6,339 research outputs found

    Energy Efficiency of Hybrid-Power HetNets: A Population-like Games Approach

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    In this paper, a distributed control scheme based on population games is proposed. The controller is in charge of dealing with the energy consumption problem in a Heterogeneous Cellular Network (HetNet) powered by hybrid energy sources (grid and renewable energy) while guaranteeing appropriate quality of service (QoS) level at the same time. Unlike the conventional approach in population games, it considers both atomicity and non-anonymity. Simulation results show that the proposed population-games approach reduces grid consumption by up to about 12% compared to the traditional best-signal level association policy.U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research FA9550-17-1-0259Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte DPI2016-76493-C3-3-RMinisterio de Economía y Empresa DPI2017-86918-

    Computer vision techniques for forest fire perception

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    This paper presents computer vision techniques for forest fire perception involving measurement of forest fire properties (fire front, flame height, flame inclination angle, fire base width) required for the implementation of advanced forest fire-fighting strategies. The system computes a 3D perception model of the fire and could also be used for visualizing the fire evolution in remote computer systems. The presented system integrates the processing of images from visual and infrared cameras. It applies sensor fusion techniques involving also telemetry sensors, and GPS. The paper also includes some results of forest fire experiments.European Commission EVG1-CT-2001-00043European Commission IST-2001-34304Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia DPI2005-0229

    "Libro de buen amor" Studies. Edited by G. B. Gybbon-Monypenny. Tamesis Book, London, 1970; 256 pp.

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    Se reseñó: "Libro de buen amor" Studies.

    Nutraceutical profiles of apricots (Prunus armeniaca L.) as a source of fruit quality traits for breeding

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    Aim of study: In a social context of increasing concern about healthy diets, the development of new varieties with enhanced content in nutraceutical compounds is an important objective of the fruit breeding programs currently developed. In this sense, apricot is a fruit crop very appreciated by consumers worldwide due to its organoleptic characteristics, but also plays an important role in human nutrition due to its content of phytocompounds as sugars, organic acids, vitamins and polyphenols. Area of study: The identification of sources of variation for these traits could be useful for apricot breeding worldwide. Material and methods: New selections from the apricot breeding program carried out at the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA, Spain) and traditional varieties have been analysed aimed at identifying sources of genetic variation for fruit quality. For this purpose, sugar content, organic acids and ascorbic acid were studied during three crop years. Main results: Results revealed sucrose and glucose as the major sugars, malic and citric acid as the main organic acids, and diverse ascorbic acid content among the cultivars studied. Research highlights: Some accessions point as potential sources to increase fruit quality. In addition, the study showed that apricot peel is an excellent source of nutraceutical compounds. Moreover, this study opens up new possibilities to study the genetic control of these traits in apricot in the future

    Informe de la gestión y estrategias de la empresa Chester (industria c60202) en el simulador de negocios Capsim

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    El presente documento muestra el análisis y evolución de la toma de decisiones de la empresa Chester, que forma parte de la industria de los sensores, dentro de un ambiente de simulación en la plataforma Capsim. Se plantean los objetivos estratégicos, los principales indicadores de desempeño monitoreados a través de la herramienta de cuadro de mando integral y la definición de la estrategia que se siguió para cumplir con los objetivos

    Education and innovation - vet students into technology companies

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    VET education is an effective and accessible way for students, to improve their employability and inclusion possibilities. It allows them to train technically in a short time to do a job and try to access the labor market. However, not even obtaining a qualification aimed at vocational training ensures access to the labor market or real possibilities of emancipation. The success of VET graduates in their first work experience joining technology companies requires the development of many skills that are common to all professional careers, but also specific skills that derive from the innovative nature of the work method and objectives of these companies. For this reason, within the framework of the Erasmus + Program, the project VET STUDENTS İNTO TECHNOLOGY COMPANİES: A VET students mobility network in the technological sector through a virtual environment with specific materials for critical thinking is being developed with the aim of promoting employability and inclusion of VET students at risk of exclusion. The project focuses on the creation of virtual tools, collaborative work methodologies and virtual training materials that allow these young people to improve their critical thinking capacity and their technological and digital skills. The project's methodology is based on the combination of the creation of training materials and a network of mobility in high-tech centres, where students will carry out a first work experience. Regarding training materials, one of the main results of this project is PERSONALIZED DIGITAL COURSE FOR LABOR TRAINING IN A TECHNOLOGICAL CENTER. This course generates personalized learning based on the student's previous knowledge and the characteristics of the technological company in which they will carry out their internship. The course follows an innovative methodology based on microlearning, a learning characterized by the resolution of relatively small exercises (pills) that are focused on the development of technical and work skills and the reinforcement of critical thinking as a fundamental mechanism. The objective of this course is not so much to provide new knowledge as to develop skills that allow the students to face problems or tasks unknown to them until then: self-training skills, assess their own way of reasoning, set objectives, raise relevant questions, state hypothesis, search for information, intellectual integrity, oral and written communication, work in multidisciplinary teams. Along with this course, within the framework of this project, the result ON YOUR SIDE is being developed, a digital educational software available for mobile devices, which will accompany the student throughout the mobility process, providing useful information such as specific training resources focused on the company where they will carry out their mobility, linguistic resources, collaborative work tools, as well as social integration resources in the destination country, among others. From this App, students will be able to access the aforementioned course. In this paper we present how, through microlearning methodology and critical thinking, students can solve the content pills through their autonomy and self-discovery.This work has been funded by the Erasmus + program within the 2019-1-ES01-KA202-064569 project, Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE

    Impact of the vine water status on the berry and seed phenolic composition of 'Merlot' (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivated in a warm climate: Consequence for the style of wine

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    During 2005 and 2006 four irrigation treatments were assayed in a vineyard growing 'Merlot' grapes located in a warm climate region. The treatments were kept for two years and the wine was produced the second year so that the response of the wines to water constraint was consistent. The phenolic parameters of the wines were analysed. The phenolic composition of the seeds was studied for both years and more significant differences were observed in the second. The results showed that when the deficiency increased, so did the concentration of total polyphenols, flavan-3-ols and tannins in the seeds. Pre-dawn leaf water constraint integrals between 20 and 24 Mpa as opposed to levels of 9 to 14 caused statistically significant increases in total polyphenols, flavan-3-ols and the colour index of the wine. These differences were manifested in sensory terms by significant intensification of the colour and body of the wines.

    VET students into technology companies: a microlearning digital course to train critical thinking skills

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    This microlearning course is designed to support VET graduates or students, especially those with fewer opportunities, who join a technology company at the beginning of their professional career. It has been developed within the framework of the Erasmus + project “VET STUDENTS İNTO TECHNOLOGY COMPANİES: A VET students mobility network in the technological sector through a virtual environment with specific materials for critical thinking”. This is an intiative co-financed by the Erasmus + Programme, with a personalized digital course format, to take into account both the previous training of the VET student or graduate and the type of company they will join. The course has in its sights to develop in the VET student the specific competences required by the technology company to address the problems typical of fields of leading technology innovation, as well as fitting in multidisciplinary teams. To do this, this course generates an innovative methodology in which the education itinerary is built based on previous knowledge of the student and the needs and work field of the technology company. Besides its contents strengthen critical thinking as an essential mechanism for work in both dynamic and technology sectors. For that purpose, the student is asked a series of questions in the form of problems that, in addition to being related to the study plans of VET studies, require for their solution the search for information, its analysis and many times the making of a decision or adopting a personal position on it. We aim with our training projects, within the Erasmus + program, to convince students that they are capable of going further and further in the development of their professional skills being the technology sector an acceptable option for them, making their work increasingly valuable for their inclusion, for their own personal development, for that of the company in which they work and for society. But for this certain skills are required, and one of the most important is learning to learn autonomously and to accurately analyse the information received and the decisions that are made from it. It is generally true that the problems that one encounters in professional practice are not going to be the ones that you were taught in your VET studies. Vocational training has to head for equipping students with the necessary tools to face the new problems that they will face in their job and to grow professionally every day. We intend to show how valuable critical thinking skills are in analysing our way of thinking and making decisions. In this paper we present examples of the exercises included in the course, how their approach and the processes that have led to a solution relate with the standards of critical thinking and the different levels of help that are offered to the student for their solution. The course is accessible from a digital educational software “ON YOUR SIDE: VIRTUAL ASSISTANT FOR EUROPEAN MOBILITIES IN TECHNOLOGICAL CENTERS” developed in the framework of this Erasmus+ project in order to develop cooperative work between students with fewer opportunities doing their internships in technology companies and their inclusion in new job posts. We will also present this software in a very summarized way in this article.This work has been funded by the Erasmus + program within the 2019-1-ES01-KA202-064569 project, Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE

    Inmunonutrición: una potente herramienta para evaluar situaciones nutricionales y beneficios de nutrientes, compuestos bioactivos y alimentos

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    © 2012 Kellogg Company.El texto está disponible para cualquiera que se registre previamente en http://www.katedrakelloggs.com .- 8.Inmunonutrición: una potente herramienta para evaluar situaciones nutricionales y beneficios de nutrientes, compuestos bioactivos y alimentos119-130; 12 páginas,3 figuras, 3 tablas--Manual Práctico de Nutrición y Salud Kellogg’s, obra colectiva de visión multidisciplinar que surge a propuesta del colectivo médico ante la necesidad de recibir formación en materia de nutrición. Existen numerosos manuales de nutrición, pero en esta ocasión se ofrece una edición de consulta rápida, fácil acceso y manejo para utilizar durante la atención al paciente. Se trata de una herramienta práctica, dirigida a profesionales de la salud que en su día a día tienen contacto directo con la población, para transmitir una recomendación adaptada a cada individuo, a su edad, sexo, estado fisiológico y a las diferentes situaciones patológicasPeer reviewe