19 research outputs found

    A randomised trial comparing a brief online delivery of mindfulness-plus-values versus values only for symptoms of depression:Does baseline severity matter?

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    Background: Acceptance/mindfulness-based interventions often focus on (a) developing dispositional mindfulness and (b) pursuing personally meaningful and valued activities. Acceptance/mindfulness-based interventions can reduce depression, but little is known about the combined effects of components or the influence of baseline variables on outcomes. This study tested whether practicing a brief (10-min) mindfulness meditation over a 2-week period followed by a single values session (mindfulness+values) was more effective than values alone (values only) in reducing symptoms of depression. The study was delivered online and modules were fully self-help (i.e., no therapist contact).Methods: 206 participants (Mage=23.4 years, SD=6.53) with elevated depression scores (DASS-depression ≄ 10) were randomised to: mindfulness+values condition or a 2-week wait period followed by the values session (i.e., values only condition). Symptoms of depression were assessed at baseline, after the 2-week mindfulness practice/wait period, and 1-week following the values session.Results: Reductions in depression and recovery rates were significantly greater following mindfulness+values than values only. Baseline severity affected outcomes: mindfulness+values was significantly more beneficial than values only for individuals with high baseline levels of depression. Outcomes did not differ for those with low levels of depression. Rates of deterioration were higher than expected for values only participants.Limitations: Conclusions are preliminary and tentative due to no follow-up period and a small sample. Drop-out was high (50%) and findings cannot be assumed to generalise to treatment seeking or more diverse samples.Conclusions: Tentatively, results suggest mindfulness+values can significantly reduce depression, especially for individuals with higher baseline depression

    A randomised controlled trial of a brief online mindfulness-based intervention on paranoia in a non-clinical sample

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    Paranoia is common and distressing in the general population and can impact on health, emotional well-being and social functioning, such that effective interventions are needed. Brief online mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) have been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression in non-clinical samples, however at present there is no research investigating whether they can reduce paranoia. The current study explored whether a brief online MBI increased levels of mindfulness and reduced levels of paranoia in a non-clinical population. The mediating effect of mindfulness on any changes in paranoia was also investigated. One hundred and ten participants were randomly allocated to either a two week online MBI including 10 minutes of daily guided mindfulness practice or to a waitlist control condition. Measures of mindfulness and paranoia were administered at baseline, post-intervention and one-week follow-up. Participants in the MBI group displayed significantly greater reductions in paranoia compared to the waitlist control group. Mediation analysis demonstrated that change in mindfulness skills (specifically the observe, describe and nonreact facets of the FFMQ) mediated the relationship between intervention type and change in levels of paranoia. This study provides evidence that a brief online MBI can significantly reduce levels of paranoia in a non-clinical population. Furthermore, increases in mindfulness skills from this brief online MBI can mediate reductions in non-clinical paranoia. The limitations of the study are discussed

    Psychological therapies for auditory hallucinations (voices): current status and key directions for future research

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    This report from the International Consortium on Hallucinations Research considers the current status and future directions in research on psychological therapies targeting auditory hallucinations (hearing voices). Therapy approaches have evolved from behavioral and coping-focused interventions, through formulation-driven interventions using methods from cognitive therapy, to a number of contemporary developments. Recent developments include the application of acceptance- and mindfulness-based approaches, and consolidation of methods for working with connections between voices and views of self, others, relationships and personal history. In this article, we discuss the development of therapies for voices and review the empirical findings. This review shows that psychological therapies are broadly effective for people with positive symptoms, but that more research is required to understand the specific application of therapies to voices. Six key research directions are identified: (1) moving beyond the focus on overall efficacy to understand specific therapeutic processes targeting voices, (2) better targeting psychological processes associated with voices such as trauma, cognitive mechanisms, and personal recovery, (3) more focused measurement of the intended outcomes of therapy, (4) understanding individual differences among voice hearers, (5) extending beyond a focus on voices and schizophrenia into other populations and sensory modalities, and (6) shaping interventions for service implementation

    A randomised controlled trial of a brief online mindfulness-based intervention in a non-clinical population: replication and extension

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    Building on previous research, this study compared the effects of two brief, online mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs; with and without formal meditation practice) and a no intervention control group in a non-clinical sample. One hundred and fifty-five university staff and students were randomly allocated to a 2-week, self-guided, online MBI with or without mindfulness meditation practice, or a wait list control. Measures of mindfulness, perceived stress, perseverative thinking and anxiety/depression symptoms within were administered before and after the intervention period. Intention to treat analysis identified significant differences between groups on change over time for all measured outcomes. Participation in the MBIs was associated with significant improvements in all measured domains (all ps < 0.05), with effect sizes in the small to medium range (0.25 to 0.37, 95% CIs 0.11 to 0.56). No significant changes on these measures were found for the control group. Change in perseverative thinking was found to mediate the relationship between condition and improvement on perceived stress and anxiety/ depression symptom outcomes. Contrary to our hypotheses, no differences between the intervention conditions were found. Limitations of the study included reliance on self-report data, a relatively high attrition rate and absence of a longer-term follow-up. This study provides evidence in support of the feasibility and effectiveness of brief, self-guided MBIs in a non-clinical population and suggests that reduced perseverative thinking may be a mechanism of change. Our findings provide preliminary evidence for the effectiveness of a mindfulness psychoeducation condition, without an invitation to formal mindfulness meditation practice. Further research is needed to confirm and better understand these results and to test the potential of such interventions

    Bringing the "self" into focus: conceptualising the role of self-experience for understanding and working with distressing voices

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    A primary goal of cognitive behavior therapy for psychosis (CBTp) is to reduce distress and disability, not to change the positive symptoms of psychosis, such as hearing voices. Despite demonstrated associations between beliefs about voices and distress, the effects of CBTp on reducing voice distress are disappointing. Research has begun to explore the role that the psychological construct of “self” (which includes numerous facets such as self-reflection, self-schema and self-concept) might play in causing and maintaining distress and disability in voice hearers. However, attempts to clarify and integrate these different perspectives within the voice hearing literature, or to explore their clinical implications, are still in their infancy. This paper outlines how the self has been conceptualised in the psychosis and CBT literatures, followed by a review of the evidence regarding the proposed role of this construct in the etiology of and adaptation to voice hearing experiences. We go on to discuss some of the specific intervention methods that aim to target these aspects of self-experience and end by identifying key research questions in this area. Notably, we suggest that interventions specifically targeting aspects of self-experience, including self-affection, self-reflection, self-schema and self-concept, may be sufficient to reduce distress and disruption in the context of hearing voices, a suggestion that now requires further empirical investigation