88 research outputs found

    Ethisch investeren. Aarzelend tussen groei en kwaliteit

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    Volgens bepaalde schattingen wordt in de VS ongeveer één dollar op acht ethisch geïnvesteerd. In Europa bereiken we zelfs niet 1%. Dit verschil heeft te maken met een strengere invulling van de notie ‘ethische investering’ in Europa en de relatieve afwezigheid van de institutionele belegger in de Europese context. Stilaan komt hier echter verandering in, de markt voor ethische investeringen groeit en ook de grote spelers lanceren ethische fondsen of ethische indexen. Dit gaat echter gepaard met een relatieve uitholling van het concept en een gebrekkige transparantie met betrekking tot de onderzoeksmethodologie die gehanteerd wordt om ethische van niet ethische investeringen te onderscheiden. De Europese markt staat op dit moment voor een dilemma tussen groei naar Amerikaans model of vasthouden aan strenge selectiecriteria en het risico lopen immer marginaal te blijven.

    Soil conservation and sustainable development goals(SDGs) achievement in Europe and central Asia: Which role for the European soil partnership?

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    Voluntary soil protection measures are not sufficient to achieve sustainable soil management at a global scale. Additionally, binding soil protection legislation at national and international levels has also proved to be insufficient for the effective protection of this almost non-renewable natural resource. The European Soil Partnership (ESP) and its sub-regional partnerships (Eurasian Sub-Regional Soil Partnership, Alpine Soil Partnership) were established in the context of FAO's Global Soil Partnership (GSP) with the mission to facilitate and contribute to the exchange of knowledge and technologies related to soils, to develop dialogue and to raise awareness for the need to establish a binding global agreement for sustainable soil management. The ESP has taken a role of an umbrella network covering countries in Europe and Central Asia. It aims to improve the dialogue in the whole region and has encouraged establishing goals that would promote sustainable soil management, taking into account various national and local approaches and priorities, as well as cultural specificities. The ESP first regional implementation plan for the 2017–2020 period was adopted and implemented along the five GSP pillars of action. Building on the experience of the last four years, this study demonstrates that establishing sub-regional and national partnerships is an additional step in a concrete sustainable soil management implementation process. It also suggests that a complementary approach between legal instruments and voluntary initiatives linked to the development of efficient communication and strong commitment is the key to success

    Reconceptualizing CSR in the media industry as relational accountability

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    In this paper, we reconceptualize CSR in the media industries by combining empirical data with theoretical perspectives emerging from the communication studies and business ethics literature. We develop a new conception of what corporate responsibility in media organizations may mean in real terms by bringing Bardoel and d’Haenens’ (European Journal of Communication 19 165–194 2004) discussion of the different dimensions of media accountability into conversation with the empirical results from three international focus group studies, conducted in France, the USA and South Africa. To enable a critical perspective on our findings, we perform a philosophical analysis of its implications for professional, public, market, and political accountability in the media, drawing on the insights of Paul Virilio. We come to the conclusion that though some serious challenges to media accountability exist, the battle for responsible media industries is not lost. In fact, the speed characterizing the contemporary media environment may hold some promise for fostering the kind of relational accountability that could underpin a new understanding of CSR in the media

    Реализация интегративного подхода при изучении дисциплины "Патологическая физиология" в медицинском университете

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    Everything you always wanted to know about SDPD⋆ (⋆but were afraid to ask)

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    An overview of the smoothed dissipative particle dynamics (SDPD) method is presented in a format that tries to quickly answer questions that often arise among users and newcomers. It is hoped that the status of SDPD is clarified as a mesoscopic particle model and its potentials and limitations are highlighted, as compared with other methods

    Construction fraud

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    Due to the actions of a whistleblower The Netherlands was confronted with a massive case of construction fraud involving almost the entire construction sector. Price fixing, prior consulting, duplicate accounts, fictitious invoices and active corruption of civil servants were rampant practices. This case description concentrates on price fixing and prior consulting which were long standing industry practices that only became illegal in 1998. We trace the history of price fixing in the construction sector and the institutional factors that pushed the sector into price fixing. We consider several institutional proposals to solve the issue as presented by a parliamentary investigation committee as well as the building sector itself

    Business Ethics in Europe

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    Editorial: The caring organisation

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