1,168 research outputs found

    An infrared study of galactic OH/IR stars. I. An optical/near-IR atlas of the Arecibo sample

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    In this paper we present optical and near-infrared finding charts, accurate astrometry (~1") and single-epoch near-infrared photometry for 371 IRAS sources, 96% of those included in the so-called Arecibo sample of OH/IR stars (Eder et al. 1988; Lewis et al. 1990a; Chengalur et al. 1993). The main photometric properties of the stars in the sample are presented and discussed as well as the problems found during the process of identification of the optical/near-infrared counterparts. In addition, we also identify suitable reference stars in each field to be used for differential photometry purposes in the future. We find that 39% of the sources (144 in number) have no optical counterpart, 8 of them being invisible even at near infrared wavelengths. The relative distribution of sources with and without optical counterpart in the IRAS two-colour diagram and their characteristic near infrared colours are interpreted as the consequence of the increasing thickness of their circumstellar shells. Among the objects not detected at near infrared wavelengths four non-variable sources are proposed to be heavily obscured post-AGB stars which have just very recently left the AGB. Eight additional objects with unusually bright and/or blue near-infrared colours are identified as candidate post-AGB stars and/or proto-planetary nebulae.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures, for associated finding charts see: http://www.edpsciences.org/articles/aa/full/2005/08/aa1709/FINDING_CHARTS/are cibo_index.htm

    Stride: a flexible software platform for high-performance ultrasound computed tomography

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Advanced ultrasound computed tomography techniques like full-waveform inversion are mathematically complex and orders of magnitude more computationally expensive than conventional ultrasound imaging methods. This computational and algorithmic complexity, and a lack of open-source libraries in this field, represent a barrier preventing the generalised adoption of these techniques, slowing the pace of research, and hindering reproducibility. Consequently, we have developed Stride, an open-source Python library for the solution of large-scale ultrasound tomography problems. METHODS: On one hand, Stride provides high-level interfaces and tools for expressing the types of optimisation problems encountered in medical ultrasound tomography. On the other, these high-level abstractions seamlessly integrate with high-performance wave-equation solvers and with scalable parallelisation routines. The wave-equation solvers are generated automatically using Devito, a domain-specific language, and the parallelisation routines are provided through the custom actor-based library Mosaic. RESULTS: We demonstrate the modelling accuracy achieved by our wave-equation solvers through a comparison (1) with analytical solutions for a homogeneous medium, and (2) with state-of-the-art modelling software applied to a high-contrast, complex skull section. Additionally, we show through a series of examples how Stride can handle realistic numerical and experimental tomographic problems, in 2D and 3D, and how it can scale robustly from a local multi-processing environment to a multi-node high-performance cluster. CONCLUSIONS: Stride enables researchers to rapidly and intuitively develop new imaging algorithms and to explore novel physics without sacrificing performance and scalability. This will lead to faster scientific progress in this field and will significantly ease clinical translation

    Nosocomial transmission of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Spain.

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    Before 1990, outbreaks of multidrug-resistanttuberculosis (MDRTB) were uncommon (1); sincethen, more than 10 outbreaks have been reported,all in hospitals and prisons in the eastern UnitedStates (2-7). Persons traditionally considered atrisk for MDRTB (foreign-born TB patients andthose inadequately treated for TB) have not beenassociated with these outbreaks. Instead, the pres-ence of patients with active TB near immunocom-promised patients in HIV-dedicated wards has ledto MDRTB-infected HIV patients whose TB casesoften go unrecognized. The patients receive inade-quate treatment in facilities without effective pro-cedures for isolating acid-fast bacilli; thesecircumstances favor nosocomial transmission.Health officials in other geographic areas whereHIV and TB are major public health threats havebeen alerted to this emerging problem, and sur-veillance systems have been designed (8).Drs. Herrera, Peiró, Castell, and Godoy have received ascholarship from the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria delInstituto de Salud Carlos III during their 2-year epidemiologictraining period in the Field Epidemiology Training Program(Programa de Epidemiología Aplicada de Campo)

    Optical and Radio Variability of BL Lacertae

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    We observed the prototype blazar, BL Lacertae, extensively in optical and radio bands during an active phase in the period 2010--2013 when the source showed several prominent outbursts. We searched for possible correlations and time lags between the optical and radio band flux variations using multifrequency data to learn about the mechanisms producing variability. During an active phase of BL Lacertae, we searched for possible correlations and time lags between multifrequency light curves of several optical and radio bands. We tried to estimate any possible variability timescales and inter-band lags in these bands. We performed optical observations in B, V, R and I bands from seven telescopes in Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece and India and obtained radio data at 36.8, 22.2, 14.5, 8 and 4.8 GHz frequencies from three telescopes in Ukraine, Finland and USA. Significant cross-correlations between optical and radio bands are found in our observations with a delay of cm-fluxes with respect to optical ones of ~250 days. The optical and radio light curves do not show any significant timescales of variability. BL Lacertae showed many optical 'mini-flares' on short time-scales. Variations on longer term timescales are mildly chromatic with superposition of many strong optical outbursts. In radio bands, the amplitude of variability is frequency dependent. Flux variations at higher radio frequencies lead the lower frequencies by days or weeks. The optical variations are consistent with being dominated by a geometric scenario where a region of emitting plasma moves along a helical path in a relativistic jet. The frequency dependence of the variability amplitude supports an origin of the observed variations intrinsic to the source.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Benchmarking Bipedal Locomotion: A Unified Scheme for Humanoids, Wearable Robots, and Humans

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    In the field of robotics, there is a growing awareness of the importance of benchmarking [1], [2]. Benchmarking not only allows the assessment and comparison of the performance of different technologies but also defines and supports the standardization and regulation processes during their introduction to the market. Its importance has been recently emphasized by the adoption of the technology readiness levels (TRLs) in the Horizon 2020 information and communication technologies by the European Union as an important guideline to assess when a technology can shift from one TRL to the other. The objective of this article is to define the basis of a benchmarking scheme for the assessment of bipedal locomotion that could be applied and shared across different research communities.European Commission Seventh Framework Program, and COS

    The Trails of Superluminal Jet Components in 3C 111

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    The parsec-scale radio jet of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 111 has been monitored since 1995 as part of the 2cm Survey and MOJAVE monitoring observations conducted with the VLBA. Here, we present results from 18 epochs of VLBA observations of 3C 111 and from 18 years of radio flux density monitoring observations conducted at the University of Michigan. A major radio flux-density outburst of 3C 111 occurred in 1996 and was followed by a particularly bright plasma ejection associated with a superluminal jet component. This major event allows us to study a variety of processes associated with outbursts of radio-loud AGN in much greater detail than possible in other cases: the primary perturbation gives rise to the formation of a forward and a backward-shock, which both evolve in characteristically different ways and allow us to draw conclusions about the workflow of jet-production events; the expansion, acceleration and recollimation of the ejected jet plasma in an environment with steep pressure and density gradients are revealed; trailing components are formed in the wake of the primary perturbation as a result of Kelvin- Helmholtz instabilities from the interaction of the jet with the external medium. The jet-medium interaction is further scrutinized by the linear-polarization signature of jet components traveling along the jet and passing a region of steep pressure/density gradients

    The characterization of the distant blazar GB6 J1239+0443 from flaring and low activity periods

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    In 2008 AGILE and Fermi detected gamma-ray flaring activity from the unidentified EGRET source 3EG J1236+0457, recently associated with a flat spectrum radio quasar GB6 J1239+0443 at z=1.762. The optical counterpart of the gamma-ray source underwent a flux enhancement of a factor 15-30 in 6 years, and of ~10 in six months. We interpret this flare-up in terms of a transition from an accretion-disk dominated emission to a synchrotron-jet dominated one. We analysed a Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) archival optical spectrum taken during a period of low radio and optical activity of the source. We estimated the mass of the central black hole using the width of the CIV emission line. In our work, we have also investigated SDSS archival optical photometric data and UV GALEX observations to estimate the thermal-disk emission contribution of GB6 J1239+0443. Our analysis of the gamma-ray data taken during the flaring episodes indicates a flat gamma-ray spectrum, with an extension of up to 15 GeV, with no statistically-relevant sign of absorption from the broad line region, suggesting that the blazar-zone is located beyond the broad line region. This result is confirmed by the modeling of the broad-band spectral energy distribution (well constrained by the available multiwavelength data) of the flaring activity periods and by the accretion disk luminosity and black hole mass estimated by us using archival data.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables MNRAS Accepted on 2012 June 1

    The brightest gamma-ray flaring blazar in the sky: AGILE and multi-wavelength observations of 3C 454.3 during November 2010

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    Since 2005, the blazar 3C 454.3 has shown remarkable flaring activity at all frequencies, and during the last four years it has exhibited more than one gamma-ray flare per year, becoming the most active gamma-ray blazar in the sky. We present for the first time the multi-wavelength AGILE, SWIFT, INTEGRAL, and GASP-WEBT data collected in order to explain the extraordinary gamma-ray flare of 3C 454.3 which occurred in November 2010. On 2010 November 20 (MJD 55520), 3C 454.3 reached a peak flux (E>100 MeV) of F_gamma(p) = (6.8+-1.0)E-5 ph/cm2/s on a time scale of about 12 hours, more than a factor of 6 higher than the flux of the brightest steady gamma-ray source, the Vela pulsar, and more than a factor of 3 brighter than its previous super-flare on 2009 December 2-3. The multi-wavelength data make a thorough study of the present event possible: the comparison with the previous outbursts indicates a close similarity to the one that occurred in 2009. By comparing the broadband emission before, during, and after the gamma-ray flare, we find that the radio, optical and X-ray emission varies within a factor 2-3, whereas the gamma-ray flux by a factor of 10. This remarkable behavior is modeled by an external Compton component driven by a substantial local enhancement of soft seed photons.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. 18 Pages, 4 Figures, 1 Tabl
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