, and a full multigrid method. The Baldwin-Lomax eddy viscosity model is used for turbulence closure. A zonal, nonperiodic grid is used to minimize mesh distortion in and downstream of the throat region. Applications are presented for an annular vane with and without end wall contouring, and for a large scale linear cascade. The calculation is validated by comparing with experiments and by studying grid dependency

    Sequential induction of NF-ÎşB/Rel family proteins during B-cell terminal differentiation

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    The NF-kappa B/Rel family of at least five transcription factor polypeptides is thought to function both as a developmental regulator in B cells and as a rapid response system in all cells. To examine this notion in more detail, we determined the protein contents of both the inducible and constitutive NF-kappa B/Rel activities in a pre-B-cell line, 70Z/3, and a mature B-cell line, WEHI 231. NF-kappa B p50/p65 is the major inducible nuclear complex after lipopolysaccharide or phorbol myristate acetate treatment of 70Z/3 cells. The constitutive and inducible complexes in WEHI 231 cells are mainly composed of p50 and Rel. The constitutive or induced activities are all sensitive to I kappa B-alpha, but this inhibitor is very short-lived in WEHI 231 cells, suggesting that the balance between synthesis and degradation of I kappa B-alpha determines whether a particular cell lineage has constitutive activity. A patterned expression of the NF-kappa B/Rel activator proteins emerges from an analysis of other B-lineage cell lines and splenic B cells: mainly p50 and p65 in pre-B (and non-B) cells, a predominance of Rel and p50 in mature B cells, and expression of p52 and RelB in plasmacytoma lines. This ordered pattern of regulators may reflect the requirement for expression of different genes during terminal B-cell differentiation because different combinations of NF-kappa B/Rel family members preferentially activate distinct kappa B sites in reporter constructs

    Remote sensing of tropical tropopause layer radiation balance using A-train measurements

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    Determining the level of zero net radiative heating (LZH) is critical to understanding parcel trajectory in the Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL) and associated stratospheric hydration processes. Previous studies of the TTL radiative balance have focused on using radiosonde data, but remote sensing measurements from polar-orbiting satellites may provide the relevant horizontal and vertical information for assessing TTL solar heating and infrared cooling rates, especially across the Pacific Ocean. CloudSat provides a considerable amount of vertical information about the distribution of cloud properties relevant to heating rate analysis. The ability of CloudSat measurements and ancillary information to constrain LZH is explored. We employ formal error propagation analysis for derived heating rate uncertainty given the CloudSat cloud property retrieval algorithms. Estimation of the LZH to within approximately 0.5 to 1 km is achievable with CloudSat, but it has a low-altitude bias because the radar is unable to detect thin cirrus. This can be remedied with the proper utilization of Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) lidar backscatter information. By utilizing an orbital simulation with the GISS data set, we explore the representativeness of non-cross-track scanning active sounders in terms of describing the LZH distribution. In order to supplement CloudSat, we explore the ability of Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS (AMSR-E) to constrain LZH and find that these passive sounders are useful where the cloud top height does not exceed 7 km. The spatiotemporal distributions of LZH derived from CloudSat and CALIPSO measurements are presented which suggest that thin cirrus have a limited effect on LZH mean values but affect LZH variability

    Perturbation of magnetostatic modes observed by ferromagnetic resonance force microscopy

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    Magnetostatic modes of yttrium iron garnet (YIG) films are investigated by ferromagnetic resonance force microscopy. A thin-film "probe" magnet at the tip of a compliant cantilever introduces a local inhomogeneity in the internal field of the YIG sample. This influences the shape of the sample's magnetostatic modes, thereby measurably perturbing the strength of the force coupled to the cantilever. We present a theoretical model that explains these observations; it shows that the tip-induced variation of the internal field creates either a local "potential barrier" or "potential well" for the magnetostatic waves. The data and model together indicate that local magnetic imaging of ferromagnets is possible, even in the presence of long-range spin coupling, through the introduction of localized magnetostatic modes predicted to arise from sufficiently strong tip fields

    Orbital evolution under action of fast interstellar gas flow

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    Orbital evolution of an interplanetary dust particle under action of an interstellar gas flow is investigated. Secular time derivatives of the particle orbital elements, for arbitrary orbit orientation, are presented. An important result concerns secular evolution of semi-major axis. Secular semi-major axis of the particle on a bound orbit decreases under the action of fast interstellar gas flow. Possible types of evolution of other Keplerian orbital elements are discussed. The paper compares influences of the Poynting-Robertson effect, the radial solar wind and the interstellar gas flow on dynamics of the dust particle in outer planetary region of the Solar System and beyond it, up to 100 AU. Evolution of putative dust ring in the zone of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt is studied. Also non-radial solar wind and gravitational effect of major planets may play an important role. Low inclination orbits of micron-sized dust particles in the belt are not stable due to fast increase of eccentricity caused by the interstellar gas flow and subsequent planetary perturbations - the increase of eccentricity leads to planet crossing orbits of the particles. Gravitational and non-gravitational effects are treated in a way which fully respects physics. As a consequence, some of the published results turned out to be incorrect. Moreover, the paper treats the problem in a more general way than it has been presented up to now. The influence of the fast interstellar neutral gas flow might not be ignored in modeling of evolution of dust particles beyond planets.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    OPSET Program for Computerized Selection of Watershed Parameter Values for the Stanford Watershed Model

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    The advent of high-speed electronic computer made it possible to model complex hydrologic processes by mathematical expressions and thereby simulate streamflows from climatological data. The most widely used program is the Stanford Watershed Model, a digital parametric model of the land phase of the hydrologic cycle based on moisture accounting processes. It can be used to simulate annual or longer flow sequences at hourly time intervals. Due to its capability of simulating historical streamflows from recorded climatological data, it has a great potential in the planning and design of water resources systems. However, widespread use of the Stanford Watershed Model has been deterred by difficulties in understanding and finding a computer sufficiently large to run the bulky program. More important, the estimation of values for key parameters was both time-consuming and subjective as it had to be done by trial and error. The objective of this study is to develop a computerized parameter optimization procedure, a self-calibrating watershed model, based on the FORTRAN version of the Stanford Watershed Model known as the Kentucky Watershed Model. This computerized procedure is named OPSET because its objective is to determine an optimum set of parameter values. The basic approach of OPSET is to match synthesized flows with recorded flows. The first step is by sensitivity studies to determine which key watershed para.meters are sensitive in the simulation of flows and are difficult to measure or estimate directly. The second step is to devise a scheme for adjusting numerical estimates of the selected key parameters systematically improving flow simulation until the best possible matching is achieved and to program this scheme into a streamlined Kentucky Watershed Model. Independent adjustment schemes are used for parameters associated with simulating runoff volumes, recession flows and flood hydrograph. The third step is to empirically test and improve this self-calibrating watershed model by applying it to a number of watersheds in Kentucky. OPSET estimates selected watershed parameters on a one water year basis, and the values of parameters best describing the watershed characteristics should be averaged from several OPSET-selected one-year-based values. In applying OPSET to over 20 Kentucky watersheds which represent quite a wide range of topographic and soil conditions, this model was found to be rather successful. It is able to simulate streamflows and find more consistently estimated para.meter values than the trial-and-error approach. The time spent on calibrating the watershed parameters is greatly reduced. The user does not have to spend so much time familiarizing himself with the program before he can properly use the Model. The program uses standardized criteria which reduce the subjectivity of estimating parameter values. The recommendation is ma.de that OPSET should be applied to areas where the climatological setting and geographical conditions differ from Kentucky in order to refine and modify it for a wider range of applicability. Also, the Model itself needs periodic updating in order to take advantage of subsequent empirical relationships or moisture accounting procedures
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